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Promotion of this site

Posted by jnachod 
Promotion of this site
Posted by: jnachod (
Date: February 14, 2002 04:31PM

The Lynah forum might be a better place if more people participated in it. I realize that most, if not all of these require spending money, but I think there should be an effort to promote the forum using one or more of the following mechanisms:

1) an advertisement in the Cornell Daily Sun

2) a pa announcement at one of the games at Lynah Rink
It might go something like this:

Hey Cornell Hockey Fans! Enjoy the excitement of Cornell Hockey all year long from your own computer. At you can stay connected whenever you want, and join in a lively discussion with your fellow hockey fans. Join today!

3) small quarter-page flyers that could be printed out and placed on the seats of selected sections of Lynah Rink (they print out the entire Alma Mater for the last game... they might be able to add this onto that flyer).
Re: Promotion of this site
Posted by: nshapiro (146.145.226.---)
Date: February 14, 2002 04:36PM

ummmm....Grady does a great job of mentioning this forum during the radio broadcasts....and ummmm I dont know if I can handle much more traffic here, or I may have to quit my day job.
Re: Promotion of this site
Posted by: jason (
Date: February 14, 2002 04:48PM

I agree, Grady is pretty generous with the plugs for the forum and irc chat group (does he actually give the url for the forum or just mention it by name? --I guess I'm so distracted by the game that I can't at the moment recall what he usually does). That reminds me, I haven't see Grady on the forum (here or the old one) in quite some time; it was nice to see the occasional post by Grady . Grady, come back!
Re: Grady
Posted by: Keith K (
Date: February 14, 2002 04:59PM

He has definitely used the URL, particularly when referring to the HockeyCam (hard to find it without the URL :-) ). Not sure if he's ever specifically said "[]; but if you can find the main page, finding the Forum isn't hard.
Re: Promotion of this site
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: February 14, 2002 05:38PM

Grady often came here to solicit questions for the coaches corner broadcasts. My sense is they are no longer encouraging call-ins or email questions. Perhaps a legacy of this year's awful football season?

Re: Promotion of this site
Posted by: Adam 04 (
Date: February 14, 2002 08:10PM

I think Justin has a good point. Most students who are CU hockey fans go to the games. They don't have the benefit of listening to Grady. I think an alternate form of advertising could inform more students about CU hockey history, and game etiquette. Our fans would become more enlightened. This would result in a better overall crowd. However, this does not excuse their ignorance of the site. If they even remotely follow CU hockey this site should be common knowledge.
Re: Grady
Posted by: AdamGanderson (
Date: February 15, 2002 09:19AM

I was talking to Grady after the Yale game, and he not only remarked that he reads the forum regularly, but recognized my name from posts. He therefore reads not only frequently, but recently.


Hey Grady, we apreciate you!

Re: Promotion of this site
Posted by: jnachod (
Date: February 15, 2002 11:51PM

Speaking of etiquette, a lot of people just don't seem to get it this year, particularly in sections D and E. You don't jingle your keys when you're not in the lead at that given moment. People in the Yale game didn't seem to know this... perhaps because they'd been so used to Cornell winning all the recent previous games that they might have thought key ringing was automatic.
Re: Promotion of this site
Posted by: KeithK (
Date: February 16, 2002 02:14PM

You're saying that people actually jingled keys when the game was tied? Good lord, even a trained monkey could figure out that that wasn't appropriate! [shakes his head in disgust]
Re: Promotion of this site
Posted by: Ian (128.253.219.---)
Date: February 16, 2002 02:50PM

I would also say that jingle your keys when there is a power play against us is pretty inappropriate--that happened at a game a few weeks ago...

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