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Ticket Line

Posted by froboymitch 
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Ticket Line
Posted by: froboymitch (
Date: September 27, 2004 10:04PM

Any ideas or rumblings about when and where the line will formally start this year?
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: gophergrl05 (
Date: September 27, 2004 10:15PM

it has begun... driving home from my class tonight i saw a line formed outside of barton with a cop..... i'm assuming it's the hockey line due to several "did my time in the line" t-shirts........ good luck to everyone!
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: Jacob '06 (
Date: September 27, 2004 11:12PM

Most of the people left....they were just anticipating it being tonight. I bet it will be wednesday night.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: A-19 (
Date: September 27, 2004 11:26PM

wow, so much for confidentiality
how many showed up? i guess that's a gauge on how many are going to be there immediately following the announcement.
this time, i happen to believe athletics will disperse people until the announcement is made. and i think it should be easier, since few people should be on hand for the absolute beginning
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: Liz '05 (
Date: September 27, 2004 11:36PM

The line extended from Barton's east entrance to past the ILR parking lot - I'd estimate a little under 200 people showed up. Athletics didn't disperse people - this time, at least - the cops told us all that it wouldn't be happening tonight and that we could stay if we were orderly and wanted to. Barton was locked up at 11, so anyone who's planning to stay the night anyway will be outside.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: A-19 (
Date: September 27, 2004 11:55PM

that's alot more than i would have expected for so early in the juncture. not that it doesn't pay to be early (it does), and not that i wouldn't have gone so early if i hadn't already graduated (i would have). but that many people will really cause a problem if allowed to gather unofficially, especially if cornell waits until later this week.

wow, can i say how happy i am that i am only experiencing this vicariously, after the d-day invasions that were the last 4 years of getting tickets

Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: Jacob '06 (
Date: September 27, 2004 11:59PM

if they were smart they could find a way to avoid further comment :)
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: calgARI '07 (---)
Date: September 28, 2004 12:25AM

I am not going to elaborate, but I am on it. HOPEFULLY, all this controversy will be avoided.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: A-19 (
Date: September 28, 2004 12:38AM


after my experience with you in the thick of it all last year, i am very curious to hear your take on how things are progressing back in ithaca this year. the way i see it, cornell is not that stupid so as to let the whole thing they are attempting to avoid happen again. i would be pretty confident the cops' story will change by morning, and a fairer result will ensue. people out there now are probably just playing it safe. for some reason, despite all past experience to the contrary, i believe this may be the year things go off well.

-mike '04
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: calgARI '07 (---)
Date: September 28, 2004 12:47AM

The big issue is that the ROTC people and possibly some of the Daily Sun people leaked when the line was beginning or at least the location prior to when the announcement of all this was going to be made. As a result, roughly 300 people gathered between 9-10:30 outside of Barton on a line. They then passed around a sheet putting people's names down. Suppossedly, the announcement of officially starting the line was going to be made tonight and then it wasn't because Nighman refuses to allow a preline like what happened last year. So now the line will begin at a later time and hopefully a different location. IF the line procedure is executed as it is suppossed to be (and there is no leaks), things will be fine. Someone dropped the ball in telling the ROTC people. That is essentially what went wrong toinght.
I am of course defending this procedure because I was one of the guys that came up with this procedure. But I am trying to stay in contact with Gene Nighman though this to make sure he goes about every step of this in a fair fashion. At this point, I'd say it's 50-50 whether things go well or not. Not great odds, but definitely better than last year's.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: A-19 (
Date: September 28, 2004 12:53AM


thanks for the update. i can clearly see why the office refuses to flex to the student demands this time. as i pointed out in a post much earlier, leaks could pose a tremendous problem. i have confidence in your ability to ensure things work out well. just don't sleep through the alarm this year once you have your number! keep us posted from i-town

ahhhhh, and an unofficial list- takes me back

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/28/2004 12:54AM by A-19.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: Jacob '06 (
Date: September 28, 2004 01:06AM

Why exactly do they tell the daily sun. Presumably the line is starting at night time so a release in the paper wouldn't really help. Although they did say they would release it in print in the original press release.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: A-19 (
Date: September 28, 2004 01:37AM

they tell the sun so presumably some of the sports staff can flagrantly cut the line again. i speak from last year's experience only, as an individual in the group directly in front of these guys. i certainly do not condemn all sun staff, or even all sun sports staff. see:
[] for reference
and [] for discussion
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: cornelldavy (
Date: September 28, 2004 04:24AM

From [] :

[Q]"We didn't want a rush," said Gene Nighman '81, director of athletic tickets and events. "We didn't want to have a 'pre-line.' I just didn't want to have to deal with that, so we're going to do something different. I'll figure it out."[/Q]

Nice to see he's got a plan already in place. I still say that they should give this method a try: [] .

Alex F. '03 * []
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: DeltaOne81 (
Date: September 28, 2004 08:40AM

What the HELL is wrong with people?!?

I'm beginning to doubt that I can blame that administration anymore, this is just crazy. 200+ people show up on a f'in MONDAY to wait all damn week. Get a fuckin' life, really. The first year of the line (that I can remember, they all kinda mix together) I showed up at 7 pm Friday and got a number in the 500s (and only because of massive cutting). Someone showed up at 2 am Friday after celebrating their 21st birthday at the bars and got in the 700s, getting a ticket at the top of F.

If 200+ people are going to have as little of a life as to wait all damn week, well, geez. I'm one of the biggest hockey fans around, but you're at fuckin' Cornell with prelim! There should be a few hardcore fans Wednesday night (that'd be 3 nights of camping out), maybe a couple dozen by Thursday, and Friday afternoon people should start rolling in.

I love hockey as much as anyone, but that's ridiculous. Get a life and be reasonable. Good people shouldn't be denied all tickets just because they have a sense of responsibility. Last year the administration messed up. This year they did it fine, and if the students screw it up for themselves, well then they have no one else to blame.

Keep in mind this is said from the perspective of someone with very little personal stake in the situation, considering I've graduated. The process seems to have turned from the students with the most enthusiasm to those with the least responsibility.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/28/2004 08:49AM by DeltaOne81.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: Jacob '06 (
Date: September 28, 2004 10:02AM

They make it kind of easy to wait for a week. Waiting between the hours of 10pm-6am is not that hard. You don't have to miss class or prelims. Its easy to get a friend to hold your spot if you need to study or get some rest, especially since 1 person needs to be there for ever 4 tickets. Its not that big of a deal to wait all week.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: KateWithThe8 (
Date: September 28, 2004 10:34AM

Really I think that Athletics needs to coordinate with the weather gods and use rain and chilly temperatures to weed out the "tough" fans. :-) A quick check of the Ithaca forcast and I see that the line is once again blessed with wonderful fall weather (<sigh> missing it as I speak......)
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: DeltaOne81 (
Date: September 28, 2004 10:53AM

One for every two people. Though I wouldn't mind if some people got that wrong ;).
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: Jacob '06 (
Date: September 28, 2004 11:00AM

According to the press release, theres 2 tickets to every line number and 1 person can hold 2 line numbers. Thats 1 for every four people has to be there.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: calgARI '07 (128.84.198.---)
Date: September 28, 2004 11:05AM

Just read the article in the Sun today and I must say that I'm impressed with Gene Nighman, certainly more than I was last year. The guy is taking a hard lining stance against a preline and is determined to do this thing fairly and efficiently.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: KeithK (
Date: September 28, 2004 12:19PM

People wait on line for a lot longer than a week at some other schools. If someone wants to do it, why not? As for "getting a life", I can see how camping out for a week might be a lot of fun.

Basically, relax.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: Facetimer (
Date: September 28, 2004 12:58PM

I just heard from a close friend of Gene Nighman. They will announce later tonight the line will start at the Vet school auditorium up by B lot. I don't know about you, but I am going there now.

Lets go Red!
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: French Rage (---.Stanford.EDU)
Date: September 28, 2004 01:10PM

Ari, did you say they didnt disperse the line? If so, didnt that defeat the whole purpose.

And Facetimer beat me to it. Damn.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: J Sze (
Date: September 28, 2004 01:19PM

Just a quesion:

Since Tuesday and Thursday are both prelim nights, am I correct to assume that the line numbers won't be given out on those nights (at least until after 9:00)??

J Sze
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: Chris 02 (
Date: September 28, 2004 01:29PM

I heard they're having the line in the same spot as before, along Alumni fields.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: calgARI '07 (---)
Date: September 28, 2004 01:42PM

They did disperse the line. French Rage, are you confirming the Vet School location rumor? Regardless, Nighman has insisted that he will not hand out numbers if there is a preline.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: DeltaOne81 (
Date: September 28, 2004 01:54PM

[Q]Jacob '06 Wrote:

According to the press release, theres 2 tickets to every line number and 1 person can hold 2 line numbers. Thats 1 for every four people has to be there.[/q]
Ah, except no. You can't do a line number check (at least this is the way it used to be) unless your name is on one of the line number tickets.

Person A comes along and gets a line number with 2 tickets.
Person B gets a line number with 2 tickets.
Person C and D are there too.

Person C and D are entirely useless, and either A or B has to be there for line checks all the time. Hence one out of every two people always has to be there. Person C and D can be eye candy if they want. Otherwise, what prevents you from paying a friend $10 to sit in for you for a couple hours? And how does that prove you're a committed fan? It wouldn't.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: calgARI '07 (---)
Date: September 28, 2004 02:03PM

Was just up at the vet school and nothing going on. I very much hope this doesnt leak so the process can be done correctly and fairly.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: Facetimer (
Date: September 28, 2004 02:07PM

[Q]calgARI '07 Wrote:

Was just up at the vet school and nothing going on. I very much hope this doesnt leak so the process can be done correctly and fairly.[/q]

Thanks Ari, you made my day. :-}
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: KeithK (
Date: September 28, 2004 02:35PM

[q]Person C and D are entirely useless, and either A or B has to be there for line checks all the time. Hence one out of every two people always has to be there. Person C and D can be eye candy if they want. Otherwise, what prevents you from paying a friend $10 to sit in for you for a couple hours? And how does that prove you're a committed fan? It wouldn't.[/q]Good point. Possible solution to this is to optionally take down a second name for each line number, corresponding to the second ticket. That way you can trade off line sitting. Haven't thought enough to decided whether this would be a good idea or not.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: J Sze (
Date: September 28, 2004 03:47PM

Last year they did not check the names on the line numbers (if I remember correctly).
Re: Daily Sun Line Cutting
Posted by: Mike Pandolfini (
Date: September 28, 2004 04:08PM

I refer you to what we said last year on the forum. I thought we were done with this shit already. They tell the Sun early so that we can publish what happened the next day. Here's the best part - the editors who get the information have free tickets in the press box already, so cutting would be entirely useless!

In addition, there are several members of this forum whom I KNOW were ACTUALLY guilty of line cutting last year. It's amazing how the people who make the rules always do the best by them. People in glass houses don't throw stones for a reason. Let this be the end of it.

-Mike Pandolfini

Q]A-19 Wrote:

they tell the sun so presumably some of the sports staff can flagrantly cut the line again. i speak from last year's experience only, as an individual in the group directly in front of these guys. i certainly do not condemn all sun staff, or even all sun sports staff. see:
for reference
and for discussion[/q]

Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: Jacob '06 (
Date: September 28, 2004 04:19PM

Yeah, checking the names kind of ruins the point of having 2 seats per line number. If the other person can't stay there in your place, one person gets stuck there the whole time and the other person doesn't really have to do any time in line. I don't see much point in checking the names, or at least as Keith said, you should be able to put 2 names per number.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: Will (
Date: September 28, 2004 04:46PM

[Q]calgARI '07 Wrote:

Just read the article in the Sun today and I must say that I'm impressed with Gene Nighman, certainly more than I was last year. The guy is taking a hard lining stance against a preline and is determined to do this thing fairly and efficiently.[/q]

Just to play devil's advocate here, Ari...had you had advance knowledge of when and where the line would form, and you had gone there to take a place on the preline, would you still be so against the preline?

Is next year here yet?
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: Pete Godenschwager (
Date: September 28, 2004 05:07PM

Some line news:


Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: calgARI '07 (---)
Date: September 28, 2004 05:26PM

[Q]Will Wrote:

calgARI '07 Wrote:

Just read the article in the Sun today and I must say that I'm impressed with Gene Nighman, certainly more than I was last year. The guy is taking a hard lining stance against a preline and is determined to do this thing fairly and efficiently.[/Q]
Just to play devil's advocate here, Ari...had you had advance knowledge of when and where the line would form, and you had gone there to take a place on the preline, would you still be so against the preline?[/q]

How I feel about it doesn't really matter. The question is what's fair and what isn't, although that clearly usually doesn't matter. The rules say no preline will be validated so again, it just doesn't matter how I feel. The preline last year was different in that anybody could have gone down there and lined up in the preline. Last night's preline was much more unfair because those who had the insider knowledge had a huge and unfair advantage.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: Will (
Date: September 28, 2004 06:02PM

[Q]calgARI '07 Wrote:

How I feel about it doesn't really matter. The question is what's fair and what isn't, although that clearly usually doesn't matter. The rules say no preline will be validated so again, it just doesn't matter how I feel. The preline last year was different in that anybody could have gone down there and lined up in the preline. Last night's preline was much more unfair because those who had the insider knowledge had a huge and unfair advantage.[/q]

Actually, how you feel, and how everyone else feels, is exactly what matters when it comes to what's fair and what isn't. It's just that subjective fairness may play little to no role in how procedure is determined and then executed.

I'm just curious as to how people would feel if they were in different situations. For instance, does having insider knowledge into when and where the line would convene make someone more prone to thinking the preline is fair and just? Does not being privy to that knowledge in advance make someone think the preline is unfair? My guess is that what everyone thinks is fair and unfair is strongly determined by how close everyone is to the insider knowledge.

I should note that I'm not saying anyone is definitely wrong or right in this situation. All I'm saying is, whatever happens, I hope I get good seats. :-D

Is next year here yet?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/28/2004 06:02PM by Will.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: calgARI '07 (---)
Date: September 28, 2004 06:17PM

"All I'm saying is, whatever happens, I hope I get good seats."


I think this procedure can only be successful and fair if there is no insider knowledge prior. Everyone should have an equal opportunity to be there on time.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: Jacob '06 (
Date: September 28, 2004 06:33PM

At this point i'm saying "I hope I get seats" Just being in the rink is good enough for me
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: Marcin (
Date: September 28, 2004 06:45PM

Hey, as long as I'm in Lynah I'll be happy.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: dodger916 (
Date: September 28, 2004 07:22PM

Athletics said they would release information through 3 channels: Big Red Bulletin, Web site and radio. This was confirmed this evening.

I doubt athletics would tell the Sun in advance. It makes no sense. Why would they risk being criticized by students for showing preference?? What would they gain?? And if someone on staff said athletics told them, I'd be suspicious....

Interesting fact I learned recently: the vast majority of Sun staff have little or no training in journalism. This will influence the amount of faith I place in their reporting.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: KeithK (
Date: September 28, 2004 07:39PM

[q]Interesting fact I learned recently: the vast majority of Sun staff have little or no training in journalism. This will influence the amount of faith I place in their reporting.[/q]Um, do you expect undergrads at Cornell to have completed Journalism School?

Dan Rather has plenty of training in journalism. How much faith do you place in him?
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: strixvaria (
Date: September 28, 2004 08:05PM

You had faith in the Sun's reporting?
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: calgARI '07 (---)
Date: September 28, 2004 08:50PM

There are suppossedly around 20 people waiting around outside Barton. Could these be grad students?
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: Jacob '06 (
Date: September 28, 2004 08:57PM

Or people that haven't read their email/press releases?
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: calgARI '07 (---)
Date: September 28, 2004 08:59PM

[Q]Jacob '06 Wrote:

Or people that haven't read their email/press releases?[/q]

Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: Ben Rocky '04 (
Date: September 28, 2004 09:07PM

If it doesn't happen tonight, i think there are going to be mass suicides among the faithful due to stress.................... starting with me
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: Jordan 04 (
Date: September 28, 2004 09:16PM

I don't know if anyone else feels this way, but while a large part of me misses (and will always miss) being on campus and going to all of the games, part of me also is quite thankful that I'm not longer around to have to deal with all of this escalating line crap, and having to wonder if I, as a more devoted fan than probalby 90% of the students lining up for tickets, will get into Lynah at all.

I'm beginning to enjoy the peace-of-mind knowing that it'll be a reaosnable cost and no nights camping out to hear Adam call all the games, watch a few on the dish, get to a few up at Lynah on single-game tix that are bound to be available, and get to a few road games as well (Sucks, Princeton, Yale specifically).

Just a few short weeks....LGR!
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: jtwcornell91 (
Date: September 28, 2004 09:19PM

Anyone else feel like starting false rumors about where the line is? I heard from Gene Nighman's sister's friend's dog-walker that ticket distribution will be taking place at 660 Stewart Avenue. :-P Hey, at least you could eat Hot Truck while you wait. :-D

Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: dodger916 (
Date: September 28, 2004 09:28PM

[Q]KeithK Wrote:

Interesting fact I learned recently: the vast majority of Sun staff have little or no training in journalism. This will influence the amount of faith I place in their reporting.[/Q]
Um, do you expect undergrads at Cornell to have completed Journalism School?


Obviously not. But some understanding of the basic principles of journalism, including ethics, would seem a reasonable pre-requisite.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: French Rage (---.Stanford.EDU)
Date: September 28, 2004 09:35PM

[Q]Jordan 04 Wrote:

I don't know if anyone else feels this way, but while a large part of me misses (and will always miss) being on campus and going to all of the games, part of me also is quite thankful that I'm not longer around to have to deal with all of this escalating line crap, and having to wonder if I, as a more devoted fan than probalby 90% of the students lining up for tickets, will get into Lynah at all.

I'm beginning to enjoy the peace-of-mind knowing that it'll be a reaosnable cost and no nights camping out to hear Adam call all the games, watch a few on the dish, get to a few up at Lynah on single-game tix that are bound to be available, and get to a few road games as well (Sucks, Princeton, Yale specifically).

Just a few short weeks....LGR!

Here, here. The whole process in the end is fun as hell and oddly I enjoy it, but there's something to be said about not worrying for a whole week how alot of circumstances beyond my control will affect what tickets I get. Though in my case being in CA it'll be mostly internet broadcasts (at 4PM nonetheless!).

Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: French Rage (---.Stanford.EDU)
Date: September 28, 2004 09:37PM

[Q]jtwcornell91 Wrote:

Anyone else feel like starting false rumors about where the line is? I heard from Gene Nighman's sister's friend's dog-walker that ticket distribution will be taking place at 660 Stewart Avenue. Hey, at least you could eat Hot Truck while you wait.[/q]

[Q]Facetimer Wrote:

I just heard from a close friend of Gene Nighman. They will announce later tonight the line will start at the Vet school auditorium up by B lot. I don't know about you, but I am going there now.

Lets go Red![/q]

And I still cant tell if Ari was playing along or not...
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: Jacob '06 (
Date: September 28, 2004 09:40PM

Getting ready to sit in front of my computer and check email constantly starting at 10pm.....what fun lives cornell makes us lead
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: Ben Rocky '04 (
Date: September 28, 2004 09:44PM

Do you all think the announcement could come after 10pm?
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: calgARI '07 (---)
Date: September 28, 2004 09:46PM

i'll be checking until 11 i think
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: Ben Rocky '04 (
Date: September 28, 2004 09:52PM

$5 says its not tonight. Anyone care to disagree?
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: calgARI '07 (---)
Date: September 28, 2004 09:53PM

I'm starting to think the same thing.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: Jacob '06 (
Date: September 28, 2004 09:55PM

Maybe, maybe not. Everyone says they wouldn't do it on a prelim night, but I think its worse to do it on wednesday which is the night before a prelim night when people need rest and studying. If they were smart they'd just release it at 4am, and only the really die hard people would get there quickly, but too many people would complain. Instead we'll all just sit in front of our computers every night til they release it.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: The Mad Hatter (
Date: September 28, 2004 09:56PM

Ha! French Rage couldn't confirm his own @sshole with a map.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: calgARI '07 (---)
Date: September 28, 2004 09:58PM

[Q]Jacob '06 Wrote:

Maybe, maybe not. Everyone says they wouldn't do it on a prelim night, but I think its worse to do it on wednesday which is the night before a prelim night when people need rest and studying. If they were smart they'd just release it at 4am, and only the really die hard people would get there quickly, but too many people would complain. Instead we'll all just sit in front of our computers every night til they release it.[/q]

Also, there are classes Wednesday nights.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: Jacob '06 (
Date: September 28, 2004 09:59PM

I believe cornell officially doesn't have classes 4:25 to 7 and after 9 every day. Don't quote me on that
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: Ben Rocky '04 (
Date: September 28, 2004 10:00PM

Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: Facetimer (
Date: September 28, 2004 10:01PM

[Q]Jacob '06 Wrote:

I believe cornell officially doesn't have classes 4:25 to 7 and after 9 every day. Don't quote me on that[/q]
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: calgARI '07 (---)
Date: September 28, 2004 10:02PM

[Q]Ben Rocky 04 Wrote:


If it weren't leaked by the ROTC, then it would have been.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: Ben Rocky '04 (
Date: September 28, 2004 10:04PM

who gives a crap? it was around 200 people, many of whom were seriously faithful, it was managable and under control: perfect conditions to hand out line numbers.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: calgARI '07 (---)
Date: September 28, 2004 10:06PM

I disagree. Nighman would have looked as bad as he did last year if he went against his original procedure and handed out numbers.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: Ben Rocky '04 (
Date: September 28, 2004 10:08PM

Lets gather a huge mob at the Field House, break in, blow the safe, take the tickets, and let them try to argue with us.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: calgARI '07 (---)
Date: September 28, 2004 10:10PM

Where do I sign?
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: Jacob '06 (
Date: September 28, 2004 10:17PM

It would be nice if they would do a release saying its not tonight if it isn't tonight.

Also, any bets on which method of announcement comes out first?
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: jeh25 (
Date: September 28, 2004 10:17PM

Ok facetimer. You got me. *That* was funny.

Cornell '98 '00; Yale 01-03; UConn 03-07; Brown 07-09; Penn State faculty 09-
Work is no longer an excuse to live near an ECACHL team... :(
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: calgARI '07 (---)
Date: September 28, 2004 10:38PM

Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: Jacob '06 (
Date: September 28, 2004 10:54PM

I don't think its happening tonight
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: Gene Nighman (132.236.165.---)
Date: September 28, 2004 11:04PM

Line numbers will be distributed at the Ninth Green of the Robert Trent Jones Golf Course at 11:15pm. Thank you for your patience.

Jeanne "The Hurricane" Nighman
Cornell Ticket Office
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: Gene Nighman (132.236.165.---)
Date: September 28, 2004 11:12PM

***************IMPORTANT HOCKEY LINE ANNOUNCEMENT*******************

It has been 5 minutes. If people do not show up by 11:45, all student tickets will be given to the townees and or burned.


Jeanne "The Hurricane" Nighman
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: FaSure (
Date: September 28, 2004 11:19PM

Uris Stacks......Section P through PM....try to maintain some is a library... Thats all i heard

Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: HockeyChick04 (132.236.165.---)
Date: September 28, 2004 11:22PM

Nobody was at the 9th green. What's the deal? I just threw my clubs into the water and I'm out of here. Screw you, nighman, you are a sieve.

Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: Jerseygirl (
Date: September 28, 2004 11:24PM

Or if you're smart you work for Sports Information as the phone chick who has to call the other arenas and get out of town scores.

Cons: You're not supposed to cheer (but you can a little, in the form of a clenched fist and a bounce in your seat). This was hard in 2003 as the team won all their home games, often scoring sweetass goals. Other arenas, like Lynah East, where the Sucks phone chick simply cannot fathom how a normal voice on the phone cannot be heard over a band and thousands of cheering fans. You have to run up and down the steps in high heels. Perilous if you drop your scrap of paper with the out of town scores.

Pros: Free admission to every game, in fact, getting paid to be there. A sweet seat. Free programs. Bird's eye view of my favorite alumna, Janet Reno. Gossiping with the Sunnies between periods. Making googly eyes at the healthy scratches who make their way into press row. Handing scores to Wodon. (Holy crap calm down. Those last two were jokes.).

I know it's not for everyone, and the above was basically just an excuse to reminisce about the best year in the history of the world, May 2002-May 2003. I'm as big a hockey fan as anyone, but my idea of camping is a hotel without room service and waiting gives me hives (not really). If Gene sticks by his word, which I think he will (like I know anything), I think this system is the best I've seen at Cornell, despite the dastardly alleged leaks by the Sun/ROTC (animals!). Thank goodness I don't have to deal with it. Too bad it took until my senior year to figure out how not to. In any event, enjoy the games this year, Faithful.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: strixvaria (
Date: September 29, 2004 12:35AM

Line numbers tomorrow morning in the Statler Auditorium beginning at 10:10.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: A-19 (
Date: September 29, 2004 12:40AM

yeah, professor maas is handing them out himself
OT Question
Posted by: Jeff Hopkins '82 (
Date: September 29, 2004 07:56AM

Hey Strix varia. Why Barred Owl?
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: ninian '72 (
Date: September 29, 2004 10:32AM

This is why they will never expand Lynah. **] What would the Cornell experience be like if there were enough tickets to go around and if the Athletic Department wasn't able to get you kids to play Where's Waldo for a week?
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: jeh25 (
Date: September 29, 2004 11:33AM

[Q]Jerseygirl Wrote:
You have to run up and down the steps in high heels. Perilous if you drop your scrap of paper with the out of town scores.

In a miniskirt no less...

Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: Jerseygirl (
Date: September 29, 2004 12:06PM

Me? Never.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: Ben Rocky '04 (
Date: September 29, 2004 01:14PM

You Harvard (sucks) kids have a great sense of humor :)
Re: OT Question
Posted by: strixvaria (
Date: September 29, 2004 01:44PM

Personal favorite. I've done some rehab work with them.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: karan kumar (
Date: September 29, 2004 07:24PM

tonight. 10 pm. mews hall 268A. it's goin down
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: Chris Scolere (
Date: September 29, 2004 08:16PM

it's happening tonight ..... 10:45 ..... 303C Court Hall!!!
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: Zachary Eric Herlands (
Date: September 29, 2004 08:40PM

Im a douchebag
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: Jacob '06 (
Date: September 29, 2004 09:26PM

Worked out pretty well. I got 258 and i'm happy. They announced it a little early but I think it was about as good as they could do.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: RabidSewerRat (
Date: September 29, 2004 11:17PM

After our group was about 45-55 in the preline Monday night, we ended up with groups of 2 or 3 numbers between 150 and 670 tonight. In fact, we have 100s, 200s, 400s, 500s, 600s... We were perfectly organized last night. And Monday night. But 9:00 was earlier than we were ready for and of course I suppose that was the idea, to catch everyone off guard. But hey, we'll have seats.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: pissed off (
Date: September 29, 2004 11:36PM

CORNELL ATHLETIC DEPT SUCKS... bitter senior student who's not getting tix this year, because of stupid, stupid system.:-(
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: A-19 (
Date: September 30, 2004 05:30AM

so it's probably pretty tough for anyone to answer this, since anyone with a number should be supposedly sleeping in barton, but i would be curious to get a firsthand account of the situation today, how fast the numbers went, were people in a preline, etc.

also, i see that random line checks will occur between 10pm and 6am. so do they intend to wake people up in the middle of the night? i can see how that might create (1) students sleeping through checks or (2) a bad sleep environment for students with tests. and i'm certainly not one to advocate changing the system based on prelims (get better time management), but waking people up at 3am seems pretty awkward

sewer rat, i dont think you should be too upset. you are clearly committed, since you went to the trouble of attempting to camp out 2 days early. however, you should also recognize that the preline had absolutely no legitimacy this year (in arguable comparison to four years ago, two years ago and last year). in fact, your very presence in the preline brought about the decision to move the allowable date.

pissed off, i am not sure what you have to be pissed off about. in previous years, you could have been angry that people who disobeyed the system got great seats. however, everyone had the same access to the information when it was released. if i were still at cornell, the plan would have been simple. get all of your stuff packed up in advance, and start checking the bulletin/website each evening every few minutes. when the information is released, get to the location immediately. i assume by your post that all available numbers have been given out already. but there certainly are not going to be 800 students converging on the area within one moment's notice.

finally, based upon my understanding of the situation, i believe that this is the most FAIR process that the athletic office has come up with yet. i give them credit for sticking to their guns this year (unless there is some information i am not aware of). HOWEVER, i question whether the process actually gets the most committed fans, which was the reason we moved from a lottery to a line in the first place. if 800 people show up within an hour of one another, there is essentially no way to distinguish who would have waited longer. i personally believe that those willing to wait for a longer time deserve the best seats in the house [perhaps this is why "pissed off" is pissed off?]. in achieving fairness, athletics may have sacrificed a portion of its meritocratic goals of even having a line. and i'll tell you something- as committed fans go, i'm at the very top. i would have been very disappointed to have arrived and received some number higher than 200 or so.

-mike '04
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/30/2004 05:32AM by A-19.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: calgARI '07 (---)
Date: September 30, 2004 05:56AM

There were students dispersed around campus. I was in a car with three guys and we had four guys on the computers. Saw Gene Nighman at 8:30 outside the ticket office so I knew it was happening. I heard a bunch of guys waited for him and followed him to the location. People were running around screaming and everything. It was definitely exciting. The announcement came at roughly 9:00 and I got there at about 9:03 and got #99. By 9:20, they were at about 400 I think and by 9:35, they had given them all away. Was it the best procedure? No. But I think it was decent and more fair than what we had last year. I'm disappointed that a lot of guys that were in A/B last year won't be this year. We were in Barton until like 5:30 and then they let us go. I wonder how many guys in the first 98 want section A. Anybody have a ballpark idea?
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: Avash (
Date: September 30, 2004 06:02AM

[Q]calgARI '07 Wrote:
I wonder how many guys in the first 98 want section A. Anybody have a ballpark idea? [/q]

Two years ago, I was #150 and was the first or second person to pick seats in a completely empty and available section A. So, out of the first 98, my guess would be not many at all.

(This year, I was unfortunate enough to get #490, but as Ari implied, the difference between #100 and #500 was a matter of minutes.)

Okay bed time....

Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: A-19 (
Date: September 30, 2004 06:37AM

sounds like it was alot more craziness within a moment's notice than i expected. i didnt expect 800 numbers to go in 35 mins ["pissed off" i can now see why you were pissed off]. i guess you really could get screwed if you waited a few mins too long to check the email, or if you got stuck in traffic on your way there. following gene to the location- wow, that's a new low (though whoever thought up the idea of stalking gene is brilliant by the way). i guess to make the most of the random distribution of seats, good fans will be making sections like D alot better this year. and 99 is still a great number. i have had in the 220s, 100s, 150s, and 30s, and every time i got the exact seat i wanted. it becomes more difficult with the greater number of people in your grp of course.

in terms of section A, only four kinds of people take it:
(1) those who have friends in B on the A/B aisle (starts around #150, and they take the A/B aisle)
(2) those in large groups who can't fit in B
(3) my entire crew of about 35, for the past four seasons. in my opinion, it's still the BEST in the house.
(4) the "bad" half of the section is taken around #400+. usually there is a random good seat or so left though

so if you are thinking of doing A, you can pretty much bank on almost all of it being open to you by #99.
avash, i hope you are able to get a random seat in A, you'll keep the traditions alive.

so what;'s the word on the people who were first in line this yr? it's always interesting to know whether they "deserve it" or not.

i'm also not sure how they could maintain a fair system and encourage meritocracy, unless they opened up the line like 2 weeks ago- that'll weed out the noncommitted fans, but it certainly poses more problems with regard to academics.

wow, living vicariously through you all!
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: DeltaOne81 (
Date: September 30, 2004 08:54AM

I can't blame the administration for everything, I think they did it fine. They should have opened it Monday but they did the right thing due to the preline. The students ruined that themselves.

But think about... do you all think that there are really 800 diehard hockey fans who are committed to waiting 3 or 4 days for tickets. There's no way. What's happening then?

Here's the sad truth, in my opinion, and from accounts: the hockey line has turned in face time.

Yup. Its the cool thing to do. To be there, to be seen, its what you're supposed to do. I know of numerous people personally or through friends, who are on the hockey line that have never been to a hockey game (that's not a problem in and of itself, more are always welcome to the fold), have never mentioned or been interested in hockey, are of the popular/drinking/partying/sorority/frat type. People who have no interest except their friends are going. People who have put drinking on a Friday ahead of family and friends regularly through parties on the weekend (and you think they'll stop for hockey? yeah right).

This is the best procedure yet, this is the longest people have ever waited in line, but I wouldn't be surprised at all, that when the 7 pm faceoff comes, that it just may be the emptiest Lynah yet. I hope I'm wrong, but I wouldn't be shocked at all.

I hope I'm wrong, but some of the people that have gone, they're not there cause they love hockey, I guarantee it. What to do? I don't know. Its beyond me. Personally I think the Sun shouldn't talk about it every day for a week leading up to it. In fact I think they should refrain from all coverage until its over, so that only the real fans seek it out. But that's neither here nor there and would have to be their choice. The problem is an attitude. Diehard hockey fans miss out on tickets for facetimers. Let's just hope the facetimers sell their tickets instead of letting them sit, and lets hope their do it without ripping people off.

And, "pissed off", don't be pissed off... I wouldn't be surprised if you have no trouble getting tickets.
Grad Ticket Line?
Posted by: Bio '04 (
Date: September 30, 2004 11:52AM

Just curious, but does anyone know how the ticket line went for the grad students? I know they had said it would be held at Barton before they announced when they would distribute the tickets.

How many people were there? How fast did the tickets go? (And I'm assuming the distribution was on the East end of Barton.)

"Milhouse, knock him down if he's in your way. Jimbo, Jimbo, go for the face. Ralph Wiggum lost his shin guard. Hack the bone. Hack the bone!" ~Lisa Simpson
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: Will (
Date: September 30, 2004 12:53PM

I'm surprised more people aren't pissed and posting here for a wholly different reason than those already posted. This year's system may have been the most fair, but by my account, it was also the most dangerous. When the notice went out, people literally raced up to where the numbers were being distributed. People were running. People were driving and speeding. Unfortunately, the two mixed together made for an extremely dangerous situation. As a driver, I had trouble navigating around the running students, and I very nearly got hit by a driver who couldn't wait for his light to turn green. While it's true that students are going to use every method at their disposal to get to the distribution point, Athletics didn't have to make it worse by putting that distribution point IN THE MIDDLE OF A FRICKIN' PARKING LOT. That was just begging for trouble. To the best of my knowledge, nobody got hurt, much to my surprise (and relief). Nevertheless, I'm shocked that Athletics opened themselves up to a huge lawsuit risk like that (since everything was taking place on University property), or at the very least bad publicity over the whole ordeal. (People simply being unhappy and pissed off is one thing, but when people start getting injured or Dryden forbid killed, that takes the situation to a whole new worse level.) Given the choice between this and permitting people to break the rules with the preline, I think I would have preferred the preline (and that's not just because I got a much better number that way). Cornell hockey is awesome, but it's not worth dying for.

Sigh. Well, I guess I'll be figuring out what the heck I'm doing over the next few nights, since I am in RabidSewerRat's group.

Is next year here yet?
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: MB (
Date: September 30, 2004 01:44PM

Well, since I live out by the airport, I was at a bit of a disadvantage. The e-mail came out at 9:15ish, factor in about 5-10 minutes to drive over (slow driver on Freese), and by the time I was out at the track (9:25-30ish), the numbers were all handed out, so I'm basicaly up creek without a paddle. I hope those numbers went to people who actually care about CU hockey-- those who will try their damndest to show up to every game ON TIME.

To answer the question "is this the best way to distribute tickets?" No, it may be a bit better than last year, but still, it's probably not the best way. As Will stated, it's unsafe. Before you say "damn safety buff," I have to say that once I reached campus, I was almost T-boned twice by reckless drivers heading off towards athletics. I know that students are inherently bad drivers, but this was just a bit too crazy. Also, this whole line number crap-- it's just dumb! Look, how much effort does it take to "camp out" in Barton Hall from 10PM-6:30AM for 3 nights? You'll miss a party or two on Friday, but that's it-- they might as well have sold the tickets yesterday. Nobody is going to leave that "line" at all! It's a friggin slumber party, and is not, in my honest opinion, what "camping out" for tickets is all about. Standing in this "line" is the "in" thing to do now at Cornell, and ever since we made it to the Frozen Four. I'm 100% positive that there are a bunch of good guys in that line, those who are true die-hard Cornell fans, but I'm also 100% sure that there are going to be lots of morns in that line who really don't care about the hockey and see games as a social gathering-- the people who show up late, or not at all (even if they're in sec. B), show up plastered to each game, and are dumbasses in general.

This isn't a real line, but whatever, what's done is done. I hope I can get tickets next year.
Re: Ticket Line
Posted by: A-19 (
Date: September 30, 2004 01:57PM

it seems as if the undisclosed location aspect really made the process fair. safety is always a factor; that was the point i used to argue to the police and athletics that they shouldnt disperse last yr's preline- i mean, what did they expect, 2000 people to be milling around in an unorganized fashion, and at 4:45 pm to make a mad dash to biotech? similarly, there was the trampling incident of my sophomore year (the sept 2001 line) where people were woken up at 6am with those behind them walking over them to get tix.

with that said, i think the only way they can really improve on the fairness to bring about a more meritocratic system is to allow the first person in line to get there way earlier than 3 days. granted, they attempted to do that with the monday opening, and the prelines ruined that. but i'm talking more like 2 weeks. you can bet that all 800 people arent going to wait 2 weeks in line, so you'll get a slow trickling over time. that way, the most diehard fans not only GET seats, they get the BEST ones. possible negatives of this proposal: (1) the pressure to join a line may be immense, and the entire process may be needlessly moved 2 weeks in advance. solution: on the determination of athletics, tickets may be able to be distributed earlier than the deadline, in case of this problem. (2) $. it will cost alot to have staff on hand for the 2 week supervision, not to mention getting the facilities reserved. (3) academics. think losing a few minutes sleep before a prelim is bad, due to random night line checks? imagine permanently living in barton or the ramin room for 2 weeks and trying to get all your work done. no computer is probably one of the bigger problems here.


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