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Season's Over

Posted by BMac 
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Season's Over
Posted by: BMac (---.compute-1.amazonaws.com)
Date: March 12, 2020 04:38PM


And for the third time ever, we end the season on a win.

(I thought we needed a new thread?)
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: Jeff Hopkins '82 (---.44.98.30.res-cmts.sm.ptd.net)
Date: March 12, 2020 04:42PM


And for the third time ever, we end the season on a win.

(I thought we needed a new thread?)

Wow, that's truly making lemonade.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: ugarte (---.177.169.163.IPYX-102276-ZYO.zip.zayo.com)
Date: March 12, 2020 04:46PM

i enjoyed this season immensely. the kids played great hockey, i got to see them live with my family at the garden, they closed on a dominant weekend where they blew out the #2 team in the conference. hang a banner, guys.

i'm making peace with this.

Re: Season's Over
Posted by: abmarks (209.107.190.---)
Date: March 12, 2020 04:47PM

Jeff Hopkins '82

And for the third time ever, we end the season on a win.

(I thought we needed a new thread?)

Wow, that's truly making lemonade.

Lemonade it is. Got to do a year in review thread anyway right?
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: ursusminor (---.washdc.dsl-w.verizon.net)
Date: March 12, 2020 04:53PM


And for the third time ever, we end the season on a win.

(I thought we needed a new thread?)

Trotsky can probably easily look it up for Cornell, but this would surprise me. Before the ECAC tourney started in the early 60's, I would be surprised if they did not end the season with a win at least once.

RPI ended this year with 4 wins, and I knew that we ended 1984-5 championship year with only two due to a tie with Lake State in a 2-game, total goal series. It turns out that in 57-58, RPI also ended with 4 wins, 56-57 with 5 wins, and the 53-54 championship year with 6.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: RichH (173.239.197.---)
Date: March 12, 2020 05:00PM


And for the third time ever, we end the season on a win.

(I thought we needed a new thread?)

My freshmen year, 1993, we missed the ECAC playoffs and beat Dartmouth at home for our last game. And then there must have been some years where an ECAC consolation game win was our last game.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: jeff '84 (---.dyn.optonline.net)
Date: March 12, 2020 05:06PM


And for the third time ever, we end the season on a win.

(I thought we needed a new thread?)

My freshmen year, 1993, we missed the ECAC playoffs and beat Dartmouth at home for our last game. And then there must have been some years where an ECAC consolation game win was our last game.

2008 for example, beat Colgate in Consy.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: ACM (---.twcny.res.rr.com)
Date: March 12, 2020 05:10PM


And for the third time ever, we end the season on a win.

(I thought we needed a new thread?)

My freshmen year, 1993, we missed the ECAC playoffs and beat Dartmouth at home for our last game. And then there must have been some years where an ECAC consolation game win was our last game.

1959-60. Cornell went 2-19-0. Won its first game of the year against Pennsylvania, lost 19 in a row, won its last game of the year against Colgate.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: RichH (173.239.197.---)
Date: March 12, 2020 05:15PM

Found this tab open from a couple days ago. Forgot what it was, but this is there now. It felt appropriate.

Re: Season's Over
Posted by: ugarte (---.177.169.163.IPYX-102276-ZYO.zip.zayo.com)
Date: March 12, 2020 05:18PM

i think i posted this once before. forgive me. grief.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/12/2020 05:18PM by ugarte.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: djk26 (---.nycmny.fios.verizon.net)
Date: March 12, 2020 05:23PM

i enjoyed this season immensely. the kids played great hockey, i got to see them live with my family at the garden, they closed on a dominant weekend where they blew out the #2 team in the conference. hang a banner, guys.

i'm making peace with this.

In the future, we will look back on the decisions we made during this crisis with satisfaction that the actions we took helped control the impact. God, I hope I'm right about this.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: redice (---.stny.res.rr.com)
Date: March 12, 2020 05:36PM

i enjoyed this season immensely. the kids played great hockey, i got to see them live with my family at the garden, they closed on a dominant weekend where they blew out the #2 team in the conference. hang a banner, guys.

i'm making peace with this.

In the future, we will look back on the decisions we made during this crisis with satisfaction that the actions we took helped control the impact. God, I hope I'm right about this.

I hope the pain of an elite team NOT winning the Nat'l Championship and NOT losing it on the ice will somehow subside by that time. Man, this just hurts.

I started this season predicting a Nat'l Championship for this team. Long before I had ever heard the word Coronavirus. Little did I know that Coronavirus would be the ultimate victor this season. UGH!!
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: cuhockey93 (12.172.67.---)
Date: March 12, 2020 05:38PM

Is Cornell going to claim a national championship? Not that I want us to do it but given how Alabama claims hilarious National Championships I could somehow see it.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: Jeff Hopkins '82 (---.44.98.30.res-cmts.sm.ptd.net)
Date: March 12, 2020 05:47PM

Is Cornell going to claim a national championship? Not that I want us to do it but given how Alabama claims hilarious National Championships I could somehow see it.

I'd like to think we're better than that.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: toddlose (76.117.252.---)
Date: March 12, 2020 05:48PM


Since the Rangers have no need for Barron for a playoff run now, is there ANY hope he comes back to take care of the unfinished business?
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: cuhockey93 (12.172.67.---)
Date: March 12, 2020 05:59PM


Since the Rangers have no need for Barron for a playoff run now, is there ANY hope he comes back to take care of the unfinished business?

Absolutely not. But I never thought we would cuncel the szn so what do I know.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: ugarte (---.177.169.163.IPYX-102276-ZYO.zip.zayo.com)
Date: March 12, 2020 06:07PM

Jeff Hopkins '82
Is Cornell going to claim a national championship? Not that I want us to do it but given how Alabama claims hilarious National Championships I could somehow see it.

I'd like to think we're better than that.
I would like to think the opposite!

Re: Season's Over
Posted by: BearLover (---.sub-174-202-21.myvzw.com)
Date: March 12, 2020 06:20PM

Jeff Hopkins '82
Is Cornell going to claim a national championship? Not that I want us to do it but given how Alabama claims hilarious National Championships I could somehow see it.

I'd like to think we're better than that.
I would like to see Cornell commemorate this season in some way, including hanging a banner that recognizes we were the #1 team in the country when the season concluded.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: Trotsky (---.washdc.fios.verizon.net)
Date: March 12, 2020 07:04PM


And for the third time ever, we end the season on a win.

33rd time; 19th in the NC$$ era.


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/12/2020 07:07PM by Trotsky.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: BMac (107.77.75.---)
Date: March 12, 2020 08:31PM

Ok ok

“And for the 33rd time, the season ends in a win!”

Doesn’t have the same ring.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: Swampy (---.ri.ri.cox.net)
Date: March 13, 2020 12:03AM

Jeff Hopkins '82
Is Cornell going to claim a national championship? Not that I want us to do it but given how Alabama claims hilarious National Championships I could somehow see it.

I'd like to think we're better than that.
I would like to see Cornell commemorate this season in some way, including hanging a banner that recognizes we were the #1 team in the country when the season concluded.

1 Banner, 2 teams: #1 Men / #1 Women
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: abmarks (---.hsd1.vt.comcast.net)
Date: March 13, 2020 12:41AM

Jeff Hopkins '82
Is Cornell going to claim a national championship? Not that I want us to do it but given how Alabama claims hilarious National Championships I could somehow see it.

I'd like to think we're better than that.
I would like to see Cornell commemorate this season in some way, including hanging a banner that recognizes we were the #1 team in the country when the season concluded.

He's back on the checking line folks...

It'd be one thing if they were undefeated at this point, but cmon, a banner would be absolute weaksauce, and I can't imagine the players and coaches would feel good about it. NHL players know not to even touch the cup unless and until they've won it, right?
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: Dafatone (---.sub-174-219-10.myvzw.com)
Date: March 13, 2020 12:46AM

Jeff Hopkins '82
Is Cornell going to claim a national championship? Not that I want us to do it but given how Alabama claims hilarious National Championships I could somehow see it.

I'd like to think we're better than that.
I would like to see Cornell commemorate this season in some way, including hanging a banner that recognizes we were the #1 team in the country when the season concluded.

He's back on the checking line folks...

It'd be one thing if they were undefeated at this point, but cmon, a banner would be absolute weaksauce, and I can't imagine the players and coaches would feel good about it. NHL players know not to even touch the cup unless and until they've won it, right?

This was a Really Good Year. I'm okay with some sort of banner.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: French Rage (---.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
Date: March 13, 2020 01:36AM

Can we just have a banner saying "WHYYYYYYY?!". We'll all know why.

03/23/02: Maine 4, Harvard 3
03/28/03: BU 6, Harvard 4
03/26/04: Maine 5, Harvard 4
03/26/05: UNH 3, Harvard 2
03/25/06: Maine 6, Harvard 1
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: imafrshmn (---.lightspeed.livnmi.sbcglobal.net)
Date: March 13, 2020 02:08AM

Ya, not in favor of a pseudo-championship-banner. I just want our belt unification achievements to be respected by all.

class of '09
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: Jim Hyla (---.239.191.68.cl.cstel.com)
Date: March 13, 2020 08:48AM

Still looks nice to go to the USCHO site and see those 2 CU symbols for #1 in Men's and Women's D-1.

Hope they stay there till next fall.

"Cornell Fans Made the Timbers Tremble", Boston Globe, March/1970
Cornell lawyers stopped the candy throwing. Jan/2005
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: Trotsky (---.dc.dc.cox.net)
Date: March 13, 2020 10:00AM

Jim Hyla
Still looks nice to go to the USCHO site and see those 2 CU symbols for #1 in Men's and Women's D-1.

Hope they stay there till next Spring.

Re: Season's Over
Posted by: KGR11 (---.nycmny.fios.verizon.net)
Date: March 13, 2020 10:07AM

I think it would be appropriate to have a banner for each team acknowledging that they had the highest winning percentage in men's and women's hockey. I think it's debatable whether or not the men should be considered national champions as they were not higher in KRACH or Pairwise. The top winning percentages are not debatable.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: TimV (---.nycap.res.rr.com)
Date: March 13, 2020 10:28AM

I don't like setting a precedent for the creation of a custom banner. Unaccomplished teams will find things they can hang a banner for just to have something in the rafters. No participation trophies please.

"Yo Paulie - I don't see no crowd gathering 'round you neither."
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: Trotsky (---.dc.dc.cox.net)
Date: March 13, 2020 10:55AM

I think it would be appropriate to have a banner for each team acknowledging that they had the highest winning percentage in men's and women's hockey. I think it's debatable whether or not the men should be considered national champions as they were not higher in KRACH or Pairwise. The top winning percentages are not debatable.
My TBRW senses are tingling.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: Jeff Hopkins '82 (---.44.98.30.res-cmts.sm.ptd.net)
Date: March 13, 2020 10:56AM

I don't like setting a precedent for the creation of a custom banner. Unaccomplished teams will find things they can hang a banner for just to have something in the rafters. No participation trophies please.

Re: Season's Over
Posted by: Jim Hyla (---.239.191.68.cl.cstel.com)
Date: March 13, 2020 11:32AM

So now I just got another "C of Red tonight" email from coach Schafer.

It was completely blank, aside from his sig at the end.

So nice to know how smoothly things work there.

"Cornell Fans Made the Timbers Tremble", Boston Globe, March/1970
Cornell lawyers stopped the candy throwing. Jan/2005
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: Swampy (---.ri.ri.cox.net)
Date: March 13, 2020 11:48AM

Jim Hyla
Still looks nice to go to the USCHO site and see those 2 CU symbols for #1 in Men's and Women's D-1.

Hope they stay there till next Spring.


Almost as comforting, in my grief, is the score of our last game of the season on the eLynah form.

For the first time in recent memory, we get to look at it all summer long and smile, but with a tear for what might have been.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: Swampy (---.ri.ri.cox.net)
Date: March 13, 2020 11:49AM

Jim Hyla
Still looks nice to go to the USCHO site and see those 2 CU symbols for #1 in Men's and Women's D-1.

Hope they stay there till next fall spring.

Sorry, didn't notice Trotsky beat me to it.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/13/2020 11:50AM by Swampy.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: ugarte (---.dyn.optonline.net)
Date: March 13, 2020 12:07PM

Jim Hyla
Still looks nice to go to the USCHO site and see those 2 CU symbols for #1 in Men's and Women's D-1.

Hope they stay there till at least next Spring.

look if you're gonna fix it ...

Re: Season's Over
Posted by: KenP (137.75.68.---)
Date: March 13, 2020 12:12PM

Jim Hyla
Still looks nice to go to the USCHO site and see those 2 CU symbols for #1 in Men's and Women's D-1.

Hope they stay there THROUGH next Spring.

look if you're gonna fix it ...
Next iteration would imply either nonstop dominance through the end of college hockey as we know it... or acknowledgement that we are already there.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: BearLover (---.sub-174-202-22.myvzw.com)
Date: March 13, 2020 12:28PM

Jeff Hopkins '82
Is Cornell going to claim a national championship? Not that I want us to do it but given how Alabama claims hilarious National Championships I could somehow see it.

I'd like to think we're better than that.
I would like to see Cornell commemorate this season in some way, including hanging a banner that recognizes we were the #1 team in the country when the season concluded.

He's back on the checking line folks...

It'd be one thing if they were undefeated at this point, but cmon, a banner would be absolute weaksauce, and I can't imagine the players and coaches would feel good about it. NHL players know not to even touch the cup unless and until they've won it, right?
One of the best years in the history of Cornell Hockey cut short due to no fault of the team. They could have won the ECAC, they could have won it all. Other programs can, and do, put up whatever banners they want. If you finish the season #1 in the country, you deserve to be recognized. This team is deserving of recognition and appreciation and a banner is one way of showing it. And one for the women's team too while we're at it.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: Trotsky (---.dc.dc.cox.net)
Date: March 13, 2020 12:33PM

Jeff Hopkins '82
Is Cornell going to claim a national championship? Not that I want us to do it but given how Alabama claims hilarious National Championships I could somehow see it.

I'd like to think we're better than that.
I would like to see Cornell commemorate this season in some way, including hanging a banner that recognizes we were the #1 team in the country when the season concluded.

He's back on the checking line folks...

It'd be one thing if they were undefeated at this point, but cmon, a banner would be absolute weaksauce, and I can't imagine the players and coaches would feel good about it. NHL players know not to even touch the cup unless and until they've won it, right?
One of the best years in the history of Cornell Hockey cut short due to no fault of the team. They could have won the ECAC, they could have won it all. Other programs can, and do, put up whatever banners they want. If you finish the season #1 in the country, you deserve to be recognized. This team is deserving of recognition and appreciation and a banner is one way of showing it. And one for the women's team too while we're at it.


Re: Season's Over
Posted by: jkahn (---.73.146.216.biz.sta.networkgci.net)
Date: March 13, 2020 12:35PM

Here's Mike Schafer's season ending email:

Hello Everyone
This past week has been stressful and emotional for everyone, and with the NCAA announcement to cancel the post-season tournament, our hockey team is not excluded. Yesterday, it was very difficult to speak to our team and watch young men cry as their chance of achieving their dreams had disappeared. In my 34 years of coaching, nothing has been more painful than yesterday’s meeting. In sports, the season starts with an unknown. Everyone invests with all their heart and soul, without knowing what the end result will be. That result can hurt, due to the disappointing fact that there are so many uncontrollable factors in every season’s journey. Despite this, our team is all about pursuing this emotionally taxing journey. This is what brings the excitement and passion to hockey and all sports. During the season, a player doesn’t know if he is going to get in the line-up, be a top scorer, or be on the best ranked team in the nation. One thing that is important to our program is its culture. Our culture is to pursue that unknown together, as a team. We work extremely hard to pursue our goals. We don’t worry about how our play is judged by others, based on wins and losses. Our players judge themselves upon how hard they prepared, and how hard they played. Even when a setback hits our program, we understand that the only option is to stick together as a team and get back to work, without fear of the unknown to begin another journey.
To our Lynah faithful, alumni, and every fan who has cheered for the Big Red- I am so glad that you had the opportunity to watch these young men play hockey this year. They are a special group that truly committed to getting better each day and were never worried about how people judged them. They worked to pursue a dream, without fear of failure. This team is a very close group who were selfless, and played with pride for each other, proud to wear Cornell University’s colors, and proud to have the best fan base in the country made up of all of you. Working for many years with many different teams, you start to get a sense of which teams are destined to accomplish great things. This is one of those teams. They accomplished an Ivy League Championship, ECAC regular season Championship, a fourth consecutive NCAA bid, and a number one seed in the NCAA Tournament. We were feeling really good about entering the tournament healthy and playing with a passion and a hunger to win both the ECAC and the National Championship. Despite not being able to have this opportunity, I am very proud of what our program accomplished this season, and of the season as a whole.
I feel very fortunate and privileged to coach these young men. I am very proud of my team, our staff and to be coaching at Cornell University.
Thank you so much for being a part of our team's success this year and LET’S GO RED!
Mike Schafer
As much as we all feel the pain of the unfinished season, it's got to be extremely tough for those who worked hard to accomplish what the team (and the women's team) did this season. I think Mike says it very well above. I'm proud to be a Big Red hockey fan and a Cornellian.

Jeff Kahn '70 '72
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: Trotsky (---.dc.dc.cox.net)
Date: March 13, 2020 12:37PM

That's a genuinely great note by Mike. Bravo to him but more importantly to the team for a great season.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: Jeff Hopkins '82 (---.44.98.30.res-cmts.sm.ptd.net)
Date: March 13, 2020 01:22PM



Not sure they're the best representatives of what athletics should be. Certainly they don't represent sportsmanship and fair play.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: ugarte (---.dyn.optonline.net)
Date: March 13, 2020 01:37PM

My honest, no-joke, opinion is that a banner acknowledging that we finished The Season of The Plague in #1 in the polls is a reasonable hearkening back to the pre-playoffs college football era. This year's teams - men's and women's - deserve to be remembered, even if it's just a second accolade on the ECAC regular season championship banners.

Re: Season's Over
Posted by: Trotsky (---.dc.dc.cox.net)
Date: March 13, 2020 01:40PM

If we're going to put a stupid banner up for this year (we shouldn't and hopefully won't) we HAVE TO put up a national championship banner for 1911.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: Dafatone (---.sub-174-219-10.myvzw.com)
Date: March 13, 2020 01:51PM

My honest, no-joke, opinion is that a banner acknowledging that we finished The Season of The Plague in #1 in the polls is a reasonable hearkening back to the pre-playoffs college football era. This year's teams - men's and women's - deserve to be remembered, even if it's just a second accolade on the ECAC regular season championship banners.

Maybe just a banner with our record. Don't claim a championship or a title or a ranking. Just the record.

It's too good a year to not be honored at all.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: Trotsky (---.dc.dc.cox.net)
Date: March 13, 2020 02:19PM

My honest, no-joke, opinion is that a banner acknowledging that we finished The Season of The Plague in #1 in the polls is a reasonable hearkening back to the pre-playoffs college football era. This year's teams - men's and women's - deserve to be remembered, even if it's just a second accolade on the ECAC regular season championship banners.

Maybe just a banner with our record. Don't claim a championship or a title or a ranking. Just the record.

It's too good a year to not be honored at all.

Ivy Title banner. They're honored.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: Jeff Hopkins '82 (---.44.98.30.res-cmts.sm.ptd.net)
Date: March 13, 2020 03:17PM

My honest, no-joke, opinion is that a banner acknowledging that we finished The Season of The Plague in #1 in the polls is a reasonable hearkening back to the pre-playoffs college football era. This year's teams - men's and women's - deserve to be remembered, even if it's just a second accolade on the ECAC regular season championship banners.

Maybe just a banner with our record. Don't claim a championship or a title or a ranking. Just the record.

It's too good a year to not be honored at all.

Ivy Title banner. They're honored.

And ECAC regular season champs.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: BearLover (---.nycmny.fios.verizon.net)
Date: March 13, 2020 03:26PM

My honest, no-joke, opinion is that a banner acknowledging that we finished The Season of The Plague in #1 in the polls is a reasonable hearkening back to the pre-playoffs college football era. This year's teams - men's and women's - deserve to be remembered, even if it's just a second accolade on the ECAC regular season championship banners.

Maybe just a banner with our record. Don't claim a championship or a title or a ranking. Just the record.

It's too good a year to not be honored at all.

Ivy Title banner. They're honored.
The implication is that "Ivy League Champions"--a title you can win as the 20th best team in the country--is too weak and too run-of-the-mill an honor for the season this team has had. The Pats' 16-0 banner is only embarrassing because they couldn't finish it off in the playoffs. We never got that chance. It is bizarre to me that some on this forum would prefer to act as though this season reached a real conclusion rather than honor the players whose season was cut short.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: Trotsky (---.dc.dc.cox.net)
Date: March 13, 2020 03:35PM

It is bizarre to me that some on this forum would prefer to act as though this season reached a real conclusion rather than honor the players whose season was cut short.


But to be honest I am all for burning one fan in effigy to honor the team. As long as we can vote.

Hint: this year it aint you.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: nshapiro (192.148.195.---)
Date: March 13, 2020 03:51PM

It is bizarre to me that some on this forum would prefer to act as though this season reached a real conclusion rather than honor the players whose season was cut short.


But to be honest I am all for burning one fan in effigy to honor the team. As long as we can vote.

Hint: this year it aint you.

Maybe if we did it as a sacrifice to the Hockey Gods a few weeks ago, it could have done some good.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: Trotsky (---.dc.dc.cox.net)
Date: March 13, 2020 03:56PM

Maybe if we did it as a sacrifice to the Hockey Gods a few weeks ago, it could have done some good.
A pandemic is a bit above the pay grade of the Hockey Gods.panic
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: Jeff Hopkins '82 (---.44.98.30.res-cmts.sm.ptd.net)
Date: March 13, 2020 04:07PM

Maybe if we did it as a sacrifice to the Hockey Gods a few weeks ago, it could have done some good.
A pandemic is a bit above the pay grade of the Hockey Gods.panic

Re: Season's Over
Posted by: jtwcornell91 (Moderator)
Date: March 13, 2020 04:54PM

My honest, no-joke, opinion is that a banner acknowledging that we finished The Season of The Plague in #1 in the polls is a reasonable hearkening back to the pre-playoffs college football era. This year's teams - men's and women's - deserve to be remembered, even if it's just a second accolade on the ECAC regular season championship banners.

Maybe just a banner with our record. Don't claim a championship or a title or a ranking. Just the record.

It's too good a year to not be honored at all.

This. The circumstances of this season were unique, and it's appropriate to commemorate the teams' great seasons without trying to invent a special title for it. Just a simple banner with the year and the men's and women's W-L-T records. It could hang at the end of the rink next to the Olympians banners.


Re: Season's Over
Posted by: toddlose (76.117.252.---)
Date: March 13, 2020 07:24PM

My honest, no-joke, opinion is that a banner acknowledging that we finished The Season of The Plague in #1 in the polls is a reasonable hearkening back to the pre-playoffs college football era. This year's teams - men's and women's - deserve to be remembered, even if it's just a second accolade on the ECAC regular season championship banners.

Maybe just a banner with our record. Don't claim a championship or a title or a ranking. Just the record.

It's too good a year to not be honored at all.

This. The circumstances of this season were unique, and it's appropriate to commemorate the teams' great seasons without trying to invent a special title for it. Just a simple banner with the year and the men's and women's W-L-T records. It could hang at the end of the rink next to the Olympians banners.

I’m usually against banners unless they are for legitimate honors, but I kind of like this idea.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: abmarks (209.107.190.---)
Date: March 13, 2020 10:55PM

Jeff Hopkins '82
Is Cornell going to claim a national championship? Not that I want us to do it but given how Alabama claims hilarious National Championships I could somehow see it.

I'd like to think we're better than that.
I would like to see Cornell commemorate this season in some way, including hanging a banner that recognizes we were the #1 team in the country when the season concluded.

He's back on the checking line folks...

It'd be one thing if they were undefeated at this point, but cmon, a banner would be absolute weaksauce, and I can't imagine the players and coaches would feel good about it. NHL players know not to even touch the cup unless and until they've won it, right?
One of the best years in the history of Cornell Hockey cut short due to no fault of the team. They could have won the ECAC, they could have won it all. Other programs can, and do, put up whatever banners they want. If you finish the season #1 in the country, you deserve to be recognized. This team is deserving of recognition and appreciation and a banner is one way of showing it. And one for the women's team too while we're at it.


Ok, so that banner isn't really needed by the Pats

However, bad example. The analog to Cornell hanging a "best on the polls at the end of regular season" or even worse a " best winning percentage 2019-2020” would be a banner saying 16-0, best winning percentage in the NFL before they cancelled the playoffs (had playoffs been cancelled that year). That'd be a bullshit banner.

But at least that banner denotes an all-time NFL record and never matched feat- undefeated in the 16 game regular season.
It's not a participation trophy.

If we ran the table to an undefeated regular season, then I wouldn't object to a banner saying "undefeated season" because that shit is unique.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: abmarks (209.107.190.---)
Date: March 13, 2020 11:15PM

My honest, no-joke, opinion is that a banner acknowledging that we finished The Season of The Plague in #1 in the polls is a reasonable hearkening back to the pre-playoffs college football era. This year's teams - men's and women's - deserve to be remembered, even if it's just a second accolade on the ECAC regular season championship banners.

Maybe just a banner with our record. Don't claim a championship or a title or a ranking. Just the record.

It's too good a year to not be honored at all.

All this banner nonsense has nothing to do with the team themselves. It's about your butthurt feelings from losing out on the chance to watch and possibly experience *your* dreams of celebrating a winner. You want a banner to make you feel better.

Next time someone bumps into one of the coaches or one of the players, ask them what they think and report back what you find out. I can't believe any of them want a banner.

P.s. while you're at it, how about agitating for banners or whatever for the wrestlers that had a great chance of hitting the All American mark.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: BearLover (---.nycmny.fios.verizon.net)
Date: March 13, 2020 11:25PM

My honest, no-joke, opinion is that a banner acknowledging that we finished The Season of The Plague in #1 in the polls is a reasonable hearkening back to the pre-playoffs college football era. This year's teams - men's and women's - deserve to be remembered, even if it's just a second accolade on the ECAC regular season championship banners.

Maybe just a banner with our record. Don't claim a championship or a title or a ranking. Just the record.

It's too good a year to not be honored at all.

All this banner nonsense has nothing to do with the team themselves. It's about your butthurt feelings from losing out on the chance to watch and possibly experience *your* dreams of celebrating a winner. You want a banner to make you feel better.

Next time someone bumps into one of the coaches or one of the players, ask them what they think and report back what you find out. I can't believe any of them want a banner.

P.s. while you're at it, how about agitating for banners or whatever for the wrestlers that had a great chance of hitting the All American mark.
So much vitriol from you, man. You have no idea what we want, what the players want, what anyone other than you wants. The team just played one of the best seasons in program history and some of us think it should be commemorated in some way. I'd think many of the players and coaches would agree. And "butthurt"? Did the governor in your state shut down your elementary school yet?
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: Trotsky (---.washdc.fios.verizon.net)
Date: March 13, 2020 11:26PM

We're all friends here, folks. Everybody take a little break.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: The Rancor (73.93.141.---)
Date: March 13, 2020 11:28PM

Can't they play the tournament in the summer, when this dies down a bit?
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: Dafatone (---.midco.net)
Date: March 13, 2020 11:31PM

The Rancor
Can't they play the tournament in the summer, when this dies down a bit?

I wondered that, too. A friend pointed out that for graduated seniors, it may be difficult to get them on the ice if they're either the property of a pro team or off working at an actual job.

But even if that's the case, maybe they could swing something together. If you told me that we'd play the NCAAs in August but our seniors (and almost assuredly Barron) were gone, I'd take it.

I do know keeping ice frozen in the summer can be tough, and that's setting aside the question of whether things will have died down.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: redice (---.stny.res.rr.com)
Date: March 14, 2020 09:00AM

The Rancor
Can't they play the tournament in the summer, when this dies down a bit?

I wondered that, too. A friend pointed out that for graduated seniors, it may be difficult to get them on the ice if they're either the property of a pro team or off working at an actual job.

But even if that's the case, maybe they could swing something together. If you told me that we'd play the NCAAs in August but our seniors (and almost assuredly Barron) were gone, I'd take it.

I do know keeping ice frozen in the summer can be tough, and that's setting aside the question of whether things will have died down.

Not to mention that re-creating the chemistry that has us on a nine game winning streak would be difficult. And, imagine the muscle-strains.... UGH!!
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: The Rancor (73.93.141.---)
Date: March 14, 2020 11:48AM

The Rancor
Can't they play the tournament in the summer, when this dies down a bit?

I wondered that, too. A friend pointed out that for graduated seniors, it may be difficult to get them on the ice if they're either the property of a pro team or off working at an actual job.

But even if that's the case, maybe they could swing something together. If you told me that we'd play the NCAAs in August but our seniors (and almost assuredly Barron) were gone, I'd take it.

I do know keeping ice frozen in the summer can be tough, and that's setting aside the question of whether things will have died down.

Not to mention that re-creating the chemistry that has us on a nine game winning streak would be difficult. And, imagine the muscle-strains.... UGH!!

I mean, this team did start the season cold with a 10 game winning streak(12 if you count the exhibitions)
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: osorojo (---.res.spectrum.com)
Date: March 14, 2020 01:26PM

How about compiling all the performance statistics of top-rated teams accurately (to the third decimal place) and entering them into your favorite program to determine the winner of the D-1 men's and women's college ice hockey championships? Please share your results, and be willing to defend them!
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: abmarks (209.107.190.---)
Date: March 14, 2020 07:37PM

A columnist in North Dakota agrees with the people wanting banners. Pretty well argued opinion

Re: Season's Over
Posted by: jeff '84 (---.dyn.optonline.net)
Date: March 14, 2020 08:46PM

A columnist in North Dakota agrees with the people wanting banners. Pretty well argued opinion


Same discussions going on for Kansas basketball.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: KenP (---.washdc.fios.verizon.net)
Date: March 14, 2020 11:12PM

while we’re at it let’s make it banner for the 1994 Montreal Expos
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: osorojo (---.res.spectrum.com)
Date: March 15, 2020 10:30AM

Grim reality: Reputable sources all predict a 1 to 1-1/2 year wait before an effective inoculation against coronavirus is available to the public. On the bright side, Cornellians would be able to make a reasonable claim their women's and men's ice hockey teams were both national champions for two consecutive years.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: CU2007 (---.hsd1.fl.comcast.net)
Date: March 15, 2020 12:13PM

Grim reality: Reputable sources all predict a 1 to 1-1/2 year wait before an effective inoculation against coronavirus is available to the public. On the bright side, Cornellians would be able to make a reasonable claim their women's and men's ice hockey teams were both national champions for two consecutive years.

How so? Already slowing down significantly in China, Singapore etc
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: ugarte (---.dyn.optonline.net)
Date: March 15, 2020 12:49PM

Grim reality: Reputable sources all predict a 1 to 1-1/2 year wait before an effective inoculation against coronavirus is available to the public. On the bright side, Cornellians would be able to make a reasonable claim their women's and men's ice hockey teams were both national champions for two consecutive years.

How so? Already slowing down significantly in China, Singapore etc
to take the underlying point at face value (because it's actually interesting) i think his point is that it's slowing down significantly because of the behavioral changes in place, but some of those changes will have to stay in place for a while in the absence of a cure, a vaccine or proven herd immunity.

got to give credit where it's due. it's an interesting point and the joke isn't half bad either.


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/15/2020 12:59PM by ugarte.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: Swampy (---.ri.ri.cox.net)
Date: March 15, 2020 02:33PM

The Rancor
Can't they play the tournament in the summer, when this dies down a bit?

What IF (and this is a BIG if), the NCAA and Ivy League were to schedule a preseason, 2020 NC tourney next fall among the 4 #1 seeds, including special status for players who graduated and/or went pro?

  • Would you be in favor?
  • Would you want a banner if we won?
  • Would you want a banner if we qualified (which would be almost certain)?

This is partly wishful thinking and partly hypothetical to examine the issue of a banner.

And, this may be a bit more likely, what if the NCAA voted to award a shared NC to:
  • The top team according to pwr?
  • The top team according to polls?
  • The top 4 teams at the end of the shortened season?
  • The Top 16?
  • All teams who were stilly playing in their conference championships (on the theory they still had a chance)?
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: Swampy (---.ri.ri.cox.net)
Date: March 15, 2020 03:44PM

A columnist in North Dakota agrees with the people wanting banners. Pretty well argued opinion


original Grand Forks Herald
In that sense, UND and Cornell (which is USCHO's No. 1) are every bit as deserving of the national champion label as Nebraska's 1994 football team, Michigan's 1997 team, all those lauded Notre Dame football teams and so many others.
Hang a banner. But make this one black.
UND would have to decide the exact label that goes on the banner. It cannot say NCAA national champions, but it could be Pairwise national champions, Pairwise champions, No. 1-ranked, 26-5-4 or something along those lines.

It also would have to decide where to place it. It could be permanently at the end of the green or white banners -- never going between them even when UND raises more. It could be on a different side of the rink, too, completely on its own.

edited Grand Forks Herald
In that sense, UND and Cornell's men's and women's teams (which are USCHO's & USA Today's No. 1's) are every bit as deserving of the national champion label as Nebraska's 1994 football team, Michigan's 1997 team, all those lauded Notre Dame football teams and so many others.
Hang banners. But make them black.
Cornell would have to decide the exact label that goes on the banners. They cannot say NCAA national champions, but they both could say "#1 National USCHO & USA Today Polls" or something along these lines, and the women's could also say whatever UND's says about Pairwise.

It also would have to decide where to place them. It could be permanently at the end of the red or white banners -- never going between them even when Cornell raises more. It could be on a different side of the rink, too, completely on their own.

I'm on board with this.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: French Rage (---.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
Date: March 15, 2020 08:43PM

A columnist in North Dakota agrees with the people wanting banners. Pretty well argued opinion


original Grand Forks Herald
In that sense, UND and Cornell (which is USCHO's No. 1) are every bit as deserving of the national champion label as Nebraska's 1994 football team, Michigan's 1997 team, all those lauded Notre Dame football teams and so many others.
Hang a banner. But make this one black.
UND would have to decide the exact label that goes on the banner. It cannot say NCAA national champions, but it could be Pairwise national champions, Pairwise champions, No. 1-ranked, 26-5-4 or something along those lines.

It also would have to decide where to place it. It could be permanently at the end of the green or white banners -- never going between them even when UND raises more. It could be on a different side of the rink, too, completely on its own.

edited Grand Forks Herald
In that sense, UND and Cornell's men's and women's teams (which are USCHO's & USA Today's No. 1's) are every bit as deserving of the national champion label as Nebraska's 1994 football team, Michigan's 1997 team, all those lauded Notre Dame football teams and so many others.
Hang banners. But make them black.
Cornell would have to decide the exact label that goes on the banners. They cannot say NCAA national champions, but they both could say "#1 National USCHO & USA Today Polls" or something along these lines, and the women's could also say whatever UND's says about Pairwise.

It also would have to decide where to place them. It could be permanently at the end of the red or white banners -- never going between them even when Cornell raises more. It could be on a different side of the rink, too, completely on their own.

I'm on board with this.

Yeah I mean it will never be a full NC, but it feels wrong to be...nothing?

And I don't think it's like the Pats 16-0 sad banner. No one cares in the NFL what you do in the regular season, it's all about the playoffs and winning the SB; always will be. So trying to take credit for an RS record is like taking credit for best attendance or cleanest seats. But in a year like this without a postseason, top of the polls is the best you could do; it's gotta be worth SOMETHING.

03/23/02: Maine 4, Harvard 3
03/28/03: BU 6, Harvard 4
03/26/04: Maine 5, Harvard 4
03/26/05: UNH 3, Harvard 2
03/25/06: Maine 6, Harvard 1
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: ugarte (---.dyn.optonline.net)
Date: March 15, 2020 08:46PM

hang a banner that says nothing but 2020* for all i care but this season was great until it was short-circuited

Re: Season's Over
Posted by: redice (---.stny.res.rr.com)
Date: March 15, 2020 08:52PM

hang a banner that says nothing but 2020* for all i care but this season was great until it was short-circuited

+1 I like it!
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: Trotsky (---.washdc.fios.verizon.net)
Date: March 15, 2020 10:03PM

This was Cornell's 5th best winning percentage in the Lynah Era:

1.000  1970  29-0-0
 .948  1967  27-1-1
 .931  1969  27-2-0
 .931  1968  27-2-0
 .862  2020  23-2-4
 .847  2003  30-5-1
 .815  1971  22-5-0
 .815  1966  22-5-0
 .814  2005  27-5-3
 .793  1972  23-6-0
 .788  2018  25-6-2

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/15/2020 10:07PM by Trotsky.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: Beeeej (Moderator)
Date: March 15, 2020 10:09PM

Sorry, but I just have to share this tweet, and this thread is as good a place as any.

(P.S. This team was amazing, and this season was amazing. I was devastated with each new announcement last week, and I am still barely beginning to recover - I can only imagine how the team and coaches feel.)

Beeeej, Esq.

"Cornell isn't an organization. It's a loose affiliation of independent fiefdoms united by a common hockey team."
- Steve Worona
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: redice (---.stny.res.rr.com)
Date: March 15, 2020 10:32PM

I am going to undertake a small painting project in our home and begin a fun-filled day of watching the paint dry. I will consider making a live feed of this event available to ESPN+ for the right price.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: Give My Regards (---.twcny.res.rr.com)
Date: March 15, 2020 10:57PM

This was Cornell's 5th best winning percentage in the Lynah Era:

1.000  1970  29-0-0
 .948  1967  27-1-1
 .931  1969  27-2-0
 .931  1968  27-2-0
 .862  2020  23-2-4
 .847  2003  30-5-1
 .815  1971  22-5-0
 .815  1966  22-5-0
 .814  2005  27-5-3
 .793  1972  23-6-0
 .788  2018  25-6-2

Aw for piss sakes, that just makes it worse.

If you lead a good life, go to Sunday school and church, and say your prayers every night, when you die, you'll go to LYNAH!
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: abmarks (209.107.190.---)
Date: March 15, 2020 11:08PM

The Rancor
Can't they play the tournament in the summer, when this dies down a bit?

What IF (and this is a BIG if), the NCAA and Ivy League were to schedule a preseason, 2020 NC tourney next fall among the 4 #1 seeds, including special status for players who graduated and/or went pro?

  • Would you be in favor?
  • Would you want a banner if we won?
  • Would you want a banner if we qualified (which would be almost certain)?

This is partly wishful thinking and partly hypothetical to examine the issue of a banner.

And, this may be a bit more likely, what if the NCAA voted to award a shared NC to:
  • The top team according to pwr?
  • The top team according to polls?
  • The top 4 teams at the end of the shortened season?
  • The Top 16?
  • All teams who were stilly playing in their conference championships (on the theory they still had a chance)?

None of the above. The dream is dead. Let it rest in peace.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: Swampy (185.217.69.---)
Date: March 16, 2020 02:16AM

This was Cornell's 5th best winning percentage in the Lynah Era:

1.000  1970  29-0-0
 .948  1967  27-1-1
 .931  1969  27-2-0
 .931  1968  27-2-0
 .862  2020  23-2-4
 .847  2003  30-5-1
 .815  1971  22-5-0
 .815  1966  22-5-0
 .814  2005  27-5-3
 .793  1972  23-6-0
 .788  2018  25-6-2

I’m glad you presented this. The article about UND also says this year’s (UND) team had the school’s fifth highest winning percentage in modern history. Interestingly, our current recent .862 is higher than their highest year’s .833. At first I thought this was just an artifact of us playing in a weaker league (it is to some extent) because their list includes 3 national championships, but then I looked at our list, with its two national championships plus two losses in the national championship finals, and compared this year’s team to some of the illustrious years below it, and I realized our record is very comparable to UND’s. This year’s season ranks among the best seasons not only in Cornell hockey history, but in college hockey history. And had the team been allowed to finish the season, I have no doubt it’s final winning percentage would have considerably higher.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: ursusminor (---.washdc.dsl-w.verizon.net)
Date: March 16, 2020 07:50AM

This was Cornell's 5th best winning percentage in the Lynah Era:

1.000  1970  29-0-0
 .948  1967  27-1-1
 .931  1969  27-2-0
 .931  1968  27-2-0
 .862  2020  23-2-4
 .847  2003  30-5-1
 .815  1971  22-5-0
 .815  1966  22-5-0
 .814  2005  27-5-3
 .793  1972  23-6-0
 .788  2018  25-6-2

I’m glad you presented this. The article about UND also says this year’s (UND) team had the school’s fifth highest winning percentage in modern history. Interestingly, our current recent .862 is higher than their highest year’s .833. At first I thought this was just an artifact of us playing in a weaker league (it is to some extent) because their list includes 3 national championships, but then I looked at our list, with its two national championships plus two losses in the national championship finals, and compared this year’s team to some of the illustrious years below it, and I realized our record is very comparable to UND’s. This year’s season ranks among the best seasons not only in Cornell hockey history, but in college hockey history. And had the team been allowed to finish the season, I have no doubt it’s final winning percentage would have considerably higher.

As an RPI fan, I know that I am treading on thin ice whenever I disagree with someone here. If Cornell were to have won the NCAA championship after going undefeated in the ECAC playoffs, they would have a 31-2-4 record for a .892 winning percentage, and one could argue that .892 is considerably higher than the current .862. However, if they won everything until the final game, they would have a 30-3-4 record for a .865 winning percentage which is only marginally better than .862. If they did anything less than that, their percentage would be lower. E.g., a semifinal loss would result in a 29-3-4 record with a .861 percentage, very slightly lower. (A National Championship with a loss in the three-game second round of the ECAC tourney would be 31-3-4 record with a .868 which is also only slightly better than the current record.)

None of this was meant to detract from Cornell's performance this season.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: jtwcornell91 (Moderator)
Date: March 16, 2020 09:05AM

This was Cornell's 5th best winning percentage in the Lynah Era:

1.000  1970  29-0-0
 .948  1967  27-1-1
 .931  1969  27-2-0
 .931  1968  27-2-0
 .862  2020  23-2-4
 .847  2003  30-5-1
 .815  1971  22-5-0
 .815  1966  22-5-0
 .814  2005  27-5-3
 .793  1972  23-6-0
 .788  2018  25-6-2

I’m glad you presented this. The article about UND also says this year’s (UND) team had the school’s fifth highest winning percentage in modern history. Interestingly, our current recent .862 is higher than their highest year’s .833. At first I thought this was just an artifact of us playing in a weaker league (it is to some extent) because their list includes 3 national championships, but then I looked at our list, with its two national championships plus two losses in the national championship finals, and compared this year’s team to some of the illustrious years below it, and I realized our record is very comparable to UND’s. This year’s season ranks among the best seasons not only in Cornell hockey history, but in college hockey history. And had the team been allowed to finish the season, I have no doubt it’s final winning percentage would have considerably higher.

As an RPI fan, I know that I am treading on thin ice whenever I disagree with someone here. If Cornell were to have won the NCAA championship after going undefeated in the ECAC playoffs, they would have a 31-2-4 record for a .892 winning percentage, and one could argue that .892 is considerably higher than the current .862. However, if they won everything until the final game, they would have a 30-3-4 record for a .865 winning percentage which is only marginally better than .862. If they did anything less than that, their percentage would be lower. E.g., a semifinal loss would result in a 29-3-4 record with a .861 percentage, very slightly lower. (A National Championship with a loss in the three-game second round of the ECAC tourney would be 31-3-4 record with a .868 which is also only slightly better than the current record.)

None of this was meant to detract from Cornell's performance this season.

It's a testament to what a great record they had this year that even one loss in the playoffs would, under most circumstances, have had a good chance of lowering the overall winning percentage.


Re: Season's Over
Posted by: ugarte (---.dyn.optonline.net)
Date: March 16, 2020 09:25AM

This was Cornell's 5th best winning percentage in the Lynah Era:

1.000  1970  29-0-0
 .948  1967  27-1-1
 .931  1969  27-2-0
 .931  1968  27-2-0
 .862  2020  23-2-4
 .847  2003  30-5-1
 .815  1971  22-5-0
 .815  1966  22-5-0
 .814  2005  27-5-3
 .793  1972  23-6-0
 .788  2018  25-6-2

I’m glad you presented this. The article about UND also says this year’s (UND) team had the school’s fifth highest winning percentage in modern history. Interestingly, our current recent .862 is higher than their highest year’s .833. At first I thought this was just an artifact of us playing in a weaker league (it is to some extent) because their list includes 3 national championships, but then I looked at our list, with its two national championships plus two losses in the national championship finals, and compared this year’s team to some of the illustrious years below it, and I realized our record is very comparable to UND’s. This year’s season ranks among the best seasons not only in Cornell hockey history, but in college hockey history. And had the team been allowed to finish the season, I have no doubt it’s final winning percentage would have considerably higher.

As an RPI fan, I know that I am treading on thin ice whenever I disagree with someone here. If Cornell were to have won the NCAA championship after going undefeated in the ECAC playoffs, they would have a 31-2-4 record for a .892 winning percentage, and one could argue that .892 is considerably higher than the current .862. However, if they won everything until the final game, they would have a 30-3-4 record for a .865 winning percentage which is only marginally better than .862. If they did anything less than that, their percentage would be lower. E.g., a semifinal loss would result in a 29-3-4 record with a .861 percentage, very slightly lower. (A National Championship with a loss in the three-game second round of the ECAC tourney would be 31-3-4 record with a .868 which is also only slightly better than the current record.)

None of this was meant to detract from Cornell's performance this season.
how dare you, sir

Re: Season's Over
Posted by: ursusminor (---.washdc.dsl-w.verizon.net)
Date: March 16, 2020 09:42AM

This was Cornell's 5th best winning percentage in the Lynah Era:

1.000  1970  29-0-0
 .948  1967  27-1-1
 .931  1969  27-2-0
 .931  1968  27-2-0
 .862  2020  23-2-4
 .847  2003  30-5-1
 .815  1971  22-5-0
 .815  1966  22-5-0
 .814  2005  27-5-3
 .793  1972  23-6-0
 .788  2018  25-6-2

I’m glad you presented this. The article about UND also says this year’s (UND) team had the school’s fifth highest winning percentage in modern history. Interestingly, our current recent .862 is higher than their highest year’s .833. At first I thought this was just an artifact of us playing in a weaker league (it is to some extent) because their list includes 3 national championships, but then I looked at our list, with its two national championships plus two losses in the national championship finals, and compared this year’s team to some of the illustrious years below it, and I realized our record is very comparable to UND’s. This year’s season ranks among the best seasons not only in Cornell hockey history, but in college hockey history. And had the team been allowed to finish the season, I have no doubt it’s final winning percentage would have considerably higher.

As an RPI fan, I know that I am treading on thin ice whenever I disagree with someone here. If Cornell were to have won the NCAA championship after going undefeated in the ECAC playoffs, they would have a 31-2-4 record for a .892 winning percentage, and one could argue that .892 is considerably higher than the current .862. However, if they won everything until the final game, they would have a 30-3-4 record for a .865 winning percentage which is only marginally better than .862. If they did anything less than that, their percentage would be lower. E.g., a semifinal loss would result in a 29-3-4 record with a .861 percentage, very slightly lower. (A National Championship with a loss in the three-game second round of the ECAC tourney would be 31-3-4 record with a .868 which is also only slightly better than the current record.)

None of this was meant to detract from Cornell's performance this season.
how dare you, sir

It was easy, especially since the ice is probably getting thin in most rinks now. :-D
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: redice (---.stny.res.rr.com)
Date: March 16, 2020 11:22AM

From a USA Today article this morning:

"The NCAA on Friday announced that
Division I athletes could regain lost eligibility
for spring sports seasons that were
canceled due to the pandemic. College
sports’ governing body is also considering
enacting similar waivers for athletes
in winter sports
– including men’s basketball......"

Yes, this article was about basketball. But, if they're considering it for basketball, is it a stretch to think that hockey could be included?

"If a player won't go in the corners, he might as well take up checkers."

-Ned Harkness
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: Dafatone (---.sub-174-219-131.myvzw.com)
Date: March 16, 2020 11:30AM

From a USA Today article this morning:

"The NCAA on Friday announced that
Division I athletes could regain lost eligibility
for spring sports seasons that were
canceled due to the pandemic. College
sports’ governing body is also considering
enacting similar waivers for athletes
in winter sports
– including men’s basketball......"

Yes, this article was about basketball. But, if they're considering it for basketball, is it a stretch to think that hockey could be included?

That would be good and fair. But the more cutthroat part of me worries it would help a lot of opposing teams more. Kaldis was absolutely crucial to this team. Malott was very good. Bauld played an important role. But those are our only seniors, compared to other teams that may have more.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: Swampy (---.ri.ri.cox.net)
Date: March 16, 2020 12:12PM

From a USA Today article this morning:

"The NCAA on Friday announced that
Division I athletes could regain lost eligibility
for spring sports seasons that were
canceled due to the pandemic. College
sports’ governing body is also considering
enacting similar waivers for athletes
in winter sports
– including men’s basketball......"

Yes, this article was about basketball. But, if they're considering it for basketball, is it a stretch to think that hockey could be included?

That would be good and fair. But the more cutthroat part of me worries it would help a lot of opposing teams more. Kaldis was absolutely crucial to this team. Malott was very good. Bauld played an important role. But those are our only seniors, compared to other teams that may have more.

You may be right. But I was already thinking that despite our losses, next year's team should be as good or better than this year's.

The possibility of extending eligibility also raises an interesting question. According to BRPH, we have five players coming in next fall. If any of this year's seniors or juniors (I'm looking at you, Morgan Barron) decide to stay around to finish unfinished business, would Schafer hold up some of the incoming 2020's?
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: ugarte (---.dyn.optonline.net)
Date: March 16, 2020 12:44PM

any senior that can sign a pro contract is gone regardless of what the ncaa decides. this will affect ecac hockey in very strange ways. we're not losing players to the nba but an extra year would be very helpful to the teams with seniors who are like luke perry on 90210.

Re: Season's Over
Posted by: billhoward (---.nwrk.east.verizon.net)
Date: March 16, 2020 02:26PM

The possibility of extending eligibility also raises an interesting question. According to BRPH, we have five players coming in next fall. If any of this year's seniors or juniors (I'm looking at you, Morgan Barron) decide to stay around to finish unfinished business, would Schafer hold up some of the incoming 2020's?
They might not clear US Immigration until 2021.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: upprdeck (---.fs.cornell.edu)
Date: March 16, 2020 02:48PM

we gonna mess with the whole system because a few schools didnt get to play for championship? do the 7-8th best teams from the 70s get an extra too?

spring sports are far different than winter sports.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: Jeff Hopkins '82 (---.44.98.30.res-cmts.sm.ptd.net)
Date: March 16, 2020 03:11PM

Here's a thought about players jumping early to the pros: One of the drivers was to get a pro contract for the remaining part of the current season. With the NHL and AHL on "hiatus" and not even knowing of there will be a remaining season, how likely will they be to sign players right now?

So I expect we're probably not going to hear a lot about player signings for a while.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: Trotsky (---.dc.dc.cox.net)
Date: March 16, 2020 04:02PM

From a USA Today article this morning:

"The NCAA on Friday announced that
Division I athletes could regain lost eligibility
for spring sports seasons that were
canceled due to the pandemic. College
sports’ governing body is also considering
enacting similar waivers for athletes
in winter sports
– including men’s basketball......"

Yes, this article was about basketball. But, if they're considering it for basketball, is it a stretch to think that hockey could be included?

I heard an intelligent conversation about this this morning on XM with of all people Rand Pecknold. He set a new record by managing not to be a prick for an entire 10-minute interview (in fact the radio personality dude was a much bigger asshole) and spoke to the problem of the incoming freshmen.

Let it go. They had a long, long season. It sucks but act of god (exacerbated by morons).
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/16/2020 04:03PM by Trotsky.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: scoop85 (---.nyc.biz.rr.com)
Date: March 16, 2020 04:25PM

I'm trying to stay off most social media and even traditional news outlet these days. It's nice to come here and get some escape.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: Weder (192.72.255.---)
Date: March 16, 2020 06:38PM

Jeff Hopkins '82
Here's a thought about players jumping early to the pros: One of the drivers was to get a pro contract for the remaining part of the current season. With the NHL and AHL on "hiatus" and not even knowing of there will be a remaining season, how likely will they be to sign players right now?

So I expect we're probably not going to hear a lot about player signings for a while.

I’ve been wondering too. Does this give a chance for certain guys to go through another rookie camp and then decide whether to stay or go? Or do you have to be a draftee?
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: jtwcornell91 (Moderator)
Date: March 17, 2020 05:41AM

From a USA Today article this morning:

"The NCAA on Friday announced that
Division I athletes could regain lost eligibility
for spring sports seasons that were
canceled due to the pandemic. College
sports’ governing body is also considering
enacting similar waivers for athletes
in winter sports
– including men’s basketball......"

Yes, this article was about basketball. But, if they're considering it for basketball, is it a stretch to think that hockey could be included?

I heard an intelligent conversation about this this morning on XM with of all people Rand Pecknold. He set a new record by managing not to be a prick for an entire 10-minute interview (in fact the radio personality dude was a much bigger asshole) and spoke to the problem of the incoming freshmen.

Let it go. They had a long, long season. It sucks but act of god (exacerbated by morons).

I think it depends whether we invoke the mid-season medical redshirt precedent or the Duke Lacrosse precedent.


Re: Season's Over
Posted by: billhoward (---.nwrk.east.verizon.net)
Date: March 18, 2020 07:57AM

It sucks but act of god (exacerbated by morons).
Translate this to Latin and you could etch this over the entrance to any country's capitol building, university administration archway, school of refereeing, military academy, or tech startup.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: JasonN95 (---.dyn.optonline.net)
Date: March 18, 2020 09:36AM

ESPN article about lost opportunity for double national championships for Cornell:

Re: Season's Over
Posted by: The Rancor (73.93.141.---)
Date: March 18, 2020 12:39PM

It sucks but act of god (exacerbated by morons).
Translate this to Latin and you could etch this over the entrance to any country's capitol building, university administration archway, school of refereeing, military academy, or tech startup.

Sorbet nisi per actum dei insulsi exasperetur.
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: ugarte (---.dyn.optonline.net)
Date: March 18, 2020 12:53PM

Re: Season's Over
Posted by: The Rancor (73.93.141.---)
Date: March 18, 2020 01:17PM

ESPN article about lost opportunity for double national championships for Cornell:


red helmets at home?
Re: Season's Over
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (---.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
Date: March 18, 2020 02:53PM

The Rancor
ESPN article about lost opportunity for double national championships for Cornell:


red helmets at home?
IIRC, red helmesa in NCAA regional final last year. Bad omen.

Al DeFlorio '65
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