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Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright [TICKETS ALL GONE]

Posted by jaybert 
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Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: Winnabago (
Date: October 04, 2006 11:50AM

Jason L
anyone not get tickets? maybe post if you had been trying all day and didnt get any...someone is bound to have extras since everyone purchased 4

Judging by the phone still being busy - many haven't gotten through. Myself included. I tried ordering by fax in the middle of all this, but I doubt it will work...
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: Will (
Date: October 04, 2006 11:52AM

Looks like I have four standing room tickets, though for some reason she told me the price would be $44. Are the SROs cheaper than the seats?

Is next year here yet?
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: jaybert (
Date: October 04, 2006 11:57AM

Looks like I have four standing room tickets, though for some reason she told me the price would be $44. Are the SROs cheaper than the seats?

maybe she misheard you and you ended up buying tickets to the women's game on 11/11? :) just kidding (those are $8/piece)
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: Killer (
Date: October 04, 2006 12:04PM

Just got through and was able to get 4 standing room. Whew! I had to take a break for a while to attend a meeting (that I was dumb enough to schedule for 11:00 today), so I was afraid I'd get shut out. Well, we're in.

Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: Killer (
Date: October 04, 2006 12:05PM

Yep. That's the same thing I was told it would be for SRO. You're in. That's what counts. See you there.
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: jaybert (
Date: October 04, 2006 12:11PM

Just got through and was able to get 4 standing room. Whew! I had to take a break for a while to attend a meeting (that I was dumb enough to schedule for 11:00 today), so I was afraid I'd get shut out. Well, we're in.


hahaha...I had to take a break for about 10 minutes in between since one of the project managers msged me and asked if I could talk about getting staffed on a project. Of course I couldnt say no, so I had to stop trying around 11am. Got put on the project though, at least my job is safe for another day!
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: IvyLeak (
Date: October 04, 2006 12:15PM

Another "e", coming right up....
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: Beeeej (38.136.58.---)
Date: October 04, 2006 12:19PM

You're very kind. :-)

Beeeej, Esq.

"Cornell isn't an organization. It's a loose affiliation of independent fiefdoms united by a common hockey team."
- Steve Worona
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: Killer (
Date: October 04, 2006 12:22PM

I'd already blown off someone else's meeting at 10:00 to start calling. Never figured that after an hour I still wouldn't have gotten through, so I didn't really think the 11:00 meeting was an issue. Next meetings on my calendar for that day!
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: Tugger (
Date: October 04, 2006 12:24PM

Also got 4 SR tickets. $44
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: jaybert (
Date: October 04, 2006 12:25PM

Also got 4 SR tickets. $44

how long ago did you call? just curious if they're all gone yet or not
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: Tugger (
Date: October 04, 2006 12:33PM

Jason L
how long ago did you call? just curious if they're all gone yet or not

Got thru at 12:15
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: RichH (216.195.201.---)
Date: October 04, 2006 01:05PM

This is too good not to make it onto IvyLeak!


Send us your best horror stories.

Hmm...Judging what I'm reading here, the H ticket office did a fine job, considering the demand. All accounts say they were professional and polite despite being swamped. I think by now, they know this is coming. This is in contrast to hijinx in the past such as blocking the 607 area code, and forcing/extorting people into a 4-game package.

The only complaint seems to be that they decided to forgo putting the online ordering system live (as previously advertised) in order to service the in-person and phone orders first. I can't blame them, but next time they should note that phone & window orders will happen prior to online ticketing.
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: Omie (
Date: October 04, 2006 01:05PM

Just got two standing room tickets yay! :-D (1st time going to Hahvahd)
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: Winnabago (
Date: October 04, 2006 02:33PM

Just got a return fax from the office - they did get me two SRO tickets - turns out ordering by fax kinda worked after all. Mike over there was very nice, exceptionally nice actually. He said I would have gotten seats if their fax machine was closer to their desks and they saw it sooner.

Just wanted to report back to everyone. The phone never worked for me, calling between meetings this morning. I did speak to them and they were joking about going to a lottery for us next year.
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: BCrespi (209.191.175.---)
Date: October 04, 2006 02:38PM

Just got 4 SROs from a wonderfully friendly ticket agent. We must be making it hell for them today, so it was welcome. I guess they're not all bad over there. I can't believe it took me graduating to finally make to Lynah East.

Brian Crespi '06
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: sen '08 (
Date: October 04, 2006 03:27PM

Just called in and got SRO tickets.

They said they had 8 left.

I got lucky...I had class all day and just got back:-D
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: jaybert (
Date: October 04, 2006 04:28PM

all gone. one of my friends just took the lsat 4 SRO about 5 minutes ago
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: Killer (
Date: October 04, 2006 05:14PM

Sounds like a lot of us had pretty much the same experience: frustration getting through, but once we did, we got people who handled our orders in a very friendly, professional way. And some of us who've been at this for a few years, even got a person on the other end who knew us from the past, asked how we're doing, made a little small talk while processing the order...

So I made one last call at 4:55 and told them I'd take all the remaining tickets...which got a chuckle. Well, actually I called to let them know that a lot of us felt they'd done a great job on what must have been a pretty trying day for them. Sounded like they appreciated the call.

Now let's go crush them in February :-)

Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: Robin (
Date: October 04, 2006 07:26PM

Also got 4 x2 (ie 8 tickets) in section 9.
how many of y'all are in this section?
I believe it is next to the Hahvahd band.
oh well. At least I'm in.
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: ebilmes (
Date: October 04, 2006 07:48PM

Also got 4 x2 (ie 8 tickets) in section 9.
how many of y'all are in this section?
I believe it is next to the Hahvahd band.
oh well. At least I'm in.

Pretty sure our tickets are there, too. Maybe enough Cornell fans got stuck there that we'll be able to turn the section red.
CCoB should refocus
Posted by: Cornell95 (
Date: October 04, 2006 10:19PM

Anyone else out there think the CCoB should get out of ticket distribution and focus on maybe getting this game put on CN8 or NESN or Fox North? Maybe I dont understand the local cable thing well enough, but given the demand every October for tickets you would think they could set something up with a channel that normally broadcasts weekend hockey. They can still skim some income off the top by hosting a nice event with a good big screen and a cash bar. It has gotten to the point where I dont think I would pay for a CCoB membership just in protest that the $30 only lets you get a number for the ticket lottery, get more e-mail than I care for and announcements of events I wouldnt pay more to go to anyways. Thats enough ranting for now, my apartmentmate actually got through on the phone and scored 4 tickets, so I will be there, this could have been much worse if neither of us had gotten any tickets. :-P
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright [TICKETS ALL GONE]
Posted by: ftyuv (
Date: October 05, 2006 12:08AM

Just for the record, I had two try exactly two times. First time I got the answering machine, so I called right back and got a very friendly person. 2 SRO tickets with no fuss. So there. :)
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: Jordan 04 (12.42.45.---)
Date: October 05, 2006 11:32AM

Also got 4 x2 (ie 8 tickets) in section 9.
how many of y'all are in this section?
I believe it is next to the Hahvahd band.
oh well. At least I'm in.

Pretty sure our tickets are there, too. Maybe enough Cornell fans got stuck there that we'll be able to turn the section red.

9 here also.
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: RichH (216.195.201.---)
Date: October 05, 2006 11:43AM

Also got 4 x2 (ie 8 tickets) in section 9.
how many of y'all are in this section?
I believe it is next to the Hahvahd band.
oh well. At least I'm in.

Pretty sure our tickets are there, too. Maybe enough Cornell fans got stuck there that we'll be able to turn the section red.

I'm pretty sure Section 9 was mostly Red at last season's game. I met friends over there and sat in 9 until I realized it was bad luck for me to be there. I relocated back to my old seats, and that's obviously why the comeback happened. :-D
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright [TICKETS ALL GONE]
Posted by: jaybert (
Date: October 05, 2006 11:47AM

fyi, I called Cornell about the waitlist, and they told me that if you got your name on the list, you have a good chance of getting tickets through them. He said they only took ~100 names (I suppose every took 2 tickets each), so I'm guessing they have ~200 ticket allotment + whatever they save for family/donors/etc
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: Chris '03 (
Date: October 05, 2006 12:19PM

Section 9 is actually a pretty good place to watch the game. Despite the netting, the sight lines are very good. There was one uptight parent with child who almost exploded arguing with some CU fans and security about language, but at least no one took him seriously. There's also the bonus of watching the H Band antics ("Hey Cornell, three points is a field goal, two points is a safety... safety school." Too bad about that late safety, huh guys?).

I have 4 in 9 again this year plus 3 in 22 and one in 21.
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: French Rage (
Date: October 05, 2006 01:43PM

Chris '03
("Hey Cornell, three points is a field goal, two points is a safety... safety school." Too bad about that late safety, huh guys?)

That was great. And by great, I mean pathetic for them. Which is great.

03/23/02: Maine 4, Harvard 3
03/28/03: BU 6, Harvard 4
03/26/04: Maine 5, Harvard 4
03/26/05: UNH 3, Harvard 2
03/25/06: Maine 6, Harvard 1
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright [TICKETS ALL GONE]
Posted by: jaybert (
Date: October 07, 2006 10:55AM

charge just hit my credit card....proof it wasnt a figment of my imagination that I got tickets for this year :P
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