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Cornell v Colgate, 12/02/23

Posted by Dunc 
Cornell v Colgate, 12/02/23
Posted by: Dunc (199.79.156.---)
Date: December 02, 2023 06:28PM

Lines for tonight:

Re: Cornell v Colgate, 12/02/23
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: December 02, 2023 06:54PM

Colgate with just 4 defensemen.
Re: Cornell v Colgate, 12/02/23
Posted by: pjd8 (
Date: December 02, 2023 06:54PM

Colgate is down to four defensemen.
Re: Cornell v Colgate, 12/02/23
Posted by: dag14 (
Date: December 02, 2023 07:25PM

Announcers said Colgate is skating 5 lines with one of the "forwards" the 5th D
Re: Cornell v Colgate, 12/02/23
Posted by: billhoward (
Date: December 02, 2023 07:28PM

Colgate’s big goalie, Guylander.

If his parents had a sense of humor, he would have been named Lon.
Re: Cornell v Colgate, 12/02/23
Posted by: billhoward (
Date: December 02, 2023 07:34PM

Forecheck, forecheck. Wear them down. Multiple PPs would help . Gate sucks on PK. Statistically.
Re: Cornell v Colgate, 12/02/23
Posted by: dag14 (
Date: December 02, 2023 08:17PM

I can't remember the last time I actually saw a Cornell player score on a penalty shot! Way to go Sullivan Mack!
Re: Cornell v Colgate, 12/02/23
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: December 02, 2023 08:41PM

I can't remember the last time I actually saw a Cornell player score on a penalty shot! Way to go Sullivan Mack!


That was our first successful penalty shot (in game) at Lynah since Nieuwendyk.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/02/2023 08:44PM by Trotsky.
Re: Cornell v Colgate, 12/02/23
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: December 02, 2023 08:47PM

Harvard down 2-0 at PWR #57 SLU.
Re: Cornell v Colgate, 12/02/23
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: December 02, 2023 08:55PM

Guh. These guys play us so tough.
Re: Cornell v Colgate, 12/02/23
Posted by: Big Dingus (
Date: December 02, 2023 08:56PM

Hurts to see the ECAC so bad again. Can’t even lose a game without our pairwise being destroyed. Truly embarrassing how some of these programs have fallen since COVID
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/02/2023 09:20PM by Big Dingus.
Re: Cornell v Colgate, 12/02/23
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: December 02, 2023 09:05PM

Good chances but no finish. :-(
Re: Cornell v Colgate, 12/02/23
Posted by: Scersk '97 (104.28.39.---)
Date: December 02, 2023 09:28PM

Well, a lot to fix over break. Maybe Shane can learn how to control rebounds.
Re: Cornell v Colgate, 12/02/23
Posted by: chimpfood (
Date: December 02, 2023 09:45PM

First off, Shane’s gotta be better. Second, we got two flukey goals tonight. I might be overreacting but I feel like we need to be better at scoring in settles O zone possessions. We’re fine at moving the puck and keeping possession but I feel like we haven’t scored much from there.
Re: Cornell v Colgate, 12/02/23
Posted by: arugula (
Date: December 02, 2023 09:52PM

Dropped 8 spots. Well deserved.
Re: Cornell v Colgate, 12/02/23
Posted by: arugula (
Date: December 02, 2023 09:57PM

Harvard has one win this season. Yale lost to Long Island University. The ECAC is a dumpster fire.
Re: Cornell v Colgate, 12/02/23
Posted by: chimpfood (
Date: December 02, 2023 09:59PM

Harvard has one win this season. Yale lost to Long Island University. The ECAC is a dumpster fire.
we’re doing our part, winning every OOC game but losing just about all of the ECAC ones.
Re: Cornell v Colgate, 12/02/23
Posted by: BearLover (
Date: December 02, 2023 11:31PM

Man. Cornell is at home, in the last game of the semester, against a bad team, with four(!!!) healthy defensemen. Shots are even and Cornell loses. This is not an NCAA team. We are at least a year away from competing for anything.
Re: Cornell v Colgate, 12/02/23
Posted by: arugula (
Date: December 03, 2023 12:36AM

Wondering if Adam W is doubling down on his view. I agreed with him at the time but oh boy.
Re: Cornell v Colgate, 12/02/23
Posted by: Dafatone (
Date: December 03, 2023 12:50AM

We're 6-4-1 and just beat the #2 team in the pairwise. I'd like us to be doing better, but the sky is not falling.
Re: Cornell v Colgate, 12/02/23
Posted by: dag14 (
Date: December 03, 2023 02:11AM

Can't remember the season because I am old but at one point in the 80's we were 0-5 going into the break and then won 20 games in the spring. It isn't over until the season ends. Happy Holidays. Enjoy your time with family, etc.
Re: Cornell v Colgate, 12/02/23
Posted by: BearLover (
Date: December 03, 2023 04:58AM

Wondering if Adam W is doubling down on his view. I agreed with him at the time but oh boy.
Adam W’s view [he said my prediction that Cornell would finish in the 20s in the Pairwise was going to look very, very foolish] was uninformed. It was premised on the idea “every team loses a ton of players at the end of each season,” i.e. Cornell’s significant roster turnover was not outside the norm. This was incorrect. Cornell lost 9 lineup mainstays and 6 of their top 10 scorers to graduation. Cornell now plays 1 senior and 7-8 freshmen in the lineup every night. Half their D and 3/4 of their centers are freshmen. This is a rebuilding year.

Some forum posters will say: “there goes BearLover with another one of his pessimistic takes.” Actually, predicting an extremely young team with tremendous roster turnover to finish in the 20s in the PWR (and top 4 in the ECAC) is an optimistic take. More relevantly, it appears to be a realistic take. Outside of maybe the UMD series, Cornell hasn’t shown any reason to think they’re a tournament team. For the most part, we’ve played bad teams close, lost badly to one very good team, and were fortunate to beat another very good team.

Tonight was the exclamation point on a mediocre semester, and indicates more than a typical loss would—last game of the semester, at home, rivalry game, opponent is bad/having a bad year, opponent has four defensemen (!!!). Play is even and Cornell loses! That’s very bad!
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/03/2023 05:08AM by BearLover.
Re: Cornell v Colgate, 12/02/23
Posted by: Big Dingus (
Date: December 03, 2023 07:08AM

So is it mediocre if this is expected? This isn’t a tournament team and no one should probably expect this team to be a tournament team with how young they are
Re: Cornell v Colgate, 12/02/23
Posted by: VIEWfromK (
Date: December 03, 2023 09:21AM

Woof. That place was buzzing last night the moment Mack scored but by the time they dropped the puck it had already turned into a morgue. The student section is only reactive these days. Not sure there was even a Let’s Go Red chant in the third until someone to my left in a Townie section got one going after the late power play ended. It’s great that the place was full but long stretches go by with no student involvement. The Lynah advantage is not being taken advantage of enough these days to help sustain momentum.

Colgate sure put the clamps on in the third. That opening minute fifteen between the ice delay and the inability of Cornell to exit the zone turned the game in their favor. Most of the evening Cornell’s ability to go D to D behind the net was thwarted by a Colgate forward. The reverse the puck around the boards play wasn’t working either. The power play was so complicated. A lot of the set plays required two perfect passes in quick succession. High to low to a slam dunk attempt in front. It’s happening all on the same side of the ice so that goalie is already in position. He made some big saves throughout but Cornell was not making him move much.

I’m curious why Donaldson is the guy bouncing in and out of the lineup? Selected to take one of the shootout attempts vs Dartmouth, sits against Harvard. Was on the second PP unit Friday, sits last night.
Re: Cornell v Colgate, 12/02/23
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: December 03, 2023 09:45AM

The student section is only reactive these days.

Re: Cornell v Colgate, 12/02/23
Posted by: Big Dingus (
Date: December 03, 2023 02:30PM

Old timers still going to complain about the student section and the crowd no matter what. It was great last night
Re: Cornell v Colgate, 12/02/23
Posted by: sah67 (
Date: December 03, 2023 05:14PM

Schafer’s postgame comments to the Sun:

“I told [the players] after the game, it’s been so long since I’ve been this pissed off, angry and disappointed in a hockey team,” Schafer said.

“Just so many mistakes throughout the course of the night,” Schafer explained. “We talked about trying to grow as a hockey team, and we’ve made some good strides, and we just reverted back to some terrible habits tonight.”

“The way we started the third period, in our own rink, was one of the most embarrassing moments I’ve had coaching here for 29 years,” Schafer said. “To come out and be lackadaisical and [have] the game on the line, 2-2, and give up a goal? I’d say that was embarrassing.”

We’re learning,” Schafer added. “It really stinks to have to learn these hard lessons of losing these kinda games where we took a step forward, [but] we didn’t take the next step…that happened at the start of the year, we went 4-0, then we didn’t take the next step,”
Re: Cornell v Colgate, 12/02/23
Posted by: upprdeck (38.77.26.---)
Date: December 03, 2023 05:18PM

huge upside to be the 2nd best team in the league, whether they get there who knows.
Re: Cornell v Colgate, 12/02/23
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: December 03, 2023 05:43PM

Schafer’s postgame comments to the Sun:

“I told [the players] after the game, it’s been so long since I’ve been this pissed off, angry and disappointed in a hockey team,” Schafer said.

“Just so many mistakes throughout the course of the night,” Schafer explained. “We talked about trying to grow as a hockey team, and we’ve made some good strides, and we just reverted back to some terrible habits tonight.”

“The way we started the third period, in our own rink, was one of the most embarrassing moments I’ve had coaching here for 29 years,” Schafer said. “To come out and be lackadaisical and [have] the game on the line, 2-2, and give up a goal? I’d say that was embarrassing.”

We’re learning,” Schafer added. “It really stinks to have to learn these hard lessons of losing these kinda games where we took a step forward, [but] we didn’t take the next step…that happened at the start of the year, we went 4-0, then we didn’t take the next step,”

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/03/2023 05:44PM by Trotsky.

Re: Cornell v Colgate, 12/02/23
Posted by: VIEWfromK (
Date: December 04, 2023 12:10AM

Big Dingus
Old timers still going to complain about the student section and the crowd no matter what. It was great last night

The crowd WAS great last night…. when something happened. The Mack goal was one of the best regular season regulation goals at Lynah in some time. There was anticipation leading to a fitting eruption and then everyone went back to waiting for the next thing to happen. The jubilation had no staying power. What is supposed to separate Lynah from the other arenas is that the excitement is supposed to carry over during play and through stoppages. There were multiple times in that game where you could hear the officials clear as day and I’m not talking about hearing them yelling OFF or MOVE IT. You could hear conversations. The din of an engaged crowd or the band should always drown that stuff out. I guess it’s time for our own MSG Fan Cam to keep people invested during the moments where the chants used to reside.
Re: Cornell v Colgate, 12/02/23
Posted by: Big Dingus (
Date: December 04, 2023 11:26AM

Definitely agree with the fan cam. Could use some much needed production on the board. They don’t even show replays it’s a joke
Re: Cornell v Colgate, 12/02/23
Posted by: Trotsky (12.151.182.---)
Date: December 04, 2023 11:49AM

Big Dingus
Definitely agree with the fan cam. Could use some much needed production on the board.

Why not replace Arthur with Michael Buffer?

No. The way to get the fans back in the action is to eliminate bullshit, not increase it. Get rid of the PA ads. Get rid of the board. Hell, block cell reception.

Kids never change, they are the same creative, subversive, insecure brats needing attention we all were. Give them to space to flourish. Don't inundate them with garbage.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/04/2023 11:49AM by Trotsky.
Re: Cornell v Colgate, 12/02/23
Posted by: Chris '03 (104.28.55.---)
Date: December 04, 2023 11:49AM

Big Dingus
Definitely agree with the fan cam. Could use some much needed production on the board. They don’t even show replays it’s a joke

I think you missed the point....

"Mark Mazzoleni looks like a guy whose dog just died out there..."
Re: Cornell v Colgate, 12/02/23
Posted by: Dafatone (
Date: December 04, 2023 11:55AM

Big Dingus
Definitely agree with the fan cam. Could use some much needed production on the board.

Why not replace Arthur with Michael Buffer?

No. The way to get the fans back in the action is to eliminate bullshit, not increase it. Get rid of the PA ads. Get rid of the board. Hell, block cell reception.

Kids never change, they are the same creative, subversive, insecure brats needing attention we all were. Give them to space to flourish. Don't inundate them with garbage.

Ev-ry-bo-dy clap your hands
Re: Cornell v Colgate, 12/02/23
Posted by: Trotsky (12.151.182.---)
Date: December 04, 2023 12:19PM

Big Dingus
Definitely agree with the fan cam. Could use some much needed production on the board.

Why not replace Arthur with Michael Buffer?

No. The way to get the fans back in the action is to eliminate bullshit, not increase it. Get rid of the PA ads. Get rid of the board. Hell, block cell reception.

Kids never change, they are the same creative, subversive, insecure brats needing attention we all were. Give them to space to flourish. Don't inundate them with garbage.

Ev-ry-bo-dy clap your hands

"So good, so good, so good!"
Re: Cornell v Colgate, 12/02/23
Posted by: shafer (
Date: December 04, 2023 12:52PM

There is nothing like the comforting sameness of Big Time Sports Atmospheres. Your tradition is my tradition!
Re: Cornell v Colgate, 12/02/23
Posted by: Iceberg (
Date: December 04, 2023 01:36PM

I couldn't see much of the game but from what little I saw and what I've read here, I'm glad I didn't. At least they'll have a few weeks of too reset before the tournament at Lake Placid and ultimately a few games against OOC opponents away from Lynah
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/04/2023 01:37PM by Iceberg.

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