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Men’s Basketball 23-24

Posted by George64 
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Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: djk26 (
Date: February 08, 2024 12:31PM

College sports as we know it may be over.

NLRB rules that Dartmouth basketball players can unionize
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: dbilmes (64.224.255.---)
Date: February 08, 2024 03:38PM

College sports as we know it may be over.

NLRB rules that Dartmouth basketball players can unionize
Rick Pitino isn't one of my favorite people, but in the aftermath of this ruling he actually made a suggestion which I've been saying for a long time. He's calling for colleges to pay salaries to the athletes, and quit the facade (at least at many schools) of the "student-athlete." Just pay them to play for their schools and have a salary cap.
Pitino tweeted Tuesday that the major conferences in college basketball should join forces and create a salary cap of up to $2 million. He did not specify if that number would include name, image and likeness payments or funding directly from schools.
"For basketball, have the Power 5 [and] Big East conference commissioners get together and create a salary cap between [$1.5 and $2 million]," Pitino tweeted. "All contracts delivered to the league and school offices.

"Do away with letters of intent, make athletes sign a [two-year] binding contract, no different than professional athletes -- which they are," Pitino tweeted. "With that, the [NIL] collective puts together their NIL contract based on the cap. Obviously, a lot has to go into this. I believe the NCAA should be taken out of the equation and the commissioners put into it as the NCAA loses more cases than the defense lawyers on 'Law & Order.'"
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: Ken711 (
Date: February 08, 2024 03:45PM

Discussed at length here:

Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: February 08, 2024 03:48PM

College sports as we know it may be over.

NLRB rules that Dartmouth basketball players can unionize

Yes, well...
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: upprdeck (38.77.26.---)
Date: February 08, 2024 03:56PM

if the players want to unionize and lose rights you can make it work..

But he is talking BBALL 2 million.

The difference between the worst team in pro sports is far less the 300 in college basketball.

Will the kids at Purdue that get 2 million be happy that the kids at Sw Shaneee state get 2 million? Could those low level teams even afford it?
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: chimpfood (
Date: February 08, 2024 04:19PM

Honestly I doubt that this will have a major affect on college sports but maybe that’s just wishful thinking.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: February 08, 2024 07:48PM

Colleges used the term "student athletes," esp. those generating massive wealth for schools, so that the colleges could avoid calling them employees. The colleges' rationale was that the "student athlete" received a more or less free education in scholarship in exchange for their play for the school. This was a fiction that benefitted schools with large athletic programs, not the athletes. I don't have an answer, but labor deserves fair compensation.

Or maybe I do have an answer. Call them "student employees," which is what they are, and pay them a max 20 hours a week, which is where student employees are often capped. The would be subject to all the benefits and requirements of other school employees.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/08/2024 07:56PM by mike1960.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: upprdeck (38.77.26.---)
Date: February 08, 2024 09:07PM

Colleges used the term "student athletes," esp. those generating massive wealth for schools, so that the colleges could avoid calling them employees. The colleges' rationale was that the "student athlete" received a more or less free education in scholarship in exchange for their play for the school. This was a fiction that benefitted schools with large athletic programs, not the athletes. I don't have an answer, but labor deserves fair compensation.

Or maybe I do have an answer. Call them "student employees," which is what they are, and pay them a max 20 hours a week, which is where student employees are often capped. The would be subject to all the benefits and requirements of other school employees.

when they become an employee they also will find out a lot of things they take for granted go away.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: February 09, 2024 08:38AM

when they become an employee they also will find out a lot of things they take for granted go away.

-- George Fitzhugh

Crime and pauperism have increased. Riots, trades unions, strikes for higher wages, discontent breaking out into revolution, are things of daily occurrence, and show that the poor see and feel quite as clearly as the philosophers, that their condition is far worse under the new than under the old order of things. Radicalism and Chartism in England owe their birth to the free and equal institutions of her commercial and manufacturing districts, and are little heard of in the quiet farming districts, where remnants of feudalism still exist in the relation of landlord and tenant, and in the laws of entail and primogeniture

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/09/2024 08:41AM by Trotsky.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: upprdeck (38.77.26.---)
Date: February 09, 2024 09:56PM

cornell + 5.5 vs yale tomorrow for first place
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: Mr. Niss (
Date: February 10, 2024 12:54PM

Last I saw is +7.5. I don't get it. Seems like a lot. I expected +4.5 or +5.

I also don't understand why ESPNU has Duquesne vs. St. Bonaventure at 2 PM. This would seem to be a much better game to show. Bigger audience, actual relevance.

I don't understand a lot. Still wondering if I really graduated.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/10/2024 01:09PM by Mr. Niss.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: nyc94 (32.215.192.---)
Date: February 10, 2024 01:46PM

"This marks just the fifth time in Ivy League men’s basketball history that two 6-0 or better teams will square off. The most recent occurrence was on Feb. 15, 2003 when Penn (6-0) and Brown (7-0) clashed at The Palestra. Penn won that contest 73-66."

Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: Mr. Niss (
Date: February 10, 2024 02:28PM

The fear, of course, is that we won't shoot this well the rest of the game. We have shown, however, that our defense is good enough to keep a game from getting away from us and give us a chance to withstand a cold spurt. Hopefully we won't have to worry about that at all today. This is a great first 12 minutes.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: February 10, 2024 02:49PM

Getting sloppy with the big lead. Now up 9 with Yale ball. Make it 7. Back to 9 with Red timeout to take last shot of half. Missed last shot, then fouled Yale with 1 second. Up 8 at half.

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: chimpfood (
Date: February 10, 2024 02:50PM

Good half but we gotta play cleaner defense and do better on wolf. Yale complaining about every call and no call is driving me nuts already, especially when these announcers back them up.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: Mr. Niss (
Date: February 10, 2024 02:53PM

Good half but we gotta play cleaner defense and do better on wolf. Yale complaining about every call and no call is driving me nuts already, especially when these announcers back them up.

I couldn't agree with this more, in all respects. I can't listen to this female broadcaster complain about Wolf's "touch fouls" as they call a clown foul on Gray with 1 second left. I thought the officiating in that first half was good, generally. We need to stop with the dumb fouls again.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: ugarte (
Date: February 10, 2024 03:08PM

Mr. Niss
Good half but we gotta play cleaner defense and do better on wolf. Yale complaining about every call and no call is driving me nuts already, especially when these announcers back them up.

I couldn't agree with this more, in all respects. I can't listen to this female broadcaster complain about Wolf's "touch fouls" as they call a clown foul on Gray with 1 second left. I thought the officiating in that first half was good, generally. We need to stop with the dumb fouls again.
overreacting a little imo. i think they are sharp as a pair and very complimentary of the way cornell is playing.

Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: February 10, 2024 03:12PM

Unnecessary fouls.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: ugarte (
Date: February 10, 2024 03:16PM

Unnecessary fouls.
ok now I'm getting mad at them. some unnecessary, some tickytack. yale has 0 fouls on them and the booth is complaining about no-calls?

Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: February 10, 2024 03:22PM

Ill-advised Boothby 3.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: February 10, 2024 03:27PM

Rebounds 32-14 Yale. Second chance points 15-0 as a result.

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: February 10, 2024 03:28PM

Al DeFlorio
Rebounds 32-14 Yale. Second chance points 15-0 as a result.

Yep. They're getting the loose balls too.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: February 10, 2024 03:30PM

Beautiful pass. Cornell is having lots of good success against Yale with the back door cuts.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/10/2024 03:35PM by mike1960.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: February 10, 2024 03:49PM

Down by 1, 3 min to go.

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: February 10, 2024 03:52PM

We'll take that phantom moving screen with 1:52 left.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: February 10, 2024 03:59PM

4 seconds left. Look for the off ball screen to the cutter going to the basket.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: February 10, 2024 04:02PM

Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: ugarte (
Date: February 10, 2024 04:07PM

had to follow the last 5 minutes on gamecast. did Williams get a good look?

Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: chimpfood (
Date: February 10, 2024 04:07PM

had to follow the last 5 minutes on gamecast. did Williams get a good look?
great look, nearly had the win.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: ugarte (
Date: February 10, 2024 04:11PM

had to follow the last 5 minutes on gamecast. did Williams get a good look?
great look, nearly had the win.

Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: CU2007 (
Date: February 10, 2024 04:17PM

What’s the first tie-breaker if we win the home game vs Yale and end up tied?
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: Chris '03 (104.28.39.---)
Date: February 10, 2024 04:17PM

had to follow the last 5 minutes on gamecast. did Williams get a good look?
great look, nearly had the win.

Looked off balance and contested but still almost rattled in.

"Mark Mazzoleni looks like a guy whose dog just died out there..."
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: chimpfood (
Date: February 10, 2024 04:21PM

That one really hurts after having a lead almost the entire game. Free throws were 26 to 11 and we were still just 1 fewer foul away from OT or a win.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: Cop at Lynah (
Date: February 10, 2024 04:22PM

Very undisciplined team. Silly fouls by upperclassman are inexcusable. The better team did not win.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: rss77 (
Date: February 10, 2024 04:28PM

Agreed lots of reach ins. Gray makes brilliant plays balanced with "head scratchers".
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: February 10, 2024 04:28PM

Cop at Lynah
Very undisciplined team. Silly fouls by upperclassman are inexcusable. The better team did not win.

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: mike1960 (185.203.219.---)
Date: February 10, 2024 04:48PM

Cop at Lynah
Very undisciplined team. Silly fouls by upperclassman are inexcusable. The better team did not win.

We definitely looked like the better team until about 5 - 10 minutes left in the game. When we worked to get open drives to the basket, we were most successful. We got away from that down the stretch. It's one we should have had, but it's a tough place to play, and Yale is a good team.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: dbilmes (64.224.255.---)
Date: February 10, 2024 05:03PM

It was a great game to watch in person, although surprisingly it wasn't close to being a sell-out. I was surprised to see the Cornell cheerleaders make the road trip. Do they do that for all Ivy road games?
You knew Yale was going to tighten things up in the second half. With 4 seconds left I almost had hope that we were going to win. The shot Mannon made over Yale's 7-footer to give us the lead in the final minute was a thing of beauty. Watching him in person for the first time made me appreciate just how great a player he is.
The rebounding, especially the second-chance points, killed us. At halftime, we had been outrebounded 20-10, including 10-1 on the offensive end. That didn't bode well for the second half.
Hopefully, we can get revenge on Yale on our court and avoid being upset in the meantime. The Yale fan sitting next to me was incredulous when I told him that Cornell had shot 6-for-31 from 3-point range against Dartmouth last weekend and nearly lost the game.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: Chris '03 (104.28.79.---)
Date: February 10, 2024 08:49PM

It was a great game to watch in person, although surprisingly it wasn't close to being a sell-out. I was surprised to see the Cornell cheerleaders make the road trip. Do they do that for all Ivy road games?
You knew Yale was going to tighten things up in the second half. With 4 seconds left I almost had hope that we were going to win. The shot Mannon made over Yale's 7-footer to give us the lead in the final minute was a thing of beauty. Watching him in person for the first time made me appreciate just how great a player he is.
The rebounding, especially the second-chance points, killed us. At halftime, we had been outrebounded 20-10, including 10-1 on the offensive end. That didn't bode well for the second half.
Hopefully, we can get revenge on Yale on our court and avoid being upset in the meantime. The Yale fan sitting next to me was incredulous when I told him that Cornell had shot 6-for-31 from 3-point range against Dartmouth last weekend and nearly lost the game.

Manon was fouled on that last shot too it looks like:

"Mark Mazzoleni looks like a guy whose dog just died out there..."
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: February 10, 2024 09:42PM

Chris '03

Manon was fouled on that last shot too it looks like:

Great pic!!
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: BearLover (
Date: February 10, 2024 11:23PM

I don’t really agree with the posters claiming the better team lost. Cornell shot lights out, especially when it built its big lead—that just isn’t sustainable. I don’t think Cornell is vastly worse than Yale or anything, but given Yale’s size and rebounding advantage and the big shooting percentage disparity, I think Cornell was fortunate to end up with a chance to win down the stretch.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: mountainred (64.203.142.---)
Date: February 12, 2024 10:23AM

I don’t really agree with the posters claiming the better team lost. Cornell shot lights out, especially when it built its big lead—that just isn’t sustainable. I don’t think Cornell is vastly worse than Yale or anything, but given Yale’s size and rebounding advantage and the big shooting percentage disparity, I think Cornell was fortunate to end up with a chance to win down the stretch.

My take is these teams are close, but Yale's a tough match-up in that their strength (interior game) is Cornell's weakness. Yale had so many offensive rebounds (17!) that if they missed a shot, it was 50/50 they would get it back. That's insane.

Bottom line, Cornell, Yale and Princeton are still all on serve for the league regular season title and all three are virtual locks for the ILT. You'd think the #1 seed would be huge, since you would avoid the other two contenders in the semis, but there is a decent chance the top seed buys you a road game with Columbia since they are the designated host. Gotta win the home games this weekend as Yale has the Penn/Princeton road trip.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: Local Motion (38.49.79.---)
Date: February 12, 2024 09:21PM

I watched the Cornell vs, Yale ESPN highlights as it was a great game with a big crowd. The home and home series returns to Ithaca on Friday, February 23rd. Go Big Red!!!
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: mountainred (64.203.142.---)
Date: February 14, 2024 11:29AM

For your consideration yet another Bracketology, but this one including both the NIT and the CBI. The CBI, for those of you with lives, is a 16 team post-season tournament where all the games are played at one location in Florida over the course of a week. This has Princeton in the NIT -- as a #2 seed -- and the good guys as the #6 in the CBI.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: CU2007 (
Date: February 14, 2024 09:35PM

If I’m not mistaken, a school has to actually PAY to play in the CBI. My guess is Cornell would pass and blame having to study etc
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: ugarte (
Date: February 14, 2024 11:42PM

If I’m not mistaken, a school has to actually PAY to play in the CBI. My guess is Cornell would pass and blame having to study etc
we played in the CIT in 2019

Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: mountainred (64.203.142.---)
Date: February 15, 2024 10:26AM

If I’m not mistaken, a school has to actually PAY to play in the CBI. My guess is Cornell would pass and blame having to study etc
we played in the CIT in 2019

Ahh, the late, unlamented CIT. Though, yes, I watched the sad loss to Robert Morris.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: upprdeck (38.77.26.---)
Date: February 15, 2024 01:33PM

Cornell/Columbia/Yale sweep this weekend. 5 games left

Cornell would be 8-1

Cornell would lock in a playoff birth at about 99%

Brown cant catch them if that happens
Penn cant catch them if that happens
Harvard they win the H2H so only some crazy multi way tie could knock them out.
Dart cant catch them
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: mike1960 (193.42.0.---)
Date: February 16, 2024 06:33PM

Stands look a little empty.

Yale had a lot of success driving across the paint. We need to slow that down.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/16/2024 06:37PM by mike1960.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: ugarte (
Date: February 16, 2024 06:47PM

Stands look a little empty.

Yale had a lot of success driving across the paint. We need to slow that down.
Slow start for the guys and an odd interlude with all of the starters on the bench where we didn't look that great. That said, we battled back to take the lead and have mostly held it. As I type there are 20 seconds left in the half and the Red are up 35-32 with the ball.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/16/2024 06:48PM by ugarte.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: February 16, 2024 06:48PM

Harvard threw a zone at us. I'd like to see us do that every now and then to see how well it works. We get beat a lot with the man-to-man defense. Yale and now Harvard set up ball screens until they get a match-up they like, and then drive to the hoop.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: ugarte (
Date: February 16, 2024 06:51PM

Stands look a little empty.

Yale had a lot of success driving across the paint. We need to slow that down.
Slow start for the guys and an odd interlude with all of the starters on the bench where we didn't look that great. That said, we battled back to take the lead and have mostly held it. As I type there are 20 seconds left in the half and the Red are up 35-32 with the ball.
And we go to the half up 3, 37-34.

Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: February 16, 2024 06:52PM

Up 3 at half. Could have been more but many turnovers and out of control possessions.

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: ugarte (
Date: February 16, 2024 06:57PM

Al DeFlorio
Up 3 at half. Could have been more but many turnovers and out of control possessions.
Yeah. 10 turnovers in the first half is crazy. On the other hand, not that many fouls! According to the game tracker, Manon only has one. It was a real dumb one though.

Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: February 16, 2024 07:12PM

So careless with the basketball.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: February 16, 2024 07:32PM


Block on one end and a dunk on the other.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/16/2024 07:33PM by mike1960.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: February 16, 2024 07:37PM

Cooper Noard had decided to lock down on Harvard's #2. Doing an excellent job with the man-to-man D.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: February 16, 2024 07:58PM

Nice win.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: February 16, 2024 09:10PM

Yale, Princeton win

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: chimpfood (
Date: February 16, 2024 09:33PM

Great win. We’ve done a good job of shutting down other teams’ main weapons (aside from one half of Danny wolf).
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: ugarte (
Date: February 16, 2024 10:47PM

Al DeFlorio
Yale, Princeton win
As did Columbia, to stay ahead of Harvard in the Race for Fourth.

Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: CU2007 (
Date: February 17, 2024 08:31AM

What is the tiebreaker if we beat Yale at home and finish with the same record?
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: nyc94 (32.215.192.---)
Date: February 17, 2024 08:33AM

What is the tiebreaker if we beat Yale at home and finish with the same record?

Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: mountainred (
Date: February 17, 2024 08:36AM

The tie-breaker is the NCAA's NET ranking a combination of computer metrics (NET, KenPom, one more at least). That is a huge advantage for Yale right now and even better for Princeton if we all hold serve. Going into last night.

1. Yale 7-0 (NET 82, KenPom 86, Torvik 77)
2. Cornell 6-1 (NET 83, KenPom 101, Torvik 101)
3. Princeton 5-2 (NET 52, KenPom 66, Torvik 79)

*Thanks nyc94, I really thought it was a combo and not just NET. That gives us a chance in a two way tie with Yale, but no chance in a three way tie involving Princeton.

Big games tonight with Yale at Princeton and Harvard at Columbia in a game that could go a long way to determine the 4seeed.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/17/2024 08:44AM by mountainred.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: mountainred (
Date: February 17, 2024 08:55AM

Great win. We’ve done a good job of shutting down other teams’ main weapons (aside from one half of Danny wolf).

I've ragged on this team's D, but they have really stepped it up in league play. It was the D that won last night's game and they completely took Mack out his game, which very few teams have done.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: ugarte (
Date: February 17, 2024 06:53PM

Dartmouth built a lead that i think paddled at 11 but a 9-0 run and a hot finish has Cornell up 50-47 at the half.

Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: February 17, 2024 07:03PM

Dartmouth built a lead that i think paddled at 11 but a 9-0 run and a hot finish has Cornell up 50-47 at the half.
Down 29-42 with 4 minutes left in half. Dartmouth couldn't miss a three when building their lead.

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: ugarte (
Date: February 17, 2024 08:22PM

Al DeFlorio
Dartmouth built a lead that i think paddled at 11 but a 9-0 run and a hot finish has Cornell up 50-47 at the half.
Down 29-42 with 4 minutes left in half. Dartmouth couldn't miss a three when building their lead.
Second half was comfortable the whole way and Cornell won by 9.

Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: February 17, 2024 09:03PM

Princeton over Yale by 8 at the hslf.

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: Ken711 (
Date: February 17, 2024 10:14PM

Princeton beats Yale 73-62.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: mountainred (64.203.142.---)
Date: February 19, 2024 09:21AM

Cornell's ILT Scenarios

Win out -- #1 seed, obviously
4-1 with loss v. Yale -- #2 seed, unless Yale drops two of their last four (not likely). That also means trying to beat Princeton for a third time this season in the 2/3 game.
4-1 with loss at Princeton -- Likely the 2/3 game, unless Yale and Princeton both lose. That's because the tie-breaker would be computer rankings, which do not favor us.
4-1 with loss to someone else -- #1 seed. In that scenario Princeton would have at least three losses and we'd win the tie-breaker over Yale because of the sweep of the Tigers.
2 losses -- 2/3 game barring something really unlikely.
3 losses -- Still the 3 seed.
4 losses (?!?) -- Still the 3 seed, unless Columbia wins out, in which case #4.

Cornell probably makes the tournament if they lose out, but I don't want to think about that possibility.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: Chris '03 (104.28.39.---)
Date: February 20, 2024 02:02PM

Great article on Cornell, Yale, and Princeton

"Mark Mazzoleni looks like a guy whose dog just died out there..."
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: February 20, 2024 04:51PM

Princeton beats Yale 73-62.
Princeton held Danny Wolf scoreless with one offensive rebound. Be good if we learn how.

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: Mr. Niss (
Date: February 20, 2024 10:19PM

seems nuts to me that on Friday at 7 the U will have Toledo vs Bowling Green and not Cornell-Yale, but who am I other than a Big Red homer (but not from Homer).
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: mike1960 (86.48.9.---)
Date: February 20, 2024 11:17PM

Mr. Niss
seems nuts to me that on Friday at 7 the U will have Toledo vs Bowling Green and not Cornell-Yale, but who am I other than a Big Red homer (but not from Homer).

Looks like it's free on the regular ESPN feed.

Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: upprdeck (38.77.26.---)
Date: February 20, 2024 11:22PM

Mr. Niss
seems nuts to me that on Friday at 7 the U will have Toledo vs Bowling Green and not Cornell-Yale, but who am I other than a Big Red homer (but not from Homer).

Looks like it's free on the regular ESPN feed.


I see the normal espn+.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: mike1960 (86.48.9.---)
Date: February 20, 2024 11:28PM

Mr. Niss
seems nuts to me that on Friday at 7 the U will have Toledo vs Bowling Green and not Cornell-Yale, but who am I other than a Big Red homer (but not from Homer).

Looks like it's free on the regular ESPN feed.


I see the normal espn+.

I just checked: It's on ESPN and ESPN+

The lacrosse game, on the other hand. . .
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: Swampy (
Date: February 21, 2024 11:19AM

Mr. Niss
seems nuts to me that on Friday at 7 the U will have Toledo vs Bowling Green and not Cornell-Yale, but who am I other than a Big Red homer (but not from Homer).

Looks like it's free on the regular ESPN feed.


I see the normal espn+.

I just checked: It's on ESPN and ESPN+

The lacrosse game, on the other hand. . .

Not sure about lacrosse game, but IIRC if one goes to the Lacrosse Team's webpage, chooses Schedule, and looks up the Denver game, there's a link to video there. Not sure what kind of video or if it's for pay. YMMV.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: mike1960 (94.140.9.---)
Date: February 21, 2024 11:31AM

Mr. Niss
seems nuts to me that on Friday at 7 the U will have Toledo vs Bowling Green and not Cornell-Yale, but who am I other than a Big Red homer (but not from Homer).

Looks like it's free on the regular ESPN feed.


I see the normal espn+.

I just checked: It's on ESPN and ESPN+

The lacrosse game, on the other hand. . .

Not sure about lacrosse game, but IIRC if one goes to the Lacrosse Team's webpage, chooses Schedule, and looks up the Denver game, there's a link to video there. Not sure what kind of video or if it's for pay. YMMV.

It's 8 or 9 bucks to watch the lacrosse game on the Colorado network. I will probably do it.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: February 21, 2024 02:36PM

Mr. Niss
seems nuts to me that on Friday at 7 the U will have Toledo vs Bowling Green and not Cornell-Yale, but who am I other than a Big Red homer (but not from Homer).

Looks like it's free on the regular ESPN feed.


I see the normal espn+.

I just checked: It's on ESPN and ESPN+

The lacrosse game, on the other hand. . .

Not sure about lacrosse game, but IIRC if one goes to the Lacrosse Team's webpage, chooses Schedule, and looks up the Denver game, there's a link to video there. Not sure what kind of video or if it's for pay. YMMV.

It's 8 or 9 bucks to watch the lacrosse game on the Colorado network. I will probably do it.
Hope it's easy to cancel.

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: upprdeck (38.77.26.---)
Date: February 21, 2024 02:46PM

Al DeFlorio
Mr. Niss
seems nuts to me that on Friday at 7 the U will have Toledo vs Bowling Green and not Cornell-Yale, but who am I other than a Big Red homer (but not from Homer).

Looks like it's free on the regular ESPN feed.


I see the normal espn+.
by law it has to be now.. whether that is true who knows.

I just checked: It's on ESPN and ESPN+

The lacrosse game, on the other hand. . .

Not sure about lacrosse game, but IIRC if one goes to the Lacrosse Team's webpage, chooses Schedule, and looks up the Denver game, there's a link to video there. Not sure what kind of video or if it's for pay. YMMV.

It's 8 or 9 bucks to watch the lacrosse game on the Colorado network. I will probably do it.
Hope it's easy to cancel.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: arugula (38.109.75.---)
Date: February 22, 2024 03:52PM

Just read/skimmed a very loong ESPN article about college coaches coming and going. Earl and Cornell not mentioned. Mitch Henderson and James Jones both noted as possibly moving on. Slightly insulted, but pleased if true.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: scoop85 (
Date: February 22, 2024 04:18PM

Just read/skimmed a very loong ESPN article about college coaches coming and going. Earl and Cornell not mentioned. Mitch Henderson and James Jones both noted as possibly moving on. Slightly insulted, but pleased if true.

Those two guys just have a longer track record of success. This is Earl's first really successful team.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: dbilmes (64.224.255.---)
Date: February 22, 2024 04:20PM

Just read/skimmed a very loong ESPN article about college coaches coming and going. Earl and Cornell not mentioned. Mitch Henderson and James Jones both noted as possibly moving on. Slightly insulted, but pleased if true.
Jones is 60, and has been the coach at Yale since 1999. Given his consistent success, it's safe to assume he's had opportunities to move on. He trails only Pete Carril in Ivy League coaching victories and other significant categories. I'm guessing at this point he's content to finish his career out at Yale, which I'm sure is paying him a competitive salary. But if some big-time program once again dangles a huge contract to tempt him, who knows?
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: upprdeck (38.77.26.---)
Date: February 22, 2024 04:23PM

huge leap in recruiting from the IVY to the bigger conferences. You can succeed and have a nice career in the IVY as well.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: ugarte (
Date: February 22, 2024 04:27PM

Just read/skimmed a very loong ESPN article about college coaches coming and going. Earl and Cornell not mentioned. Mitch Henderson and James Jones both noted as possibly moving on. Slightly insulted, but pleased if true.
Jones is 60, and has been the coach at Yale since 1999. Given his consistent success, it's safe to assume he's had opportunities to move on. He trails only Pete Carril in Ivy League coaching victories and other significant categories. I'm guessing at this point he's content to finish his career out at Yale, which I'm sure is paying him a competitive salary. But if some big-time program once again dangles a huge contract to tempt him, who knows?
If Quinnipiac decides they want to pour money into hoops he probably doesn't even have to move.

Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: upprdeck (38.77.26.---)
Date: February 22, 2024 10:58PM

cornell -2 vs yale tomorrow.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: dbilmes (64.224.255.---)
Date: February 23, 2024 06:58AM

Just read/skimmed a very loong ESPN article about college coaches coming and going. Earl and Cornell not mentioned. Mitch Henderson and James Jones both noted as possibly moving on. Slightly insulted, but pleased if true.
Jones is 60, and has been the coach at Yale since 1999. Given his consistent success, it's safe to assume he's had opportunities to move on. He trails only Pete Carril in Ivy League coaching victories and other significant categories. I'm guessing at this point he's content to finish his career out at Yale, which I'm sure is paying him a competitive salary. But if some big-time program once again dangles a huge contract to tempt him, who knows?
If Quinnipiac decides they want to pour money into hoops he probably doesn't even have to move.
Quinnipiac just gave their men's basketball coach a contract extension, so that's unlikely in the near future.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: chimpfood (
Date: February 23, 2024 06:18PM

Big revenge game for the team to show their character, let’s stay undefeated at home and take the Ivy lead again.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: February 23, 2024 07:51PM

So far, so good.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: February 23, 2024 07:54PM

Red up 10 at half.

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: Mr. Niss (
Date: February 23, 2024 08:06PM

shot badly and still up 10? I'll take it. Good rebounding job, defense I thought gave up too many easy hoops yet still was good overall. LGR.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: Mr. Niss (
Date: February 23, 2024 08:14PM

Just letting them hang around. And now we'll keep getting called for fouls too ...
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/23/2024 08:18PM by Mr. Niss.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: semsox (
Date: February 23, 2024 08:44PM

Am I crazy or has the officiating been really, really favoring Yale
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: February 23, 2024 08:46PM

The ball is just not going in the hole.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: Mr. Niss (
Date: February 23, 2024 08:47PM

What a disaster of a second half.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: February 23, 2024 08:49PM

Make some shots. Play good defense.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: February 23, 2024 08:49PM

Mr. Niss
What a disaster of a second half.
15 points in 16 minutes.

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: February 23, 2024 08:54PM

Coach cleared in out under the basket and looked for a drive. Interesting.
Re: Men’s Basketball 23-24
Posted by: mike1960 (
Date: February 23, 2024 08:55PM

Good call. You can't push off like that.
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