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ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread

Posted by Trotsky 
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Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: marty (
Date: February 07, 2024 10:26AM

Uh oh. They're multiplying. ;-)

Speaking of, does anybody know if ChiefAlbanyBear (?) is still around? I loved that guy, and now that we score goals he must be happy.

I'm in contact with him regularly. He's still loving life.

Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: February 07, 2024 11:01PM

Tell him to get his ass back here. He was a blast, and he's still younger than half of us.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: February 10, 2024 09:13AM

ECAC Hockey Tournament Probabilities

      SF    F   Title
Qpc  .94  .69  .39
Cor  .92  .66  .38
Clk  .47  .16  .06
Cgt  .53  .16  .05
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: JasonN95 (
Date: February 10, 2024 10:36PM

Since first of the year, Cornell is (if I’m counting correctly) averaging 4.2 goals a game (42 goals in 10 games) and giving up 1.4 goals/game (14 in 10) for a +2.8 goal differential. I would bet that’s Cornell’s best goal differential over 10 games in a long, long time.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: upprdeck (38.77.26.---)
Date: February 10, 2024 10:42PM

And doing it without much from the PP..

when we get to 3 goals we are 13-1 great except Quin is 18-1-1.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/10/2024 11:09PM by upprdeck.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: billhoward (
Date: February 12, 2024 12:51PM

They're fun. Sports is entertainment.
A lot of wisdom in those five words.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Jeff Hopkins '82 (
Date: February 12, 2024 02:33PM

And doing it without much from the PP..

when we get to 3 goals we are 13-1 great except Quin is 18-1-1.

That's how I've always thought about the best Schafer-coached teams: "If we score three goals, you lose".
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: osorojo (
Date: February 12, 2024 03:20PM

I was fortunate enough to experience Cornell hockey at Lynah Rink form its first, Paul Patton days, and I cherish memories of the Ned Harkness days:
"You show up? You lose!"
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: upprdeck (38.77.26.---)
Date: February 16, 2024 09:56PM

win tomorrow and Union or Clark lose and home ice is locked.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: George64 (
Date: February 23, 2024 12:22PM

Gabriel Seger Named 2024 ECAC Hockey Men's Scholar-Athlete of the Year. Congratulations Gabe! Also interesting to note, Cornell alum, Ben Tupker ‘23, was Union’s nominee.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/23/2024 12:44PM by George64.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: February 23, 2024 12:51PM

Gabriel Seger Named 2024 ECAC Hockey Men's Scholar-Athlete of the Year. Congratulations Gabe! Also interesting to note, Cornell alum, Ben Tupker ‘23, was Union’s nominee.
Often "scholar" athlete awards have more than a hint of bullshit about them, but from that article Seger certainly sounds like an impressive student.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: scoop85 (
Date: February 23, 2024 01:03PM

Gabriel Seger Named 2024 ECAC Hockey Men's Scholar-Athlete of the Year. Congratulations Gabe! Also interesting to note, Cornell alum, Ben Tupker ‘23, was Union’s nominee.
Often "scholar" athlete awards have more than a hint of bullshit about them, but from that article Seger certainly sounds like an impressive student.

Making his achievements even more impressive is that English is his second language.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: chimpfood (
Date: February 23, 2024 01:11PM

Nothing against sever or student athletes in general, I know how hard it is to balance sports and school, but it’s kinda funny that a 3.5 gpa wins scholar athlete of the year for the whole league.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: BearLover (
Date: February 23, 2024 01:26PM

Nothing against sever or student athletes in general, I know how hard it is to balance sports and school, but it’s kinda funny that a 3.5 gpa wins scholar athlete of the year for the whole league.
3.5 in Engineering is like a 3.8 in another school though I think.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: RichH (104.28.123.---)
Date: February 23, 2024 01:44PM

Gabriel Seger Named 2024 ECAC Hockey Men's Scholar-Athlete of the Year. Congratulations Gabe! Also interesting to note, Cornell alum, Ben Tupker ‘23, was Union’s nominee.
Often "scholar" athlete awards have more than a hint of bullshit about them, but from that article Seger certainly sounds like an impressive student.

Making his achievements even more impressive is that English is his second language.

Reminds me of Joé Juneau. 4.0 GPA at RPI and got his aerospace engineering degree in 3 years despite not speaking English when he arrived.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: chimpfood (
Date: February 23, 2024 01:46PM

Nothing against sever or student athletes in general, I know how hard it is to balance sports and school, but it’s kinda funny that a 3.5 gpa wins scholar athlete of the year for the whole league.
3.5 in Engineering is like a 3.8 in another school though I think.
Ah, I didn’t see that he was in engineering.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Swampy (
Date: February 23, 2024 01:56PM

Nothing against sever or student athletes in general, I know how hard it is to balance sports and school, but it’s kinda funny that a 3.5 gpa wins scholar athlete of the year for the whole league.
3.5 in Engineering is like a 3.8 in another school though I think.

IIRC, the GPA of my graduating class in Engineering in the late 1960s was 2.7.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: February 23, 2024 02:35PM

IIRC, the GPA of my graduating class in Engineering in the late 1960s was 2.7.
Different age. Grade Inflation isn't quite the mockery in STEM as in other programs, but it's there.

The curve used to be a Gaussian distribution.

Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: upprdeck (38.77.26.---)
Date: February 23, 2024 02:40PM

so those of us who went to college in the 80s can say our B's are really A's?

so in the 60s the majority got Cs in the 80s Bs in the 2000s As.

Also could look at the courses being taught have changed a ton as well, the ability to game the system has gone way up, more interaction between students.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Iceberg (65.216.180.---)
Date: February 23, 2024 03:10PM


Making his achievements even more impressive is that English is his second language.

Swedes, like other Scandinavians and their German and Dutch counterparts in Europe, are very proficient English speakers. If it were someone from places where English is not taught as well or as commonly in schools, like Brazil, then it would be another story
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/23/2024 03:11PM by Iceberg.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Jeff Hopkins '82 (
Date: February 23, 2024 03:17PM

Nothing against sever or student athletes in general, I know how hard it is to balance sports and school, but it’s kinda funny that a 3.5 gpa wins scholar athlete of the year for the whole league.
3.5 in Engineering is like a 3.8 in another school though I think.

IIRC, the GPA of my graduating class in Engineering in the late 1960s was 2.7.

My GPA in ChemE was about 3.5. I was 4th in the graduating class.

So Seger's GPA is pretty damn impressive.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: George64 (
Date: February 23, 2024 03:22PM

IIRC, the GPA of my graduating class in Engineering in the late 1960s was 2.7.

In the early ‘60s, the all-men’s average was about 2.7, the all-women’s a bit higher. I recall scoring in the high 20s on an exam and beating the class average.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Dafatone (
Date: February 23, 2024 03:24PM

IIRC, the GPA of my graduating class in Engineering in the late 1960s was 2.7.

In the early ‘60s, the all-men’s average was about 2.7, the all-women’s a bit higher. I recall scoring in the high 20s on an exam and beating the class average.

Upper level math classes were fun in the mid 00s because you could get like a 36/100 and still get an A-.

Pretty sure the professors just cooked up monstrosities to see if the one or two geniuses in the class could still ace them. Said geniuses would score in the 90s, then everyone else waaaaaay below that.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: upprdeck (38.77.26.---)
Date: February 23, 2024 03:33PM

I remember a physics course at my college where in the class of 60 only 10 of us got better than a zero.. made my 16 look pretty impressive as a solid B and I took it and was happy.

All I remember was looking at the questions with no idea what to do and when we got the answers back I was like why would I ever think to use some formula used in electricity to get to the answer on gravity/friction type question when we haven't even covered that in the course yet..

like use ohms law to figure out how fast a car would roll down an incline plane.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: February 23, 2024 04:00PM

so those of us who went to college in the 80s can say our B's are really A's?

No. We can say that a lot of our B's were really C's, and a lot of our A's were really B's.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: February 23, 2024 04:02PM

I recall scoring in the high 20s on an exam and beating the class average.
To be fair, this happened to me in EE 230 in 1983 (my 17 on the midterm was in the first decile). Sometimes it's the class... sometimes it's the instructor.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/23/2024 04:03PM by Trotsky.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: February 23, 2024 04:04PM

like use ohms law to figure out how fast a car would roll down an incline plane.
When in doubt, use trig substitution.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: February 23, 2024 04:12PM

Pretty sure the professors just cooked up monstrosities to see if the one or two geniuses in the class could still ace them. Said geniuses would score in the 90s, then everyone else waaaaaay below that.
This makes sense for advanced mathematics. You aren't going into math as a field unless you are an absolute genius -- like, the kind of genius that makes it difficult to navigate in meat world. So you might as well filter for them and hope you find, say, one a decade. The people there taking it to fulfill an Engineering requirement get the booby prize of making 60x as much in a field with 6000x the likelihood for employment.

But they, and we, will never hear the chimes at midnight.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/23/2024 04:15PM by Trotsky.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Robb (
Date: February 23, 2024 06:36PM

Those impossible tests never made sense to me until a prof explained that if a student - any student - gets a 100 on a test, then you don’t really know how much they know. You know they know at least as much as was covered on the test, but that’s all you can say for sure. It’s still useful to know on a test with a mean of 40, which genius gets the 85 and which one gets the 90. I was just glad those guys were there to increase the standard deviation!
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Jeff Hopkins '82 (
Date: February 23, 2024 07:18PM

I had one test in ChemE senior year where I got a 42 and that was the mean. Later in the semester, I ran into the prof (at a party) and asked him what he was trying to prove with that test. He said he wanted everyone to know that just because it was senior year, we weren't going to coast through his course. My response was, "Did you ever think that might turn us off to anything you have to say?" When he said he hadn't, I said he might want to think about it. Then I said, "Oh by the way, I'm going to ace your course." (Narrator: He did.)

I always thought that the exams in ChemE were designed to take 1-1/2 hours...but they only gave you an hour to take it. The trick was to figure out which were the easy questions - answer those first - then get as far on the really hard question as you could until time ran out.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: jtwcornell91 (Moderator)
Date: February 24, 2024 07:50PM

I remember a physics course at my college where in the class of 60 only 10 of us got better than a zero.. made my 16 look pretty impressive as a solid B and I took it and was happy.

All I remember was looking at the questions with no idea what to do and when we got the answers back I was like why would I ever think to use some formula used in electricity to get to the answer on gravity/friction type question when we haven't even covered that in the course yet..

like use ohms law to figure out how fast a car would roll down an incline plane.

It's all differential equations, anyway.

Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Robb (
Date: February 25, 2024 08:42AM

I remember a physics course at my college where in the class of 60 only 10 of us got better than a zero.. made my 16 look pretty impressive as a solid B and I took it and was happy.

All I remember was looking at the questions with no idea what to do and when we got the answers back I was like why would I ever think to use some formula used in electricity to get to the answer on gravity/friction type question when we haven't even covered that in the course yet..

like use ohms law to figure out how fast a car would roll down an incline plane.

It's all differential equations, anyway.
I don’t recall a lot of undergrad, but one thing that stuck with me was Prof Torrance (heat transfer) doing a derivation from the Fourier heat PDE to show that electricity flowing through an anisotropic medium (eg an insulated wire) is exactly the same equation, just that a ton of terms cancel out because the insulation (and surrounding air) are very nearly perfect insulators compared to the lousy thermal insulators that are available. After you chop it all the way down, you get….Ohm’s law.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: jtwcornell91 (Moderator)
Date: February 25, 2024 09:16AM

I remember a physics course at my college where in the class of 60 only 10 of us got better than a zero.. made my 16 look pretty impressive as a solid B and I took it and was happy.

All I remember was looking at the questions with no idea what to do and when we got the answers back I was like why would I ever think to use some formula used in electricity to get to the answer on gravity/friction type question when we haven't even covered that in the course yet..

like use ohms law to figure out how fast a car would roll down an incline plane.

It's all differential equations, anyway.
I don’t recall a lot of undergrad, but one thing that stuck with me was Prof Torrance (heat transfer) doing a derivation from the Fourier heat PDE to show that electricity flowing through an anisotropic medium (eg an insulated wire) is exactly the same equation, just that a ton of terms cancel out because the insulation (and surrounding air) are very nearly perfect insulators compared to the lousy thermal insulators that are available. After you chop it all the way down, you get….Ohm’s law.

One of the classic problems in undergrad classical mechanics is the forced, damped harmonic oscillator. To get a linear differential equation you have to add a damping term which is proportional to the velocity, which is not how the "ordinary" friction works. So the usual story is to talk about a "dashpot" which no one has ever heard of at that point. The thing is, you get the same equations for a driven RLC circuit, with and the resistor really does give the desired simple linear damping term.

Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Robb (107.72.164.---)
Date: February 25, 2024 10:02AM

I remember a physics course at my college where in the class of 60 only 10 of us got better than a zero.. made my 16 look pretty impressive as a solid B and I took it and was happy.

All I remember was looking at the questions with no idea what to do and when we got the answers back I was like why would I ever think to use some formula used in electricity to get to the answer on gravity/friction type question when we haven't even covered that in the course yet..

like use ohms law to figure out how fast a car would roll down an incline plane.

It's all differential equations, anyway.
I don’t recall a lot of undergrad, but one thing that stuck with me was Prof Torrance (heat transfer) doing a derivation from the Fourier heat PDE to show that electricity flowing through an anisotropic medium (eg an insulated wire) is exactly the same equation, just that a ton of terms cancel out because the insulation (and surrounding air) are very nearly perfect insulators compared to the lousy thermal insulators that are available. After you chop it all the way down, you get….Ohm’s law.

One of the classic problems in undergrad classical mechanics is the forced, damped harmonic oscillator. To get a linear differential equation you have to add a damping term which is proportional to the velocity, which is not how the "ordinary" friction works. So the usual story is to talk about a "dashpot" which no one has ever heard of at that point. The thing is, you get the same equations for a driven RLC circuit, with and the resistor really does give the desired simple linear damping term.
Yup. Got burned by that, too. Didn’t get around to taking my RLC circuits distribution until senior year, when I was already taking PhD level fluid mechanics courses. Got a 100 on the first prelim, got cocky, said “I know this math” and didn’t study for the second one, forgetting that it was closed book. Hadn’t had closed book exams since sophomore year! Oops….. Bombed that, then aced the final for a solid A-.

Wouldn’t have been so bad, but the prof was my brother’s masters project advisor that year, resulting in this conversation about halfway through the semester:

“So, I understand that your brother is in my circuits class this semester?”

“Well, not too often!”

Accurate, but thanks, bro!
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: adamw (
Date: February 25, 2024 10:52AM

it's all ball bearings nowadays
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: February 25, 2024 11:21AM

it's all ball bearings nowadays

Yeah, but I mean the very end, when he actually died. That was extremely sudden.

Goal differential in conference:
+54 Qpc
+28 Cor
+12 Cgt
+ 1 Drt
  0 Uni
< 0 Everybody else
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: ugarte (
Date: February 25, 2024 11:54AM

it's all ball bearings nowadays

Yeah, but I mean the very end, when he actually died. That was extremely sudden.

Goal differential in conference:
+54 Qpc
+28 Cor
+12 Cgt
+ 1 Drt
  0 Uni
< 0 Everybody else
It's our fault that Dartmouth is positive.

Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Dafatone (
Date: February 25, 2024 12:10PM

it's all ball bearings nowadays

Yeah, but I mean the very end, when he actually died. That was extremely sudden.

Goal differential in conference:
+54 Qpc
+28 Cor
+12 Cgt
+ 1 Drt
  0 Uni
< 0 Everybody else
It's our fault that Dartmouth is positive.

As the resident guy who hates Dartmouth more than Harvard, this one hurts.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: marty (
Date: February 25, 2024 12:32PM

it's all ball bearings nowadays

Yeah, but I mean the very end, when he actually died. That was extremely sudden.

Goal differential in conference:
+54 Qpc
+28 Cor
+12 Cgt
+ 1 Drt
  0 Uni
< 0 Everybody else
It's our fault that Dartmouth is positive.

As the resident guy who hates Dartmouth more than Harvard, this one hurts.

In a somewhat contrary vein, I predict Cashman will have the Green in the top four next year and will enjoy success in Hanover until the dopes at PSU realize Gadowsky is fraud. Cashman will enjoy a chance to make Penn State a significantly BiG hockey program.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Iceberg (
Date: February 25, 2024 01:19PM

I said in another thread that I thought Dartmouth would be in contention for home ice in the first round but I never thought they'd actually sniff a bye. If it weren't for Harder's work at Colgate, Cashman would have a good case for ECAC coach of the year.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: March 02, 2024 09:42PM

2 ties in derp points, for 9th (Princeton and Yale at 25) and 11th (Brown and RPI at 21). Not sure if I can trust the tie breakers on the sites, yet.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Scersk '97 (104.28.55.---)
Date: March 02, 2024 09:45PM

Princeton over Yale and RPI over Brown, both by head-to-head. We get SLU if chalk prevails.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/02/2024 09:46PM by Scersk '97.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: March 02, 2024 09:47PM

I believe Brown beat Harvard in the shoot out, 2-0 in 3 rounds.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Scersk '97 (104.28.55.---)
Date: March 02, 2024 09:56PM

I believe Brown beat Harvard in the shoot out, 2-0 in 3 rounds.

Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: March 02, 2024 09:56PM

To all who think Schafer has lost his edge, Cornell has finished the last 7 seasons at least 6 games over .500 in the ECAC. Our only prior streak of at least that length ended in 1975.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/02/2024 09:59PM by Trotsky.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: March 02, 2024 10:27PM

RPI finished dead last in the ECAC for the first time since 1967.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: chimpfood (
Date: March 02, 2024 10:35PM

If one of the 5,6 or 7 seeds are upset we would play harvard which would be both exciting and scary as they are playing pretty well right now and got the better of us earlier this year.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: March 02, 2024 10:46PM

I think I did this right.

16 permutations by upsets:

SLU   {}
SLU    9
Prn    9, 10
Yal    9, 10, 11
Brn    9, 10, 11, 12
Yal    9, 10, 12
Prn    9, 11
Brn    9, 11, 12
Prn    9, 12
Hvd   10
Yal   10, 11
Brn   10, 11, 12
Yal   10, 12
Hvd   11
Brn   11, 12
Hvd   12

Scenarios per QF opponent:

SLU   {}
SLU    9

Hvd   10
Hvd   11
Hvd   12

Prn    9, 10
Prn    9, 12
Prn    9, 11

Yal    9, 10, 11
Yal    9, 10, 12
Yal   10, 11
Yal   10, 12

Brn    9, 10, 11, 12
Brn    9, 11, 12
Brn   10, 11, 12
Brn   11, 12

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 03/02/2024 10:50PM by Trotsky.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: ursusminor (
Date: March 03, 2024 01:35AM

RPI finished dead last in the ECAC for the first time since 1967.
RPI was tied with DC that season. It was the previous year that the Engineers were last alone. RPI did not play DC in 66-67, and I don't know if there were tie breakers. There were none needed since who made the playoffs was decided in a smoke-filled room.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Iceberg (
Date: March 03, 2024 01:49PM

If one of the 5,6 or 7 seeds are upset we would play harvard which would be both exciting and scary as they are playing pretty well right now and got the better of us earlier this year.

If there's any team I could see being upset in one game, it would be Harvard. IMO Brown would be the best match-up of all. They haven't looked good against Cornell in either game this season.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: chimpfood (
Date: March 03, 2024 02:18PM

If one of the 5,6 or 7 seeds are upset we would play harvard which would be both exciting and scary as they are playing pretty well right now and got the better of us earlier this year.

If there's any team I could see being upset in one game, it would be Harvard. IMO Brown would be the best match-up of all. They haven't looked good against Cornell in either game this season.
god, I forgot that the first round is one game now.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Chris '03 (104.28.79.---)
Date: March 03, 2024 03:00PM

If one of the 5,6 or 7 seeds are upset we would play harvard which would be both exciting and scary as they are playing pretty well right now and got the better of us earlier this year.

If there's any team I could see being upset in one game, it would be Harvard. IMO Brown would be the best match-up of all. They haven't looked good against Cornell in either game this season.
god, I forgot that the first round is one game now.

And all on Friday, which seems less than ideal for attendance. Harvard ticket office sent out an email begging people to buy tickets for just ten bucks.

"Mark Mazzoleni looks like a guy whose dog just died out there..."
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: RichH (
Date: March 03, 2024 07:34PM

Chris '03
If one of the 5,6 or 7 seeds are upset we would play harvard which would be both exciting and scary as they are playing pretty well right now and got the better of us earlier this year.

If there's any team I could see being upset in one game, it would be Harvard. IMO Brown would be the best match-up of all. They haven't looked good against Cornell in either game this season.
god, I forgot that the first round is one game now.

And all on Friday, which seems less than ideal for attendance. Harvard ticket office sent out an email begging people to buy tickets for just ten bucks.

If some year, we were their opponent, the price would be $55 and you’d have to put a deposit down for the following year’s season tickets.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: March 04, 2024 05:17AM

Chris '03
If one of the 5,6 or 7 seeds are upset we would play harvard which would be both exciting and scary as they are playing pretty well right now and got the better of us earlier this year.

If there's any team I could see being upset in one game, it would be Harvard. IMO Brown would be the best match-up of all. They haven't looked good against Cornell in either game this season.
god, I forgot that the first round is one game now.

And all on Friday, which seems less than ideal for attendance. Harvard ticket office sent out an email begging people to buy tickets for just ten bucks.

If some year, we were their opponent, the price would be $55 and you’d have to put a deposit down for the following year’s season tickets.

And the building would still be full of Cornell fans.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/04/2024 05:17AM by Trotsky.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Iceberg (199.49.20.---)
Date: March 05, 2024 02:12PM

Chris '03

And all on Friday, which seems less than ideal for attendance. Harvard ticket office sent out an email begging people to buy tickets for just ten bucks.

The games at Appleton and Lynah East are on Friday. The other two games are the next day
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Chris '03 (104.28.39.---)
Date: March 05, 2024 04:01PM

Chris '03

And all on Friday, which seems less than ideal for attendance. Harvard ticket office sent out an email begging people to buy tickets for just ten bucks.

The games at Appleton and Lynah East are on Friday. The other two games are the next day

They were all listed as Friday (on chn at least) as of the other day. But glad to see they aren't all Friday.

"Mark Mazzoleni looks like a guy whose dog just died out there..."
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: adamw (
Date: March 07, 2024 11:53AM

Chris '03
Chris '03

And all on Friday, which seems less than ideal for attendance. Harvard ticket office sent out an email begging people to buy tickets for just ten bucks.

The games at Appleton and Lynah East are on Friday. The other two games are the next day

They were all listed as Friday (on chn at least) as of the other day. But glad to see they aren't all Friday.

Pretty sure we've had them listed as Saturday since at least last Sunday morning (since I did it), so - I dunno.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Iceberg (
Date: March 08, 2024 07:43PM

Home teams leading 1-0 after one period. Princeton had a penalty shot and missed
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/08/2024 07:43PM by Iceberg.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: March 08, 2024 08:28PM

PU outshooting HU 22-11 but losing 1-0. SLU leads Y 4-2.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: March 08, 2024 09:14PM

Final: Harvard 1 Princeton 0
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: dbilmes (64.224.255.---)
Date: March 08, 2024 09:22PM

First time Princeton was shut out all year. Harvard goalie played great.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: chimpfood (
Date: March 08, 2024 09:23PM

If one of the games tomorrow is an upset we get harvard next week.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Scersk '97 (104.28.55.---)
Date: March 08, 2024 09:26PM

First time Princeton was shut out all year. Harvard goalie played great.

They otherwise looked sluggish.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: March 08, 2024 09:27PM

Final: St. Lawrence 4 Yale 2
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: March 09, 2024 05:56PM

Union up 3-0 on Brown in the third, so we either host SLU or, if RPI upsets Clarkson, Harvard.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Iceberg (172.56.218.---)
Date: March 09, 2024 07:04PM

RPI scores in the first minute. That was quick
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: chimpfood (
Date: March 09, 2024 08:22PM

2-0 rpi after 2
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: dbilmes (64.224.255.---)
Date: March 09, 2024 08:44PM

Watching the RPI-Clarkson game reminds me of something I noticed when I watched Cornell play up there a few weeks ago. There was no real visitor's penalty box in Cheel Arena. They just opened up the door which led to the visiting team's locker room and the visiting player who was penalized had to stand there until he was released from the penalty box. However, it now looks like they have put a bench for the penalized visiting player to sit on. Maybe they had to add one for the playoffs.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/09/2024 08:54PM by dbilmes.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Dafatone (
Date: March 09, 2024 08:57PM

Watching the RPI-Clarkson game reminds me of something I noticed when I watched Cornell play up there a few weeks ago. There was no real visitor's penalty box in Cheel Arena. They just opened up the door which led to the visiting team's locker room and the visiting player who was penalized had to stand there until he was released from the penalty box. However, it now looks like they have put a bench for the penalized visiting player to sit on. Maybe they had to add one for the playoffs.

I noticed that too! Weird.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Jeff Hopkins '82 (
Date: March 09, 2024 09:01PM

Now 3-0. Looks like Sucks is coming back to Lynah.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: March 09, 2024 09:05PM

3-1 2:30 to go, the RPI goalie just made about 7 rapid fire saves on Clarkson's extra attacker.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: March 09, 2024 09:08PM

RPI fails to clear and Gosselin scores, 3-2.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: chimpfood (
Date: March 09, 2024 09:08PM

3-2, reminding me of our choke there a few years ago.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: March 09, 2024 09:08PM

Cheel is half empty. Lame.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: dbilmes (64.224.255.---)
Date: March 09, 2024 09:08PM

3-2 with 2:09 to play.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: March 09, 2024 09:10PM

:31.4 to go, Clarkson throwing everything at Watson.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: March 09, 2024 09:11PM

8.7, faceoff in RPI end.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: March 09, 2024 09:12PM

Gosselin just barely denied with 1 second to go. That guy, jeez.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: March 09, 2024 09:13PM

Christ, and now Gosselin almost scores off the faceoff. What an ending.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: chimpfood (
Date: March 09, 2024 09:14PM

When’s the last time we had a home playoff series vs Harvard? Should be electric.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Iceberg (
Date: March 09, 2024 09:15PM

RPI looked overwhelmed in the last few minutes. Very fortunate to have the 3rd goal as a buffer because they were stuck in their zone at the end.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: March 09, 2024 09:16PM

When’s the last time we had a home playoff series vs Harvard? Should be electric.

Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: Iceberg (
Date: March 11, 2024 10:10AM

Union up 3-0 on Brown in the third, so we either host SLU or, if RPI upsets Clarkson, Harvard.

Apparently a Union student somehow went into the Brown bench and taunted the players for some time until security got to him. I imagine some would say that's not a surprising occurrence at that rink, but it's hilariously fitting that Brown was the team involved given how the game (and really the past XXX seasons) went.
Re: ECAC 2024 Discussion Thread
Posted by: ugarte (
Date: March 11, 2024 03:31PM

Union up 3-0 on Brown in the third, so we either host SLU or, if RPI upsets Clarkson, Harvard.

Apparently a Union student somehow went into the Brown bench and taunted the players for some time until security got to him. I imagine some would say that's not a surprising occurrence at that rink, but it's hilariously fitting that Brown was the team involved given how the game (and really the past XXX seasons) went.
probably worth 5 minutes to board the intruder

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