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[Lax] Brown home finale

Posted by Hillel 
[Lax] Brown home finale
Posted by: Hillel (
Date: April 25, 2002 12:29PM

I've dreaded this game for months. I've been hoping it wouldn't matter. But it does. Pretty simple: We lose, we're out. Add to that the usual butterflies of senior day (more below). Then throw in the post-game retirement of 9/11 victim Eamon McEneaney's number 10. Presto, you get the most emotionally intense regular season home game since... since... the bleepin' eighties? No, maybe ever. And I'm not exaggerating.

Don't be fooled by Brown's .500 record, their youth, or their odd habit of choking in the fourth quarter (as many of you know, they've lost late leads in nearly two-thirds of their games this season). And don't be fooled by the fact that they lead the nation in guys called "Chas" either (snort!). This team is dangerous. They're deep, and they're loaded with accurate shooters. And they're as desparate to win as we'll be. Unlike Cornell, they control their own destiny--if they win out, they earn the Ivy League's AQ.

IMO, the guy who could be the key to this game is senior long-stick middie Josh Heller. I wouldn't be surprised if he often ends up matched up with Brown's brilliant and volatile senior middie/attackman Jimmy Mormile. In Brown's only bad loss of the season, a 16-6 pasting at Georgetown, the Hoya's fab LSM Kyle Sweeney--perhaps the only LSM in the nation better than Heller--manhandled Mormile early, and Mormile lost it. Bonkers. Brown never seemed to regroup after their co-captain's meltdown. The other key, of course, is preying on their psychological fragility in the 4th quarter. If Cornell goes on a run late, it's gotta get in Bruno's head.

Even if we beat Brown, Hobart scares me too. Want to see lax pushed to the edge of sanity? Check out their freshman Nate Hill.

I won't be there to holler, so here are a few words of praise to this year's seniors. I like this class. No golden boys or HS All-Americans here. All they did was lead Cornell to their first NCAA playoff appearance in a mess of years back in 2000. A bunch of 'em played hurt for most of '02: Fort, Sollogg, and Lee, to name a few. I have no idea how Fort and Sollogg have held it together. I am a card-carrying member of the Cult of Fort. He is True Grit. Blue-collar defenseman, co-captain, and Xth-year senior Brandon Hall came back after two years off for his Mormom mission. Attackman Colin Crawford works like a dog, gets few minutes, but has improved every year. Galen Beers makes me crazy--he's Cornell's equivalent of World B. Free--but even Beers has adjusted his game and stepped out of the spotlight (now and then) for the benefit of the team. Josh Heller is one of the best in the nation. And then there's Justin Cynar. It's hard to play in your big brother's league. It's even harder to do so when you're always cleaning up your own team's messes, as Justin did as an underclassman. But the hardest thing of all is living up to high expectations. I would hate to be a pre-season first-team All-American. Nope, '01 and '02 haven't been the smoothest years for Cynar, but he might still save this team. Even if he doesn't, I think he goes down as one of Cornell's best ever. Thank you, gentlemen.
Re: [Lax] Brown home finale
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: April 25, 2002 03:27PM

Well said, Hillel.

While Brown may be guilty of a number of fourth quarter meltdowns this year, let's not forget they rallied from a 6-2 halftime deficit last year to beat Cornell in OT and wipe out any slim chance we had of a dance ticket. So "meltdown" may be in the back of both teams' minds Saturday.

Big game. We'd better come ready to play.

Re: [Lax] Brown home finale
Posted by: Ben Doyle 03 (
Date: April 25, 2002 10:15PM

Hey guys, I can tell you from personal experience that any lacrosse team coached by Scott Nelson is a dangerous one (I played for him @ Nazareth for a year before coming to Cornell) . He is a master of getting the most out of his talent and let me tell ya, he doesn't just find talent, he makes it! This guy is in the second year of building this program into a national power. . .laugh now if you must (not people here but in general), mark my words, Brown will be a force to be reckoned with in the years to come. Heck, they are RIGHT NOW! Losses to Umass by 1, Loyola by 2, and Syracuse by 1 in OT. . .when this team starts making the bounces go their way, they will be THAT good!!! They have a goalie who, again, I have played against in high school and he is as good as Justin (probably better). . .the rest of the team is just a bunch of "blue collar" workers like the RED and we know those teams cause trouble ;-). We must take this Brown squad very, very seriously!!! Gone are the days of "Round the bowl...down the hole...if it's Brown...flush it down." The boys have to be up for this game, as high as they were for the Syracuse game earlier in the year, possibly higher, b/c now an at-large is our only shot into the NCAA's and we HAVE to win out for that to happen.

Let's go boys. . .time to beat the brown stuff out of the Bears!!!

Re: [Lax] Brown home finale
Posted by: jtwcornell91 (
Date: April 26, 2002 12:09AM

Ben '03 wrote:

Gone are the days of "Round the bowl...down the hole...if it's Brown...flush it down."
Good, because that's actually a combination of two cheers: "Around the bowl, down the hole, go, Brown, go!" and "If it's Brown, flush it down!" It annoys me that people have mixed those two up.

now an at-large is our only shot into the NCAA's and we HAVE to win out for that to happen.
Not necessarily. We can still win the Ivy AQ if we beat Brown and Brown or Dartmouth beat Princeton. Unfortunately, for that to happen, we have to take away most of Brown's incentive to beat Princeton...

Re: [Lax] Brown home finale
Posted by: Beeeej (
Date: April 26, 2002 01:26AM

Hardly! We only have to look to last season to see Brown enjoying the role of Spoiler.


Re: [Lax] Brown home finale
Posted by: Adam '04 (
Date: April 26, 2002 01:27AM

Notice the big IF!!! IF is not only limited to Cornell, but three other teams. I think one should try to control his destiny. IF one depends on others misfortune they are bound for disappointment. Let us not anticipate the IF .rolleyes
Re: [Lax] Brown home finale
Posted by: Adam '04 (
Date: April 26, 2002 01:29AM

Sorry Beeeej. You posted just before I did. JTW, that was directed at you.
Re: [Lax] Brown home finale
Posted by: jtwcornell91 (
Date: April 26, 2002 10:01AM

I wasn't saying we should bank on an Ivy title, I was just pointing out that the statment that an at-large bid was our only shot was not true. At any rate, we need to beat Brown to have any shot at the Ivy AQ, and conventional wisdom seems to be that the only way we can get an at-large bid is by winning out, so no matter how you look at it, Saturday's is a "must win" game.

Re: [Lax] Brown home finale
Posted by: Ben Doyle 03 (
Date: April 26, 2002 02:23PM

Yes, JTW you are right. . .I was merely saying that we have control of our own destiny and we need not let that opportunity slip away. I am aware that an Ivy AQ is still a possibility (unlikely but possible) but in reality we cannot be dependent upon the outcomes of other games. It's simple, we win out and we should get in (either an AQ or an at-large). . .if we don't we're stayin' home.


Re: [Lax] Brown home finale
Posted by: zg88 (
Date: April 26, 2002 06:08PM

Game notes:


Re: [Lax] Brown home finale
Posted by: jtwcornell91 (
Date: April 26, 2002 06:33PM

Ben '03 wrote:

It's simple, we win out and we should get in (either an AQ or an at-large). . .if we don't we're stayin' home.
Again, not strictly true. If we lose to Brown we're probably stayin' home, although I'm not prepared to make any firm predictions about lacrosse tournament selections. If we beat Brown and Princeton falters, we get the AQ regardless of the outcome of the Hobart game.

Re: [Lax] Brown home finale
Posted by: Ben Doyle 03 (
Date: April 26, 2002 10:51PM

JTW. . .quotes have contexts, please stop taking mine out them:

"I was merely saying that we have control of our own destiny and we need not let that opportunity slip away. I am aware that an Ivy AQ is still a possibility (unlikely but possible) but in reality we cannot be dependent upon the outcomes of other games."

I was not talking about who wins/loses OTHER games. B/c honestly we CANNOT worry about those games (PERIOD).


Re: [Lax] Brown home finale
Posted by: ugarte (
Date: April 27, 2002 01:31AM

You said "an at-large bid is our only shot." That isn't necessarily true. You said "if we don't [win out] we're stayin' home" That isn't necessarily true either. Both times JTW corrected you; both times he was right. It's a free country, so you can get pissy if you want to, but JTW didn't take your quotes out of context. From what I can tell, the "context" you think he keeps missing is "it is important to keep winning". True enough, but that doesn't make the statements you make in service of that point accurate.

Maybe JTW is being excessively pedantic, but rah rah bullshit about how we shouldn't rely on games beyond our control is hardly the point. JTW wants Cornell to win out and I'm sure that he agrees that Cornell should win out to remove all doubt about qualifying. He merely pointed out that it isn't necessary that Cornell do so to qualify for the NCAA's. Get off his back.

Re: [Lax] Brown home finale
Posted by: Ben Doyle 03 (
Date: April 27, 2002 11:40AM

Cranky bastard '71, I mean big red apple,

uhoh uhoh rah rah bullshit, rah rah bullshit, rah rah bullshit, rah rah bullshit, rah rah bullshit, rah rah bullshit, rah rah bullshit, rah rah bullshit, rah rah bullshit, rah rah bullshit, rah rah bullshit, rah rah bullshit. . .oh I'm sorry I'm going to the game now. uhoh uhoh

:-)Have a wonderful day fine fellow. . .:-)

Re: [Lax] Brown home finale
Posted by: jtwcornell91 (
Date: April 27, 2002 01:12PM

You'll have to forgive us scientists (and lawyers) for placing so much emphasis on precision in writing. Pedantry is something of an occupational hazard.

And before Greg chimes in...
Posted by: jtwcornell91 (
Date: April 27, 2002 01:16PM

Yes, I just said "precision" when I meant "accuracy". The statements I was correcting were actually overly precise; they unambiguously said something other than what they meant.

After one...
Posted by: jtwcornell91 (
Date: April 27, 2002 02:24PM

Still scoreless at Schoellkopf and lonely in the chat. :-/

Re: [Lax] Brown home finale
Posted by: ugarte (
Date: April 27, 2002 03:52PM

8-8, heading to OT. I can't help but think it is my fault, because Cornell was up 8-4 when I turned the game on. Let's Go Red!!!

Re: [Lax] Brown home finale
Posted by: ugarte (
Date: April 27, 2002 04:00PM

end of 1st OT

Re: [Lax] Brown home finale
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: April 27, 2002 04:06PM

End of 2OT and season.

Re: [Lax] Brown home finale
Posted by: ugarte (
Date: April 27, 2002 05:11PM

This was the first time I listened to a game over the internet. Aside from the loss, which was itself very painful (during the time I was listening Brown outscored Cornell 5-0 yark ), the broadcast was incredibly frustrating.

Every time the announcer raised his voice, the sound cut out. That meant that the broadcast went silent on every shot, every save, every good defensive play and every goal. Until the announcers repeated what happened, all the listeners knew was that SOMETHING happened. :-( That never happened with the hockey games.

Re: [Lax] Brown home finale
Posted by: Red in Beantown (
Date: April 27, 2002 06:55PM

I had the same experience during the broadcast and it doubled my pain.
Bad loss plus bad broadcast = real agony.
A lot of "so called" good teams lost this week so maybe there is NCAA hope, although I don't expect it.
I think we are done and probably deserve to be done. hat's up with these lacrosse teams? he 2001 fold had to be seen to be believed, I hope 2002 does not top it! We just have to beat Hobart.
I will always support Cornell teams and particularly the players through thick and thin - but boy does it hurts bad right now.
Is this how Clarkson Hockey Fans feel?
Re: [Lax] Brown home finale
Posted by: Ken71 (
Date: April 27, 2002 07:35PM

I noticed the same drop-out of signal during exciting times last weekend (the PU game), listening on the radio. I saw Barry before today's game and should have mentioned it.

The loss today was painful. Brown's goalie came up with some big saves, but we we were hurt by many trips to his end of the field where we simply lost the ball to the relentless checks of the Brown defensemen and middies. Maybe we'd have done better if it rained.

The ceremony afterward, honoring Eamon and retiring his number, was pretty somber. Mike French spoke with some difficulty, but spoke well, as did Andy Noel, Eamon's wife, two of his children, and Richie Moran. A fine tribute.

Ken '71
Re: [Lax] Brown home finale
Posted by: finchphil (
Date: April 29, 2002 02:12PM

Hey Hillel

I think we went to High School (IHS '81) and Cornell ('85) together!
Stupid question
Posted by: Beeeej (
Date: May 02, 2002 12:07PM

Why two overtimes?

Beeeej, in Albuquerque

Re: Stupid question
Posted by: zg88 (
Date: May 02, 2002 12:49PM

Ummm... if that's somehow a trick/insider/philosophical question, then my answer is: "I don't get it."

If it's truly a "stupid question", then my answer is: "Because the game was still tied after one overtime."

Am I missing something here?? nut

Re: Stupid question
Posted by: jtwcornell91 (
Date: May 02, 2002 01:29PM

I think the answer Jeff was looking for was "because there are no ties in lacrosse".

Re: Stupid question
Posted by: Beeeej (
Date: May 02, 2002 01:53PM

Thank you, John.

Beeeej, in Albuquerque

Re: Stupid question
Posted by: jeh25 (130.132.105.---)
Date: May 02, 2002 02:51PM

Nor shootouts.... ;-)

Re: Stupid question
Posted by: Jim Hyla (
Date: May 02, 2002 09:49PM

I guess we can forgive you in Albuquerque.;-)

Posted by: jtwcornell91 (
Date: May 03, 2002 12:11AM

Bad hockey memories for me. I got back from watching Utah lose 9-2 to UNM Friday night to learn about the 11-0 debacle at the Whale. Saturday, the Utes spotted the Ice Wolves five goals in the first 31 minutes, then came all the way back to pull to within 6-5 on a 6-on-4 PPG in the final minute and hit the post with 6 seconds to play. (30 of Utah's 58 shots that game came in the third period.)

For good measure, I almost froze to death Sunday hiking on Sandia.


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