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Cornell Jersey Sighting

Posted by jkahn 
Cornell Jersey Sighting
Posted by: jkahn (
Date: January 14, 2006 05:00PM

Saw someone wearing a Cornell hockey jersey seated against the glass during the shootout in the Bruins-Stars game (all 3 NBC games were available on the CenterIce package). Adding this to David's appearance on Conan, our hockey program is getting some good air time.
Re: Cornell Jersey Sighting
Posted by: Tub(a) (
Date: January 14, 2006 05:10PM

NBC really lucked out, all 3 of the games sounded like they were great. I watched Flyers/Avs.
Re: Cornell Jersey Sighting
Posted by: dss28 (
Date: January 15, 2006 02:44PM

I saw the same sweatshirt :) Was it anyone here?
Re: Cornell Jersey Sighting
Posted by: CowbellGuy (Moderator)
Date: January 16, 2006 01:20PM

NBC really lucked out, all 3 of the games sounded like they were great. I watched Flyers/Avs.
The Rangers-Wings game was at least close, if a bit odd. Not sure if "great" applies, though. The first period was pretty well dominated by the Rangers, but the Wings owned the rest. Some fluky goals (by both clubs) kept the score close. Detroit is legitimately scary. My jury is still out on the Rangers. They're a couple injuries away from disaster, and while everyone is falling all over themselves bestowing praise on Renney and his staff, I'm not as convinced. It took a LONG time to get the team to stop taking stupid penalties. If not for some outstanding PKers (like Moore) that could have put an early stop to their success. Don't get me wrong. It looks like they'll make the playoffs, which is far more than anyone expected, and I'll be delighted. And if nothing else, Lundqvist's and Prucha's emergences will make this year significant. Sather has redeemed himself a bit by fighting to get Prucha in the lineup. But I just don't think they're "all that." I find it amusing that Jagr stated that he realizes his singular purpose on the team is to "score goals." What did he think it was before? To block shots? Well, I should stop bitching. At least they're moving in the right direction for a change.
Re: Cornell Jersey Sighting
Posted by: Facetimer (
Date: January 16, 2006 01:36PM

I saw the same sweatshirt :) Was it anyone here?

I was at the game with a Cornell sweatshirt, but I was up in the pressbox, so I doubt it was me. Great game -- Tim Thomas (the third string goalie) stood on his head and made an incredible save on Modano in the shootout, but as usual the B's came up short.
Re: Cornell Jersey Sighting
Posted by: CowbellGuy (Moderator)
Date: January 16, 2006 01:38PM

Now there's one ECAC alum I'll never be able to root for. The profanity I was lobbing at the TV after they switched over to that game on NBC would have made George Carlin blush.

"[Hugh] Jessiman turned out to be a huge specimen of something alright." --Puck Daddy
Re: Cornell Jersey Sighting
Posted by: KeithK (
Date: January 16, 2006 04:07PM

[q]Now there's one ECAC alum I'll never be able to root for. The profanity I was lobbing at the TV after they switched over to that game on NBC would have made George Carlin blush.[/q]Heh. When they said his name my first reaction was "Cool, ECAC alum!". My immediate second reaction was, "but it's Tim Thomas..."
Re: Cornell Jersey Sighting
Posted by: Tub(a) (
Date: January 16, 2006 04:19PM

NBC really lucked out, all 3 of the games sounded like they were great. I watched Flyers/Avs.
The Rangers-Wings game was at least close, if a bit odd. Not sure if "great" applies, though. The first period was pretty well dominated by the Rangers, but the Wings owned the rest. Some fluky goals (by both clubs) kept the score close. Detroit is legitimately scary. My jury is still out on the Rangers. They're a couple injuries away from disaster, and while everyone is falling all over themselves bestowing praise on Renney and his staff, I'm not as convinced. It took a LONG time to get the team to stop taking stupid penalties. If not for some outstanding PKers (like Moore) that could have put an early stop to their success. Don't get me wrong. It looks like they'll make the playoffs, which is far more than anyone expected, and I'll be delighted. And if nothing else, Lundqvist's and Prucha's emergences will make this year significant. Sather has redeemed himself a bit by fighting to get Prucha in the lineup. But I just don't think they're "all that." I find it amusing that Jagr stated that he realizes his singular purpose on the team is to "score goals." What did he think it was before? To block shots? Well, I should stop bitching. At least they're moving in the right direction for a change.

If the season ended today it would be Sabres/Rangers in the first round. That would be an interesting series.
Re: Cornell Jersey Sighting
Posted by: Facetimer (
Date: January 16, 2006 07:32PM

[q]Now there's one ECAC alum I'll never be able to root for. The profanity I was lobbing at the TV after they switched over to that game on NBC would have made George Carlin blush.[/q]Heh. When they said his name my first reaction was "Cool, ECAC alum!". My immediate second reaction was, "but it's Tim Thomas..."

What's wrong with Tim Thomas?
Re: Cornell Jersey Sighting
Posted by: Beeeej (
Date: January 16, 2006 07:52PM

Nothing's wrong with him individually. It's just that between him and the twin dwarves Perrin and St. Louis, Vermont gave Cornell a lot of trouble in the mid-90s.

At least I don't remember there being anything wrong with him individually...


Beeeej, Esq.

"Cornell isn't an organization. It's a loose affiliation of independent fiefdoms united by a common hockey team."
- Steve Worona
Re: Cornell Jersey Sighting
Posted by: KeithK (
Date: January 16, 2006 07:59PM

I seem to recall him having something of a bad attitude that colored my opinion of him. Not quite Nick Boucher level, but in the same vein. I can't point to any specifics ten years later.

For the record, I have no problem rooting for Martin St. Louis as an ECAC alum even though I thoroughly enjoyed heckling the Keebler Elves in their trips to Lynah.
Re: Cornell Jersey Sighting
Posted by: Dianne 99 (
Date: January 16, 2006 08:23PM

Didn't he break a stick over the net in frustration at the end of a game at Lynah one year? I seem to remember said stick "mysteriously" ending up in the band room...Josh, Scersk, does this ring a bell or is my brain making this up?
Re: Cornell Jersey Sighting
Posted by: Robb (
Date: January 16, 2006 10:59PM

There were many, many things wrong with Tim Thomas, the individual. The list starts with A for attitude and ends with Z for zero class. I lived in Vermont during those years, and every single interview I ever saw with him on local TV lowered my opinion of him farther than the one before. His cockiness caught up with him when he tried out for the Avalanche and darn near ruined his chance to ever play in the NHL. I've forgotten the specifics, but he made public comments along the lines of, "The Av's management are complete fools if they don't start me immediately. I'm not going to be a backup - I'm the greatest goalie ever." The Avs kicked him out of camp - didn't send him down, didn't trade him, they just told him not to come back. I like TSN's scouting report, "Doesn't have the requisite skills to play a regular role at the NHL level," and "Has had plenty of seasoning in Europe." Um - yeah. That's not a compliment.

Perrin and St. Louis were completely different. There's a reason they shared the TBRW John Carter Award (most respected opponent) in 1996, and Thomas won the Kevan Melrose Award (least respected) in 1997.

Edit: and for the record, during the 4 years of Perrin/St. Louis/Thomas, Cornell was 3-2-3 against them, including 1-1-2 their junior and senior years. Not too shabby, espeically if you remember where Cornell's program was in 93-94 and 94-95.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/16/2006 11:06PM by Robb.
Re: Cornell Jersey Sighting
Posted by: CowbellGuy (Moderator)
Date: January 17, 2006 10:42AM

Thanks, Robb. My distaste for the tool has nothing to do with him being from UVM and everything to do with what Robb said.

"[Hugh] Jessiman turned out to be a huge specimen of something alright." --Puck Daddy
Re: Cornell Jersey Sighting
Posted by: Josh '99 (
Date: January 18, 2006 08:10AM

Dianne 99
Didn't he break a stick over the net in frustration at the end of a game at Lynah one year? I seem to remember said stick "mysteriously" ending up in the band room...Josh, Scersk, does this ring a bell or is my brain making this up?
I've heard that story, although I don't recall having seen it myself.

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