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athletic department fundraising shortfall 73% of their goal

Posted by phillysportsfan 
athletic department fundraising shortfall 73% of their goal
Posted by: phillysportsfan (
Date: June 04, 2013 09:42AM

Dear Friends of the Big Red,

Thank you for the many positive comments and congratulations for the exciting performances by our dedicated athletes. Many have asked if Cornell has ever celebrated two athletes in the same year who are recognized as the most outstanding in their sport. I have asked Jeremy Hartigan to confirm that Rob Pannell (lacrosse) and Kyle Dake (wrestling) winning the Tewaaraton Trophy and Enners Award, and Hodge Award and NCAA Outstanding Wrestler respectively have combined to make Cornell Athletics history. I will report later this month on Jeremy’s research.

As many of you remember, this is the time of the year that I provide an update on all of our department fund raising goals in an effort to encourage each of you to provide current use support so that we meet our university fund raising promise.

This fiscal year ends June 30. We budgeted $4,072,475 in gifts in support of operations. Thus far, we have raised $2,957,759 or 73% of our goal. The amount budgeted is spent so you can imagine how motivated my staff and I are to reach our goal for the 12th time in 13 years. It bears repeating that our program success is directly correlated to the amazing support we receive from loyal and generous alumni, parents, and friends. Please help the Big Red meet our fund raising goals for 2013!

Thanks in advance for your care and support,


        SPORT       ACTUAL GIFTS % OF GOAL PROGRAM SHORTFALL        # of Benefactors
                                                                    FY13       FY12    
        Band          $58,984       76%      $18,781                 385        441    Beautiful new band building! Additional support required- please help.          
      Baseball        $188,594      72%      $73,223                 139        183    Big gap with anonymous gift already counted.                                    
  Basketball (men)    $39,621       53%      $35,379                 91         143    Need much more participation and $36K. Let’s go!                                
 Basketball (women)   $19,660       49%      $20,340                 73         94     Please support our hard-working women!                                          
     Equestrian       $23,203       36%      $41,797                 37         51     Fantastic new coach making immediate impact!                                    
       Fencing        $19,145       68%      $8,855                  93         123    World champion coach is outstanding! Team needs your support.                   
    Field Hockey      $44,933       90%      $5,067                  74         103    Need 30 more gifts … outstanding recruiting class!                              
      Football        $460,115      74%     $159,885                 399        471    Need 500 participants. Let’s support Coach Archer!                              
        Golf          $34,230       82%      $7,452                  116        106    More gifts than 2012! Great job - $7500 to go.                                  
     Gymnastics       $34,108       80%      $8,392                  246        203    43 more gifts than 2012 … Fantastic! Great program – $8.5K to go.               
  Ice Hockey (men)    $150,091      89%      $15,959                 242        262    Great staff, great program! Finish it off!                                      
 Ice Hockey (women)   $25,662       34%      $49,338                 111        149    Top benefactor deceased – need support for this terrific coach & program!       
   Lacrosse (men)     $186,498      68%      $88,502                 308        357    Final 4 and nearly more – Let’s Go Red!                                         
  Lacrosse (women)    $68,614      106%        $0                    148        154    Goal achieved! Great job – thank you alumni and friends.                        
  Outdoor Education   $121,596      81%      $28,404                 120        147    Amazing reputation for experiential learning – Cream of the crop!               
        Polo          $53,997       60%      $35,691                 109        101    Always challenging for national titles! Big gap – Let’s Go.                     
       Rowing         $257,479     101%        $0                    594        606    Goal achieved – Congratulations! Rebuilding for 2013, ready to fly in 2014.     
    Soccer (men)      $61,471       77%      $18,529                 148        194    Ivy champs! Let’s hit 200 gifts – minimum. Mine is on the way!                  
   Soccer (women)     $23,495       67%      $11,505                 106        101    More gifts than 2012 – just $11.5K away – support Coach Farmer!                 
      Softball        $27,482       61%      $17,518                 150        143    New playing surface and great staff and program. Help us close the gap!         
   Sprint Football    $121,926      84%      $22,981                 273        346    Always faithful! Let’s hit 373 in gifts – Sprint cannot be stopped.             
    Squash (M&W)      $102,278      82%      $22,722                 142        171    Two top programs with terrific coaching staff-best in class.                    
 Swimming/Diving/MW   $98,595       94%      $6,405                  155        195    Let’s hit 200 gifts and blow it out for Coach Loosch!                           
    Tennis (men)      $61,208       39%      $94,908                 77         101    Great coach … 5 players at 4.0 or above – on the move!                          
   Tennis (women)     $21,040       38%      $33,960                 72         84     Fantastic W-L turnaround. Great job, Mike! Let’s support our women.             
   Track /CC (M&W)    $126,857      63%      $73,143                 465        463    Awesome program – record number to upcoming NCAAS – Big Gap!                    
      Trainers          $725        15%      $4,275                   4          6     Fantastic training staff led by Bernie!                                         
 Unrestricted Gifts   $307,380      61%     $192,620                 318        406    This fund covers “critical” needs otherwise unfunded – huge priority!           
     Volleyball       $28,298       71%      $11,702                 68         79     Outstanding new coaching staff – year #2 looks bright.                          
      Wrestling       $211,524      94%      $13,476                 307        356    Never a doubt. Great staff & program – amazing alumni support!                  
       *TOTAL        $2,957,759     73%    $1,114,716               5570       6339
Re: athletic department fundraising shortfall 73% of their goal
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: June 04, 2013 09:46AM

We budgeted $4,072,475 in gifts in support of operations. Thus far, we have raised $2,957,759 or 73% of our goal.

The shortfall is 27%. I'm sure you meant this, but the title was ambiguous (to me anyway).

Top benefactor deceased

Who knew Tim Taylor loved Cornell women's hockey?
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/04/2013 09:48AM by Trotsky.
Re: athletic department fundraising shortfall 73% of their goal
Posted by: Kyle Rose (
Date: June 04, 2013 11:53AM


We budgeted $4,072,475 in gifts in support of operations. Thus far, we have raised $2,957,759 or 73% of our goal.

The shortfall is 27%. I'm sure you meant this, but the title was ambiguous (to me anyway).

Top benefactor deceased

Who knew Tim Taylor loved Cornell women's hockey?
I thought it was RichS?

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Re: athletic department fundraising shortfall 73% of their goal
Posted by: RichH (
Date: June 04, 2013 12:02PM

I'm going to have to be the one to point out that this email came from ""

I didn't know that's what Mr. Noel thought of his student-athletes.
Re: athletic department fundraising shortfall 73% of their goal
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: June 04, 2013 12:29PM

A planet where jocks evolved from men?!
Re: athletic department fundraising shortfall 73% of their goal
Posted by: billhoward (
Date: June 04, 2013 10:42PM

For want of a semicolon after shortfall
Re: athletic department fundraising shortfall 73% of their goal
Posted by: billhoward (
Date: June 05, 2013 03:38PM

This is a snapshot before the campaign ends; maybe some sports are strong finishers. Be nice if the list could be instantly sorted.

Closest to goal
Lacrosse (women)	$68,614 	106%
Rowing	                $257,479 	101%
Wrestling	        $211,524 	94%
Swimming/Diving/MW	$98,595 	94%
Field Hockey	        $44,933 	90%

Most money raised (>$100K)
Football	        $460,115 
Unrestricted	        $307,380 
Rowing	                $257,479 
Wrestling	        $211,524 
Baseball	        $188,594 
Lacrosse (men)	        $186,498 
Ice Hockey (men)	$150,091 
Track /CC (M&W)	        $126,857 
Sprint Football	        $121,926 
Outdoor Education	$121,596 
Squash (M&W)	        $102,278

Rowing and wrestling clearly have strong alumni support. Football has a lot of dollars coming in but the team is large, too.

$1,000 to the training staff ($715 collected so far) would probably get your name inscribed on the wall (in wrapping tape).
Re: athletic department fundraising shortfall 73% of their goal
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: June 05, 2013 04:08PM

How the fuck can football still raise 3x what hockey does? Is it all coming from three guys from the class of '45?
Re: athletic department fundraising shortfall 73% of their goal
Posted by: Jordan 04 (155.72.28.---)
Date: June 05, 2013 04:16PM

How the fuck can football still raise 3x what hockey does? Is it all coming from three guys from the class of '45?

They have 5x as many people who have worn the uniform?
Re: athletic department fundraising shortfall 73% of their goal
Posted by: Jim Hyla (
Date: June 05, 2013 04:27PM

How the fuck can football still raise 3x what hockey does? Is it all coming from three guys from the class of '45?

I don't know, getting people to donate is difficult. How many posters on eLynah do you think donate? I'd guess a small percentage.

"Cornell Fans Made the Timbers Tremble", Boston Globe, March/1970
Cornell lawyers stopped the candy throwing. Jan/2005
Re: athletic department fundraising shortfall 73% of their goal
Posted by: KeithK (
Date: June 05, 2013 05:08PM

Jim Hyla
How the fuck can football still raise 3x what hockey does? Is it all coming from three guys from the class of '45?

I don't know, getting people to donate is difficult. How many posters on eLynah do you think donate? I'd guess a small percentage.
That could be an interesting poll topic.
Re: athletic department fundraising shortfall 73% of their goal
Posted by: dag14 (
Date: June 05, 2013 05:44PM

Hockey alumni have not traditionally been big donors compared to alumni of other sports. I don't know why, just that this is a "fact." Additionally, most donations to athletics come from alumni who played the sport rather than friends of the sport.
Re: athletic department fundraising shortfall 73% of their goal
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: June 05, 2013 08:25PM

Additionally, most donations to athletics come from alumni who played the sport rather than friends of the sport.
This makes sense. I assumed donations came from Mr. Burns types. Charitable donation is the only purpose for the existence of rich people.
Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 06/05/2013 08:27PM by Trotsky.
Re: athletic department fundraising shortfall 73% of their goal
Posted by: Kyle Rose (
Date: June 05, 2013 09:42PM

Additionally, most donations to athletics come from alumni who played the sport rather than friends of the sport.
This makes sense. I assumed donations came from Mr. Burns types. Charitable donation is the only purpose for the existence of rich people.
"Well, let me just say this: he spelled Cornell with a 3."
"Cornell *could* use an international airport, Mr. Weill."
"I'm not made of international airports! Get out!"

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