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AI coming to a hockey rink near you soon

Posted by George64 
AI coming to a hockey rink near you soon
Posted by: George64 (
Date: October 06, 2022 04:44PM

Cornell researchers working on a predictive algorithm for hockey. In the future, I can envision Lynah packed with students glued to their smart phones. He shoots . . . damn, only a 12 percent chance that he scores.
Re: AI coming to a hockey rink near you soon
Posted by: billhoward (
Date: October 06, 2022 11:33PM

Complete this joke (I know, I know, they're now 2-1):

To ascertain multi-sport predictably, Cornell beta-tested on its football team and _________.

The best part is the end of the story, which says Cornell is working on "commercialization efforts." This is good because Cornell in distant years past was not as eager to capitalize on the intellectual propery it developed compared to, say, Stanford. Which has an endowment 10X Cornell's.

Good news, Cornell's endowment jumped 42% a year ago and hit $10 billion; the most current year's return was down only about 1%.
Re: AI coming to a hockey rink near you soon
Posted by: Troyfan (
Date: October 07, 2022 07:18AM

Oops, I thought it was American International.
Re: AI coming to a hockey rink near you soon
Posted by: RichH (
Date: October 07, 2022 07:49AM

Oops, I thought it was American International.

Nah. Allen Iverson is pursuing love of a new sport.
Re: AI coming to a hockey rink near you soon
Posted by: George64 (
Date: October 07, 2022 08:14AM


Good news, Cornell's endowment jumped 42% a year ago and hit $10 billion; the most current year's return was down only about 1%.

“The 1.3% investment loss – following last year’s 41.9% gain – significantly outperformed the investments’ strategic benchmark return of minus 5.1%, ending the fiscal year valued at $9.8 billion, according to the Office of University Investments.“

This reminds me of our post-season analysis of our football team - hey, we beat expectations, we didn’t finish last! To be fair, I wish my investment portfolio only dropped 1.3 percent in value last year.
Re: AI coming to a hockey rink near you soon
Posted by: billhoward (
Date: October 07, 2022 09:51AM

There have been, I believe, many years when Cornell's investments underperformed that of the Ivy League leaders. Even in Cornell's +42% year, Princeton was up 47%. []

Princeton now has $4.5 million in the bank for every student, undergrad and grad. Cornell has $420,000 per student. If the investments could be tapped at 5% of value, Princeton has $225,000 available per student, Cornell $21,000. Princeton doesn't really need to charge tuition. (Harvard: $53 billion in investments, $2.5M per student, took a big hit on the equities portion which is nearly half in Meta (Facebook).)

#threaddrift Sorry
Re: AI coming to a hockey rink near you soon
Posted by: osorojo (
Date: October 07, 2022 11:22AM

Equating education with wealth is futile. Be assured those who conflate wealth and education are damned fools.
Re: AI coming to a hockey rink near you soon
Posted by: upprdeck (38.77.26.---)
Date: October 07, 2022 11:54AM

how the the cornell kids glued to their phone in a building with almost no internet connection most of the time
Re: AI coming to a hockey rink near you soon
Posted by: billhoward (
Date: October 07, 2022 04:12PM

Equating education with wealth is futile. Be assured those who conflate wealth and education are damned fools.
They run on parallel tracks. Unless, maybe, one chooses journalism.
Re: AI coming to a hockey rink near you soon
Posted by: osorojo (
Date: October 11, 2022 12:08PM


I would trade you 500 multi-billionaires of your choice for one Einstein. Equating the accumulation of wealth by a few people with the progress of human knowledge (or the improvement of the human condition) is a fool's errand.
Re: AI coming to a hockey rink near you soon
Posted by: nshapiro (
Date: October 11, 2022 05:17PM


I would trade you 500 multi-billionaires of your choice for one Einstein. Equating the accumulation of wealth by a few people with the progress of human knowledge (or the improvement of the human condition) is a fool's errand.
Unfortunately, potential future Einsteins are subject to temptation of wealth. I remember going to a HS reunion, and asking the true genius (from an already wealthy family) of our class what he was doing, figuring that he was curing cancer or something equally remarkable. Finding out that he was making money on Wall Street was such a disappointment.
Re: AI coming to a hockey rink near you soon
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: October 11, 2022 05:30PM

Unfortunately, potential future Einsteins are subject to temptation of wealth.
No. At least since the development of a comfortable upper middle class, the pursuit of extreme wealth prima facie disqualifies you from being considered a genius. Cf. power, fame.
Re: AI coming to a hockey rink near you soon
Posted by: nshapiro (
Date: October 11, 2022 08:23PM

Unfortunately, potential future Einsteins are subject to temptation of wealth.
No. At least since the development of a comfortable upper middle class, the pursuit of extreme wealth prima facie disqualifies you from being considered a genius. Cf. power, fame.
I don't think it disqualifies you from being an evil genius.

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