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ECAC picks Grady

Posted by Ken71 
ECAC picks Grady
Posted by: Ken71 (207.127.234.---)
Date: March 11, 2002 08:03AM

The ECAC has announced that Grady (and Bob Ahlfeld) will anchor internet radio coverage of the PIG, the semis, and the championship game, teaming up with WEOS:


There's no mention of this (yet) at the WEOS site (, so it's not clear to me if these internet broadcasts will also be radio broadcasts on the FM station (available in Ithaca). I'd love to have an FM station carrying Cornell sports again - AM radio gets interference from way too many sources.

Ken '71
Re: ECAC picks Grady
Posted by: Greg Berge (
Date: March 11, 2002 02:20PM

If I'm not mistaken, he was also picked last year.
Re: ECAC picks Grady
Posted by: jy3 (
Date: March 11, 2002 05:47PM

well who else would they have. no one is as awesome as grady, plain and simple. it is great to see him recognized for it.

Re: ECAC picks Grady
Posted by: RichS (
Date: March 11, 2002 06:42PM

I am biased of course but the aforementioned Bob ahlfeld does a great job on the Clarkson broadcasts. He and Josh Bartell present a pretty balanced view of the game.

Not familiar with other ECAC radio guys from personal listening except the guy from Colgate. He calls a good game but has no color guy so it gets a tad monotonous at times.
Re: ECAC picks Grady
Posted by: Keith K (
Date: March 11, 2002 07:27PM

The Clarkson broadcasts are very well done and seemed pretty balanced and professional from the few times I've listened in. I've caught a few schools broadcasts lately (interested in playoff possibilities) and many are blatantly biased, have the excitement problem (where they're barely intelligble on every shot) or are just plain bad. Not to mention "Alien Grady" and "Alien Pete" from the Dartmouth broadcasts last Friday...

A good selection by the ECAC.

BTW - Colgate did have a color guy last weekend although, as one Red Raider fan on USCHO pointed out, Skip tends to ignore him.
Re: ECAC picks Grady
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: March 11, 2002 09:19PM

The Brown guys were simply over the top Saturday night. help

Re: ECAC picks Grady
Posted by: Greg Berge (
Date: March 11, 2002 09:50PM

The Vermont team from a few years ago was superb. They were probably the best pan-ECAC team I've ever heard, with lots of emphasis on out of town scores and stories. I heard they were replaced; no idea why.

The Clarkson team is very solid.

The RPI broadcasts are good -- they have problems occasionally, but they also have a very difficult building to work in, and very difficult fans to try to please.

The Harvard team seems to change every year. They used to have students, who were just what you'd expect -- awful. They experimented with having a coed in the box for at least one season, which would have been fine, except she was really, really bad (what if Jackie Robinson was Ivan DeJesus?)

The St. Lawrence team broadcast is pure comedy. One member is a hack, spouting all manner of nonsensical and hateful loathing. I've heard one of the USCHO regulars is a member of the team, and I really, really hope he's the other one, who winces whenever the idiot opens his mouth, and frequently contradicts him on the air.
Re: ECAC picks Grady
Posted by: ugarte (63.94.240.---)
Date: March 11, 2002 09:56PM

Well of course they picked Grady. Grady Whittenburg is legendary.

And the Brown crew was hysterical. I get the feeling that they pace themselves drinking so that they can make it through the game, but it caught up to them when the game went into 2OT. One of the guys called the Harvard team "dirtbags" and accused Mazzoleni of intentionally coaching dirty play.

Re: ECAC picks Grady
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: March 11, 2002 10:07PM

You mean...those statements might not be true? nut

Re: ECAC picks Grady
Posted by: twh2 (
Date: March 11, 2002 10:44PM

GRADY RULES! We love you dude. And any sloshed announcer bad mouthing Harvard in thier own back yard gets the thumbs-up from me, I loved those guys!!!!:-)

Re: ECAC picks Grady
Posted by: ursusminor (
Date: March 12, 2002 04:54AM

Greg, I think that the Jayson and Kurt are both great on WRPI. Furthermore, they manage to monitor the discussion on USCHO and comment there from the press box at times. The other RPI announcers are improving. I do wish that they would cut out the practice of awarding Three Stars after each game only to RPI players. This might have made sense when there was an award that went along with this at the end of the season, but now it makes as much sense as a certain Cornell cheer that mentions BU meant when CU and BU didn't play. rolleyes

Hopefully, Mr. Whittenburg does his homework before the play-in game, or there will be one person who will be complaining a lot.
Re: ECAC picks Grady
Posted by: melissa (
Date: March 12, 2002 06:29AM

I respectfully disagree. Tuned into their broadcast of the last game of the RS and couln't stop laughing. They kept making mistakes. It took them 5 min after the fact to realize that a goal had been waved off. nut
Re: ECAC picks Grady
Posted by: mha (
Date: March 12, 2002 09:24AM

ursaminor wrote:

Furthermore, they manage to monitor the discussion on USCHO and comment there from the press box at times.

That would impress me a lot more if I hadn't recently shared the press box with them. There were FOUR PEOPLE (or was it five?) on their crew.

Don't get me wrong. It's great that they keep an eye on what's going on online. In fact, that's precisely what I was there for that night... to be an additional avenue of information for Grady. But other than me providing score updates and the occasional additional tidbit of trivia from the nets, Grady was flying solo. Always amazes me how he can keep his own stats, remember who all the opposing players are and what they did two years ago, AND keep track in his head of all of the other games going on that night. When I handed him a score, he was able to rattle off how the teams had gotten there. I can usually just barely keep track of who's playing whom. :-)

Anyway, the WRPI crew was certainly welcoming and friendly, unlike other radio teams I could name. They even shared their high-speed network link so I didn't have to use my cell phone dialup connection that night. Anything I can do to help next time they're in Ithaca, it's theirs.

Re: ECAC picks Grady
Posted by: Beeeej (
Date: March 12, 2002 01:10PM

The Vermont team from a few years ago was superb. They were probably the best pan-ECAC team I've ever heard, with lots of emphasis on out of town scores and stories. I heard they were replaced; no idea why.

I heard it was because they were caught hazing their studio engineer.

Is it Friday yet?


All goalies look the same with a mask on :-)
Posted by: ursusminor (
Date: March 13, 2002 04:59PM

Melissa, All announcers make those kind of errors. Didn't it take a half period for a certain sainted announcer to realize that Underhill wasn't in the goal two weeks ago? ;-)
Re: All goalies look the same with a mask on :-)
Posted by: melissa (
Date: March 13, 2002 06:17PM

yeah. however there is a difference between failing to recognize the number on the back of a goalie's jersey ( when you aren't facing their back) and failing to notice a number light up on the scoreboard at center ice ( or at the very least the sound of disappointment from a large crowd)
Re: All goalies look the same with a mask on :-)
Posted by: RichS (
Date: March 13, 2002 07:17PM

I'm not picking on Grady here...

But the difference in goalies is a lot more than the numbers on a uniform. Different masks, heights, style of play...etc.

Trust me...I was never confused for any of my goalie teammates! :-D
Re: All goalies look the same with a mask on :-)
Posted by: melissa (
Date: March 13, 2002 07:44PM

yeah i know. it was just conveniently eliminated. yark
Re: All goalies look the same with a mask on :-)
Posted by: Beeeej (
Date: March 14, 2002 10:45AM

I take it they were quieter? :-))


Re: ECAC picks Grady
Posted by: ursusminor (
Date: March 14, 2002 11:45AM

This thread is quite funny, but there is little hope that some Cornell fans will admit that there is anything about their school that isn't perfect. That's life. Hopefully, RPI will have a chance to show it on the ice, just like Dougie Hearns was able to do on 12/4/68, and the whole RPI team did two years later. (I better not mention RPI's two contributions to Cornell's undefeated season. ;-) )

Rich, thanks for your support. I may have to root for CCT if RPI doesn't beat DC and CU.
Posted by: jtwcornell91 (
Date: March 14, 2002 11:54AM

Our football field has artificial turf. That's not cool.

Re: Imperfection
Posted by: jeh25 (130.132.105.---)
Date: March 14, 2002 12:33PM

And Ithaca is cold and windy in the winter...

and campus is huge, making it very hard to get from the Vet school to baker lab in time for you next class...

and Morrison smells like shit...

and all the campus buildings are way over heated...

and all the hot chicks at Cornell have boyfriends...

and there isn't enough parking in C-town...

and Ruloff's sucks under new management...


Re: Imperfection
Posted by: Josh '99 (207.10.33.---)
Date: March 14, 2002 12:42PM

And I hear there are hills, too.

Re: ECAC picks Grady
Posted by: ursusminor (
Date: March 14, 2002 01:44PM

Thanks John*2 and Josh. Is Morrison a person or a building? rolleyes
All great colleges are built on hills. They get harder to climb when you become an alum as I found out again last December.
Re: ECAC picks Grady
Posted by: tml5 (
Date: March 14, 2002 01:55PM

Not only is it cold and windy in winter, but winter is pretty freakin long, too.

And not *all* great schools are built on hills. From what I understand Ann Arbor is pretty much flat. I've never been there, and I'm going on the word of a Cornell alum, so maybe it's just flat compared to Cornell.
Re: ECAC picks Grady
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: March 14, 2002 01:57PM

Flat Ann Arbor is. Stanford, too. And Urbana-Champaign. Great universities all.

Re: All goalies look the same with a mask on :-)
Posted by: RichS (
Date: March 14, 2002 01:58PM

Yes, actually, they were...but that's not a good thing. A goalie has to take charge, much like a baseball catcher, since he has most of the game in front of him.

Shouting encouragement and directions to your D men especially is the norm...and some of the D men I played with needed a lot of both of those!

We wont discuss my GAA...those records were sealed long ago !! :-D
Re: ECAC picks Grady
Posted by: jeh25 (130.132.105.---)
Date: March 14, 2002 02:04PM

At one edge of Stanford's campus you could probably stand on two tuna cans and see the far edge on campus.

Morrison is the Animal Science building.

Re: ECAC picks Grady
Posted by: jy3 (
Date: March 14, 2002 06:53PM

and morrison smells great! 'specially after slaughter............. yark

Re: ECAC picks Grady
Posted by: jy3 (
Date: March 14, 2002 07:11PM

so....i am curious about the game and alas the link to where the thursday game should be...well it doesnt work or i am an idiot :-)

Re: ECAC picks Grady
Posted by: Ken71 (
Date: March 14, 2002 07:16PM

It's on now...
Re: ECAC picks Grady
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: March 14, 2002 07:21PM

They don't know what they're missing at Harvard. nut


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