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Go easy on section O this weekend

Posted by Scott Kominkiewicz 
Go easy on section O this weekend
Posted by: Scott Kominkiewicz (
Date: February 06, 2002 04:46PM

My wife, son, and I will be sitting there this weekend cheering for the Big Red. Hey, it's easy to get tickets in section O and you get a good view of the antics of sections A & B. You also get a close up look at the sieve for two-thirds of the game. help
Re: Go easy on section O this weekend
Posted by: LGR31 (
Date: February 06, 2002 05:30PM

Hey at least there are some Big Red fans over there!

just hope that they don't bring their band...
(i don't think they do)rolleyes
Re: Go easy on section O this weekend
Posted by: Adam Ganderson (
Date: February 06, 2002 05:32PM

Admit it... you just wanted to use that smilicon. :)
Re: Go easy on section O this weekend
Posted by: judy (
Date: February 06, 2002 07:20PM

Hey! If you're in Section O, you may be able to say hi to supermom when Princeton comes to town!
Re: Go easy on section O this weekend
Posted by: Scott Kominkiewicz (
Date: February 06, 2002 07:30PM

So, how do I recognize Super Mom? Will she berate me when I yell at Sievethos?
Super Mom
Posted by: Ben Doyle 03 (
Date: February 06, 2002 07:42PM

. . .You'll know, trust me you'll know. . . laugh
Re: Super Mom
Posted by: melissa (
Date: February 06, 2002 09:27PM

You'd have to be blind and deaf not to know....;-)
Re: Go easy on section O this weekend
Posted by: (
Date: February 06, 2002 09:44PM

Is that Gita you're talking about?
Re: Go easy on section O this weekend
Posted by: judy (
Date: February 06, 2002 09:46PM

wasn't there a picture of her on the old forum?

Melissa and I saw her when we were at Princeton. Her leg was in some sort of a cast at the time. don't think the cast was orange though...
Re: Go easy on section O this weekend
Posted by: melissa (
Date: February 06, 2002 09:57PM

nah but i recall her wearing orange and black tiger striped pants/leggings!
Re: Go easy on section O this weekend
Posted by: yip_eee (
Date: February 06, 2002 10:17PM

i believe we are thinking about her. nut
super mom
Posted by: Ben Doyle 03 (
Date: February 06, 2002 10:20PM

She won't be phased by our insults. . .:-)
Re: Go easy on section O this weekend
Posted by: Scott Kominkiewicz (
Date: February 06, 2002 11:26PM

I'll keep my eyes peeled. She won't be hard to miss. yark On a serious note, I saw Princeton play against Notre Dame this season, and they had a freshman goalie who did a nice job. Does anyone know if Stathos has been in goal for PU or has it been the new kid?
Super Mom
Posted by: jtwcornell91 (
Date: February 06, 2002 11:47PM

What, no black-and-orange cast? When my mom broke her arm a few years back she got a Big Red cast. (I should scan that photo...)

Princeton goalie
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: February 07, 2002 06:53AM

Seems to me Stathos has been playing lately.

Re: Princeton
Posted by: RichS (
Date: February 07, 2002 08:51AM

Stathos played both games last week against Clarkson and Slu. I also saw Trevor Clay play at Baker last month against Notre Dame. He looked sharp!

Hope you folks don't use up all the vulgarities and insults this weekend. Feb 23 will be my wife's first time at Lynah (my brother and sister in law have been there before) and I'd hate for her to be disappointed in the reception us Clarkson fans get. :-D
Re: Go easy on section O this weekend
Posted by: Tom Lento (
Date: February 07, 2002 12:55PM

Stathos has been the regular starter, as far as I know. I heard good things about Clay, but on the other hand, it was Notre Dame. . .

I saw Princeton (and Stathos) play against ND in Trenton in what had to be one of the worst games of college hockey ever, um, played (if you can call it that). I've never paid $5 to get into a game and felt ripped off before. . .

That said, if Cornell takes them lightly, and Princeton gets good goaltending, the Tigers could manage to pull a surprise. However, I don't think anybody is picking Cornell to lose this one.
Re: Princeton
Posted by: Beeeej (
Date: February 07, 2002 01:19PM

Something tells me the vulgarities and insults aren't a particularly finite commodity in Lynah. :-{)} You just take care of bringing your wife.

"Lynah Rink: Cheer all you want, we'll make more!"

Re: Boundless vulgarities!
Posted by: RichS (
Date: February 08, 2002 01:45AM

Is that a promise? rolleyes

Its good to know the boring vulgar chants can be repeated over and over...:-D That droning adds a lot to the atmosphere.

Oh, she'll be there alright...and she's not easily intimidated.
Re: Boundless vulgarities!
Posted by: Beeeej (
Date: February 08, 2002 10:15AM

Lynah Rink: Cheer all you want, we'll make your wife!

Wait a minute... that's not quite right...
Re: Boundless vulgarities!
Posted by: rhovorka (
Date: February 08, 2002 10:21AM

Damn...why didn't anyone tell me when I bought my Clarkson ticket that RichS's wife isn't easily intimidated? Now I feel like I just threw my money away.

The boring vulgar chants, we'll leave that to Clarkson. Now the exciting vulgar chants on the other hand... ;-)

Speaking of that upcoming game, I noticed on the Clarkson pep band website that they've made T-shirts for that roadtrip. I have a feeling that they'll be changing the design, because that seems somewhat tame compared to past shirts I've seen from them.
Re: Boundless vulgarities!
Posted by: RichS (
Date: February 08, 2002 06:42PM

Nice...about what I expected I guess. rolleyes
Re: Boundless vulgarities!
Posted by: RichS (
Date: February 08, 2002 06:49PM

It looks like you missed the point. Perhaps I was redundant...let me clarify. I don't find vulgarity to be "exciting". They are all boring...and just plain vulgar! Maybe Al D..."Mr. Webster" can provide the definition as he is wont to do!

I do recall fondly that in '97, the vularity and other mocking of Clarkson and its fans tapered off markedly late in the game. I wonder if the score had anything to do with it. Me thinks the real fans should have turned their energies towards rooting FOR their team to make a comeback, no?

I even recall some positive acknowledgement from a lot of cornell fans of Tech's Todd White when the Clarkson fans chanted "Hobey Baker". A nice touch...very classy!
Re: Boundless vulgarities!
Posted by: jtwcornell91 (
Date: February 08, 2002 07:38PM

Rich Hovorka '96 wrote:

Speaking of that upcoming game, I noticed on the Clarkson pep band website that they've made T-shirts for that roadtrip. [...] I have a feeling that they'll be changing the design, because that seems somewhat tame compared to past shirts I've seen from them.

You mean like the one I bought that says "RPI SUCKS" on the front and "SLU Swallows" on the back (which I always think of when RichS drifts into decenter-than-thou territory)?

Re: Boundless vulgarities!
Posted by: RichS (
Date: February 08, 2002 08:37PM

"decenter than thou" John? :-D

Gimme a break! Oh, and did you get approval from Al D...Mr. Webster ...before using that term?

Or is it only non-cornellians that need to do that?

Yeah, I've seen that shirt...right up "their alley" for some of the vulgar faithful! rolleyes

Uh, what's your beef with "decent" behavior in public? I guess it just takes some people longer than others to mature and get there :-D
Tiresome baloney
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: February 08, 2002 09:24PM

Note no mention whatsoever that this shirt was specially made for the wonderful, squeaky-clean Clarkson band to wear. Cornell is foul; Clarkson is perfect. Jackass extraordinaire.

Even JTW is catching on to you now, Richie-boy!

Re: Boundless vulgarities!
Posted by: jtwcornell91 (
Date: February 08, 2002 09:26PM

I've done college radio, so I know how to stay on the right side of decency when appropriate (our first season was out of the safe harbor). I just think that cleverness and vulgarity are neither completely correlated nor completely anti-correlated.

And judging from the t-shirt some of the Clarkson contingent also share this view. (Actually I find the front of that shirt a lot more amusing than the back.)
What did we do to deserve him?
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: February 08, 2002 09:47PM

And I recall fondly that Clarkson lost the big one (as usual) that year to the Big Red. And, for the second year in a row, Todd White--who failed to win the Hobey--was shut out on the "big ice" by Cornell's defense, and all the bush league noisemakers brought by the Clarkson crowd to make up for their mute fans were silenced.

Yes, Richie-boy, I do remember that fondly. Hope you were there to enjoy it, too.:-P

Re: Tiresome twisting!
Posted by: RichS (
Date: February 08, 2002 11:11PM

Yeah Al...I'm sure John remembers that I never said the Tech band is squeaky clean or that Clarkson is perfect or that cornell is...whatever adjective you erroneously attributed to me this time. Nice try...keep "spinning"!

If you're going to continue to trash me, at least quote me're sounding very desperate! rolleyes My goodness, you're pathetic! Your team is running away with the RS, and all you can do is be negative??? I really feel for sad.

Oh, and I've actually met John at the SIT a few years back. Can your jaded brain fathom that...and that we had a civil exchange?
Re: Boundless vulgarities!
Posted by: RichS (
Date: February 08, 2002 11:17PM

Well, I guess we disagree. I think common decency in a public place precludes the spewing of vulgarities. Any mature person ought to be able to express him or herself without resorting to gutter language.

You may find it acceptable...or even enjoy its "cleverness", and perhaps don't mind if your kids hear it...but you ought to have some respect for the feelings of those who have a different view.

No point in rehashing all this here. It's been covered and I know whatever I say will be soundly refuted by those who endorse the "foul faithful" as Al called them...however many there are!
Re: You're just lucky!!!
Posted by: RichS (
Date: February 08, 2002 11:25PM

Mute fans, Al? Guess you forgot to turn up your hearing aid buddy!

Oh, so now Todd White "failed"??? :-P Who was the last cornellian to finish second in the voting?

My God, you really are least some of the fans at Lynah applauded his efforts that night and even joined in the chant...showing some class.

Class! Something you know nothing about...or at least have never shown here.

Another dig at Clarkson, as usual....and any day now, you'll be posting elsewhere how much respect you have for the Clarkson program...yeah right. And that will be followed by yet another trashing of its academics....YAWN!!!!

AL D an his endless sarcasm = TIRESOME!!


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