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Boston U. here!! ... Fish??

Posted by FattMatt4 
Boston U. here!! ... Fish??
Posted by: FattMatt4 (---)
Date: September 14, 2002 12:32PM

So, when Boston comes to town, are people going to throw fish at them too? Will Lynah even be packed since its over Thanksgiving break and what are we doing for a chant?? So many questions!
Re: Boston U. here!! ... Fish??
Posted by: DeltaOne81 (---)
Date: September 14, 2002 03:54PM

answer for question 3...

The chant is simply "Screw BU!", nothing more, nothing less. It actually works quite nicely, as you'll see.

Personally, I think fish should be reserved for Harvard. And I guess we'll see how packed it is.

On a side note, this'll be an interesting weekend for me personally - my sister is a frosh at BU :-).

Re: Boston U. here!! ... Fish??
Posted by: Anne 85 (---)
Date: September 15, 2002 11:19AM

Fish should be reserved for Harvard. It is a school-specific tradition and shouldn't be applied to all opponents from Boston. [Wow, that's a pretty definite statement, especially coming from me. But I do feel strongly about this.]

And I agree that the pause after a single chant of "Screw BU" can be very effective. But it may be difficult to achieve this effect if we can't convince the majority of the crowd to give it a try.

I've been thinking about the crowd/ticket situation. I wouldn't expect a lot of students to be around for the Saturday game, and I'm not sure about Sunday afternoon either. But I hope there will be considerable interest in these games. So, the trick will be to make sure that those who are interested are able to contact season ticket holders who can't go to the games.

Also, am I losing my mind, or did the ticket office recently have a program where you could turn in your tickets for games over break and they would be made available to local youth groups? Perhaps something similar could be done for the Thanksgiving games.
Re: Boston U. here!! ... Fish??
Posted by: DeltaOne81 (---)
Date: September 15, 2002 11:50AM


In the past the ticket office has done that for games over winter break, especially the ones in early January that are well before the semester restarts. We've never had games over Thanksgiving in my years here, so I guess we'll see. Last year I made a special trip from Ct with my father and friend to see the winter games, but previous years I donated my tickets.

As for students being around for the BU games, I personally plan on making a special trip back Saturday morning to be at both of them, but I'm sure a lot of students won't. It look like I'll be getting tickets with a sizeable (well, 6 to 8) group of friends, and I'm sure several, if not most, of them won't be around, so, if you want BU tickets, I may be able to help, but of course I don't know details yet.

Re: Boston U. here!! ... Fish??
Posted by: twh2 (---)
Date: September 15, 2002 12:40PM

Sweet, I'm planning on making the trip for the Saturday game on the 30th, looking for two tickets, I'll probably get in touch with you before that. Peace.
Re: Boston U. here!! ... Fish??
Posted by: Greg Berge (---)
Date: September 15, 2002 12:52PM

No fish!

If we're looking for a B.U. tradition, perhaps we should throw Cornell Admissions rejection letters.
Re: Boston U. here!! ... Fish??
Posted by: Josh '99 (---)
Date: September 16, 2002 12:44AM

Greg wrote:

If we're looking for a B.U. tradition, perhaps we should throw Cornell Admissions rejection letters.
Where would we get those? We got in. :-D

Re: Boston U. here!! ... Fish??
Posted by: CU at Stanford (---)
Date: September 19, 2002 06:37PM

What about me? I am married to a BU alumna...:-)
Re: Boston U. here!! ... Fish??
Posted by: FattMatt4 (---)
Date: September 19, 2002 11:19PM

What about Hot dogs? They are the terriers ...
Re: Boston U. here!! ... Fish??
Posted by: Anne 85 (---)
Date: September 20, 2002 09:46AM

Regarding a "tradition" for BU, keep in mind that they are already featured in a cheer that is performed at practically every game. In addition, there is a special version of that cheer for games against BU.

I'm not sure we should get into the "rut" of needing to throw things on the ice for it to be a tradition. Especially when you consider the risk of penalties to the team if some fans don't use their common sense or if the officials decide to make a point.
Re: Boston U. here!! ... Fish??
Posted by: dodger916 (---)
Date: September 20, 2002 10:53AM

That's right, Anne. As those of you who have competed may know, these antics often serve to fire up the team you're trying to demoralize or intimidate. It gives them a rallying point and a reason to compete harder!

How about if we enjoy the high-quality hockey a team like BU will bring to Lynah and stop figuring out ways to discourage them from returning here? They have much to be proud of and don't need to put up with Lynah BS. Let's show them that the Lynah Faithful appreciates good hockey, and give them a reason to continue this great rivalry!
Re: Boston U. here!! ... Fish??
Posted by: Anne 85 (---)
Date: September 20, 2002 11:26PM

Actually, I'm not too worried about firing up the other team -- I think this is usually outweighed by the benefits of psyching up our team and the crowd.

I'm just saying that I think we can be a little more inventive and clever than just throwing different objects on the ice. If, for example, the entire crowd chose to dress like Jack Parker, that would be scary, but kinda cool. (Clearly I'm not suggesting that I'm the best person to come up with these inventive and clever ideas.)

And, of course, the spontaneous clever stuff is just priceless. You know, "Toots needs a hug" and the early "We want Weder" cheers.

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