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MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24

Posted by rss77 
MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: rss77 (
Date: March 07, 2024 12:31PM

Starting the game thread. Face-offs Aim for 50%?
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (---.reverse-dns)
Date: March 07, 2024 01:05PM

Hope to see the defense keep them to 10.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: BlueSky (50.228.149.---)
Date: March 08, 2024 10:32AM

It looks like another mess weather-wise in PA tomorrow. Hard to get the team really clicking in a big game with sideways rain and thunder. Could see it moved to Sunday, with snow squalls and wind there.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 08, 2024 11:14AM

It looks like another mess weather-wise in PA tomorrow. Hard to get the team really clicking in a big game with sideways rain and thunder. Could see it moved to Sunday, with snow squalls and wind there.

They played indoors at The Pennsylvania State a couple of years ago. Maybe that's an option.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (---.reverse-dns)
Date: March 09, 2024 12:01PM

It's not really our game, but a couple of off-ball picks for CJ would be easy goals, I think.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: March 09, 2024 12:11PM

Continue to give shooters stepdown room.

Can't win a faceoff. Down 4-0.

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 12:11PM

PSU 4-0

Shot top left with the shot clock running out.

Goal in the front. Blocked shot. Loose ball.

Goal top left.

Shot from the 5x5 side right.

We're not winning face offs.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 12:13PM

Kelleher shot from top right.

4-1 PSU
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: RichH (104.28.85.---)
Date: March 09, 2024 12:18PM

It’s really a shame that having an audio option is dead.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 12:19PM

Cornell did not convert on a one-minute EMO.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 12:20PM

Hung d. X hit the cutter.
5-1 PSU
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 12:21PM

It’s really a shame that having an audio option is dead.

I wonder why WHCU isn't broadcasting these days.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 12:23PM

Cornell did not convert on the 30 second EMO.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: March 09, 2024 12:23PM

EMO looks lost.

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 12:24PM

Top center.
6-1 PSU
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: semsox (
Date: March 09, 2024 12:24PM

Something needs to be done about the EMO unit. Has been a consistent weak point all year.

Also, I'd like to see Tully get some time in net
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: chimpfood (
Date: March 09, 2024 12:25PM

Is knust playing? He should have a damn short leash from this point on.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: semsox (
Date: March 09, 2024 12:26PM

Actually, Tully is in now, though the commenters have not mentioned it.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 12:26PM

Same problem all year. If we're not going to play better D on shooters from 10-15 yards, other teams are going to keep making us pay with step downs.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: March 09, 2024 12:27PM

6-1 after one...Tully in at goal

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 12:30PM

PSU goalie is playing really well today. He's made at least three A+ stops.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 12:31PM

Top left. 12 yards.
PSU 7-1
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/09/2024 12:31PM by mike1960.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: chimpfood (
Date: March 09, 2024 12:33PM

For anyone who has the stream, are the goalies the difference in this one? The stats don’t seem to lopsided.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 12:34PM

I think Knust could have made two or three saves there, but we are allowing free hands at 10-12 yards. That's a tough stop for anyone.

Another. Top left. Free hands. 8 yards.

8-1 PSU
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: dag14 (174.128.181.---)
Date: March 09, 2024 12:34PM

Just looking at the stats, PSU has 6 saves and we have 1....Hence the 1-8 score. I have been watching wrestling so not following the game.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/09/2024 12:35PM by dag14.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: semsox (
Date: March 09, 2024 12:35PM

While they've contributed, the shots PSU is taking seem much cleaner in terms of lanes and space. Everything looking tough for our offense.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 12:36PM

Wertheim all alone. Couldn't score on the PSU goalie.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: semsox (
Date: March 09, 2024 12:36PM

Maybe I take it back after that last PSU save. Firth with no one between him and the keeper from like 8 yards out, stoned by PSU goalie.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 12:38PM

Follows hard check to the ballcarrier. 30 second penalty. Frustration foul
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 12:39PM

Two turnovers in a row for Cornell.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: semsox (
Date: March 09, 2024 12:39PM

Great save by Tully, but then how in the world is that not a push against Box?
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 12:39PM

Bounce shot, Top center.
9-1 PSU
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 12:40PM

Great save by Tully, but then how in the world is that not a push against Box?

Should have been.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 12:42PM

PSU kick save in front of the goal with Mikie Long all alone.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: semsox (
Date: March 09, 2024 12:42PM

PSU goalie truly out of his mind. I haven't seen anything like this in awhile. We should probably have at least 5 goals
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 12:43PM

Top left.
10-1 PSU
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 12:43PM

Cornell FO win and turnover.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 12:44PM

Wet sticks are causing some bad passes by Cornell today. Doesn't seem to bother PSU though.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 12:47PM

CJ gets a goal side left from about 8 yards.
10-2 PSU
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 12:48PM

CJ intercepts a pass after a PSU FO win, shoots it into the open net.
10-3 PSU
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 12:49PM

Petrakis can't scoop the ball. PSU ball. 2 minutes left in the half.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 12:52PM

Kelleher top center, muscle goal.
10-4 PSU
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: upprdeck (38.77.26.---)
Date: March 09, 2024 12:52PM

really if the PSU goalie doesnt make 4-5 really good saves in tight its about a 10-7 game with Cornell making tons of mistakes.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 12:53PM

PSU top center. Not terrible defense this time. Good shot.
11-4 PSU
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 12:56PM

11-4 PSU at the half.

We're not out of this, but if we don't start playing better defense right now, we're done.

PSU is playing outstanding defense. We are getting few easy shots, and the PSU goalie is playing great.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/09/2024 12:59PM by mike1960.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: March 09, 2024 12:57PM

PSU top center. Not terrible defense this time. Good shot.
11-4 PSU
Many PSU goals shot from middle of field with biggest target.

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: upprdeck (38.77.26.---)
Date: March 09, 2024 01:04PM

you would like to see 4-5 saves with the PSU shots from distance.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 01:08PM

PSU underhand shot, top center, two men on him.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 01:09PM

PSU ballcarrier just ran past two Cornell guys and top left shot.
13-4 PSU
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 01:11PM

Firth side right.
13-5 PSU
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 01:15PM

Hung D, X hit the cutter. Chris Davis turned his head and let his guy go free in front of the net for some reason.
14-5 PSU
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/09/2024 01:15PM by mike1960.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 01:16PM

15-5 PSU
PSU free hands top center 10 yards away
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 01:19PM

Firth gets free on the doorstep, pass from Long. EMO
15-6 PSU
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 01:22PM

Hung D. X feeds cutter. Behind the back goal for PSU.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: arugula (
Date: March 09, 2024 01:23PM

Are we this bad?
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 01:23PM

Two turnovers in a row by Cornell.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: CU77 (
Date: March 09, 2024 01:23PM

Today, yes.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 01:24PM

Wrap from X. PSU
17-6 PSU
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 01:27PM

It feels like we're very predictable on offense.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 01:29PM

Top right.
18-6 PSU
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 01:31PM

Dalton goal at the goalmouth. Great feed by CJ.
18-7 PSU
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 01:32PM

18-7 PSU, end of the third.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 01:36PM

Singer put a shoulder in the PSU ballcarrier facemask. Frustration penalty. 2 minute EMO.

Easy stepdown top right.

19-7 PSU
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: upprdeck (38.77.26.---)
Date: March 09, 2024 01:40PM

the D has shown issues all year with sliding, Denver came back to win.. Lehigh lit them up.

Might be a long yr on D. And the goalie play today was horrid.

Still the offense isnt doing much as well.. sloppy, poor shooting
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: billhoward (
Date: March 09, 2024 01:41PM

Lordie, 19-8 Penn State 5 minutes into the fourth. Need to start looking up most recent margin of loss by, perhaps 10 goals?

At this writing, CJ Kirst 2G on 9 shots, Willem Firth 2 on 7.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/09/2024 01:42PM by billhoward.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 01:42PM

Quick stick Mikey Long, side left.
19-8 PSU
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 01:47PM

Cornell stopped a 2 man up EMO.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 01:50PM

PSU is bringing in subs.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 01:52PM

Mikey Long to Caddigan cutting to the goal.
19-9 PSU
4:09 left.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/09/2024 01:53PM by mike1960.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 01:55PM

PSU top center worm burner.
2:42 left.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: upprdeck (38.77.26.---)
Date: March 09, 2024 01:59PM

not surprised we lost. The lack of scoring and the turnovers was bad to see.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: billhoward (
Date: March 09, 2024 02:01PM

Penn State 20, Cornell 9. Final.
COR  1  3  3  2  --  9
PSU  6  5  7  2  -- 20

Shots, shots on goal, saves, turnovers all close-ish but in Penn State's favor. Cornell won faceoffs 19-14. Biggest margin was goals, that and save percentage Cornell .355 (Knust .143, Tully .417), Penn State .625.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/09/2024 02:06PM by billhoward.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: semsox (
Date: March 09, 2024 02:03PM

Just one of those games. Hopefully they're ready for next weekend, a tough Ivy opener @Princeton
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 02:04PM

Game over. 20-9 PSU.

The difference is that one team was extremely well coached on defense, and the other side wasn't. This has been our problem all year (and last year).

PSU scored easily with old-fashioned, wooden stick era speed dodges from 10-15 yards out and getting free hands. Our shorties could not stay with them and received no help. It was just too easy.

It feels like we were resoundly outcoached by our former gaffer. Where do we go from here?
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: rss77 (
Date: March 09, 2024 02:05PM

Need to take a hard look at the Defense (Nothing like stating the obvious).
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: Local Motion (38.49.79.---)
Date: March 09, 2024 08:31PM

It's already been posted on the Ivy board the lack of physicality by the Cornell defense, which has been an issue for the Big Red. For example I am currently watching the John Hopkins and Syracuse game and both teams are very physical. There is a reason why they wear helmets and shoulder pads.
Re: MLAX: Cornell vs Penn State 3/9/24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: March 09, 2024 09:29PM

Local Motion
It's already been posted on the Ivy board the lack of physicality by the Cornell defense, which has been an issue for the Big Red. For example I am currently watching the John Hopkins and Syracuse game and both teams are very physical. There is a reason why they wear helmets and shoulder pads.

It wouldn't hurt to get a little more physical, at least try to push the shooter a little off balance.

What I'm not understanding is why they are allowing free hands up top. We all know the short stick defensive middie is a super tough position to play. And Coaches Stevens and Buczek know more about lacrosse than I ever will. But I don't understand why we're not more effective at pushing the ball down the alleys. That's what most teach in basic midfield defense. Use body position to block the top so shooters can't run across in front of the goal, or if they get across, force them as high as possible.

Surely it's not that they are so much more athletic than we are. Or are they? Or this some kind of defensive approach that I'm not understanding?

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