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Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright [TICKETS ALL GONE]

Posted by jaybert 
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Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright [TICKETS ALL GONE]
Posted by: jaybert (
Date: August 17, 2006 10:37AM


Its been pointed out that it has been pushed to 10am instead of 9am.



Looks like this will probably be the only Cornell regular season game I make it to this year and dont want to miss out on getting a few tickets for the game at Bright.

Anyone know when tickets will be going on sale so I can mark it on my calendar?

Do single game tickets for harvard go on sale all at the same time? Or do they start selling the tickets based on when the game actually is?
Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 10/04/2006 04:28PM by Jason L.
Re: So..errr....when are cornell vs. harvard @ bright tickets on sale?
Posted by: jaybert (
Date: August 17, 2006 10:42AM

answered my own question by calling in.

september 20


Thats the website to purchase when the times comes as well.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/17/2006 10:44AM by Jason L.
Re: So..errr....when are cornell vs. harvard @ bright tickets on sale?
Posted by: jtwcornell91 (Moderator)
Date: August 17, 2006 11:11AM

It's also never too early to put in an order through Cornell.

When is the game?

Re: So..errr....when are cornell vs. harvard @ bright tickets on sale?
Posted by: jaybert (
Date: August 17, 2006 11:21AM


Just called up Cornell and put my name on the list for 2 tickets (max). They said I was one of the first, so they said I had a good chance of getting them.

Still going ot try to get them directly through Harvard (will make my gf wait outside of ticket office on the 20th if I need to). They said if I got tickets through Harvard, I can just call the Cornell office up and cancel my place on the list.

Thanks for the tip.
Re: So..errr....when are cornell vs. harvard @ bright tickets on sale?
Posted by: Ben Rocky '04 (
Date: August 17, 2006 11:47AM

Poor bastards at the Cornell ticket office. They're about to hate us all on what I'm sure seemed like slow day at first.
Re: So..errr....when are cornell vs. harvard @ bright tickets on sale?
Posted by: KateWithThe8 (128.8.221.---)
Date: August 18, 2006 10:19AM

I just called to get on the list and got a "You're on THAT email group, aren't you?"
Yeah, apparently the ticket office doesn't like us all that much ;-)

The jersey that is....
But usually you'll find me in a 22 (next to a 2)!
Re: So..errr....when are cornell vs. harvard @ bright tickets on sale?
Posted by: Robb (
Date: August 22, 2006 03:48AM

The feeling is more than mutual. The ticket office is so bad it makes the rest of the athletic department look competent.... pissed
Strange configuration of their rink...
Posted by: TimV (
Date: August 22, 2006 11:44PM

I notice the Harvard bench is at center ice - equal access to both offensive and defensive zones. The visitor's bench across the ice seems to be stradling a blueline. This has to be a relative disadvantage, No? Is it because of the location of the penalty box?
Re: So..errr....when are cornell vs. harvard @ bright tickets on sale?
Posted by: jaybert (
Date: August 31, 2006 12:09PM

btw...ticket sales have been purchased back to October 4 through harvard
Re: So..errr....when are cornell vs. harvard @ bright tickets on sale?
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: August 31, 2006 04:47PM

Jason L
btw...ticket sales have been purchased back to October 4 through harvard
Do you mean "pushed" back? That they will not go on sale until October 4?

[Edit: Yes, the Harvard athletics web site ( says single game tickets go on sale October 4. Thanks for the heads-up, Jason.]

Al DeFlorio '65

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/31/2006 04:51PM by Al DeFlorio.
Re: So..errr....when are cornell vs. harvard @ bright tickets on sale?
Posted by: ftyuv (
Date: August 31, 2006 08:17PM

How hard are tickets to get through Harvard?
Re: So..errr....when are cornell vs. harvard @ bright tickets on sale?
Posted by: jaybert (
Date: September 03, 2006 11:57PM

How hard are tickets to get through Harvard?

best bet last year was to pick them up online....seems like the phones were tied up for much of the morning for tickets.

if you're in boston, as your hostname suggests, your best bet would probably be to goto the ticket office an hour early and wait there. I think you'd pretty much be guarenteed to pick get tickets doing that, instead of chancing it, trying to get it via the phone.

and yes...i meant pushed back...not sure why I wrote purchased :P
Re: So..errr....when are cornell vs. harvard @ bright tickets on sale?
Posted by: ftyuv (
Date: September 04, 2006 12:19AM

Jason L
How hard are tickets to get through Harvard?

best bet last year was to pick them up online....seems like the phones were tied up for much of the morning for tickets.

if you're in boston, as your hostname suggests, your best bet would probably be to goto the ticket office an hour early and wait there. I think you'd pretty much be guarenteed to pick get tickets doing that, instead of chancing it, trying to get it via the phone.

and yes...i meant pushed back...not sure why I wrote purchased :P

Yeah I'm around here. If I tried to get them through someone at Harvard, would that be hard?
Re: So..errr....when are cornell vs. harvard @ bright tickets on sale?
Posted by: rmandel (
Date: September 13, 2006 09:47AM

I just visited the Harvard Hockey website. Individual tickets go on sale October 4. Am I nuts, or was the original posting for September 20?
Re: So..errr....when are cornell vs. harvard @ bright tickets on sale?
Posted by: jaybert (
Date: September 13, 2006 09:58AM

yes...they changed the date a week or two ago, so I updated the title as to not get people confused/excited when 9/20 came along :)
Re: So..errr....when are cornell vs. harvard @ bright tickets on sale?
Posted by: jaybert (
Date: September 27, 2006 07:16PM

bumping this to keep it in everyone's mind..

They updated their ticket page, listing prices now. Its $18/ticket, and will go on sale @ 9am EST

Good luck guys!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/28/2006 01:11PM by Jason L.
Re: So..errr....when are cornell vs. harvard @ bright tickets on sale?
Posted by: rmandel (
Date: September 28, 2006 09:33AM

I just went to the site and it says 9 AM.
Re: So..errr....when are cornell vs. harvard @ bright tickets on sale?
Posted by: jaybert (
Date: September 28, 2006 11:33AM

I just went to the site and it says 9 AM.

good catch..not sure if they changed it, or I misread it the first time!
Re: So..errr....when are cornell vs. harvard @ bright tickets on sale?
Posted by: Beeeej (38.136.58.---)
Date: September 28, 2006 12:29PM

Geez, you probably could've saved some people a minor coronary if you'd specified that it's 9am but still on October 4.

Beeeej, Esq.

"Cornell isn't an organization. It's a loose affiliation of independent fiefdoms united by a common hockey team."
- Steve Worona
Re: So..errr....when are cornell vs. harvard @ bright tickets on sale?
Posted by: 2 (
Date: September 28, 2006 03:15PM

It's been a couple years since I've made it to the sucks game at bright, so can someone tell me the best place to try to get seats? I remember most of the real fans throughout the arena were Cornellians, but I also think I remember a larger contingent of hardcore Cornell fans near the southwestern corner (I think sections 13, 14, 15). Is that still the case? Would make sense since it's near our bench and close enough to taunt the few sucks students who show up.
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 9AM EST
Posted by: jaybert (
Date: October 02, 2006 12:01PM

just a headsup...they have posted women's hockey tickets at the same link where you purchase the mens. So dont get confused and purchase the wrong ones when the time comes (you can tell its womens because the price is $8 a ticket, and because the game is 11/17 and not 2/24).

Also, they said women's tickets would go on sale wednesday @ 9am, so there is a chance that men's will get posted online early as well.

If anyone notices that, PLEASE post here so that we can take advantage like we did last year :)
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/02/2006 12:05PM by Jason L.
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 9AM EST
Posted by: Robin (
Date: October 02, 2006 01:54PM

So we'd be going through the same link (Crimson tickets online yellow ticket thingy)?

Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 9AM EST
Posted by: Robin (
Date: October 02, 2006 02:18PM

Did anyone actually try to buy Harvard WOMEN's hockey ticket?
I just put in for 1 ticket for a few different games (just to see what would happen) and they all say there isn't ticket availability. So, perhaps they posted the women's hockey tix up there, but you can't really buy them yet........
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 9AM EST
Posted by: jaybert (
Date: October 02, 2006 03:22PM

Did anyone actually try to buy Harvard WOMEN's hockey ticket?
I just put in for 1 ticket for a few different games (just to see what would happen) and they all say there isn't ticket availability. So, perhaps they posted the women's hockey tix up there, but you can't really buy them yet........

looks like you're right...must have it setup, but havent given the ticket allocation or whatever.

and yes on your question above this....that should be the link you purchase tickets for the men's games as well.
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 9AM EST
Posted by: Killer (
Date: October 02, 2006 09:10PM

OK, I'm a little unclear as to how the 9:00 AM time has come about. I see that the ticket office hours are 9:00-5:00, but all their online info keeps saying ticket sales start at 10:00 AM. Are we assuming that the office hours override the posted sale time? Have they changed their office hours, 'cause I know from past years that if you called before 10:00, you got the recording that told you to call back.
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 9AM EST
Posted by: jaybert (
Date: October 02, 2006 09:23PM

OK, I'm a little unclear as to how the 9:00 AM time has come about. I see that the ticket office hours are 9:00-5:00, but all their online info keeps saying ticket sales start at 10:00 AM. Are we assuming that the office hours override the posted sale time? Have they changed their office hours, 'cause I know from past years that if you called before 10:00, you got the recording that told you to call back.

looks like they changed their website is what happened....the website use to say on sale @ 9am (it originally said on sale @ 10am, but then switched it to its back to 10am).
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 9AM EST
Posted by: crodger1 (
Date: October 02, 2006 10:12PM

I don't remember exactly from last year, but I think there were people in the office at least an hour before the ticket sale officially started. Of course, I thought the sale was at 9 and now have a meeting scheduled for 10:30 that I can't miss so I don't think I can go in person this year. Thanks for being so indecisive, Harvard.

Four Ticket Limit
Posted by: rmandel (
Date: October 03, 2006 04:32PM

I just checked the Harvard website. They are placing a four ticket limit for the Cornell and BC games.
Re: Four Ticket Limit
Posted by: jaybert (
Date: October 03, 2006 04:57PM

I just checked the Harvard website. They are placing a four ticket limit for the Cornell and BC games.

bastards! I was hoping to order 10 and give the leftovers to friends so we could all sit together. guess they're on their own :)

then again, I accidentally placed 2 sets of orders last year for 6 each and I received both sets. (for some reason I didnt think my first order went I did it again, and ended up getting charged/mailed 2 sets of 6)
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: ebilmes (
Date: October 03, 2006 06:17PM

I'd spring for tickets, but I have no way to get there :-/
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: jaybert (
Date: October 03, 2006 06:36PM

I'd spring for tickets, but I have no way to get there :-/

i'm sure there will be plenty of people going from ithaca >> boston for the game.

buy tickets now, ask questions later.
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: Omie (
Date: October 03, 2006 11:20PM

what sections should I buy them in?
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: jaybert (
Date: October 03, 2006 11:38PM

what sections should I buy them in?

You cant choose if you're buying online (other than giving up your tickets and selecting more...and then you ris kthe chance of not getting any).

They're pretty lax though, you shouldnt have a problem moving around and sitting where you want. I had section 18 last year, which was nice, and wouldnt mind sitting in that area again.
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: Liz '05 (
Date: October 04, 2006 12:48AM

Jason L
I'd spring for tickets, but I have no way to get there :-/

i'm sure there will be plenty of people going from ithaca >> boston for the game.

buy tickets now, ask questions later.

Heartily seconded.
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: jaybert (
Date: October 04, 2006 09:23AM

bump T minus 40 minutesish

EDIT: looks like the link is posted...but still shows no tickets available. hopefully soon!
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/04/2006 09:47AM by Jason L.
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: jaybert (
Date: October 04, 2006 09:51AM


to get a small jump on the the following



and once that page loads, type the following into the window where you type in the webpage you want to goto, and press enter:


Thsi should direct you to the harvard page, just select 4, and keep clicking continue until it lets you through
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: Beeeej (38.136.58.---)
Date: October 04, 2006 10:04AM

I was first through on the phone, and ordered four in Section 19. Apparently almost all the seats in Sections 14-18, the usual prime Cornell seating, have been purchased by the Cornell Club of Boston. :-( Everything remaining in those sections has been sent to Cornell as their allotment to sell.

Beeeej, Esq.

"Cornell isn't an organization. It's a loose affiliation of independent fiefdoms united by a common hockey team."
- Steve Worona
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: 2 (
Date: October 04, 2006 10:04AM

Are they sold out already? I went and they said I couldn't get 3 tickets in the section, though I did not choose a section. So I tried again, and Cornell's game is not even listed now. Any ideas what's happening?
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: October 04, 2006 10:06AM

Are they sold out already? I went and they said I couldn't get 3 tickets in the section, though I did not choose a section. So I tried again, and Cornell's game is not even listed now. Any ideas what's happening?
It wouldn't give me two tickets or even one ticket--anywhere.

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: 2 (
Date: October 04, 2006 10:08AM

harvard's ticekt office almost makes ours looks semi-competent, barely vengeful and only slightly sadistic
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: jaybert (
Date: October 04, 2006 10:08AM

waht the hell is going on???
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: 2 (
Date: October 04, 2006 10:10AM

May just have to put in the money and join the Cornell Club of Boston. Anyone know when they start distributing their tickets?
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: Beeeej (38.136.58.---)
Date: October 04, 2006 10:11AM

They may have removed the allotment they had for online sale in order to sell them all over the phone. Who knows? All I know is, they had them for sale over the phone.

Beeeej, Esq.

"Cornell isn't an organization. It's a loose affiliation of independent fiefdoms united by a common hockey team."
- Steve Worona
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: 2 (
Date: October 04, 2006 10:13AM

Apparently its the whole site, because I tried to get Brown and RPI tickets just to test it (without putting in credit card of course) and I got the same message. Of course phone lines are clogged.
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: Winnabago (
Date: October 04, 2006 10:13AM

Also, none of the womens games show tickets available - and why is cornell the only men's game listed?
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: October 04, 2006 10:13AM

They may have removed the allotment they had for online sale in order to sell them all over the phone. Who knows? All I know is, they had them for sale over the phone.
I called at 9am, asked the best way to get tickets, and was told to call rather than trust the web site. Can't get through, however, Congrats to Beeeej.

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: jaybert (
Date: October 04, 2006 10:15AM

if anyone gets through, please give us updates
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: Beeeej (38.136.58.---)
Date: October 04, 2006 10:17AM

Remember, Cornell will have a block to sell, too.

Beeeej, Esq.

"Cornell isn't an organization. It's a loose affiliation of independent fiefdoms united by a common hockey team."
- Steve Worona
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: krk6 (
Date: October 04, 2006 10:17AM

I'm trying both phone and online and can't get thru either.
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: jaybert (
Date: October 04, 2006 10:18AM

Remember, Cornell will have a block to sell, too.

those are long gone...we reserved it a while ago :P
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: Killer (
Date: October 04, 2006 10:19AM

no luck here either. just busy signal after busy signal. didn't they at least have some sort of message to try back later if you didn't get through? must be a budget cut 'cause their endowment fund didn't make enough billions last year
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: 2 (
Date: October 04, 2006 10:19AM

I knew I should have taken the time to just go down there this morning, but I have so little patience for harvard people I've found it's best to keep my distance.
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: mga6 (
Date: October 04, 2006 10:25AM

Husband got thru and said it was best avail seating. So we could not choose seats as in years past. I've been calling 877 and 617 number all morn. Can I get a Harvard Sux?
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: Beeeej (38.136.58.---)
Date: October 04, 2006 10:26AM

no luck here either. just busy signal after busy signal. didn't they at least have some sort of message to try back later if you didn't get through? must be a budget cut 'cause their endowment fund didn't make enough billions last year

No matter how many lines you have going into the same system that will answer calls and tell you to wait and your call will be answered in the order it was received, it's a finite number of lines. If it's ten, and ten people are already on hold, you'll get a busy signal. Keep trying.

Beeeej, Esq.

"Cornell isn't an organization. It's a loose affiliation of independent fiefdoms united by a common hockey team."
- Steve Worona
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: APP (
Date: October 04, 2006 10:26AM

I might as well go through the Cornell Club, since they have so many tickets... I have no idea when they go on sale, but I'll check back daily... Hopefully it helps to be a member. I wonder if you can buy blocks of tickets through them. Also, I wonder if the reception will be separate from the ticket, because honestly who needs a reception between periods?
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: APP (
Date: October 04, 2006 10:27AM

Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: Will (
Date: October 04, 2006 10:30AM

Husband got thru and said it was best avail seating. So we could not choose seats as in years past. I've been calling 877 and 617 number all morn. Can I get a Harvard Sux?

While nobody can deny the fact that Hahvahd sucks, I must admit that I find the Cornell Club of Boston kinda high on that list as well today, if what Beeeej said is true. Then again, perhaps I should not bite the hand that may end up feeding me.

Is next year here yet?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/04/2006 10:30AM by Will.
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: October 04, 2006 10:31AM

Just got through and bought four together behind the goal Cornell shoots at twice. Could have gotten two and two in section 13. The woman I spoke with--who was very sweet and helpful, remembering me from last year--said they'll be sold out by lunchtime.

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: jaybert (
Date: October 04, 2006 10:34AM

Al DeFlorio
Just got through and bought four together behind the goal Cornell shoots at twice. Could have gotten two and two in section 13. The woman I spoke with--who was very sweet and helpful, remembering me from last year--said they'll be sold out by lunchtime.

thats good to least they arent sold out yet!
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: HpyGlmore2-05 (
Date: October 04, 2006 10:36AM

arrgh my thumb is getting tired...
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: HpyGlmore2-05 (
Date: October 04, 2006 10:37AM

Does your phone get charged a minute for a busy tone?
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: Beeeej (38.136.58.---)
Date: October 04, 2006 10:39AM

If you're using a mobile phone, yes, your phone gets charged for airtime whether the call is connected or not.

Beeeej, Esq.

"Cornell isn't an organization. It's a loose affiliation of independent fiefdoms united by a common hockey team."
- Steve Worona
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: dbilmes (72.10.101.---)
Date: October 04, 2006 10:44AM

Has anyone had any luck on the web site in the last few minutes? I keep calling 1-877-GO-HARVARD and getting a busy signal. That is the correct number to call?
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: krk6 (
Date: October 04, 2006 10:46AM

No luck on the website but I just got through on the phone. 4 tickets in section 1.
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: HpyGlmore2-05 (
Date: October 04, 2006 10:46AM

yep join the club... pretty soon we'll have to join to Cornell club of Boston too
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: jaybert (
Date: October 04, 2006 10:55AM

whose got 2 tickets for the man who started this thread? :)
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: Chris '03 (
Date: October 04, 2006 10:59AM

Just got through. They let me pick a section but things were getting a little tight. I used the 617 number though I don't think it matters. Also, out of curiosity, anyone calling from area code 607 get through? I know a few years ago they ignored calls from 607 (to the frustration of the hockey office!).

Also, as for bitching about the H ticket office, I suggest people lay off. Sure it sucks to play the busy signal game, but in the end the people there are friendly and competent (two traits long since forgotten in a lot of ticket offices). And while they didn't put the tickets online for this game, they have online ticketing. Cornell barely has a ticketing website. My only beef was the year they made you buy 4 games to get the Cornell game. I was worried they would play games this year because it's senior night.
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: jaybert (
Date: October 04, 2006 11:00AM

whats the 617#? i'mma try that
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: oceanst41 (
Date: October 04, 2006 11:02AM

Just got through on the phone. They aren't sold out yet, but there are no more seats to be had down the Cornell Band/Club section. Sounds like a lot of pairs at the end by concessions where Cornell shoots twice.
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: mga6 (
Date: October 04, 2006 11:03AM

617-495-2211 But i've been trying that one to with no luck
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: 2 (
Date: October 04, 2006 11:04AM

Jason L
whats the 617#? i'mma try that

495-2211. also busy
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: Quinn (
Date: October 04, 2006 11:04AM

I just got through too, and there are still a couple hundred tickets left, but that includes standing room.
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: jaybert (
Date: October 04, 2006 11:04AM

Chris '03
Just got through. They let me pick a section but things were getting a little tight. I used the 617 number though I don't think it matters. Also, out of curiosity, anyone calling from area code 607 get through? I know a few years ago they ignored calls from 607 (to the frustration of the hockey office!).

Also, as for bitching about the H ticket office, I suggest people lay off. Sure it sucks to play the busy signal game, but in the end the people there are friendly and competent (two traits long since forgotten in a lot of ticket offices). And while they didn't put the tickets online for this game, they have online ticketing. Cornell barely has a ticketing website. My only beef was the year they made you buy 4 games to get the Cornell game. I was worried they would play games this year because it's senior night.

i have no problems w/ the phones being so busy..its the saying tickets are going on sale via the internet and not actually having them on sale.
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: Jordan 04 (12.42.45.---)
Date: October 04, 2006 11:05AM

That's some god-awful hold music...
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: jaybert (
Date: October 04, 2006 11:06AM

Jordan 04
That's some god-awful hold music...

ahh, at least you got through!
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: jaybert (
Date: October 04, 2006 11:11AM

baarrfff...i am sad :(
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: mga6 (
Date: October 04, 2006 11:11AM

Finally got through - one straight hour of redial on the 877 and 617 line. Got through on 877. Got last two tix in section 20, and 2 tix in section 23. She said they were now going through seats in the 21-24 sections.

Good luck for those still calling!
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: mga6 (
Date: October 04, 2006 11:13AM

Sorry one more tidbit, Erin the ticket gal said they are doing seats in twosies -- so no more straight groupings of four.
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: Ben Rocky '04 (
Date: October 04, 2006 11:14AM

Still calling from AZ for folks in Ithaca. Am I the only one still calling>\?
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: dbilmes (72.10.101.---)
Date: October 04, 2006 11:14AM

Jordan 04
That's some god-awful hold music...

The music was awful, but I finally got through and had my order processed by a helpful man named Mike. What a pain!
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: jaybert (
Date: October 04, 2006 11:14AM

i am calling still....straight for the last 75 minutes
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: Jordan 04 (12.42.45.---)
Date: October 04, 2006 11:16AM through after some persistent redialing. Luck of the draw, I guess.

Got 4 in Section 9, so seats are still available. To echo the sentiments of others, they are awfully nice people on the phone. I tried asking if I could buy another 4 under someone else's name/credit card, and the guy said no just to keep the integrity/spirit of the system. "Call back as many times as you want and use your own name again if you get through for all I care, but we just want as many people through as possible."
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: ithacat (
Date: October 04, 2006 11:16AM

Chris '03
Also, out of curiosity, anyone calling from area code 607 get through? I know a few years ago they ignored calls from 607 (to the frustration of the hockey office!).

I called from Ithaca and got through, after about 45 minutes.

Chris '03
Also, as for bitching about the H ticket office, I suggest people lay off. Sure it sucks to play the busy signal game, but in the end the people there are friendly and competent (two traits long since forgotten in a lot of ticket offices). And while they didn't put the tickets online for this game, they have online ticketing. Cornell barely has a ticketing website.

First, it's great talking to someone. I always look for seats on an aisle & the guy I spoke with was very helpful. I also got tickets to BU-Vermont for the night before Cornell-H*^#@^!, since I want to check out Agganis. After 10 minutes on the phone talking to a computer I gave up and went online and just bought best available. At least the folks in Cambridge have real people attending their phones.

As for CTO, it took 4 emails, over more than a month, before I received an answer to a question about the waiting list. (btw, it sounds like many people on the waiting list are not going to be happy) For some reason I prefer to get things in writing from them -- maybe that's why they're resistant to replying.
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: Ben Rocky '04 (
Date: October 04, 2006 11:18AM

Wooo I'm on hold. This music sucks.
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: jaybert (
Date: October 04, 2006 11:18AM

ITS RINGING$*#(@)($*#@)($ no hold music though. did i call the wrong numbre??

THIS IS THE BEST MUSIC I HAVE EVER LISTENED TO...(just cuase it means I got through)
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/04/2006 11:20AM by Jason L.
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: Ben Rocky '04 (
Date: October 04, 2006 11:20AM

Now I'm just ringing too.....??
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: jaybert (
Date: October 04, 2006 11:23AM

means you got through! It should pick up eventually (the answering system)

Just got 4, told her anywhere in the arena, she got me 3 together + 1 (close to each other), so I'm set.
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: Ben Rocky '04 (
Date: October 04, 2006 11:25AM

Got 4. Wish that my personal 2 through the CU office were confirms intead of reservations.

They're running really low.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/04/2006 11:26AM by Ben Rocky 04.
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: red zone (
Date: October 04, 2006 11:28AM

This got someone's attention...

Maybe not particularly helpful, but you never know...

Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: abmarks (
Date: October 04, 2006 11:31AM

THere were maybe 10-12 people in line at the ticket office this morning, so I went through it twice. No really good seats were available, no different then for phone/web.

There was one guy at the window and three answering phones.

I had my dad trying the web this morning too and he also couldn't buy in any quantity. After getting a message from him about that, I mentioned it to the guy at the window as I was watching him pick/click on his screen for the exact tickets I wanted. So either the website couldn't handle the traffic or they hosed it intentionally.

My guess is it was overwhelmed. Similar problems on the web ticketing happened to me with Red Sox tickets the last few years. You had to keep trying, because you'd think you were in, but you weren't.

Best thing about the ticket office line? People in their athletic building popping through a nearby door and getting startled that there was a line for something. And of course the Harvard grad student who just wanted to fill out a form to use the gym but had to wait at the back of the ticket line for 45 minutes. She was pissed.
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: jaybert (
Date: October 04, 2006 11:32AM

Ben Rocky 04
Got 4. Wish that my personal 2 through the CU office were confirms intead of reservations.

They're running really low.

I might give up my cornell reservations, I was told I had a very good shot of getting them since I put my order in so early.

Most likely though, I'll just keep them and sell em to elynah people if I do get them. [Dont PM me if you want them now...Ill post once I figure out if I get them. I'll give first dibs to cowbellguy, saw his post in ticket trading....or maybe the guy who sold me his tickets 2 years ago] :P
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: IvyLeak (
Date: October 04, 2006 11:32AM

This is too good not to make it onto IvyLeak!


Send us your best horror stories.
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: DeltaOne81 (
Date: October 04, 2006 11:34AM

Totally spaced on this for much of the morning. I got 4 standing room. That's fine by me for now. I'll just get there early :)

I may see if the CCOB has some as well like apparently they're supposed to, if I need more.
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: jaybert (
Date: October 04, 2006 11:34AM

anyone not get tickets? maybe post if you had been trying all day and didnt get any...someone is bound to have extras since everyone purchased 4
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: Will (
Date: October 04, 2006 11:36AM

Jason L
anyone not get tickets? maybe post if you had been trying all day and didnt get any...someone is bound to have extras since everyone purchased 4

Right here. I've had nothing but busy signals all morning. (Except for when I tried calling at 9:05AM, just in case.)

Is next year here yet?
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: Beeeej (38.136.58.---)
Date: October 04, 2006 11:36AM

Send us your best horror stories.

Spell our names right.

Beeeej, Esq.

"Cornell isn't an organization. It's a loose affiliation of independent fiefdoms united by a common hockey team."
- Steve Worona
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: CowbellGuy (Moderator)
Date: October 04, 2006 11:36AM

Never mind about that. I got through ;)

"Very, very few left" and only 2 together, so I just went for standing room, since that's likely where I'll end up anyway.

"[Hugh] Jessiman turned out to be a huge specimen of something alright." --Puck Daddy
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: jaybert (
Date: October 04, 2006 11:37AM

Jason L
anyone not get tickets? maybe post if you had been trying all day and didnt get any...someone is bound to have extras since everyone purchased 4

Right here. I've had nothing but busy signals all morning. (Except for when I tried calling at 9:05AM, just in case.)

If I hve any extras that my friends dont want, I'll be sure to PM you. I know you've been trying (as exhibited by the PM you sent me...I wont divulge the contents to the masses!)
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: Will (
Date: October 04, 2006 11:40AM

Jason L
Jason L
anyone not get tickets? maybe post if you had been trying all day and didnt get any...someone is bound to have extras since everyone purchased 4

Right here. I've had nothing but busy signals all morning. (Except for when I tried calling at 9:05AM, just in case.)

If I hve any extras that my friends dont want, I'll be sure to PM you. I know you've been trying (as exhibited by the PM you sent me...I wont divulge the contents to the masses!)

Thanks! :-)

Is next year here yet?
Re: Cornell vs Harvard @ Bright on sale October 4, 2006 @ 10AM EST
Posted by: seth (192.193.221.---)
Date: October 04, 2006 11:49AM

I just got two tickets, they don't have seats together anymore, though.
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