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Arizona State Tickets

Posted by rmandel 
Arizona State Tickets
Posted by: rmandel (
Date: September 16, 2021 01:57AM

Individual tickets are now on sale:
Re: Arizona State Tickets
Posted by: RichH (
Date: September 17, 2021 07:50PM

$35 for a GA seat or $30 to find a place to stand in this cushy palace, full of atmosphere. Capacity: 747, so supply/demand?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/17/2021 07:50PM by RichH.

Re: Arizona State Tickets
Posted by: Jeff Hopkins '82 (
Date: September 20, 2021 01:22PM

$35 for a GA seat or $30 to find a place to stand in this cushy palace, full of atmosphere. Capacity: 747, so supply/demand?

Attendance was typically 720-950 for home games in the 19-20 season.
Re: Arizona State Tickets
Posted by: Brad_S (
Date: September 22, 2021 11:12AM

Hey -- I'm new to the forum, a class of 1998 member living in Albuquerque. My wife and I were going to make a trip to Phoenix for New Year's, and are including the Jan. 1 game on the agenda. Anybody know of other Cornell folks going to that game?
Re: Arizona State Tickets
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: October 22, 2021 09:55PM

I'm thinking about it. Do we know if there is a visitor section?
Re: Arizona State Tickets
Posted by: billhoward (
Date: October 25, 2021 03:58PM

Brad, based on Cornellian attendance in Las Vegas two years back, you'd see 100+ Cornellians and there'll probably by a Cornell Club of Arizona or Cornell Hockey boosters function before or after the game. The coach jokes that he loves games in the Southwest because it gives him ideas on where he might retire. Well worth attending.

All this travel including to larger rinks, including Madison Square Garden in the fall, gives the younger players a feel what it will be like come tournament time. I believe they also know that no matter where they'll play, there'll be an enthusiastic Cornell contingent.
Re: Arizona State Tickets
Posted by: Brad_S (
Date: October 27, 2021 05:00PM

Thanks. I was curious if the small arena and the holiday might mean Vegas and MSG attendance would not be analogous, and that there might not be too many alumni at the ASU game.

But, of course, we do seem to make our way to just about everyplace.

Regardless, I’ll try to say hello to folks in Big Red gear, and I hope others do the same. I’ll check out what the booster club and/or AZ alumni association might have planned, too — thanks for that tip!

I don’t *think* there will be a visitor section given the capacity is under 800, and I think much of that is standing room.
Re: Arizona State Tickets
Posted by: Todd R (
Date: October 27, 2021 07:13PM

The Cornell Club of Arizona bought a block of (I think it was 50) tickets for the Jan 2 game, and sold them to members, and they sold out quickly.

I also bought tickets on my own through the ASU website for the Jan 1 game. I think you will see a decent turnout of Cornell fans, and hopefully this will become a regular stop for OOC games. In my own self interest, can we invite ASU to join the ECAC? :) Gotta be better than Quinnipiac...
Re: Arizona State Tickets
Posted by: billhoward (
Date: October 29, 2021 09:57AM

Is Arizona State worried on climate change or tectonic plates shifting? The rink is called Oceanside Ice Arena.
Re: Arizona State Tickets
Posted by: marty (
Date: October 29, 2021 11:53AM

Is Arizona State worried on climate change or tectonic plates shifting? The rink is called Oceanside Ice Arena.

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