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options to this Sunday's game

Posted by judy 
options to this Sunday's game
Posted by: judy (---)
Date: October 21, 2002 10:25PM

I'm thinking correctly right? There's a game this Sunday. (Sorry, a bit out of it)

So what are my options, being in DC and being lazy and not wanting to drive up this season...or at least this game?
1. internet stream - I get a free trial...yes? no?
2. lynah cam?
Re: options to this Sunday's game
Posted by: jtwcornell91 (---)
Date: October 21, 2002 10:36PM

The Canadian exhibition is usually not broadcast on the radio, and at any rate you should save the two-week free trial for when there are two consecutive full weekends and no other audio choices. (Okay, so that's true for Ohio State, but it's just one non-conference game.)

BTW, Jude, what's the mood like in DC? Are people skittish about the sniper? uhoh

Re: options to this Sunday's game
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (---)
Date: October 21, 2002 11:05PM

My wife's just back today from 10 days in Richmond. They were skittish there after that last shooting in a Richmond suburb.

Re: options to this Sunday's game
Posted by: judy (---)
Date: October 22, 2002 07:16AM

This morning, leaving for work, my thought was, "Need to see another game this weekend..." But I guess I won't be hearing the Cornell one.

We're going to get some good reports on this game...right...?

As to the stupid sniper...
Basically, no one wants to go into the suburbs down here. This means no shopping, no pumping gas. Expensive gas stations on the east side of DC that would otherwise seem sketchy is looking pretty good these days. Thankfully, I just moved into the city where the traffic is bad enough so that the guy can't get away easily.
Let's put it this way, this past weekend, I had planned it so that I would be arriving in Hershey (Hershey Bears home opener) on the last bit of gas in my tank. Also helps that there's cheap gas in central PA.

Sorry about the non-hockey content.
Re: options to this Sunday's game
Posted by: CowbellGuy (---)
Date: October 22, 2002 09:12AM

Well, I'm still not certain if the hockey cam will be up this weekend. I'll try, but right now too many things need to happen properly to guarantee it. At any rate, you can get ahead of the game and install QuickTime 6. You'll need it eventually.

Re: options to this Sunday's game
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (---)
Date: October 22, 2002 09:17AM

Age, are you expecting to have HockeyCam running for the regular season home games? Is the CornellPass nonsense going to restrict HockeyCam in any way?

Re: options to this Sunday's game
Posted by: Anne 85 (---)
Date: October 22, 2002 09:19AM

The CHA newsletter states that Adam Wodon will have his debut as radio announcer for the Big Red on Friday, Nov. 1 (vs. Ohio State). This supports JTW's statement that the Canadian exhibition usually isn't broadcast.
Re: options to this Sunday's game
Posted by: jtwcornell91 (---)
Date: October 22, 2002 09:36AM

Al DeFlorio wrote:

My wife's just back today from 10 days in Richmond. They were skittish there after that last shooting in a Richmond suburb.

It was pretty spooky hearing about that one, since I have an ex-girlfriend from Ashland, and I've actually been there once.

Re: options to this Sunday's game
Posted by: CowbellGuy (---)
Date: October 22, 2002 09:37AM

The HockeyCam will definitely happen for all the other games. Just not sure if everything will be in place in time for Sunday. However, the audio feed is still a big old black hole. We are trying to get something worked out, so stay tuned. That's about all I can say right now.

Re: options to this Sunday's game
Posted by: ugarte (63.94.240.---)
Date: October 22, 2002 10:58AM

If Cornell persists in this idiocy, can the HockeyCam be run with the visiting team audio feed?

Re: options to this Sunday's game
Posted by: CowbellGuy (---)
Date: October 22, 2002 11:05AM

Not by my doing. You can obviously their stream running separately, but it won't be very in sync.

Re: options to this Sunday's game
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (---)
Date: October 22, 2002 11:26AM

big red apple wrote:

If Cornell persists in this idiocy...
Ah, you do have a way with words, bra.

Re: options to this Sunday's game
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (---)
Date: October 22, 2002 11:52AM

It's interesting to contrast the ham-handed way this CornellPass "idiocy" (to steal big red apple's very apt term) was handled with the way the the Internet broadcasts were initiated five or so years ago (and the way Age handled the funding of HockeyCam last year, by the way).

IIRC, Tom Hamill tested the waters here for interest, then approached the athletics department suggesting the radio broadcasts be sent over the Internet to the Faithful diaspora, and was told it could be done if money were donated to buy the necessary computer system. Tom undertook this challenge, and a bunch of us kicked in to make it happen. With this latest "enhancement," out of the blue, we get this hokey CornellPass announcement like it's some kind of wonderful thing we all should have been looking forward to. Worst of all, the obnoxious sales pitch with which it was delivered presumed we'd all be simply ecstatic at the prospect of listening to University of Miami football games as part of the deal. Yuck-o! Talk about showing complete insensitivity to the audience you're trying to sell.

The whole venture deserves one big "ugh," as far as I'm concerned. It simply couldn't be more wrong-headed and couldn't have been handled in a less sensitive manner.

Age, be sure to let us know if there's something we can do to assist you in getting "something worked out." (And I'm holding out for a better DVD than anything available from last season.;-))

Re: options to this Sunday's game
Posted by: Greg Berge (---)
Date: October 22, 2002 12:08PM

Two simple syllogisms.

People are essentially good.
Cornellians are people.

Companies are essentially evil.
Cornell is a company.
Re: options to this Sunday's game
Posted by: Roy82 (---)
Date: October 22, 2002 03:36PM

Ironically, Cornell could definitely benefit from having a sniper on the team. That's the key ingredient they have been missing these past few years.

On the audio, video feed thing. I would be glad to donate towards a cause (just as long as you don't make me pay with PayPal where they charge you a fee and then promise to reimiburse you).

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