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Travelling Faithful Tournament Protocol

Posted by Adam '01 
Travelling Faithful Tournament Protocol
Posted by: Adam '01 (---.executiveboard.com)
Date: March 20, 2002 04:03PM

Question for the experienced:

Is it proper travelling Faithful protocol to pull out certain Lynah cheers during the tournament games that Cornell is not involved in? In other words, when the national anthem is played for the early games, do we still shout RED!? Do we say, "Ahhh...seee ya...#$#@!!" to the "bad guys" in the other game (presumably Maine)? Or do we just blend in, save our voices, and clap politely for Harvard?

Re: Travelling Faithful Tournament Protocol
Posted by: Greg Berge (---.ne.client2.attbi.com)
Date: March 20, 2002 04:07PM

The way I stripped my voice this past weekend, I may not speak above a whisper unless the Red are actually on the ice.

I'm sure the Cornell contingent will have a share of folks rooting against Harvard, a share rooting for the ECAC, and most wishing the damn undercard would get done to get to the main event.
Re: Travelling Faithful Tournament Protocol
Posted by: melissa '01 (---.ip.termserv.net)
Date: March 20, 2002 04:33PM

the only real etiquette is no cursing. everything else more or less goes if you wanna do it (though i might heed greg's word of caution - right now i sound like a mouse caught under the foot of an elephant, shrieking horsely for help). cheering for the red when they aren't on the ice is always fun (and it confuses everyone else). otherwise, cheering for harvard wouldn't be that bad of an idea. i am slowly coming around and realizing that cheering for them to do well is in our best interest (though on saturday night i hated the harvard team passionately- as many can attest to).
Re: Travelling Faithful Tournament Protocol
Posted by: Greg Berge (---.ne.client2.attbi.com)
Date: March 20, 2002 04:43PM

> a mouse caught under the foot of an elephant, shrieking horsely
Got a thing for animals, do ya..? ;-)
Re: Travelling Faithful Tournament Protocol
Posted by: melissa '01 (---.ip.termserv.net)
Date: March 20, 2002 04:56PM

greg, greg, greg, greg, greg. rolleyes if only you could see my head shaking.
Re: Travelling Faithful Tournament Protocol
Posted by: jbeaber1998 (---.17.79.204.lifespan.org)
Date: March 20, 2002 05:15PM

I'm always a firm believer that we should make our presense felt. In fact, a group of us did just that in 97 in the Centrum when Cornell was sent West. We actually got UNH fans chanting Cornell sucks.....

Re: Travelling Faithful Tournament Protocol
Posted by: Jeff Hopkins '82 (---.airproducts.com)
Date: March 20, 2002 06:02PM

My experience from my two previous NCAA's ('80 and '97) is:

Definitely shout "RED!!!" but, regarding "see ya", one or two Cornell fans will not be heard over the thousands of fans of the team playing the game who will have some version of their own cheer for when their opponent is sent to the box.

Also remember these places are not Lynah or even LP. Cavernous is a word to describe them. Unless it's a coordinated cheer with a lot of people doing it, it may not even be heard.

Save your voice for when it counts, especially if you're like most of us and still recovering from LP.
Re: Travelling Faithful Tournament Protocol
Posted by: Greg Berge (---.ne.client2.attbi.com)
Date: March 20, 2002 06:32PM

> Unless it's a coordinated cheer with a lot of people doing it, it may not even be heard.

This will be exascerbated by us being spread between sections (even between levels).

But ultimately, everyone should, and will, do what they want.
Re: Travelling Faithful Tournament Protocol
Posted by: judy (---.howard01.md.comcast.net)
Date: March 20, 2002 10:54PM

you two are lucky, at least your voices are just hoarse. my throat still can't decide if it's hoarse or if it's sick.

also, melissa seems to have her way with words...the animal descriptions and still my favorite - the reference to a certain "costume laden dwarf" that had me giggling for days. laugh
Re: Travelling Faithful Tournament Protocol
Posted by: judy (---.howard01.md.comcast.net)
Date: March 20, 2002 10:55PM

btw, I'm all for the cheering of "LET'S GO RED!" when cornell's not playing. it only enforces the idea that we're all crazy.
Re: Travelling Faithful Tournament Protocol
Posted by: melissa (---.nycap.rr.com)
Date: March 20, 2002 11:02PM

well HE IS!!! as the song goes "He's so god damn slow!" (my apologies to the highly religious). Silly as it sounds, I think that a costume laden dwarf at the ice capades is the best way to describe how I see him....though if we could actually have the priviledge of seeing him dressed like this i'd probably die from laughing too hard.
Re: Travelling Faithful Tournament Protocol
Posted by: Darren (---.bos.east.verizon.net)
Date: March 20, 2002 11:49PM

For those not in the know already, Cornell section as designated by the Worcester office is 225ish, 1 section back, in the corner.
Re: Travelling Faithful Tournament Protocol
Posted by: DeltaOne81 (---.72.252.64.snet.net)
Date: March 21, 2002 12:25AM

Um, that's odd seeing as the tickets Cornell sent me were 121.
Re: Travelling Faithful Tournament Protocol
Posted by: A-19 (---.ipt.aol.com)
Date: March 21, 2002 02:00AM

hey, are you sure they're 121?
the tickets cornell sent me are 118 row D, and they sent a map along with it that highlighted 118 as the cornell section, and a few other sections as Harvard, UNH, etc.
the map is downstairs and the alarm is on..isn't it great being home for spring break?
anyway, i hope to see you all there @ worcester. i left another message on a new threat with regard to directions, if anyone wants to help me out there


ps with CU cheers, i would be more than happy to start some shit at the tourney, as long as people back me. my personal favorite is the "what's that spell, sieve!" which i try to do every game (yes i am that guy), but i am a big fan of the underhill/underskilled also, etc. i hope the band is in the CU section as well- anyone have any info on that?
Re: Travelling Faithful Tournament Protocol
Posted by: curoadkill (---.ipt.aol.com)
Date: March 21, 2002 02:32AM

Regaring the band, all I know is that we have 25 people on a credential list who are allowed to enter with instruments, we have to enter through some other entrance, and no one seems to know where they are putting us.
So I guess your guess is as good as mine.
Re: Traveling Faithful Tournament Protocol
Posted by: rhovorka (---.stny.rr.com)
Date: March 21, 2002 02:48AM

Every NCAA tourney game I've been to, the bands have been shoved way up in the rafter-scraping seats in the corners. Perhaps this year may be different.
Cornell sections
Posted by: trackmike (---.twcny.rr.com)
Date: March 21, 2002 05:02AM

I'm almost positive that Cornell has at least part of sections 118, 121, 225, and 226. Most/all of 121 was reserved by the team, presumably for player's families and maybe the band? The map up in the CU ticket office had those 4 sections highlighted... And my tickets are 118, row A, seat 1. :-D To think I actually got there at 6:30 am on Tuesday morning, expecting people to line up for tickets! nut At least my friend and I stopped for bagels first!
Re: Travelling Faithful Tournament Protocol
Posted by: Big Ben 03 (---.twcny.rr.com)
Date: March 21, 2002 05:49PM

As long as we're on the topic of road cheers. . .what did people think of my telephone cheer (hey marsters - the guy who puts your mom out on the street corner every night called; hey dov - all six of your jerk fans called) at lake placid? (yes - i'm that guy with the loud voice).
Re: Travelling Faithful Tournament Protocol
Posted by: JordanCS (---.twcny.rr.com)
Date: March 21, 2002 06:17PM

Yes, I enjoyed your telephone cheer...especially the 'all six fans' one.
Re: Travelling Faithful Tournament Protocol
Posted by: jtwcornell91 (---.ligo-la.caltech.edu)
Date: March 21, 2002 06:38PM

"All six of your jerk fans" was great (was that related to the rumor about only 6 HU student tix being sold?), but can I recommend you learn the first name ofthe opposing goalie? Especially against teams from other conferences, it should impress them with your homework.

Re: Travelling Faithful Tournament Protocol
Posted by: DeltaOne81 (---.72.252.64.snet.net)
Date: March 21, 2002 08:44PM

I loved the All 6 Jerk Fans cheer - my friends and I nominated it for cheer of the weekend. The Mom on the Corner one was funny, but had been done at Lynah a month or so ago, losing points for originality :-)) .

Nonetheless, keep up the great work, loud guy B-]

-Fred, DeltaOne81 '03
Re: Travelling Faithful Tournament Protocol
Posted by: Big Ben 03 (---.twcny.rr.com)
Date: March 21, 2002 09:31PM

good call on the first name thing - i'll definitely do that in the future. i try to keep it original, but the mom on the street corner was a request of a friend who had enjoyed it the time i did it at lynah (props for remembering that too!) :-D i had heard the rumor of the six student tickets sold, but it was more based on the few guys that came over and harassed the faithful in the middle of the game (how asininie. . .). i'm really glad everybody liked them! i'll be screaming at the tv this weekend when everybody is in worchester. LGR!
Re: Travelling Faithful Tournament Protocol
Posted by: Jim Hyla (---.twcny.rr.com)
Date: March 21, 2002 10:27PM

One thing that I, for one did not like at LP was the Harvard sucks cheer when they were announced as champions, after we got our second place trophy. It seems that we could learn from the players and shake hands at the end of a game and keep the "we're going to beat the h*ll out of you" thoughts silent, even though we all feel it.

Another aside from LP. I stayed around after the ceremonies and it was both sad and funny to see the Harvard players passing their trophy from one to another. They were acting like they were taking turns skating the Stanley Cup around the rink, however there were no fans in the stands to hoist it to.

Did you notice the little sidebars on each teams page in the program. Out of the five teams (players profiled), three of them picked Lynah as the best hockey atmosphere. Three out of five isn't bad. Some had two choices, but still we should be proud.

Re: Travelling Faithful Tournament Protocol
Posted by: Greg Berge (---.ne.client2.attbi.com)
Date: March 21, 2002 10:58PM

Yes, chanting "sucks" during the awards and especially throwing fish during the handshakes were CLEARLY not among our finer moments, and I hopefully the perps were, uh, "corrected" after the game.

Part of the problem of being the loudest and most obnoxious (and now, the best) is that everybody is ready to announce that we're Visigoths.

Which, to a degree, we are. ;-)

But the more we win, the more respect we should show (and conversely the more facetimers with no brains will get into the crowd).
Re: Travelling Faithful Tournament Protocol
Posted by: RedAR (---.harvard.edu)
Date: March 21, 2002 11:17PM

I know it's hard to root for hahvahd, especially after this past weekend, but I think it would be cool to show the hahvahd players what it COULD be like if they had fans. Besides, the better any ECAC team does, the more respect the ECAC as a league would get.

I'm not sure what to expect, but I will at least be rooting against maine, if not directly for hahvahd.
Re: Travelling Faithful Tournament Protocol
Posted by: rhovorka (---.stny.rr.com)
Date: March 21, 2002 11:57PM

I'm not sure what to expect, but I will at least be rooting against maine, if not directly for hahvahd.

I'm sure we'll have a lot of company in BU fans by rooting against Maine.
Re: Travelling Faithful Tournament Protocol
Posted by: A-19 (---.ipt.aol.com)
Date: March 22, 2002 01:02AM

on that last note, won't everyone but the UNH fans be rooting for cornell in both games this weekend? i mean, if UNH is seen as such a threat to the western conference, and to BU and Maine alike, wouldn't they rather play us, whom they mistakenly deem easier? it wouldn't hurt to have the area fans cheering for cornell in an area that could potentially be overrun by wildcat supporters

anyway, i'm packin up my stuff now and heading out tomorrow morning. i, too, plan to be very loud, so i hope everyone joins in! i'll be the obnoxious one in row D of sect 118 (CU student section acc. the cornell box office)...then again, i guess i'd only be obnoxious to opposing fans

here's wishing everyone a safe drive
-mike '04
Re: Travelling Faithful Tournament Protocol
Posted by: Rico (---.ipt.aol.com)
Date: March 22, 2002 01:20AM

As long as we're on the topic of road cheers. . .what did people think of my telephone cheer

Well, personally (though I know I am not alone), I think they're dumb. I dunno, maybe now that I am getting older (heh), I dont think anything is "as good as it used to be", but I really haven't been impressed with the cheering.. not so much the enthusiasm, but the lack of creativity. Oh well, that's just me.
Re: Travelling Faithful Tournament Protocol
Posted by: Greg Berge (---.ne.client2.attbi.com)
Date: March 22, 2002 11:21AM

Speaking (still softly and painfully) as someone who thinks man/womankind has had just a handful of good new ideas since the 12th century, the only way to deterine whether new cheers are any good is to submit them to the great court of the Lynah Faithful, en mass. If people laugh, applaud, or pick them up, then they work. If people boo, throw things at you, or signal to security, then you're on the wrong track. The Invisible Herd, er, Hand.

But everybody who wants their brief moment in the sun should go for it! Assuredly, whatever you come up with it won't be an alltime low (as we are particularly reminded every time the band plays Macho Man).
Re: Travelling Faithful Tournament Protocol
Posted by: chag (---.unet.maine.edu)
Date: March 22, 2002 01:14PM

not so much the enthusiasm, but the lack of creativity............

I agree ! Especially yelling 'sucks' after EVERYTHING. It has its place, but IMHO is grossly overused as of late. We are Cornellians, after all........and if we can understand what a Visigoth is, we can expand our vocabulary beyond the word 'sucks' a little.
Re: Travelling Faithful Tournament Protocol
Posted by: CowbellGuy (---.biotech.cornell.edu)
Date: March 22, 2002 01:22PM

...you're a Visigoth, you're not a Visigoth, you're a black hole, you're not a black hole...

What is it going to take???
Posted by: Ben Doyle 03 (---.rochester.rr.com)
Date: March 22, 2002 02:07PM

uhoh Is there anything I can do to bribe our conductor (. . .for that matter any band member) to ensure that damn song is never played at a Cornell hockey game. . .EVER AGAIN?!?!?!?!?! uhoh

Re: Travelling Faithful Tournament Protocol
Posted by: DeltaOne81 (---.66.252.64.snet.net)
Date: March 22, 2002 03:18PM

Speaking of terms like Visigoth, I can't help but notice that there's a guy on QU named Bobby Acropolis. May wanna get thinking on that one. Additionally, there's a Matt Froehlich, which is German for "happy" (not the Matt part ;-) ) - 2 of QU's 15 freshmen, both forwards.

-Fred, DeltaOne81 '03

Edit: I've been told QU doesn't have names on their jerseys, so do your homework ;).
Re: What is it going to take???
Posted by: mha (---.dialup.mindspring.com)
Date: March 23, 2002 01:36AM

Yep, I'm sure a liberal sprinkling of money would ensure that at least THAT Pep Band conductor would never again call upon the band to play "Macho Man."

Of course, if you're ready to plunk down lots of change, you could endow the "Ben Doyle '03 Big Red Pep Band" on the condition that they never play it again under any circumstances!

I'd pitch in a buck or three...


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