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Posted by Section H 
Posted by: Section H (---)
Date: October 27, 2002 09:56PM

The new scoreboard makes me want to rip my eyes out. "Stomp"?!? "Tearing up the ice"?!? What is this RPI? The only redeeming quality that scoreboard could have if we get out of town scores on it.
Re: Scoreboard
Posted by: Ben Doyle 03 (---)
Date: October 27, 2002 09:59PM

we should just leave the away teams name blank

Re: Scoreboard
Posted by: Jordan 04 (---)
Date: October 27, 2002 10:07PM

Upon seeing the scoreboard before, I commented that I really hope they don't put up lame cheers and words of encouragement on the text portion of the scoreboard.

Unfortunately, to no avail help
Re: Scoreboard
Posted by: Will (---)
Date: October 27, 2002 10:27PM

I kinda liked the new scoreboard. Yeah, it was cheesy and different than the good ol' board of yesteryear, but it made me laugh. Even more than the York players. :-D

Re: Scoreboard
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (---)
Date: October 27, 2002 11:08PM

Sounds really bush. Courtesy of the same dorks who gave us the new bear and CornellPass. Yuck.

What's next? A bell or a siren?

Re: Scoreboard
Posted by: Ben Doyle 03 (---)
Date: October 27, 2002 11:20PM

there are some idiots in section B with those stupid horns that you see when you go to a soccer game. Very, very, very annoying help

Re: Scoreboard
Posted by: jy3 (---)
Date: October 27, 2002 11:31PM

well i actually dont mind it. yeah the text is silly but it is nice to have sog and the ads make the team some money. sometimes things have to change and it could be much worse. they could play songs over the speakers ;-)

Re: Scoreboard
Posted by: Adam '04 (---)
Date: October 27, 2002 11:44PM

[q]A love of tradition has never weakened a nation, indeed it has strengthened nations in their hour of peril; but the new view must come, the world must roll forward.[q]
Sir Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965)
Re: Scoreboard
Posted by: Josh '99 (---)
Date: October 28, 2002 12:51AM

It's not that bad. Who looks at the scoreboard for long enough to get distracted by the cheesy graphics, anyway?

Re: Scoreboard
Posted by: Greg Berge (---)
Date: October 28, 2002 05:38AM

You know, I would never be one to suggest it, but perhaps if the cheers provoked an extremely tasteless response from the crowd, eventually they would be removed.

The whole idea of scoreboard-led cheers at Lynah should be enough to get every person at sports marketing fired, if not pendulated. But that's their job -- to be moronic. The crowd has it in their power to eliminate this little problem effectively.

As for having a new scoreboard -- I think that's great. It just doesn't need to make us look as lame as fans with no tradition.
Re: Scoreboard
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (---)
Date: October 28, 2002 08:13AM

Bravo, Greg. Well said.

The key word in Sir Winnie's quote is "forward." The initial usages of the scrolling characters feature appear to be taking us in the opposite direction.

Re: Scoreboard
Posted by: DeltaOne81 (---)
Date: October 28, 2002 01:18PM

I agree with Greg. It adds an NHL-feel to the rink, and NHL rinks (from personal experience) are not nearly as loud, passionate, or exciting places as Lynah, except maybe-kinda-sorta during the Cup Finals.

I'm wondering, if Arthur was reading this, that maybe he could pass the idea to the power that be that we don't like being told when to "make some noise".

The scoreboard can be useful - I like the recapping of the goals, penalties, even the "Big Red" puck graphic is cute it's own right - but, it should never attempt to lead cheers. That's just pathetic.

Re: Scoreboard
Posted by: kaelistus (---)
Date: October 28, 2002 01:28PM

Do they really have the "Make Some Noise" cheer in Lynah now? Please tell me its not true.

I can't think of a better way to silence the crowd.

Re: Scoreboard
Posted by: Give My Regards (---)
Date: October 28, 2002 02:23PM

[Q]Do they really have the "Make Some Noise" cheer in Lynah now? Please tell me its not true.[/Q]

Everything you've heard is true.

The crowd, to its credit, ignored the prompts and continued to make noise whenever it damn well pleased. The only acknowledgement of the new scoreboard came in the second period, with a "scoooore-boooard" cheer (or prompt) when the operator was a bit late posting Cornell's sixth goal.

The goal and penalty recap is a nice feature, although second assists kept getting reported as "goal by" instead of "assisted by". I expect that'll get worked out.

Re: Scoreboard
Posted by: atb9 (---)
Date: October 28, 2002 02:41PM

help What about updating the shots on goal during the period? During the game the SOG were only updated on the scoreboard after each period. Can't a "guesstimate" be created during the period and then be updated with the official SOG at the end of each period? Just thinking out loud...
Re: Scoreboard
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (---)
Date: October 28, 2002 02:57PM

It isn't clear to me just what the purpose of a shots-on-goal counter is if it isn't updated real-time. They're always announced at period end anyway.

The displaying of nonsense like "make some noise" on the message screen is just one more indication that Cornell's athletics administration is simply totally out of touch with Cornell's fans. Really very sad. Now if there's anything that might motivate me to use vulgarity in Lynah... uhoh

Re: Scoreboard
Posted by: Greg Berge (---)
Date: October 28, 2002 03:21PM

A nice non-vulgar and easily taught response would be "baaaa-baaaa," whenever any idiot scrolling cheer was posted. As in, we are not sheep to be led. And also as in, "you know, 'baaa' used to have other connotations and if you don't knock off this lowest-cmmon-denomintor crap it may come back in force."
Re: Scoreboard
Posted by: kaelistus (---)
Date: October 28, 2002 03:34PM

I'm not sure how annoying the scoreboard is without seeing it, but I don't think I would be bothered by stupid cheers on it. The can print whatever dumb thing they want and we can ignore it.

What really bugs me is the "Make Some Noise" thing. I always assumed that only happened when the team was desperate to get the crowd in it (See the Celtics anytime but the playoffs). To ask the faithful the same seems insulting.

Re: Scoreboard
Posted by: DeltaOne81 (---)
Date: October 28, 2002 05:25PM

Felix wrote:
[Q]What really bugs me is the "Make Some Noise" thing. I always assumed that only happened when the team was desperate to get the crowd in it (See the Celtics anytime but the playoffs). To ask the faithful the same seems insulting.[/Q]
Exactly my point. The rest of the stuff is silly/stupid/cute, whatever you want. But the "make some noise" is just pathetic (to use the world again):-( . And seeing as they probably had 3 or 4 pre-programmed things on the board, it seemed to be up there every time I looked up, or at least half.

The board is nice, if they took that away I'd be alright. And, I agree with the SOG thing, I noticed it in the 2nd.

Once I have a free moment this week - other than reading elf - (after my project and prelim on Wednesday) I might use athletics feedback form. And, if anyone who has a say reads this, please consider it.


Would the CHA be listed to at all? I'm a student member now :-).
Re: Scoreboard
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (---)
Date: October 28, 2002 05:39PM

My sense is, since the era of CEO Charlie Moore, athletics has lost the capacity to listen. My experience in business has been that few CEOs have functioning ears.

Re: Scoreboard
Posted by: Jim Hyla (---)
Date: October 28, 2002 07:51PM

The scoreboard is nice; the execution has something to be desired.

It's nice to have SOG for those of us who don't stay around in between the periods. I suspect they might do a running update later.

I don't think they ought to put up anything that isn't allready known or enhances the facts. For example, it's nice to put the 50-50 raffle numbers there. However, after scrolling the names of the goals and assists, why not just list them and leave it up there for a few minutes.

As far as cheers, forget it. They never made any sense in terms of the action and no one paid any attention. Also, it was distracting not enhancing, so it's got to go. I for one am going to email this web page address to the hockey office so they can see the general thoughts. Next we'll get piped in songs and can call ourselves Star Rink or maybe the AHL.

Re: Scoreboard
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (---)
Date: October 28, 2002 10:14PM

For a time Ingalls had barking bulldogs. Maybe we could have growling bears. uhoh

Re: Scoreboard
Posted by: Scott Kominkiewicz '84 (---)
Date: October 28, 2002 10:35PM

Or the notorious Princeton fire engine siren.

Now if only the scoreboard technician could spell "sieve."
Re: Scoreboard
Posted by: peterg (---)
Date: October 28, 2002 10:53PM

The shots on goal (we used to announce saves) are kept upstairs by a (very) minor official in the press box. The scoreboard, including the SOG stats - but excluding the message board, is run at the scorer's table. There is no link (audio or electronic) between the two other than the person upstairs standing up at the end of the period and displaying the SOG (or saves as it used to be) for each team by, pardon the expression, show of fingers.

Neither Arthur nor George is going to turn attention away from the ice to try to pick out the stats during the period, so it will stay as is - essentially useless - until either the shots are kept at the scorer's table (I'm not sure there is room for another person in there, and doubt they'd want either of the clock operators to do it), or there is some live link to the scorer's table. I doubt they'd find that worth the cost, but you never know. Now it's a nice feature, poorly executed.
Re: Scoreboard
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (---)
Date: October 28, 2002 11:05PM

Peterg wrote:

Now it's a nice feature, poorly executed.
And probably paid for with anticipated CornellPass revenues.rolleyes

Does someone really think this stuff through in advance?

Re: Scoreboard
Posted by: gwm3 (---)
Date: October 29, 2002 09:47AM

Can someone maybe post a picture of this scoreboard for the out-of-towners? I just can't get a grasp on what this thing looks like from the description on this thread. Thanks.
Re: Scoreboard
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (---)
Date: October 29, 2002 10:07AM

It doesn't sound like there's an "appearance" problem, but more a "use" problem. Having a SOG feature but not being able to use it correctly does make one scratch one's head, however.

Re: Scoreboard
Posted by: gwm3 (---)
Date: October 29, 2002 12:49PM

The thing just sounds huge and ghastly. Where does this cheerleading text appear? Is it accompanied by cheesy graphics? I am picturing some jumbotron like screen -- is this totally off-base?
Re: Scoreboard
Posted by: CowbellGuy (---)
Date: October 29, 2002 01:13PM

One of these days I swear I'm going to remember my camera. I'll try to remember tomorrow.

Re: Scoreboard
Posted by: Ben Doyle 03 (---)
Date: October 29, 2002 02:15PM

It's not really that bad , I mean seriously, are you there to look at the scoreboard or watch the game. . .;-) ?

Yes, it is a bit of an insult to have them put "Make Some Noise" up there but it's not like we're actually going to do what it tells (at least I'm not). :-))

Re: Scoreboard
Posted by: rhovorka (---)
Date: October 29, 2002 03:35PM

OK, well those of you in A, B, N, and O might not notice or care about it as much because it generally isn't in your line of sight while play is on, but from my vantage point, it's very annoying and irritating. Bright lights that flash and strobe generally make you instictively look at them. And when I look up and see retarded things like "STOMP..........'em!" and "NOISE!!!" flashing it makes me upset that this sort of thing has found its way into Lynah.

The thing that surprised me the most on Sunday was that the flashing messages stayed on during play. What crossed my mind is that if the flashing was distracting me, isn't there a chance that it could distract the goaltender (who probably is scanning for motion) at the far end of the ice, which, for 2 periods happens to don the Cornell sweater? I'm hoping that the York exhibition was just a try-out-what-the-scoreboard-can-do period, and won't be lit during play in NCAA games.

At least there's no "clapping hands" graphic yet. I'd rather have just advertisements up there than any cheezy "cheering" slogans. It's just embarrassing.

The Good:
Goals/Assists announcements
Penalty announcements
50/50 drawing numbers
Out-of-town scores

The Bad:
"STOMP......'em!" (animated feet included)
"The Big Red.....TEARING.....Up the Ice"
"Get on your feet!!"
any blinking or animation

"Let's Go Red" only when the crowd is already going
"VISIT....THE....CONSESSIONS!" during intermissions.
"Let's hear it for the kids!" when the Pee Wees are playing during intermission
50/50 winners, but I wouldn't want everyone to know that I'm leaving the rink with several hundreds of dollars.
Advertisements...already up: Shortstop/Hot Truck, WHCU, and a PPG donation to a breast cancer charity promotion.

Besides the flashing message-bar, the new scoreboard is quite nice...not taking up that much more room than the old one. True, the SOG stats aren't updated until intermissions, but that's the case at many ECAC venues with this feature.

I'd love some anti-scoreboard chants. And a good prank would be to sabotage the board so it just reads "SUCKS!" all the time. That would guarantee that Andy "squeaky clean" Noel would pull the plug personally.

Re: Scoreboard
Posted by: cop at lynah (---)
Date: October 29, 2002 04:53PM

A little clarification on the scoreboard. The top of the board - the message area - is run by someone from the press box area. The rest of the scoreboard is run from the scorers table. The thought of the message section being a distraction to the goalie on the east end was the first thing that crossed my mind. Wait until Clarkson or some other team complains about it and see what happens.

By the way speaking of new, there is one new procedure at Lynah this year. No one can exit lynah via the bottom of section O or A. You will be required to exit from the top side. This an attempt to have the bottom area behind the west glass as unobstructed as possible for media to conduct their interviews. The only way to get down to the floor after the game is to have a media pass or an athletic pass.
Re: Scoreboard
Posted by: Greg Berge (---)
Date: October 29, 2002 05:27PM

Or for that matter, if our goalie complains.
Re: Scoreboard
Posted by: Jim Hyla (---)
Date: October 29, 2002 08:02PM

Received this reply, to my email complaint, from Laura Strange. I'm sure she doesn't mind my posting it.
[Q]Jim -

Not to worry...the scoreboard is new and all the features were just being
checked out and played with a wee bit on Sunday. Lynah (fans) certainly don't need encouragement to cheer or be loud! =)

Look for the new message center to display lineups, out of town scores,
scoring summaries, and other "information" as we get comfortable with all
of the new features.

Thanks for checking in!

Laura Stange
Enough said, I think we can go onto other topics.

Re: Scoreboard
Posted by: DeltaOne81 (---)
Date: October 29, 2002 11:26PM

[Q]Enough said, I think we can go onto other topics.[/Q]
Well, I'll still complain tomorrow just so they know there's more displeasure... as for moving onto other things... we'll see the night of Fri Nov 8th.


Edit: P.S. But at least they're responsive and appear to care... more than we can say about CornellPass
Re: Scoreboard
Posted by: Greg Berge (---)
Date: October 30, 2002 02:03AM

Excellent news. Thanks to Laura (who for the record has been a good friend of the Faithful during her tenure).
Scoreboard Photo
Posted by: CowbellGuy (---)
Date: October 30, 2002 08:47AM

Re: Scoreboard Photo
Posted by: gwm3 (---)
Date: October 30, 2002 08:17PM

That't not nearly as awful as I was picturing.
Re: Scoreboard
Posted by: Anne 85 (---)
Date: October 30, 2002 09:57PM

Thanks for the photo, Age! The scoreboard is much more traditional-looking than I imagined. (Probably because no messages are shown.) I think I like it -- as long as it's not used for robo-cheers.
Re: Scoreboard
Posted by: DeltaOne81 (---)
Date: October 30, 2002 10:56PM

The board is fine... nice even... it's bright and attractive and the ads bring in some revenue which is understandable. They just need to learn how to use it with respect to the atmosphere anad traditions of the Lynah faithful...

I said as much in my feedback 5 minutes ago, so I've said my piece :-).
Re: Scoreboard
Posted by: mha (---)
Date: October 31, 2002 10:26AM

I like the idea of the "tasteless response," but I bet all it would take would be for people to start shouting "Up the ice!" when that's displayed on the scoreboard.

(The phrase "Tearing up the ice" is split in two... "Tearing" and "Up the ice!"... yep, capitalized.)

So shall we give it a shot? "Up the ice!"

I hope they got the thing at fire-sale prices. It's an extremely low-quality (read, "high school caliber";) board, which doesn't even have descenders on the lower-case letters.

I take it back. Any self-respecting high school with a serious athletics program would never use this thing. Was it free with a thousand Pepsi can tabs or something?

A serious scoreboard with data-display capability could be a very good thing; they just need a better one than this.

Re: Scoreboard Photo
Posted by: mha (---)
Date: October 31, 2002 10:30AM

It's not that bad when turned off, no.

The lower ad panels are vertical-blinds-style rotating ads, and the panels don't fit properly. In other words, even on the very first night of use, the panels didn't settle squarely into place to show the ad properly. They came close, but that should be what happens after months of use.

No matter; the ads are small and badly designed, considering they're behind the goal-end netting, so you can't really see most of what's on them regardless.

It took until I was poking around the mall the other night and spotted the dealership cars in the middle of the hallways before I remembered what "Simmons-Rockwell" was. Seeing the ad on Sunday night did nothing for me but make me scratch my head, as I could barely read even the name.


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