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Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday

Posted by Hillel Hoffmann 
Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: Hillel Hoffmann (
Date: March 30, 2006 05:30PM

Please come to West Philly to watch Cornell play against Pennsylvania on Franklin Field this Saturday at noon.

Cornell is primed to avenge a 2004 loss to the Quakers at Franklin -- one of the most frustrating losses of the Tambroni years, with Penn coming from behind late in the fourth quarter.

The Quakers are still smarting after losing by five goals to Harvard at home last weekend. Ouch. It was their first loss of the season. The guys I like to watch on Penn are the Andrzejewski brothers (especially senior DJ), middies from St. Paul's. They have some good freshmen, including another middie I really like, JJ Lian from the Hudson Valley. Kelleher, a defenseman, is good too but he has missed a bunch of games due to injury.

No matter how nice the weather is, you won't see a big crowd. Attendance at Franklin Field has dropped even more precipitously than attendance at Schoellkopf (and that's saying something). You'll see how the parents/friends entourage that follows Cornell lax all over the continent can take over a venue.
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: April 01, 2006 11:56AM

Lost the audio on All-Access at 11:56. Connection's still chugging along but there's no sound.

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: April 01, 2006 11:58AM

Audio back at 11:59.

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: DeltaOne81 (
Date: April 01, 2006 12:06PM

FYI, GTown and Navy are on CSTV.
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: April 01, 2006 12:09PM

I used to go to the Shrub Oak library when I lived in Yorktown Heights...long ago.

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: Jacob '06 (
Date: April 01, 2006 12:18PM

2-0 Cornell with 1min left in the first quarter.
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: Jacob '06 (
Date: April 01, 2006 12:31PM

2-2 mid 2nd quarter.
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: DeltaOne81 (
Date: April 01, 2006 12:35PM

Cornell gets the next one, 3-2 Red
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: DeltaOne81 (
Date: April 01, 2006 12:37PM

Casey Lewis, 4-2 Red... "torrential downpour"
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: Jacob '06 (
Date: April 01, 2006 12:38PM

4-3 CU with 4min left in the half. Torrential downpours at the game.
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: DeltaOne81 (
Date: April 01, 2006 12:45PM

Cornell survives two men down since Penn stepped in the crease, nullifying the goal and giving Cornell possession.

Cornell with the ball with 15 seconds left.
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: DeltaOne81 (
Date: April 01, 2006 12:46PM

end of the half, 4-3 Red
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: Tub(a) (
Date: April 01, 2006 12:52PM

feed just dropped :(
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: Rita (
Date: April 01, 2006 12:55PM

Maybe they have holes in the bubble wrap and the wires got wet. Like "Some-Access" needs more excuses for not delivering reliable service.
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: Jacob '06 (
Date: April 01, 2006 12:59PM

I'm in Ithaca and still have it on the old-fashioned radio. The 2nd half has started, Penn has killed off the man-up
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:01PM

One wonders where CSTV is picking up the feed. One would think it would be at the radio station, not at the stadium, and, apparently, the feed is still getting to the radio station.

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: Jacob '06 (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:02PM

5-3 CU on a Seibald goal from MIthcell.
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: DeltaOne81 (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:02PM

Anyone have Hillel's cell phone number so he can go bang on the press box for us? help
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: Jacob '06 (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:03PM

Penn scores off a bad clear by CU, 5-4
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:04PM

Jacob '06
5-3 CU on a Seibald goal from MIthcell.
Looks like "you da man" for now, Jacob. Thanks.

CSTV has me on hold since the "blackout."

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:07PM

Penn's strategy of not sliding and forcing us to go one-on-one appears to be effective. Finding the open man after a slide is our specialty.

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: DeltaOne81 (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:07PM

Al DeFlorio
CSTV has me on hold since the "blackout."

I'd be shocked if they could actually do something. "Call the school". Um, no one at the school would be there on a Saturay. "Oh, well, too bad".
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/01/2006 01:08PM by DeltaOne81.
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: Jacob '06 (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:08PM

Penn gets an EMO
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:09PM

Of course, they've NEVER done anything. Some small satisfaction in telling them their service is out, though.

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: Jacob '06 (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:10PM

Killed, Cornell on the attack now.
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: redhair34 (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:12PM


Are you listening on 870?
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: DeltaOne81 (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:13PM


Are you listening on 870?

Its 1470 now, but yes he is :)
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: redhair34 (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:13PM

ahhh gracias!!
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: Jacob '06 (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:13PM

Yeah. Cornell keeps having poor passes and turnovers.
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: redhair34 (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:14PM

now I've got it...thanks Delta
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: redhair34 (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:16PM

Penn ties it up in transition 5-5
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: Jacob '06 (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:16PM

Penn is really not letting the CU attackmen have anything, so Bouloukos keeps on shooting.

Crap, Penn scores to tie it.
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:16PM

We were sloppy against Yale last Saturday, but the big early lead made it immaterial. This is worrisome today.

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: Rita (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:17PM

audio feed back
game tied at 5, 1 minute left in the 3rd
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: DeltaOne81 (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:17PM

internet audio back, just in time to hear Penn tie it
Feed Back!
Posted by: Chris '03 (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:17PM

I hear Barry...
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: Jacob '06 (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:18PM

Penn will start the 4th with 18 seconds of emo and the ball
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: Jacob '06 (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:23PM

Penn scores 6-5 them
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:24PM

Penn's outscored us 6-3 since the first period.

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: DeltaOne81 (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:27PM

7-5 Penn, same damn kid
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: Jacob '06 (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:31PM

and another one....not looking for the good guys coming back.
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: redhair34 (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:31PM

Tambroni with a TO hopefully this will stop the bleeding
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:34PM

We've gone 20+ minutes without a score.

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:35PM

Actually, it's a 5-0 Penn run.

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: Jacob '06 (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:37PM

CU scores, can they win this faceoff?
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:37PM

Lost the feed again.

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: DeltaOne81 (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:37PM

And now no audio again
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:37PM

Jacob, help!

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: Jacob '06 (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:37PM

Cu wins the faceoff off an illegal procedure, hit a post on the transition.
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: Jacob '06 (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:38PM

2mins left, Haswell shot blocked and he is hurt, Penn gets the ball and throws it away on the clear.
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: Jacob '06 (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:39PM

Seibald shot blocked and posession awarded to CU on a ground ball. Around 1min left.
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: Jacob '06 (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:40PM

1:00 exactly, cornell gets a man-up for 30 seconds and penn takes a time out.
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: Jacob '06 (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:42PM

Boulokous shoots out of bounds, :48 left
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: Jacob '06 (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:43PM

Shot blocked, Penn just throws it down the field and CU recovers. :15 left.....:02 seconds left there is a flag, but impossible for CU to score 2 in that time.
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: April 01, 2006 01:46PM

Disappointing game, but in some ways not surprising given the game at Penn two years ago. Penn was looking ahead last week against Harvard but was ready for us today. Another tough one at Harvard next week. We'll be there, but I really wanted us to be undefeated going in.

We apparently missed some really in-close chances when ahead 2-0. Another goal or two there might have broken it open, but it didn't happen.

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn - what will the Swami say?
Posted by: billhoward (
Date: April 02, 2006 01:08AM

The loss hurts even more because the Southerners had that 15-year cold spell when Yankee teams won most every year ... and they've been champing at the bit waiting to explain how it was just an aberration.
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: DeltaOne81 (
Date: April 02, 2006 02:33PM

Top 15 wins for us:
Notre Dame - 9 (before their win over Dartmouth today)
Lehigh - 13
Army - 15

Teams we beat who could end up top 15:
Yale - 20
and of course, who knows how they'll treat Duke (22)

Potential for further top 15 wins:
Princeton - 6
Harvard - 10
Syracuse - 16
Dartmouth maybe (19, before loss today)

And if they actually use RPI like they did last year, we're #1 in RPI even after our loss. If we can recover alright, keep playing well, and get at least 2 of those remaining wins (and root for 'Cuse the rest of the way except against us), we're in very good shape. They just need to bounce back and not let it effect them.
Re: Cornell lacrosse at Penn on Saturday
Posted by: Hillel Hoffmann (
Date: April 02, 2006 03:02PM

That wet popping sound in West Philly wasn't Drexel's annual egg drop competition.

It was Cornell's bubble bursting.

That was freaking awful. Penn earned it. Cornell got their butts kicked in every aspect of that game. The Quakers packed in their zone and easily kept Cornell's attackers near the crease, especially Mitchell, from getting the ball from up top or from behind. Normally, you'd expect Cornell's dodgemeisters, Boulukos and Seibald, to take advantage, but they couldn't shake their men more than a handful of times. Even on those rare occasions when Cornell guys found space by moving without the ball -- as Romero always seems to do, for example -- lazy passes gave possession right back to the Quakers. So many unforced errors, especially in transition. So much undisciplined play, including from Cornell's usually ship-shape d-middies (Marchant clearly is in the doghouse). Peterg was yelling for Cornell to shoot at the Penn goalie's feet -- and he was right, as usual (he called the Penn goalie "a statue";).

The game also showed why Cornell fans should be terrified by the lack of a reliable faceoff game. It's fine when you're way in front. It's deadly when you're trying to come from behind.

The only thing that gave me hope was seeing the team file out of Franklin Field in neat rows of two -- a relatively new Cornell lax tradition. If anyone can get this team's focus back, it's this coaching staff.

Although the game sucked, the socializing was A+, thanks as usual to the warmth and generosity of the parents. A ton of former players showed up, and many regulars from various message boards.

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