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Everblades in NYC and/or DC

Posted by RedAR 
Everblades in NYC and/or DC
Posted by: RedAR (
Date: December 20, 2004 10:19AM

Not sure where I'll be during the tournament, either NYC or DC, but was wondering if there were any plans to gather to watch in either of these places.
Re: Everblades in NYC and/or DC
Posted by: KeithK (
Date: December 20, 2004 02:49PM

I'll be in NYC and would like to see the games (if famiy schedule allows). But I can't make any plans as I'm on the left coast until Thursday.
Re: Everblades in NYC and/or DC
Posted by: Big Ben 03 (
Date: December 20, 2004 11:40PM

Rockin' out here in DC. I'm extremely new to the area though. . . anyone have any ideas where we could watch it? Crystal City sports bar and Champs in Pentagon City are the only things that come to my mind, but then again, I live in Arlington.
Re: Everblades in NYC and/or DC
Posted by: rsiconolfi (
Date: December 21, 2004 12:23AM

Champps might be a little hard to get a screen. They are clustered in groups on the wall and are almost more decoration. Pub would be a better bet of the two. You could get a corner somewhere and one of the waitresses will gladly change a set for you.

There is sportszone in DC but I dont think that would be ideal for grabbing a set either. Summers up on Courthouse road is a nice place but I havent been there in years so I cant say.
Re: Everblades in NYC and/or DC
Posted by: Molly (
Date: December 21, 2004 12:31AM

Where did people end up going to watch the games in DC last year?
Re: Everblades in NYC and/or DC
Posted by: Bio '04 (
Date: December 21, 2004 09:23AM

Looks like the Cornell Club of DC put something together last year. Perhaps they'll do it again? ::hint, hint::


"Milhouse, knock him down if he's in your way. Jimbo, Jimbo, go for the face. Ralph Wiggum lost his shin guard. Hack the bone. Hack the bone!" ~Lisa Simpson
Re: Everblades in NYC and/or DC
Posted by: Greg Berge (
Date: December 21, 2004 11:21AM

> Crystal City sports bar

Isn't the Crystal City Sports Bar a strip joint?

I'm trying to remember Restaurant Row -- I can't remember whether the CCSB is the legit sports bar that has wings specials, across the street from the Vietnamese noodle restaurant, or the sleaze dive two blocks down.

Anyway, I might be up for that (the sports bar, not the strip joint), if I can drag myself in from Frederick Cty.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/21/2004 11:22AM by Greg Berge.
Re: Everblades in NYC and/or DC
Posted by: Skikky (208.0.234.---)
Date: December 21, 2004 02:10PM

Come all ye Faithful to Ship of Fools on Dec. 28 for The Game. It's on Second Ave. around 82nd Street in Manhattan. About eight of us were there last year for the Everblades action.
Re: Everblades in NYC and/or DC
Posted by: Jordan 04 (12.42.45.---)
Date: December 21, 2004 03:28PM

Was at Ship of Fools last year for the OSU game. Will mostly likely be there again this year.
Re: Everblades in NYC and/or DC
Posted by: Josh 03 (161.80.65.---)
Date: December 21, 2004 03:45PM

I was at Ship of Fools last year for a game with tons of people there. It was a CU vs. Harvard (sucks) game in January. Was the attendance for Everblades only 8? A friend of mine who works at CSTV mentioned the idea of having a camera there and some giveaways (she was at the CU Hav game with me last year, but I think she was envisioning a crew more of that size than the 8 for Everblades. Anyone else planning on going?
Re: Everblades in NYC and/or DC
Posted by: Jacob '06 (
Date: December 21, 2004 04:14PM

I might be there
Re: Everblades in NYC and/or DC
Posted by: judy (
Date: December 21, 2004 04:25PM

[Q]> Crystal City sports bar

Isn't the Crystal City Sports Bar a strip joint?

I'm trying to remember Restaurant Row -- I can't remember whether the CCSB is the legit sports bar that has wings specials, across the street from the Vietnamese noodle restaurant, or the sleaze dive two blocks down.

Anyway, I might be up for that (the sports bar, not the strip joint), if I can drag myself in from Frederick Cty.[/Q}

Yes, there's a Crystal City Sports Bar and a Crystal City Sports Pub, one is a sports bar, the other is a strip joint, don't remember which is which but I had this explained to me. I think the Sports Bar is the strippers and the Sports Pub is no strippers. I was at the pub (no strippers) a year or so back when CCW had the Cornell/Yale game there.
There is an espnzone in the city but you probably wouldn't be able to get it on the big screen. CCW also had a few gatherings at some sports bar down town...maybe in the Hilton?
Quick check of shows the Pub is the one you want. Relatively cheap food (compared to the rest of the area), and pretty decent space and # of tvs.

I'd volunteer my house but I should be down in FL :-)
Re: Everblades in NYC and/or DC
Posted by: KeithK (
Date: December 21, 2004 06:02PM

OK, I'll probably be at SoF then for the games.

As for attendance, I suspect you'd generally get alot more people for a Cornell-Harvard game than for another RS game, even if it is against some good teams. Also depends on how much advertising there was through Cornell channels (not just here).
Re: Everblades in NYC and/or DC
Posted by: Jacob '06 (
Date: December 22, 2004 02:54PM

So does anyone know any good sports bars in the princeton area that would be willing to show the game? Preferably one that you don't have to be 21 to get in to.
Re: Everblades in NYC and/or DC
Posted by: RedAR (
Date: December 22, 2004 10:35PM

It seems as if the Cornell Club of Washington showed last year's Lynah East game at Fran O'Briens Steakhouse. Does anyone know anything about this place?

I think someone should take the lead and call around to see which place is willing to put on the game for us in the DC area. I am more than willing to, but I'm not a local, and so don't know which bars are good and/or convenient for most folks.

I will inquire at Fran O'Briens tomorrow, but could someone familiar with the DC area please look into other places?

Re: Everblades in NYC and/or DC
Posted by: RedAR (
Date: December 22, 2004 10:46PM

If I get myself back to NY in time, then I will definitely be at the Ship of Fools.
Re: Everblades in NYC and/or DC
Posted by: French Rage (
Date: December 22, 2004 11:01PM

If we win against BC, do people plan on being at SoF for the second game?
Re: Everblades in NYC and/or DC
Posted by: Molly (
Date: December 23, 2004 08:26AM

I'm new to the DC area myself, so I'm not too familiar with the local places either, but I'll ask around work and see what other people suggest.
Re: Everblades in NYC and/or DC
Posted by: RedAR (
Date: December 23, 2004 08:25PM

It seems as if Fran O'Brien's Steakhouse does not get CSTV (at least that's what the manager told me). So that's a no go for watching the Everblades in DC. I think I've pretty much decided to head on up to NYC in time to meet up at Ship of Fools.

I have heard that a pub called the Stained Glass Pub in Wheaton has DirecTV. I haven't called them, but that might be someplace that those in the DC area might want to call.
Re: Everblades in NYC and/or DC
Posted by: redGrinch (
Date: December 23, 2004 09:59PM

[Q]RedAR Wrote:

It seems as if Fran O'Brien's Steakhouse does not get CSTV (at least that's what the manager told me). So that's a no go for watching the Everblades in DC. I think I've pretty much decided to head on up to NYC in time to meet up at Ship of Fools.

I have heard that a pub called the Stained Glass Pub in Wheaton has DirecTV. I haven't called them, but that might be someplace that those in the DC area might want to call.[/q]

Two years ago, CCW arranged with Fran O'Brien's to set-up a separate room for us to watch the game. CSTV is not on Comcast so we'd need a place with DirecTV. Buffalo Billiards advertises they have it - []
I can check with them on Monday.

Maybe the Exchange will have something []
I've been to Crystal City Sports Pub before to watch Cornell hockey - but it's questionable whether you'll get sound (depends on what else is showing that night).

I'm thinking I've left off someone obvious......
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/24/2004 09:21AM by redGrinch.
Re: Everblades in NYC and/or DC
Posted by: ninian '72 (
Date: December 26, 2004 10:21AM

Some DC area Comcast distributors are now providing CSTV access on their on-demand digital channel (199), and CSTV is a freebie. This is new since last year. Can't vouch that this is the case all across the DC metro area.
Re: Everblades in NYC and/or DC
Posted by: Molly (129.43.32.---)
Date: December 27, 2004 12:06PM

Hi all:

So, with the help of Ralph Baer (Thanks Ralph! :-) ), I've located a bar where those in DC and the surrounding area can watch the games. The thing is, I need to tell the manager how many people will show up to watch so he can set aside a tv and a section for us. The address of the place is below. For those interested, e-mail me at to let me know. LGR!

Grand Slam Sports Bar @ the Grand Hyatt Washington, Washington Center
1000 H Street, NW Washington DC
Tel: 202-637-4789

PS - Really sorry for the late notice!
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/27/2004 12:11PM by Molly.
Re: Everblades in NYC and/or DC
Posted by: Bio '04 (
Date: December 27, 2004 01:37PM

Great- thanks Molly! I already emailed you.

It looks like it's near the Metro Center stop (red, blue/orange lines), if anyone wanted to know.

"Milhouse, knock him down if he's in your way. Jimbo, Jimbo, go for the face. Ralph Wiggum lost his shin guard. Hack the bone. Hack the bone!" ~Lisa Simpson

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/27/2004 01:38PM by Bio '04.
Re: Everblades in NYC and/or DC
Posted by: Gabe Heafitz 98 04 (
Date: December 27, 2004 04:22PM

Chalk up two more who will be in attendance at Ship of Fools. See you there!
Re: Everblades in NYC and/or DC
Posted by: ursusminor (
Date: December 27, 2004 04:39PM

Now I will be in trouble here since Molly took my recommendation. :-O

I add what I told her in my email. For the last 12 years, the RPI Alumni Association has arranged for a game to be broadcast to alumni around the country. In 11 of those years it was an RPI- Clarkson game jointly sponsored with the Clarkson Alumni Association. (The other year it was against UVM.) Sadly this season Clarkson didn't want to participate and RPI took the easy way out and is gong to have a gathering for the BRF! game vs Brown. I don't think that the Brown Alumni Association will be involved.

Anyway, for the last three years, the DC location for the broadcast was the Grand Slam at the Grand Hyatt. IMHO, it is the best place that has been used for this purpose.

Yes, the Grand Hyatt is very near the Metro Center stop. A matter of fact, if you leave the station by the correct exit, you can walk directly into a underground level of the hotel. The Grand Slam Sports Bar is also on an underground level of the hotel.

BTW, one year the Wizards were playing that evening and it got a bit noisy when their game let out.
Re: Everblades in NYC and/or DC
Posted by: redGrinch (
Date: December 27, 2004 05:55PM

I checked at Buffalo Billiards - no dice - they don't have CSTV - which is too bad, because they do have a nice setup.
Re: Everblades in NYC and/or DC
Posted by: Jacob '06 (
Date: December 27, 2004 07:00PM

If anyone in nj or pa is interested, a friend and I will be watching at the north brunswick pub-bar. Itas at 1864 Route 1 North Brunswick, NJ.
Re: Everblades in NYC and/or DC
Posted by: Jordan 04 (12.42.45.---)
Date: December 28, 2004 11:17AM

Has anybody notified the folks over at Ship of Fools that there will be a decent handful -- probably more -- of folks coming to watch?

I can call this afternoon if need be, just to make sure they can set up a few TV's (with sound) for us. So if you're showing up for sure, and if you know people showing up and havne't responded here, give a shoutout so I have an idea of headcount.

Pretty nice that we're not competing with the NFL, no bowl games, no local basketball (since the Nets don't actually count).
Re: Everblades in NYC and/or DC
Posted by: larry (
Date: December 28, 2004 01:02PM

I expect to attend LGR!
Re: Everblades in NYC and/or DC
Posted by: Larry (
Date: December 28, 2004 01:04PM

That's I expect to attend at Ship of Fools
Re: Everblades in NYC and/or DC
Posted by: Liz '05 (
Date: December 28, 2004 01:21PM

Pretty sure I'll be coming to Ship of Fools - and bringing a friend along. Does anyone know their policy on admitting (not serving) underage people? I'm over, the friend's not, and the trip may not be worth it if he gets turned away. (I'm figuring, it's a bar and grill, it's a sports bar, we'll be going pretty early in the evening, likelihood is, he'll get in...but I want some assurance on this.)
Re: Everblades in NYC and/or DC
Posted by: Jordan 04 (12.42.45.---)
Date: December 28, 2004 01:39PM


I had the same issue last year when I wanted to bring a friend. I called and was told that he would not be allowed -- their policy is to card at all times.

Unfortunately, I can't actually remember if I have been carded or not the handful of times I've been there.

Re: Everblades in NYC and/or DC
Posted by: Liz '05 (
Date: December 28, 2004 02:35PM

Ah, curses. Thanks for the info, Jordan - can anyone else shed light on the subject?
Re: Everblades in NYC and/or DC
Posted by: A-ron (
Date: December 28, 2004 04:29PM

I will be there too.

As for the carding issue, try calling them: (212) 570-2651

Also, here's their website: []
Re: Everblades in NYC and/or DC
Posted by: Jordan 04 (12.42.45.---)
Date: December 28, 2004 05:05PM

Just put in a call to SoF.

Barring dart league action (which the guy believed was over), he said they'd have the "big TV in the middle" of the back room set up for us. I told him there would probably be 20-25 people. It's hard to gauge just from this board how many might be showing up. I get the feel that, like last year for Sucks, there's going to be a much larger crowd than this board dictates. I assume if a lot more than that show up, we'll pretty much be able to spread to where we want.

So they're aware that there will be a decent crowd coming to watch, they had heard something about it already, and the appear ready to handle us and put the game on.

See you all there later.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/28/2004 05:08PM by Jordan 04.

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