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...he just wont go away!

Posted by duffs4 
...he just wont go away!
Posted by: duffs4 (
Date: August 14, 2005 05:00PM

Jay lataulippe has signed with the NY Rangers. My blood pressure jumps just seeing the name.

Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: Rich S (
Date: August 14, 2005 10:42PM

Oh wow...

As a Clarkson grad AND a lifelong Rangers're breaking my heart.

I think Jay has the speed for the "new NHL" but perhaps not a solid enough game all around. We'll see. He should do well in the AHL but undoubtedly needs to play a more disciplined the pros at any level.
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: BCrespi (
Date: August 14, 2005 10:51PM

[Q]duffs4 Wrote:

Jay lataulippe has signed with the NY Rangers.

Oh God...I think I'm going to be sick. Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse with the Rangers they go and sign arguably my least liked/respected player I have seen in my few years on the hill.

Brian Crespi '06
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: Will (
Date: August 14, 2005 11:09PM

At least it's a good day for us few Cornell/Devils fans. :-D

Is next year here yet?
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: Rich S (
Date: August 15, 2005 12:24AM

[Q]Will Wrote:

At least it's a good day for us few Cornell/Devils fans.[/q]

Oh my...that's a terrible combination if I ever saw one.

As for the Rangers signings, you can be sure that as long as Sather is there, they'll continue to make bonehead moves, even with the salary cap! :`(
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: Josh '99 (
Date: August 15, 2005 09:11AM

[Q]Rich S Wrote:As for the Rangers signings, you can be sure that as long as Sather is there, they'll continue to make bonehead moves, even with the salary cap! [/q]As we've just seen. B-]
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: Rich S (
Date: August 15, 2005 09:21PM

I think signing a quick, skilled skater like Jay makes a lot more sense than many of Sather's other moves in recent years.
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: BCrespi (
Date: August 15, 2005 10:50PM

[Q]Rich S Wrote:

I think signing a quick, skilled skater like Jay makes a lot more sense than many of Sather's other moves in recent years.[/q]

Perhaps...but he signed Jay. The Rangers really need another pussy who dives and whines all game.

Brian Crespi '06
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: Rich S (
Date: August 16, 2005 01:19PM

Actually, I dont recall the Rangers having any of those, well, not since they cut Lindros.

Your sample size of games LaTulippe has played is rather small if you've seen him only against cornell. I saw him probaly 30 times in four years. Did the red ever have a player who whined?

I said he needs to be more disciplined so as to avoid bad penalties but I would not call him a pussy. He has not shied away from body checking as a collegian.

He has a chance to build up his game and take advantage of the rules changes in the future. That was the point.
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: KeithK (
Date: August 16, 2005 01:26PM

No, Cornell has never, ever, ever had a player that whined. It's just unthinkable. :-P
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: Rich S (
Date: August 16, 2005 01:34PM

exactly what I
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: KeithK (
Date: August 16, 2005 05:57PM

But seriously, when you have an opposing player that has become a favorite target of abuse (like LaTulippe for some Cornellians) it's perfectly natural to be dismayed that your favorite pro teams signs the guy. In fact, it's to be expected unless the guy is so clearly a stellar talent that partisan interest overwhelms these tendencies. (In the case of hockey there's probably a goon exception too.)

Knowing how hard it is to make it to the show, especially when playing in the Rangers system, the signing is probably not worth much anxiety.
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: Rich S (
Date: August 17, 2005 10:38AM

I think we need to get past the disdain for a guy at a lower level, e.g., college when he reaches the pros to play for "our" team. I've been able to do that while still fondly remembering my feelings for the guy when he played against Clarkson.

Actually, this hasn't happened all that often in my 35 years of following Clarkson hockey but then we Techers don't tend to have as many "targets of abuse as you cornellians". Does anybody have as many? :-D

I didn't single out Lance Nethery for "abuse" when he skated at cornell but I sure as heck rooted like crazy for him when he played in New York. He should have lasted longer!

OTOH, I'l have no problem hooting and hollering at Bâby or Murray should either make the pros and face the Rangers at MSG. Now there's a couple of guys worthy of some "abuse". :-D
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: KeithK (
Date: August 17, 2005 11:50AM

[q]I think we need to get past the disdain for a guy at a lower level, e.g., college when he reaches the pros to play for "our" team.[/q]In principle I agree with you. I think a bunch of people around here do to, considering the general support I've seen for ECAC alums in the NHL ranks.

But remember, LaTulippe has just signed. He's not a Ranger yet. He's not a Wolf (Pack?) yet. He's not even a Checker (Charlotte, ECHL) yet, because he hasn't taken the ice. At this point he's just a Clarkson alum and therefore retains any disdain that he earned while wearing green and gold.

[q]...we Techers don't tend to have as many "targets of abuse as you cornellians". [/q]Well clearly that's because the guys wearing carnellian and white are absolute paragons of virtue on the ice and therefore never deserving of any abuse!
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: Drew (199.43.32.---)
Date: August 17, 2005 12:09PM

Keith, it is official, LaTullippe is a Charlotte Checker...and as far as the abuse/rivalry stuff... it is all good.... when my path crossed some Cornell folk in Albany for past ECAC Playoffs, they were all good natured folk that took and gave some good ribbing....and it was a pleasure to buy them a beer as well as get one from them.....thats what makes this so much fun.
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: Rich S (
Date: August 17, 2005 12:59PM

[Q]KeithK Wrote:

I think we need to get past the disdain for a guy at a lower level, e.g., college when he reaches the pros to play for "our" team.[/Q]
In principle I agree with you. I think a bunch of people around here do to, considering the general support I've seen for ECAC alums in the NHL ranks.

But remember, LaTulippe has just signed. He's not a Ranger yet. He's not a Wolf (Pack?) yet. He's not even a Checker (Charlotte, ECHL) yet, because he hasn't taken the ice. At this point he's just a Clarkson alum and therefore retains any disdain that he earned while wearing green and gold.

...we Techers don't tend to have as many "targets of abuse as you cornellians". [/Q]
Well clearly that's because the guys wearing carnellian and white are absolute paragons of virtue on the ice and therefore never deserving of any abuse![/q]

Wow, you really do "hate" Jay! :-} My guess is he won't make it to the show. I guess he reminds me a bit of Bobby Clarke when he played with the Broad St Bullies. They loved him in Philly but he was almost universally despised everywhere else in the NHL. He was the prototypical yapper, whiner, diver, and cheap shot artist. Oh yeah, he had a lot of talent too.

As for the red guys not being worthy of any abuse, have you forgotten your own Hornby?

Going way back to my time, there was the unforgettable Kevin Pettit of the red who was likely the most "hated" player in the ECAC circa 1969-'71. Cheap, loud, and whiny and a super-pest. He had a lot of talent too. Also well-remembered for being excused from cornell immediately after the end of the hockey season in Spring '71. We were told that by cornell folks.
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: KeithK (
Date: August 17, 2005 01:08PM

Personally I don't care one way or another about Jay. I don't think I've ever had the privilege of seeing him play - five years stuck in California have limited my college hockey opportunities. I'm just discussing this in the abstract.

[q]As for the red guys not being worthy of any abuse, have you forgotten your own Hornby?[/q]I'll stick with my eternal defense of Cornellians (the humor behind which you seem to be missing since you insist on giving couter examples) and say that Greg Hornby was the noblest of souls, on and off the ice. He should be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts on behalf of college hockey and society!
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: Rich S (
Date: August 17, 2005 01:25PM


Have no fear, I got your humor. Just figured I owed you the respect of a contrary response...all in the name of good-humored rivalry you know.

Certainly Jay has earned a lot of the abuse he received, as I said, I'd be annoyed by him too if I were on th eother side. In fact, some of his ill-advised penalties annoyed us as Tech fans.

Having one of your higher skilled players in the box that often is no way to go through life....err, a hockey game!
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: August 17, 2005 02:17PM

If he hated Hornby, God knows what he'll think of Topher... ;-)
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: French Rage (
Date: August 17, 2005 04:43PM

The thead title also applies to RichS! :-P
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: KeithK (
Date: August 17, 2005 04:56PM

[Q]The thead title also applies to RichS! [/q]No, stick around RichS. It's fun sparring with you.

Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: Josh '99 (160.79.182.---)
Date: August 17, 2005 05:52PM

[Q]Rich S Wrote:
I think we need to get past the disdain for a guy at a lower level, e.g., college when he reaches the pros to play for "our" team. I've been able to do that while still fondly remembering my feelings for the guy when he played against Clarkson.[/q]If I respect a player, sure (see: Dominic Moore). But I think I'm well within my rights to criticize a Rangers prospect who I think sucks, whether he played for Clarkson or Harvard or some junior team I never heard of. So if I'm talking shit about Hugh Jessiman, it's not because he played for Dartmouth, it's because I think he's soft for a guy his size and takes bad penalties.
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: Rich S (
Date: August 17, 2005 06:41PM

[Q]French Rage Wrote:

The thead title also applies to RichS! [/q]

cute...keep dishing it out, I can take it.


Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: Rich S (
Date: August 17, 2005 06:46PM

I share your opinion about Jessiman being soft but I can't say he sucks. The guy has talent although I don't think he gets the most out of it from what I've seen.

He'll have to do better IMHO in order to make it to the NHL.

It would be more convincing to hear you talk critically about someone who played for cornell and then went pro as I've just been about LaTulippe. For four years, although not always on this forum, I've been pretty direct about the weaknesses in his game, notably his lack of discipline.
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: August 17, 2005 07:40PM

[Q]Rich S Wrote:It would be more convincing to hear you talk critically about someone who played for cornell and then went pro[/q]

I hear Nieuwendyk is a lousy singer.
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: KeithK (
Date: August 17, 2005 08:19PM

Listen to Age talk about Doug Murray sometime :-D
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: Jeff Hopkins '82 (
Date: August 18, 2005 08:11AM

[Q]French Rage Wrote:

The thead title also applies to RichS! [/q]

I was waiting for someone to say it. A little too easy, maybe. :-P
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: Steve M (
Date: August 22, 2005 03:28PM

[Q]Rich S Wrote:

Will Wrote:

At least it's a good day for us few Cornell/Devils fans.[/Q]
Oh my...that's a terrible combination if I ever saw one.


Kind of like how I feel about the combination of a Clarkson/Yankee fan who loves to stir the pot on the Cornell board and Red Sox threads....
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/22/2005 03:29PM by Steve M.
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: billhoward (
Date: August 22, 2005 04:10PM

Rich, where are you working this summer?
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: cornelldavy (
Date: August 23, 2005 10:08PM

This didn't deserve its own thread, but take a look at how the good people in the North Country pass the time between hockey games.

[Q]A 43-year-old North Country man has made the Guinness Book of World Records in a new entry for the longest eyebrow hair.[/Q]


Alex F. '03 * []
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: French Rage (---.Stanford.EDU)
Date: August 24, 2005 12:39AM

Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: Jerseygirl (
Date: August 24, 2005 12:43AM

Thanks, Alex. I wanted to drop a few pounds, and I think that article pretty much did the trick in killing my appetite for a while.

[img src="[url],file=56"[/url];]
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: Josh '99 (
Date: August 25, 2005 09:11AM

Serves you right for clicking on the link after you'd been warned what it'd be about.
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: Jerseygirl (209.191.246.---)
Date: August 25, 2005 10:37AM

Uh, the excerpted phrase, "longest eyebrow hair" did the trick.

[img src="[url],file=56"[/url];]
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: Rich S (
Date: August 28, 2005 02:14PM

[Q]billhoward Wrote:

Rich, where are you working this summer?[/q]

what capacity of "working" are you referring to?

Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: Rich S (
Date: August 28, 2005 02:17PM

really now Steve...

Yeah I suppose I "stir the pot" a bit here but no more so thamany cornell posters with their comments, may of which can be called "cheap shots" at Clarkson guys, e.g., on Nickerson who is long gone.

As far the Red Sox threads, you must be kidding. There are many fans on both sides who do a lot more pot stirring than me. ;-)
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: jtwcornell91 (
Date: August 29, 2005 10:49AM

[Q]Rich S Wrote:
Yeah I suppose I "stir the pot" a bit here but no more so thamany cornell posters with their comments, may of which can be called "cheap shots" at Clarkson guys, e.g., on Nickerson who is long gone. [/q]

So is Denis Potvin. Your point?

Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: DeltaOne81 (
Date: August 29, 2005 03:03PM

To be fair, Rich... you can't really 'stir the pot' with anti-Clarkson comments on a Cornell board. Nor can you 'stir the pot' the anti-Cornell comments on a Clarkson board. Or other such combinations. Those respective pots have already been well stirred in their respective direction.

Anti-Cornell comments on a Cornell board or anti-Clarkson comments on a Clarkson board, is stirring the pot.
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: billhoward (
Date: August 29, 2005 03:33PM

Rich, I was just curious what you were up to this summer. No double meanings to the question, at least not this time around.
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: jtwcornell91 (
Date: August 29, 2005 06:58PM

[Q]DeltaOne81 Wrote:

To be fair, Rich... you can't really 'stir the pot' with anti-Clarkson comments on a Cornell board. Nor can you 'stir the pot' the anti-Cornell comments on a Clarkson board. Or other such combinations. Those respective pots have already been well stirred in their respective direction.

Anti-Cornell comments on a Cornell board or anti-Clarkson comments on a Clarkson board, is stirring the pot.[/q]

But then again if you don't stir the pot, the cheese burns on the bottom.

Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: Jeff Hopkins '82 (
Date: August 30, 2005 07:59AM

[Q]jtwcornell91 Wrote:

But then again if you don't stir the pot, the cheese burns on the bottom.[/q]


Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: Rich S (
Date: September 02, 2005 05:30PM

some youth hockey coaching, some sports writing (mostly American Legion baseball) and a few other things.

School starts next week so...
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: billhoward (
Date: September 03, 2005 08:53PM

Do you stay up in the North Country over the summer? It's gorgeoous between the time when the bugs die down and before the first frost - all 60 days of it, if you're lucky. Incredible that places like Cornell and Clarkson don't have year round school the way Dartmouth does.

Okay, we've got about another 45 days of being nice to each other, then the season starts and the sniping starts. I've already stuck all the Cornell NYC-region (Princeton up to New Haven maybe Providence) games in Outlook's calendar.

Does Clarkson do any Webcasts? Crappy as they are, they are also a lot better than nothing at all. I saw a product a month ago called Slingbox that could be used for Webcasting (it's not capable but the concept could) and it roughly doubles the quality of video streamed over a broadband line. Although one might note the image quality is better still when you're at the game.
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: Steve M (
Date: September 08, 2005 06:44PM

[Q]Rich S Wrote:

really now Steve...

Yeah I suppose I "stir the pot" a bit here but no more so thamany cornell posters with their comments, may of which can be called "cheap shots" at Clarkson guys, e.g., on Nickerson who is long gone.


I agree that some Cornell fans are over the top in criticizing Clarkson players, but where they do it makes a big difference, though, in the "stir the pot" department. I've never gone to the Clarkson board. Are there any Cornell fans taking cheap shots at Clarkson players there, the way you like to come here and rag on Cornell?
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: September 08, 2005 07:38PM

[Q]Steve M Wrote:
Are there any Cornell fans taking cheap shots at Clarkson players there, the way you like to come here and rag on Cornell?
No. Why would we bother. But there are hypocrites like Rich S who write stuff like this on the Round Table and then come here to whine.

"Ask people who went to other Ivies and many will tell you that "SUNY-Ithaca" is "barely" an Ivy. Actually, what I was referring to in the earlier post was, would they admit to being able to admit people with lesser AIs. Sometimes, they make it sound like all their hockey players are "Rhodes scholars" and ours are flunkies. That arrogance cracks me up."

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: jtwcornell91 (
Date: September 09, 2005 08:38AM

[Q]Al DeFlorio Wrote:

Steve M Wrote:
Are there any Cornell fans taking cheap shots at Clarkson players there, the way you like to come here and rag on Cornell?
No. Why would we bother.[/q]

Has Chief Albany Alumni Bear stopped posting over there? He was an order of magnitude more provocative than Rich ever was here.

Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: September 09, 2005 10:09AM

He just liked offense. A lot.
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: ugarte (
Date: September 09, 2005 06:20PM

[Q]Trotsky Wrote:

He just liked offense. A lot.[/q]
That was over here. On the Roundtable he didn't spend a lot of time pointing out Cornell's flaws, just Clarkson's.

Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: RichH (
Date: September 09, 2005 07:39PM

[Q]jtwcornell91 Wrote:

Al DeFlorio Wrote:

Steve M Wrote:
Are there any Cornell fans taking cheap shots at Clarkson players there, the way you like to come here and rag on Cornell?
No. Why would we bother.[/Q]
Has Chief Albany Alumni Bear stopped posting over there? He was an order of magnitude more provocative than Rich ever was here.[/q]

*sigh* initials, please. :-}

for a split-second, I wondered what I ever did to draw such comparisons.
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: Rich S (
Date: September 10, 2005 12:18AM

[Q]Al DeFlorio Wrote:

Steve M Wrote:
Are there any Cornell fans taking cheap shots at Clarkson players there, the way you like to come here and rag on Cornell?
No. Why would we bother. But there are hypocrites like Rich S who write stuff like this on the Round Table and then come here to whine.


Al, that's absurd. On the old Roundtable there were several cornell fans, notably yourself for purposes of this discussion, who made inaccurate and inflammatory remarks, constantly ripping Clarkson.

You've rarely read a cheap shot at Clarkson you didn't like.

Steve, I "rag" on cornell? I don't think so. A little humility is good for everyone, including coaches, and I see many posters here who can use a dosage. A tweak at someone here is hardly "ragging on cornell."

As for taking cheap shots at another school's players, is there really a difference where it's done?
rolleyes Cheap is cheap. And many a Clarkson kid over the years has had shots taken at him by cornell fans on both forums and vice versa as well.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/10/2005 02:25AM by Rich S.
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: BMac (
Date: September 10, 2005 01:58AM

At least LaTullipe is the reason for the most memorable spontaneous shout I heard in Lynah last year: From the top of section B someone shouted "Hey tulip...go plant yourself on the bench!"
Re: ...he just wont go away!
Posted by: Beeeej (
Date: September 11, 2005 10:15PM

Y'know, it occurs to me that for people to argue with each other about which one of them is a bigger horse's ass, they both have to be horse's asses to begin with.


Beeeej, Esq.

"Cornell isn't an organization. It's a loose affiliation of independent fiefdoms united by a common hockey team."
- Steve Worona

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