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Suggestions for eLynah Forum

Posted by Sperris 
Suggestions for eLynah Forum
Posted by: Sperris (
Date: February 13, 2002 04:32PM

Hey Age,
Could you put the signatures in a different (more muted) color and italicize them? Sometimes the signature seems to be a part of the message.
What about having the option for eLynah to remember your login for you?
And one last one: How about a link to a page describing the mission of eLynah, administrative contacts, etc.?


J.P. Dowd '96
Mission Statement
Posted by: jeh25 (130.132.105.---)
Date: February 13, 2002 04:41PM

Our mission is to continue to professionally supply high-quality deliverables and completely enhance scalable information for 100% customer satisfaction.

Re: Mission Statement
Posted by: Sperris (
Date: February 13, 2002 04:44PM


Where do I sign up? I have lots of VC money and you've got it if you have a ponytail!
Re: Suggestions for eLynah Forum
Posted by: CowbellGuy (
Date: February 13, 2002 04:46PM

Sigs: Sure. Probably won't have time this week though.
Login: Obviously that would be bad if you're not the only one one using the computer. But maybe as option.
Mission statement: Our mission is to continue to professionally supply high-quality deliverables and completely enhance scalable information for 100% customer satisfaction.
Administrative Contacts: Me

Seriously, I do want to add a general info section. Just not real high on my priority list right now. I think the real mission statement is to strive toward 0% productivity 100% of the time for Age. worry
VC money
Posted by: jeh25 (130.132.105.---)
Date: February 13, 2002 04:53PM

I cut off my ponytail before grad school. And I shaved off my goatee after my dot-com burned through just under 20 million and went belly up...

Can I still have your money? Academia doesn't pay as well as Silly-con Valley.

Re: "Remember Login"
Posted by: zg88 (
Date: February 13, 2002 04:54PM

I've been (apparently) logged in continuously since the "early days" of this forum. What is this about eLynah not remembering logins??
Re: Suggestions for eLynah Forum
Posted by: Greg Berge (
Date: February 13, 2002 05:01PM

I access from different machines. It appears to log me out as soon as I switch.
Re: Suggestions for eLynah Forum
Posted by: CUlater '89 (64.244.223.---)
Date: February 13, 2002 05:02PM

How about the option of having messages, within a topic, listed in order from most recent to oldest?

Or, similar to CHDF, while you are reading a message in the flat view, have a box that indicates where, within the threaded view, the message you are reading appears.
Re: Suggestions for eLynah Forum
Posted by: CowbellGuy (
Date: February 13, 2002 05:11PM

CHDF threaded view used frames, which I was specifically begged of not to use (and is more often than not just a lazy way of doing things). Flat view lists messages from oldest to newest, and due to database structure aimed at performance, a detailed description of which would bore everyone, it can't go the other way.
Re: Suggestions for eLynah Forum
Posted by: CowbellGuy (
Date: February 13, 2002 05:14PM

eLF uses sessions to manage accounts. When you log in on a different computer your old session is no longer valid.
Re: Suggestions for eLynah Forum
Posted by: getred (148.170.70.---)
Date: February 13, 2002 05:15PM

And while we're asking, how 'bout a "New Scan" feature like that on the old CHDF? (With the wonderfully high volume of traffic, it would be great to be able to look at only the new messages each time we drop in.)

And again, thanks Age for making this all possible (and for being good-humored about our requests)!
Re: Suggestions for eLynah Forum
Posted by: CowbellGuy (
Date: February 13, 2002 05:20PM

Yep. I planned on that at some point :-)
Re: Suggestions for eLynah Forum
Posted by: Dianne 99 (
Date: February 13, 2002 06:47PM

Personally, I like having the newest messages at the bottom of the thread. Probably because I can only read the board a couple of times a day and often entire threads are new. To me, it makes more sense to read top to bottom than bottom to top anyway. I can only speak for the flat view, I haven't tried the threaded view yet.
Re: Suggestions for eLynah Forum
Posted by: jtwcornell91 (
Date: February 14, 2002 01:17AM

"New Scan" was going to be on my wish list as well, since it's the old CHDF feature I've missed the most. The frames interface did have one thing going for it: you didn't have to wait for the whole thread to re-draw when you went to the next message. On a modem connection, with a long thread, this can take like 10 or 15 seconds, which adds up after a while.

Remembering read messages by login rather than session (a la USCHO and other vBulletin fora) would make it easier to keep up on the forum from different machines. (I get around it by just always accessing from my laptop, which also keeps me from wasting too much time reading at work. :-P)

Re: Suggestions for eLynah Forum
Posted by: Josh '99 (
Date: February 14, 2002 07:12AM

John T. Whelan '91 wrote:

Remembering read messages by login rather than session (a la USCHO and other vBulletin fora) would make it easier to keep up on the forum from different machines. (I get around it by just always accessing from my laptop, which also keeps me from wasting too much time reading at work. :-P)
John did a wonderful job of phrasing what I couldn't figure out how to explain. As someone who reads the eLF from my work computer during the day, and my home computer at night, this would be greatly appreciated, if it were possible.
Re: Suggestions for eLynah Forum
Posted by: Admin (
Date: February 14, 2002 09:20AM

John T. Whelan '91 wrote:

The frames interface did have one thing going for it: you didn't have to wait for the whole thread to re-draw when you went to the next message. On a modem connection, with a long thread, this can take like 10 or 15 seconds, which adds up after a while.

You're half right. The key is re-draw, not the modem. There's a negligibly small increase in data transferred with a long list of reponses (in threaded view). What takes longer is drawing lots more tables, which is directly impacted by hardware, browser, and OS speed.

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