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The End of an Era

Posted by Greg Berge 
The End of an Era
Posted by: Greg Berge (
Date: January 28, 2002 07:16PM

As we end the CHDF Era, I would love to give a HUGE ovation to Kyle Rose, for his tremendous contribution to the Lynah Faithful.

Thank you very much, Kyle!
Re: The End of an Era
Posted by: Tom Lento (
Date: January 28, 2002 08:00PM

It might be better to post this on the CHDF.

Hey, Kyle, email me if you read this! We should talk anyway, and maybe find some way of gathering before Bogdasarian takes off. You putz! :P
Re: The End of an Era
Posted by: Tom Lento (
Date: January 28, 2002 08:00PM

Hm, can you edit your posts? Or do you have to sign up for a username for that?

Thanks for the forum Kyle. :)
Re: The End of an Era
Posted by: jy3 (
Date: January 28, 2002 08:05PM

I agree
Thank you, Kyle.

Re: The End of an Era
Posted by: melissa (
Date: January 28, 2002 08:38PM

yeah! Thanks for everything! These forums keep up the hockey hype all week and help keep everyone up to date. They have been great! Everyone's work is much appreciated! You boys are cool dudes! B-] TI wish that the shades dude could lift up his shades and wink!
Re: The End of an Era
Posted by: Josh '99 (
Date: January 28, 2002 11:50PM

Ditto. Thanks so much, Kyle, for all your great work on the CHDF!
Re: The End of an Era
Posted by: big red apple (63.94.240.---)
Date: January 29, 2002 10:14AM

The old forum will be missed. The new forum is appreciated.

The Forum is dead. Long Live the Forum!
Re: The End of an Era
Posted by: Tom Hamill (
Date: January 29, 2002 10:20AM

Another longtime CHDF Faithful salutes you, Kyle. Thanks for bringing us all together.
Re: The End of an Era
Posted by: Will '01 (
Date: January 29, 2002 11:10PM

Thanks Kyle!!!! All your hard work has always been very much appreciated!!! Best of luck.
Re: The End of an Era
Posted by: Kyle Rose (
Date: January 29, 2002 11:25PM

Thanks, guys. I appreciate it. It's been a good run, but I just haven't had the time to properly take care of things the past two years, so it's probably for the best that I handed it off.

Nearly 400,000 visitors (with actual page hits easily in the several millions) in 5-1/2 years isn't too terrible for such a specialized audience, I think. And that's it really: the CHDF would have been nothing without the people who posted and created the discussions that kept it going for so long. You all kick ass.

I hope the enthusiasm of the CHDF continues unabated into the next generation.

Re: The End of an Era
Posted by: Jeff Kahn (
Date: January 29, 2002 11:51PM

Thanks Kyle. I discovered CHDF about 5 years ago, so I've been along for most of the ride as an avid reader and occasional poster. It's helped me get back to something I love, i.e. Cornell hockey, after losing touch for about 15 years after moving to the midwest in '81. Thanks for helping to reactivate my passion for Big Red hockey.:-)
Re: The End of an Era
Posted by: Jodi (
Date: January 30, 2002 06:54AM

sorry for being repetitive, but ditto to all of the above. the chdf was great, especially for those of us too lazy to actually research the other team but who wanted something intelligent to yell about anyways. thanks to kyle.
..and thanks of course to age for making this new one.
Re: The End of an Era
Posted by: Beeeej (
Date: January 30, 2002 10:37AM

I'll add my two cents to this love-fest: Kyle, you rock and you roll! I've been on the 'net now in one way or another for (ack!) fifteen years, and the signal-to-noise ratio and ease of use on the CHDF have consistently been just about the best I've ever seen.

Especially since I moved to New York City a year and a half ago, the CHDF has been the single best way for me to continue feeling connected to Cornell short of actually being in the stands at Lynah. I'm sure the eLynah Forum will be great as well, but it would be nothing without the CHDF's history behind it.

Next time we're in the same room, your first drink (or Hot Truck, or whatever) is on me.

Re: The End of an Era
Posted by: Craig Buckser '94 (134.186.177.---)
Date: January 30, 2002 01:06PM

I want to give Kyle more deserved accolades as well. Since I discovered the forum in December 1996, it has been a great way for me to follow Cornell hockey from Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and now California. Thank you for creating the forum and for all of your efforts.
Re: The End of an Era
Posted by: Neil Shapiro '83 (146.145.226.---)
Date: January 30, 2002 01:45PM

Thanks from me as well Kyle.

I want to emphasize how significant the CHDF has been in getting me reconnected with Cornell Hockey. I spent too many years waiting for the Tuesday USA Today to come with the College Hockey Standings, and then getting two week old news in Hockey News.

CHDF was a godsend, providing exactly what I and many other scatterred Cornell Hockey Fans were looking for. I think the number of other ECAC fans who participate is a great indication that the CHDF was a worthwhile source of news and entertaining discussions.
Re: The End of an Era
Posted by: marty'74 (
Date: January 31, 2002 07:47AM

There is nothing better than sitting in Lynah. But for those of us who are geographically challenged, the forum has been a great way to remember just how great a feelling that is.

Thanks for all your efforts Kyle and thanks to all who make this a success.

Re: The End of an Era
Posted by: J.P. Dowd '96 (
Date: January 31, 2002 12:35PM

Thanks Kyle.

The forum has been a great place for Cornell Hockey fans.
Re: The End of an Era
Posted by: zg88 (
Date: January 31, 2002 02:00PM

In an apparent burst of wild, last-minute popularity, the CHDF registered over 7,000 hits during the 10am hour today (?!?!) -- thus pushing the "total visitors" counter over the 400,000-mark! Way to go out in a blaze of glory, Kyle! :-))

(I find myself still going there out of habit... I guess I'm just waiting with morbid curiosity for the ax to fall... Even though I know the end is coming, it will still be a shock when my CHDF bookmark gives me the dreaded "page not found"...) :-/
Re: The End of an Era
Posted by: Kyle Rose (
Date: January 31, 2002 04:38PM

I submitted the change to DNS this morning to delete the A record for "", so it should trickle out over the next week. (Yeah, I can't change my hosting service's SOA TTL to less than 7 days, and I can't set individual TTL's. Go figure.) So, you may in fact get "Cannot resolve hostname" before you get "Page not found".

Re: The End of an Era
Posted by: ugarte (
Date: July 25, 2006 11:05AM

Bump. I wish we could take a look at the archives and figure out what RichS was talking about. (I'm certainly not going to pay for the Wayback search.)

But we will probably never know. Feel free to apply this sentiment to RichS's statements very broadly.

Re: The End of an Era
Posted by: KeithK (
Date: July 25, 2006 11:51AM

I wonder how many nervous people will see this bumped thread today and think something like "did Schafer leave"? :-)

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