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Ode to an Opposing Goalie

Posted by nsc06 
Ode to an Opposing Goalie
Posted by: nsc06 (
Date: December 20, 2005 09:48PM

We need a new song. We all know it.

We've become a two-cheer crowd (LGR and "<school> SUCKS";), which makes us one cheer better than UNH. Many of the classic cheers from previous years have inexplicably died out, which is quite unfortunate.

When the Lynah crowd sings together in unison, as with Gary Glitter (okay, maybe we're a three-cheer crowd), or with "Hey, Bâby" (which unfortunately but understandably ended with his graduation), it is fantastic. I don't think anyone disagrees with that statement.

But should we really limit ourselves to those few cheers? We're known for our creativity and solidarity as a crowd. It's time to freshen things up a bit and introduce a new song.

Ladies and gentlemen, we present you with "Ode to an Opposing Goalie", sung to the tune of "Every Morning" by Sugar Ray. That particular song was chosen by yours truly because it is not a particularly great song (though it's continually growing on me) that would make you wince were you to sing it to different lyrics, and Sugar Ray is not a particularly good band. But it's good enough and catchy enough to adapt into a hockey song.

There are a few reasons why we're posting it here, but the most important is that neither of us are on campus anymore, so we can't possibly get it started ourselves. As a result, if it passes muster with the eLynah crowd (which is not by any means an easy feat -- there's a very good chance that enough people will malign it that it will progress no further), it will be up to an eLynah individual to take the initiative and pass out song sheets or get the band to play the first few bars (again, no easy feat). But yes, the hope is that maybe enough people will like it on eLynah that it will somehow make the jump from cyberspace to the rink.

So, go ahead and give it a listen. Make fun of us for our singing, call us shit for spending time putting this together, figure out who we are, whatever. But we need a new song, and who knows, maybe this could be it.

A note about the complexity: if we can do goalie/sieve/funnel/vacuum/black hole, there is no reason in hell we can't do this song. And it's a bit long, but that's kind of a good thing in this case.


"Ode to an Opposing Goalie"
to the tune of "Every Morning" by Sugar Ray




Every morning your poor mother wakes up after dancing all night long with a brass pole
It is a tough life but she's got to do it to support you 'cause you're just a big black hole

How can you be
Such a total sieve

One again, as predicted, you're between the pipes
How do you live

For some stupid reason
You're out there every season
Sucking it up again

You've let it in # times, you know you're gonna do it again

(Drive the Zamboni, don't say a word)
(Drive the Zamboni, don't say a word)

You always let the shots go by, yeah...
You always let the shots go by...


The # sign in the line above should be replaced by the number of goals we've scored (duh). Best to wait until at least two, though three would be nice.

Yes, we went down an octave at one point. That was bad. Disregard that.

"Sucking it up again" should have a bit more oomph and be a bit less melodic.
Re: Ode to an Opposing Goalie
Posted by: French Rage (
Date: December 20, 2005 09:54PM

Way too long for a cheer. Condense it to 4 lines or less and you have a fighting chance.
Re: Ode to an Opposing Goalie
Posted by: Will (
Date: December 20, 2005 10:35PM

First, let me commend you for your effort in putting this together.

That being said, I agree that it's too long, at least to be sung by a crowd of thousands in unison. With band accompaniment it might work, but it would definitely take a bit of practice. It might work if sung well--on key and loud--by two or three people. But in the end, if it's too long, the goalie isn't going to pay attention to it, if he pays attention to anything the crowd says at all.

Is next year here yet?
Re: Ode to an Opposing Goalie
Posted by: Dustbin321 (
Date: December 21, 2005 08:29AM

I know that people on here don't really like adapting soccer chants to hockey but I came up with a few from ones I've heard/heard of and I don't think they're too bad. They're easy to learn and catchy, but are mostly chanted/sung to encourage our players as opposed to distracting the opposition. Please bear with me...

He's here, he's there, he's every-friggin'-where (can't say F@ck)

for the one above, it might work well if one person yells the first part, and the whole crowd follows up with the player's name. It works for most players, and you can vary it for the Abbott twins. (Change "he's" with "they're" and the player name to ABBOTT TWINS) Also a good variation would be to replace the second phrase with "we're not allowed to swear"

Sung to the tune of "Guantanamera"

There's only one RAY SAWADA
There's only one RAY SAWADAAAA

This one's pretty simple, although I don't know if most people will get the "compliment" as it's more of a british phrase i think. Once again, works with most players and you can alter it for the Abbott twins. (One pair of abbotts)

Sung to the tune of the Adam's family song

They Che-eck every player
They ki-ill every skater
They look like one another
The Abbott family
Da da da da *clap - clap*
Da da da da *clap - clap*

Ok, this one is kinda cheesy, but once again it's pretty straightforward. Only works for the abbotts though.

Finally, I don't understand why we can't alter the "Hey Bâby" song to fit Moulsen. Here's my idea

Heeeeyyy Heeeyyy Moulsen
I wanna knooooowww if you'll score a goal.

I guess if you guys feel this might jinx him for the game, then maybe its not such a good chant. If not, I think this chant would be pretty cool.

What do you guys think?

and Last but not least.......

Don't blame it on Barlow
Don't blame it on Chabot
Don't blame it on Pegararo

Blame it on Krantz
He just can't, he just can't, he just can't control the puck
He just can't, he just can't, he just can't control the puck

I kid, I kid

Re: Ode to an Opposing Goalie
Posted by: ftyuv (
Date: December 21, 2005 09:16AM

[q]Dustbin321 wrote:
Heeeeyyy Heeeyyy Moulsen
I wanna knooooowww if you'll score a goal. [/q]

Um, I think we should wait till he can before we cheer that ;). :`(.

I dunno, I feel like we don't have enough (read: any) heros on our team this year to warrant individually adapted cheers. The versatile ones are fine, but how do you tell everyone whose name to cheer? It's not always so obvious. Seems like the kind of thing that one intrepid person could do on their own.

One of my friends last year would cheer "Hey McKee you so fine, you so fine you blow my mind, hey McKee! *clap clap* Hey McKee!" I always liked that, and it looks like he's getting back to the point where it's not ironic to cheer it any more. How's about it?
Re: Ode to an Opposing Goalie
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: December 21, 2005 10:43AM

99% of our cheers have risen without premeditation at the games, and it's doubtful that any engineered cheer would ever take hold, but if that's the mission, keep it simple.
Re: Ode to an Opposing Goalie
Posted by: montague (
Date: December 21, 2005 01:14PM

I actually agree that soccer chants are fair game. I've said this before, but I am a proponent of the Spanish "ole, ole, ole" cheer during the penalty kill. It's just what's needed - something loud that would drone on and on and is easy to learn. It sounds really cool in a rink.

The Topher Scott one may work, as it's relatively simple. Good suggestions. As always, it's hard to say if they'll catch on though.
Re: Ode to an Opposing Goalie
Posted by: Lauren '06 (
Date: December 21, 2005 04:42PM

I actually agree that soccer chants are fair game. I've said this before, but I am a proponent of the Spanish "ole, ole, ole" cheer during the penalty kill. It's just what's needed - something loud that would drone on and on and is easy to learn. It sounds really cool in a rink.
I was always under the impression that the "ole, ole" chant is commonly used as the assured victory chant, which would make it somewhat inappopriate for a penalty kill. Connotation and all.
Re: Ode to an Opposing Goalie
Posted by: jtwcornell91 (
Date: December 21, 2005 06:31PM

Section A Banshee
I actually agree that soccer chants are fair game. I've said this before, but I am a proponent of the Spanish "ole, ole, ole" cheer during the penalty kill. It's just what's needed - something loud that would drone on and on and is easy to learn. It sounds really cool in a rink.
I was always under the impression that the "ole, ole" chant is commonly used as the assured victory chant, which would make it somewhat inappopriate for a penalty kill. Connotation and all.

BU uses it as a penalty kill song.
Re: Ode to an Opposing Goalie
Posted by: French Rage (
Date: December 21, 2005 07:13PM

Song parodies dont work.

As for one chant, the Austin Powers chant, I think "Do I make your Seminoff?" would work now.
Re: Ode to an Opposing Goalie
Posted by: montague (
Date: December 21, 2005 07:50PM

Yes. That's where I heard it.
Re: Ode to an Opposing Goalie
Posted by: KeithK (
Date: December 21, 2005 07:56PM

[q]BU uses it as a penalty kill song.[/q]All the more reason NOT to use it. Screw BU and all.
Re: Ode to an Opposing Goalie
Posted by: fink (
Date: December 21, 2005 11:40PM

Or after the band plays the Austin Powers theme, there is the humorous (and subtly erotic) chant of "Yeah, Red, Yeah. Do I make you big?"
Re: Ode to an Opposing Goalie
Posted by: Oat (
Date: March 13, 2006 05:54PM

BU sucks.

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