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PA Announcers

Posted by redice 
PA Announcers
Posted by: redice (
Date: February 05, 2006 11:44AM

I'm watching the tape of the Cornell at Colgate game. And, I couldn't help but notice the flamboyant PA announcer at Starr. Personally, I hate that style. And, hearing Starr's announcer makes me appreciate the more dignified sytle that the Lynah PA Announcers have exhibited over the years. How do others feel about that? If we someday have a Starr-like PA announcer, would that be a good thing or a bad thing?
Re: PA Announcers
Posted by: Liz '05 (
Date: February 05, 2006 11:51AM

Bad thing. Although I wouldn't mind the "Team returns to full strength" call, I dislike the Colgate announcer's style. I suppose, though, that when your fans aren't as rabid as ours, you need to do something to get them to cheer...
Re: PA Announcers
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: February 05, 2006 12:02PM

That cheerleader crap is just nonsense. I'm concerned that I heard some of that during the broadcast of yesterday's Cornell-Columbia wrestling dual meet. Really bush league, as are train whistles, horns, bells, and other artificial noisemakers.

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: PA Announcers
Posted by: Mr. Timekeeper (
Date: February 05, 2006 12:19PM

I couldn't agree more. The guy at Starr is truely off the wall. He's just soooo annoying! It actually took him six full seconds to gargle out the "last minute of play" announcement for the third period!
Re: PA Announcers
Posted by: Will (
Date: February 05, 2006 12:28PM

I loved how the Starr PA announcer had to mention it every time Cornell iced the puck. rolleyes Though, to be fair, I suppose someone has to educate the drunk Colgate students about how the game of hockey is played. :-P

Is next year here yet?
Re: PA Announcers
Posted by: lhayes (
Date: February 05, 2006 12:35PM

I love Arthur Mintz's style (especially "Good evening, hockey fans" -- our family's standard get-psyched phrase for years now). The announcer who always drove me crazy was at Princeton, with announcements for "Princeton TIGERRRRRR goals." As Al says, it's bush league stuff. We don't need it. And my impression this year was that Princeton now agrees, though I couldn't be sure since the PA was so inaudible.
Re: PA Announcers
Posted by: ugarte (
Date: February 05, 2006 12:47PM

I love Arthur Mintz's style (especially "Good evening, hockey fans" -- our family's standard get-psyched phrase for years now).

{I don't like} announcements for "Princeton TIGERRRRRR goals." As Al says, it's bush league stuff. We don't need it.
I disagree. There is room for more than one style. I love Arthur's class in the booth, but I don't mind the home rink announcer revving up the crowd with a little homer enthusiasm in his calls.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/05/2006 12:48PM by ugarte.
Re: PA Announcers
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: February 05, 2006 12:55PM

...but I don't mind the home rink announcer revving up the crowd with a little homer enthusiasm in his calls.

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: PA Announcers
Posted by: ugarte (
Date: February 05, 2006 01:01PM

Al DeFlorio
...but I don't mind the home rink announcer revving up the crowd with a little homer enthusiasm in his calls.
Or a lot... I wasn't at the game last night so I don't know how bad it was and I don't remember ever being offended at Baker.

Re: PA Announcers
Posted by: lhayes (
Date: February 05, 2006 01:14PM

I don't remember ever being offended at Baker.

I haven't been offended either. But to me, their PA announcements seem a rather pathetic reminder that the home crowd needs revving up.
Re: PA Announcers
Posted by: canuck89 (
Date: February 05, 2006 01:22PM

I think the home announcer SHOULD rev the crowd up. Many different styles should also be accepted (In agreement with ugarte). However, the guy last night had the cheesiest way of announcing that I have ever heard. THAT style should not be allowed. :-P
Re: PA Announcers
Posted by: KP '06 (
Date: February 05, 2006 01:25PM

However, the guy last night had the cheesiest way of announcing that I have ever heard. THAT style should not be allowed. :-P
Sounded to me like he belongs in the WWF.
Re: PA Announcers
Posted by: canuck89 (
Date: February 05, 2006 01:43PM

Couldn't pinpoint it myself, but yes, that's exactly where he belongs.
Re: PA Announcers
Posted by: Rich S (
Date: February 05, 2006 02:29PM

Having just been at Baker rink last night, I noticed that it's the same PA announcer as in the past but he no longer emphasizes "TIGERRRRRRR" as he previously did.

It used to annoy me a bit but I could live with it. I agree that in all the games I've seen at Princeton, except for a few in the Apps/Halpern/Bertoli era, and recent ones vs No Dak and Notre Dame, when the place was packed and really into it, they have needed some encouragement. If the PA guy can do that, I have no problem with it.

As for what's acceptable and what's bush league...

I was "raised" at Clarkson in the early 70s by the dulcet tones of Dean A. George Davis whom I can most accurately liken to the style of Bob Shepherd at Yankee Stadium. A George, who only gave it up a handful of years ago, but still keeps the clock, would patiently wait until the rabid crowd quieted down and then calmly announce the scoring. I can still hear his announcement e.g., "Clarkson goal scored by number 9, Jerry Kemp...assisted by # 4 Steve Warr...etc." Any of you veteran fans here may well remember his style. Understated and classy but informative.

That said Al, I think we need to update our sensibilities a bit and widen the view of what's expected and tolerated. People like Dr. Davis and Mr. Mintz at Lynah are rarities these days and just because things that are done elsewhere are not done at Lynah, that doesn't automatically make them tasteless and bush league. Our ears are bombarded with raucous noise everywhere, not just hockey games. Spend a day or two in most high schools or around most HS athletic teams or in locker rooms. I may not like the musical selections .rolleyes but the reality is that it's part of our culture.

In Clarkson/Walker Arena, the famous bell used to be rung only after a Clarkson goal. That made its sound special and treasured. And while it may have annoyed the visiting team a bit, it was likely because of what it signified. I never heard it called bush league or anything close to that by the visiting coaches or players I had contact with.

Ringing it much more frequently has diminished it's value I'd agree. As a point of reference, old time NHL fans should recall the train whistle in old Chicago Stadium....classic.
Re: PA Announcers
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: February 05, 2006 02:34PM

Rich S
That said Al, I think we need to update our sensibilities a bit and widen the view of what's expected and tolerated. People like Dr. Davis and Mr. Mintz at Lynah are rarities these days and just because things that are done elsewhere are not done at Lynah, that doesn't automatically make them tasteless and bush league.
To me, they are tasteless and bush league. It doesn't surprise me at all that you feel differently.

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: PA Announcers
Posted by: Rich S (
Date: February 05, 2006 02:54PM

Give it a rest Al. I guess you didn't read my endorsement of the classic style of Dr. Davis or Mr. Mintz or Bob Shepherd. Or John Condon, the former PA man at MSG. "That was Willis reed, ladies and gentlemen...Willis Reed."

I'm not surprised at your snarky, inflammatory response but really...lighten up!

The mold that created the PA announcers of that type was a good one but unfortunately, it has long since broken. Do you have any guarantee that when Mr. Mintz gives it up that the new announcer will have the same style?

Please keep in mind that we're talking about a sports arena here in the 21st century, not an opera house or classical music concert. I say that as a longtime opera-goer at the Met so I know what I'm talking about.

I don't endorse the ear-splitting noise heard at NBA games and at some NHL games but some reasonable PA homerism at college venues designed to juice up the crowd is part of the atmosphere, n'est-ce pas? At least as much as the derisive and often tasteless "cheers" at Lynah you so cherish.
Re: PA Announcers
Posted by: Doug '08 (
Date: February 05, 2006 02:55PM

I was impressed that they didn't announce the Cornell goals. That is illegal, last time I checked.
Re: PA Announcers
Posted by: ugarte (
Date: February 05, 2006 02:58PM

Rich S
In Clarkson/Walker Arena, the famous bell used to be rung only after a Clarkson goal.
Even in Lynah there is a welcome touch of homerism. The difference between the goal announcements is subtle, but the count is said with more enthusiasm for Big Red goals. ("The third Cornell goal ...";)

Re: PA Announcers
Posted by: At the game (
Date: February 05, 2006 03:32PM

They didn't announce when Doug '08 was getting beat up outside the rink and they definitely didn't announce when he fled like a women with all the Colgate kids heckling him.
The only Cornell fan who I will never help out is Doug '08
Re: PA Announcers
Posted by: Rich S (
Date: February 05, 2006 03:34PM

Re: PA Announcers
Posted by: HeafDog (
Date: February 05, 2006 03:35PM

Rich S part of the atmosphere, n'est-ce pas?

:-D Oui, c'est ca. Je conviens.
Re: PA Announcers
Posted by: Jim Hyla (
Date: February 05, 2006 04:33PM

Rich S
As for what's acceptable and what's bush league...

That said Al, I think we need to update our sensibilities a bit and widen the view of what's expected and tolerated. People like Dr. Davis and Mr. Mintz at Lynah are rarities these days and just because things that are done elsewhere are not done at Lynah, that doesn't automatically make them tasteless and bush league.
Actually I don't think that just because it's done means we need to widen our view of what is tolerated. Just look at the NBA and the dress policy, or any college team that has a dress policy for their players. We can still advocate for the best, even if others want to go down the wrong;-) road.

I think one of the main reasons that we think the 'gate announcer is so bush is that he fits right in with the bush crowd.

Lastly, Rich did you really not think you were going to get a response from Al when you named him in your post. The best way to get a response is to pick on someone. How much more respectful it might have been to just state one's opinion and not tell someone else that they have to change theirs. I respect your right to feel those kind of announcers are OK, but I disagree. Based upon your past posts, I also believe that you really would like the same kind of atmosphere that Al likes. That is, you are somewhat a traditionalist. True?

"Cornell Fans Made the Timbers Tremble", Boston Globe, March/1970
Cornell lawyers stopped the candy throwing. Jan/2005
Re: PA Announcers
Posted by: Doug '08 (
Date: February 05, 2006 05:10PM

You missed something there, chief. Fled like a girl? That was YOUR fans. I am guessing you must be the one who came after me, swung, missed, and then fell and passed out in the mud?

I got jumped by about 4 drunkards, and took down two of them before the cop had to seperate us.

When I go to away games, I expect to get shit like that. But please, stop fantasizing.
Re: PA Announcers
Posted by: Oat (
Date: February 05, 2006 05:16PM

Starr announcer = a big idiot
Re: PA Announcers
Posted by: Beeeej (
Date: February 06, 2006 01:36AM

Rich S
The mold that created the PA announcers of that type was a good one but unfortunately, it has long since broken. Do you have any guarantee that when Mr. Mintz gives it up that the new announcer will have the same style?

"gives it up" = "has the microphone pried from his cold, dead hands"

Beeeej (who has been, at least to the extent anybody has, perfunctorily "next in line" for over ten years now)

Beeeej, Esq.

"Cornell isn't an organization. It's a loose affiliation of independent fiefdoms united by a common hockey team."
- Steve Worona
Re: PA Announcers
Posted by: ugarte (
Date: February 06, 2006 01:45AM

Rich S
The mold that created the PA announcers of that type was a good one but unfortunately, it has long since broken. Do you have any guarantee that when Mr. Mintz gives it up that the new announcer will have the same style?

"gives it up" = "has the microphone pried from his cold, dead hands"

Beeeej (who has been, at least to the extent anybody has, perfunctorily "next in line" for over ten years now)
Well, at least now we know how to start the investigation.

Re: PA Announcers
Posted by: evilnaturedrobot (
Date: February 06, 2006 03:48AM

The kind of production that went on at Starr on saterday night was absolutely juvenile. Between the obnoxious police siren, the piped in music (what is the point of having a band if your going to play crappy top 40 hits durring most of the stoppages?) and the PA guy, the impression given off was: this school does not respect it's own fans ( though it sounds like the colgate fans didn't have much respect for themselves either.)
You see, as a visitor, I could care less if the home school wants to embarass itself with obvious homerism and poor musical tastes, but I would feel greatly disrespected if that was happening in the rink that I called home. The message sent is that I, as a fan, don't know when I should cheer, or what icing is. That I need crappy metal and obnoxious noise makers to get me excited about a hockey game.

What I love about Lynah is that the assumption is made that the fans don't need, or want, this sort of cheap side atraction. The PA is there to provide a minimum ammount of information that could possibly be missed by an attentive spectator (sometimes, in the heat of the moment, you just don't catch who that second assist should go to.) The rest is left up to the band and the fans, which, in my opinion, is how it should be.
Re: PA Announcers
Posted by: Rich S (
Date: February 06, 2006 08:15AM


While I love the more traditional and "classy" atmosphere I'm also realistic about the fact that it's fading away at all levels of competition. I agree that we can advocate for the best but I think you also have to recognize that a lot of your advocacy is unfortunately falling on deaf ears and that we have to accept, or at least tolerate to some degree, what exists as the popular norm today.

I said I dislike the high decibel mind-numbing "music" that rattles one's brain and I do not care for PA announcers who feel like they have to put on a show but the ones who do a bit to get the crowd going are ok with me as long as it's tasteful. Same with the fans' cheering. In that vein, I'd be more careful about labelling things as "bush" because I find some of what I've seen and heard at Lynah that is directed at opposing players and fans fits that description. And yes, I know it happens at Cheel too to some degree and I dont like that either.

I haven't been to Starr Rink so I can't comment but it sounds like it's a wild scene with the "drunkards" etc.

Perhaps because I spend so much time with and around high school atheletes and venues these days, I know the kind of music they like to play pre-game or in the locker room afterwards, whatever the sport, to get pumped up for example. And as a coach I tolerate it as long as it's within the bounds of decency because I appreciate the fact that it's their game. It has always been that way.

As for naming Al and his response, I wasn't "picking" on him or being disrepectful; merely responding specifically to his post about his opiof artifical noise etc being bush league and tasteless. And I most certainly did not expect that sarcastic and snarky response because it was not warranted. I see no harm in using his name. He uses mine often and it doesn't bother me.

If you want to suggest I respond in a different manner, go right ahead but I think a balanced approach is in order. Have you directed your criticism at him for the typical inflammatory remarks he makes when he "picks" on me?

Ponder this. Al refers to the Lynah atmosphere as classy, etc. But that's not what's projected when he responds to posters here who disagree with him.
Re: PA Announcers
Posted by: Jim Hyla (
Date: February 06, 2006 08:31AM

I generally agree with your last post. In fact I'd say that whenever either of you say the others name it will likely get a response. As I've posted before, that is one of the problems with coresponding on the web.

Too often differences are magnified and arguments begin. I look at you as someone who has more similarities to me than differences, at least in regards to hockey, and I suspect that would hold for Al and you as well. If we were to get together face to face I suspect we could have an inteligent discussion, with noticeable differences.

However "talking" here is more difficult, if for no other reason than no body language is available. That often provides alot of "language".

So my view, which unfortunately I don't always adhere to, is to give my opinion and to not disrespect that of others. I'd much prefer to argue differences in person, with a beer in hand.:-P

"Cornell Fans Made the Timbers Tremble", Boston Globe, March/1970
Cornell lawyers stopped the candy throwing. Jan/2005
Re: PA Announcers
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: February 06, 2006 08:46AM

the impression given off was: this school does not respect it's own fans
Like a birthday party clown for four year olds. It shouts that the fans are toddlers with a six second attention span. The culture as a whole has been infantilized (action movies, talk radio, etc) as part of the relentless drive to sell product to the zombies. This is just another encroachment.

Sod the proles.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/06/2006 08:46AM by Trotsky.
Re: PA Announcers
Posted by: KeithK (
Date: February 06, 2006 01:43PM

In my mind, Bob Sheppard is the gold standard by which PA announcers are judged. Professional and classy all the way.

As someone recently said to me, the Colgate PA announcer is a perfect example of what not to do.
Re: PA Announcers
Posted by: RichH (
Date: February 06, 2006 05:32PM

I love Arthur Mintz's style (especially "Good evening, hockey fans" -- our family's standard get-psyched phrase for years now). The announcer who always drove me crazy was at Princeton, with announcements for "Princeton TIGERRRRRR goals." As Al says, it's bush league stuff. We don't need it. And my impression this year was that Princeton now agrees, though I couldn't be sure since the PA was so inaudible.

Back in the mid-90s (OK, I know I'm doing too much of the "back in MY day" stuff recently), the guy who did the PA for Cornell basketball was almost as bad as the Colgate guy. In his repertoire:

"TICKLES THE TWINE FOR TWOOOOOOO!!!!" etc. after every score.
and he would "Michael Jordanize" the CU players' names:

Maybe it was fun for some of the kids in the crowd, but we just laughed at (and were embarrassed by) him. I remember shouting "go to Syracuse" or something like that. The rumor was that when he left, he went to Syracuse.

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