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Quiet crowd

Posted by A-19 
Quiet crowd
Posted by: A-19 (
Date: November 08, 2004 01:26AM

Our group of seven grads from 2004 was struck by how quiet the rink was this weekend. Just for the record, all of us were four-year season ticket holders in section A. Sitting in section O, it was pretty noticeable how quiet much of the student sections were during both games, and none of us recall it ever being that quiet- even during losses.

And we could also see that the entire side of section B on the A/B aisle, for about 2 seats in on each row, was completely empty for the Brown game. Pretty sad.

I thought that sections D and E and F were consistently impressive; we could hear you from O all game long. Some pockets at the top center of B and the front center of A were loud, but it seemed like it was only students who we had known to be loud in the past (odds are, the students reading this were the loud ones anyway). This probably has alot to do with the fact that a chunk of the best line numbers were not necessarily given to the most dedicated fans, which explains why D/E/F were better-than-usual in my opinion. So to any students in A or B reading this, speak up damnit.

And to give credit where credit is due, I liked "Who's your daddy?" and I very much liked the Heimlich and the Maine signs in front of A against Harvard.

The team looked very sharp, and despite getting thrown out 10 seconds into the start of the Harvard game for throwing a stuffed animal which was mistaken for a fish (and then let back in 5 minutes later after realizing), it was a very enjoyable weekend back.

-Mike Rosenberg '04
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: Pace (---)
Date: November 08, 2004 01:33AM

Perhaps it was a factor of sitting in section O? This is my third season of being a Lynah Faithful, and I can't really say that I noticed the crowd to be quiet during the Harvard game. I'd say it was more or less the normal amount of loud for a Harvard game. Admittedly, there were some lulls in the cheering during Brown, perhaps as a factor or sore throats from the night before.
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: Ack (
Date: November 08, 2004 01:59AM

Mike, you are louder than the rest of us, we could hear you in A from O -- you probably couldn't hear me, I'm a little dude, that's why I make signs.
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: Lauren '06 (
Date: November 08, 2004 07:13AM

Sometimes I just feel like shutting up and watching the game.

Additionally, I've noticed a lot of people near me who try to yell solo or start up a non-traditional chant that often don't project their voices very well, so it doesn't catch on and nobody notices. Time for some vocal coaches.
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: puff (
Date: November 08, 2004 07:26AM

if i remember right, the section B along the A/B aisle was reserved for grad student tickets. i believe it was something like 4 seats in each row.

tewinks '04
stir crazy...
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: Beeeej (
Date: November 08, 2004 07:28AM

[Q]Section A Banshee Wrote:
Additionally, I've noticed a lot of people near me who try to yell solo or start up a non-traditional chant that often don't project their voices very well, so it doesn't catch on and nobody notices. Time for some vocal coaches.[/q]

What the hell was with Section B for standing quietly and staring dumbly at Greg & me when we did "Hey, Dov, you're an embarrassment..." all by ourselves?! It hasn't been that long, has it?


Beeeej, Esq.

"Cornell isn't an organization. It's a loose affiliation of independent fiefdoms united by a common hockey team."
- Steve Worona
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: Brian (
Date: November 08, 2004 07:42AM

I noticed that remote control goalie is missing during the second period when the goalie is in front of section D. I noticed the cheers are not as creative this year up to this point other than "who's your daddy." What happened to "Winning team, Losing team, Winning team, losing team"......"4 point weekend, 4 point weekend"....."good goalie, bad goalie" (these cheers started but never materialized in sections A & B).......and we need a cheer to replace the Bâby song, maybe something for Topher (he seems to be the crowd favorite). As previosly stated, I too noticed that the crowd is rather quiet during stoppages in play. Sitting in the townie seats, I really enjoy hearing the students cheers throughout the game. You can tell that the team thrives off the crowd's cheers. By the way, just thought I would add that Brian Hayward (sp.) sat in front of me at the Brown game as I screamed in his ear all game, and Charlie Cook's mother and sister sat behind me. I seemed to be sitting with all the parents this year, very cool! I must say I was impressed with Cook's sister, she was really getting on the referees;-)
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: Pete Godenschwager (
Date: November 08, 2004 07:51AM

[Q]if i remember right, the section B along the A/B aisle was reserved for grad student tickets. i believe it was something like 4 seats in each row.[/Q]

They actually gave us the B/C aisle, looked like everybody was there as far as I could tell.
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: Greg Berge (
Date: November 08, 2004 08:10AM

From C, it didn't seem "quiet." Friday might not have been as raucous as a typical Fish N' Fowl, but it wasn't a tomb by any means. Also, A/B & D coordinated their cheering much better than the past few seasons -- I don't know whether that was luck, whether C is becoming better "glue" to get them in synch, or what.

We have a helluva fun team to watch, and I believe we'll have great, engaged crowds all season long at Lynah.
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: KateWithThe8 (
Date: November 08, 2004 08:30AM

We were down in the front row near you guys in Section O Friday night and I too thought the crowd was a bit quiet for a Fish night. But then Saturday night we sat a few rows up and it reminded us how much difference it makes to sit just behind the glass - the crowd seemed much louder Saturday night because we were actually above the glass. Though I do think that the band playing at fewer stopages doesn't help things.

My biggest gripe of the weekend (though I hate to have any with so much to celebrate) was the "College, University" cheer coming from upper Section B Saturday night. Last time I checked it was Brown UNIVERSITY. Please don't ruin a cheer that is actually good/funny against schools like Dartmouth COLLEGE.

The jersey that is....
But usually you'll find me in a 22 (next to a 2)!
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: Beeeej (
Date: November 08, 2004 08:36AM

[Q]KateWithThe8 Wrote:
My biggest gripe of the weekend (though I hate to have any with so much to celebrate) was the "College, University" cheer coming from upper Section B Saturday night. Last time I checked it was Brown UNIVERSITY. Please don't ruin a cheer that is actually good/funny against schools like Dartmouth COLLEGE.[/q]

That was "Color," not "College."


Beeeej, Esq.

"Cornell isn't an organization. It's a loose affiliation of independent fiefdoms united by a common hockey team."
- Steve Worona
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: KateWithThe8 (
Date: November 08, 2004 08:48AM

Well then I'm very sorry that it came across the other side of the rink as College. "Color" is obviously a very good use of the cheer. :-) Sorry for the confusion.

The jersey that is....
But usually you'll find me in a 22 (next to a 2)!
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: A-19 (
Date: November 08, 2004 08:56AM

i thought the cheer quality was very good- i won't be one of THOSE alums...

and may i add that, finally seeing everything in unison from the other side, the student section is very imposing to view. the sheer number of time in line t-shirts is also pretty visible.

pace and kate, you could be right that it was just the different seating perspective that made it sound quiet. if so, sorry for the rant. and mike, i am now very amused that you guys could hear us.

Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: Will (
Date: November 08, 2004 09:24AM

[Q]A-19 Wrote:

I thought that sections D and E and F were consistently impressive; we could hear you from O all game long.[/q]

Thanks! A few others and myself tried to keep stuff going as best we could. Now, if only we could solve our tempo problems...;-)

Is next year here yet?
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: Liz '05 (
Date: November 08, 2004 09:24AM

The problem with those cheers this weekend (okay, at the Brown game at least, since I had to miss Harvard) was that two different groups would start two different cheers at the same time and the people between them were indecisive. It doesn't really work very well when it comes out sounding like "which team is four the point teamend?" On the other hand, it's nice to have the choice of so many good cheers :-D
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: Jordan 04 (12.42.45.---)
Date: November 08, 2004 09:45AM

Disclaimer: I haven't been to Lynah yet this year. Listened to the audio from the first weekend, and watched this weekend's games on the webcast.

Because I haven't been to Lynah yet, I can't compare noise levels with previous years, but if you're finding it a bit quieter than in the past, one possible reason (excuse?) I can think of is the relative ease with which we have run through our opponents this year. Three 7-goal games, and a 2-0 shutout that wasn't that close.

Certainly in my years at Lynah, the games I've been most juiced over are the ones where we're in a battle, or the ones that really have something on the line. Not that I expect it to reach 2002-3 levels, but in many respects home games were somewhat boring that year, when the only suspense was whether or not LeNeveu would get the shutout. The BU games and the games at the end of the year when we were going for the perfect home season were the few games that really carried some intensity, especially the Senior Night comeback win against Union. (Was that the only time that year we trailed at home??)

So maybe that's the reason for some early quiet crowds? Lack of competition? I guess it also takes a little bit of time for the newbies to pick up on the cheers, or morph them into new ones, "You Goots!" ...:-)
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/08/2004 09:46AM by Jordan 04.
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: Beeeej (
Date: November 08, 2004 09:45AM

For what it's worth, by the way, without any prodding, back-story, or preconceived notions, my girlfriend Jessica - upon her first-ever visit to Lynah - declared that "{Opponent School} Sucks" is way overused and gets old very quickly. And she told me this about five minutes into the second period on Friday.

(I told her to imagine what it'd be like after seventeen years.)


Beeeej, Esq.

"Cornell isn't an organization. It's a loose affiliation of independent fiefdoms united by a common hockey team."
- Steve Worona
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: KateWithThe8 (
Date: November 08, 2004 09:47AM

"which team is four the point teamend?" - I had to laugh outloud at this one because this is exactly what it sounded like. Bravo for the translation. :-)

I too will say that as class of '03 sitting in Section O, minus some tiny compaints here and there, the rink was impressive this weekend. I also found myself commenting that I think Sections D/E are turning into the new A/B. The "It's All Your Fault" cheer was also great, with the few Brown fans behind us getting all giggly about it the first few times and exclaiming "This place is unreal! Every single person in the rink is all pointing in unison!" I think this is exactly the impression we want to give visiting fans, so mission accomplished.

The jersey that is....
But usually you'll find me in a 22 (next to a 2)!
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: CowbellGuy (Moderator)
Date: November 08, 2004 09:48AM

I stopped counting after the twelfth time in the Harvard game.

"[Hugh] Jessiman turned out to be a huge specimen of something alright." --Puck Daddy
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: Beeeej (
Date: November 08, 2004 09:56AM

[Q]CowbellGuy Wrote:
I stopped counting after the twelfth time in the Harvard game.[/q]
I think that was right about when Arthur started announcing the lineups.


Beeeej, Esq.

"Cornell isn't an organization. It's a loose affiliation of independent fiefdoms united by a common hockey team."
- Steve Worona
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: puff (132.236.144.---)
Date: November 08, 2004 10:05AM

I thought it was even more repetitive in the Brown game.

And D-E on any sort of clapping, its like the over excited children x-mas morning, they can't contain themselves. especially before the third period, they get way ahead with the clapping and also with the singing.

The thing that kind of got to me though was during the alma mater when some guys a few rows behind me who didn't know the words, started making up thier own verses. Its like learn the song, or keep your mouth shut.

tewinks '04
stir crazy...
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: Josh '99 (
Date: November 08, 2004 10:55AM

[Q]Beeeej Wrote:
What the hell was with Section B for standing quietly and staring dumbly at Greg & me when we did "Hey, Dov, you're an embarrassment..." all by ourselves?! It hasn't been that long, has it?[/q]Since people in Section C started a cheer? Maybe. :-P
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: Pace (---)
Date: November 08, 2004 11:12AM

I agree, many in D do tend to get a little hyper on the tempo of the clapping and songs. But remember, we're further from the band, we're also blocked off from it by a wall of noise that is section B. Add to this a few intrinsically tempo-challenged people in D, and the result is that all one can hear in D is the fast tempo. But the guys and I are working on calming D down a little. With luck, we might also stop them taking the keys out half way through third.
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: gtsully (12.110.145.---)
Date: November 08, 2004 11:50AM

I had standing room tickets for both games, and ended up standing behind section F all night Friday and for the first period Saturday (we were able to score empty seats in section C for the second and third periods). I'm generally the type to gripe about how much better it was back in the "old days" (meaning '98-'00, when I had season tickets), but I thought the crowd was pretty good this weekend. There are things that still drive me nuts (D, E, and F not clapping along with the cowbell, little variety in the chants, not saying "goon," the Gary Glitter dance help , Macho Man yark ... there's more, but I'll stop), but the noise level was high and the fans were into it. Well, except for the guy in the back row of section F talking on his cell phone for most of the 1st period on Saturday.

I will say that the quality of the noise, chants, etc. improved dramatically when I was sitting in C (where I could hear A & B), than when I was standing behind F, but the D/E/F area was louder.

And I just want to chime in on the "Who's your daddy?" thing. I thought it was great at the Harvard game, since it only happened once, Harvard is our main rival, and they haven't beaten us since That Game in Lake Placid. But to use it against Brown, over and over... I mean... I realize we were smoking them, but it's Brown. Would Yankees fans use that chant against the Devil Rays? Of course not. Of course, Cornell would never blow a 3-0 lead against Harvard either, but that's beside the point. :-P
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/08/2004 11:51AM by gtsully.
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: A-19 (
Date: November 08, 2004 11:55AM

i figured who's your daddy was pretty appropriate for harvard, given the red sox. it could be used with any other boston team we play, too
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: CowbellGuy (Moderator)
Date: November 08, 2004 11:55AM

[Q]gtsully Wrote:

Well, except for the guy in the back row of section F talking on his cell phone for most of the 1st period on Saturday.[/q]
At least he was there. The idiots next to us are usually hard-pressed to make it to more than half of any given game. For Harvard, they showed up for about 2/3 of the second period, left at the end and came back for a bit of the third, though they didn't stay long. It gets better. For Brown, they showed up (I shit you not) when Cornell scored their last goal (2:44 left) and could quite bring themselves to stay til the end. I'm sure everyone who couldn't get a ticket this year is delighted to hear that.

"[Hugh] Jessiman turned out to be a huge specimen of something alright." --Puck Daddy
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: dodger916 (132.236.219.---)
Date: November 08, 2004 11:57AM

If you can't hear the band, try looking at others who can hear and see Sections A&B, like fans in sections H and up. You can time your claps visually.
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: puff (132.236.144.---)
Date: November 08, 2004 12:04PM

What part of D are you in? I'm 5 rows back near the middle. I agree, if enough of us encourage people to slow down and fix things, we can maybe have some progress. Only time will tell.

tewinks '04
stir crazy...
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: ithacat (
Date: November 08, 2004 12:20PM

I think the student section is amazing to watch from the other side (I sit in N). My main wish is that people would show up earlier and start singing and chanting, knock the dust off the rafters, and make the visitors shake in their skates before the game even begins.

Is there a student hockey association that has a fan primer or organizes a meeting before the season begins where they talk about chant history, timing and cadence, and brainstorm new chants? If not, it's probably a little too fanatical for most but beside studying (eating and sleeping are probably optional) what else is there for students to do in the winter?
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: ugarte (66.28.14.---)
Date: November 08, 2004 12:41PM

[Q]A-19 Wrote:

i figured who's your daddy was pretty appropriate for harvard, given the red sox. it could be used with any other boston team we play, too[/q] You must have stopped watching baseball after game 3 of the ALCS. "Who's your daddy!" is dead letter, in the history file with "Cowboy Up!"

Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: CowbellGuy (Moderator)
Date: November 08, 2004 12:54PM

Well, we attempted to start a student hockey association last year, but there seemed to be a lack of interest or desire from students and the founding members.

"[Hugh] Jessiman turned out to be a huge specimen of something alright." --Puck Daddy
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: BCrespi (
Date: November 08, 2004 01:00PM

[Q]Pace Wrote:

I agree, many in D do tend to get a little hyper on the tempo of the clapping and songs. But remember, we're further from the band, we're also blocked off from it by a wall of noise that is section B. Add to this a few intrinsically tempo-challenged people in D, and the result is that all one can hear in D is the fast tempo. But the guys and I are working on calming D down a little. With luck, we might also stop them taking the keys out half way through third.[/q]

Anybody else find it funny that your name is "Pace" and you're working on tempo? Sorry, in a weird mood...must be the snow.

Brian Crespi '06
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: aznxjz (
Date: November 08, 2004 01:03PM

I too thought the "Who's your Daddy!" chant was a bit risky, for those of you who are superstitous, but I still laughed/chanted it. For the harvard game, the cheers were louding in the beginning than at the end, partially due to fatigue and partially due to some nail-biting. The game against {color} was ok, but I think most people were tired after friday night....though the crowd did become invigorated by the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th goals.

Being in B, row 3 is great, but I was at the top of B last year and I feel it was a little more exciting last year. But there are a lot of new fans in B, and we should give them a chance. Most of them don't know the older cheers (I loved the Bâby song), but hopefully we can get some new ones.

The only problems I have is when people start shouting "it's friday night and you can't score" when there's 10 minutes left in the 3rd. Also, people always bring out their keys waaaay too early. Other than that, this is gonna be a great year at lynah!
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: Beeeej (
Date: November 08, 2004 01:06PM

[Q]aznxjz Wrote:
Also, people always bring out their keys waaaay too early.[/q]
Y'know, when I started hearing keys on Saturday night, I was ready to start getting curmudgeonly, as is my right now as an official Old Fart. But then I realized that we had a four-goal lead with less than three minutes left, and reached for my own keys...

...only to have it become a five-goal lead. Whee!


Beeeej, Esq.

"Cornell isn't an organization. It's a loose affiliation of independent fiefdoms united by a common hockey team."
- Steve Worona
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: BCrespi (
Date: November 08, 2004 01:18PM

[Q]Section A Banshee Wrote:

Sometimes I just feel like shutting up and watching the game.

Additionally, I've noticed a lot of people near me who try to yell solo or start up a non-traditional chant that often don't project their voices very well, so it doesn't catch on and nobody notices. Time for some vocal coaches.[/q]

Yeah, my friends and I have been doing our best, but we sit directly in front of the band, so I don't know how well we project. I did the "Give me a Pass...PASS...Give me a Pass...PASS...Give me a Pass...PASS...Welcome to Brown!" Could anybody hear?

Regardless, so pumped for this season.

Brian Crespi '06
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: A-19 (
Date: November 08, 2004 01:19PM

we did hear the "pass" cheer. i was amused, after our "gimme an a" the night before.
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: sockralex (
Date: November 08, 2004 01:21PM

[Q]BCrespi Wrote:

Yeah, my friends and I have been doing our best, but we sit directly in front of the band, so I don't know how well we project. I did the "Give me a Pass...PASS...Give me a Pass...PASS...Give me a Pass...PASS...Welcome to Brown!" Could anybody hear?

Regardless, so pumped for this season.[/q]

I am a few rows in front so I heard that really well. Were you doing the "RUNS" cheer too?

Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: BCrespi (
Date: November 08, 2004 01:22PM

No. That's dumb.

Brian Crespi '06
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: MB (
Date: November 08, 2004 01:26PM

[Q]At least he was there. The idiots next to us are usually hard-pressed to make it to more than half of any given game. For Harvard, they showed up for about 2/3 of the second period, left at the end and came back for a bit of the third, though they didn't stay long. It gets better. For Brown, they showed up (I shit you not) when Cornell scored their last goal (2:44 left) and could quite bring themselves to stay til the end. I'm sure everyone who couldn't get a ticket this year is delighted to hear that.[/Q]

Oh quite. I wasn't able to get a ticket this year through the line, but was able to get one for A (thank you Age). I'm actually right in front of these guys, and not only do they show up for about five minutes, they don't even pay attention to the game. They use it as a social hour to discuss anything and everything not hockey, which annoys the hell out of me.
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: Bio '04 (
Date: November 08, 2004 01:34PM

I don't know if anyone's posted this yet, but The Crimson writers must have been amused enough with the signs at the bottom of A to include it in the paper:

(And about the Color/University cheer, from my seat in O, I thought people were saying Toilet/University)

"Milhouse, knock him down if he's in your way. Jimbo, Jimbo, go for the face. Ralph Wiggum lost his shin guard. Hack the bone. Hack the bone!" ~Lisa Simpson
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: CowbellGuy (Moderator)
Date: November 08, 2004 01:35PM

Hey, I'll give you one guess as to who that was. (And it wasn't me)

"[Hugh] Jessiman turned out to be a huge specimen of something alright." --Puck Daddy
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: A-19 (
Date: November 08, 2004 02:25PM

Ok, now hold on.

I read the Crimson article; it's unclear which section the writer was sitting in.

I think he may have used a bit of journalistic creativity though. As I mentioned, I was sitting in O (where Reese's parents were, I understand). I was not wearing a "fuck harvard" shirt, and was not drinking from a flask. I did not see a single person in O with a "fuck harvard" shirt either.

But I did say, "There is no wrong way to eat Reese," "Conserve Watters, keep him on the bench," and "Hyphen, I have been WATCHING cornell hockey for 5 years and have not seen a goalie choke more against us than you."

So did the writer create a stereotypical Cornell fan around various things he heard and saw, or did somebody else have some similar cheers?

Quiet crowd
Posted by: nnn (
Date: November 08, 2004 02:31PM

like i said before.. section B is not as loud this year...
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: nyc94 (66.147.178.---)
Date: November 08, 2004 02:40PM

[Q]A-19 Wrote:
But I did say, "There is no wrong way to eat Reese," "Conserve Watters, keep him on the bench," and "Hyphen, I have been WATCHING cornell hockey for 5 years and have not seen a goalie choke more against us than you."

The loudest guy in Section O, which I'll assume was you, clearly said "watching Cornell hockey". If I were you I would write a brief email to David H. Stearns or his editor.

Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: Pace (
Date: November 08, 2004 03:07PM


It's amusing, but not that much. Btw, you lived on the 2nd floor of Jameson your freshman year, no?
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: Pace (
Date: November 08, 2004 03:08PM

[Q]puff Wrote:

What part of D are you in? I'm 5 rows back near the middle. I agree, if enough of us encourage people to slow down and fix things, we can maybe have some progress. Only time will tell.[/q]

We're rows 5 & 6 of D. Around seats 7-11.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/08/2004 03:09PM by Pace.
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: Pace (
Date: November 08, 2004 03:15PM

[Q]aznxjz Wrote:

Most of them don't know the older cheers (I loved the Bâby song), but hopefully we can get some new ones.


Ahh, the Bâby song. How I miss thee... Well, and Bâby too...

I tried the "Hey Brown, it's 9pm, do you know where your goalie is?" But people looked at me perplexed....
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: JasonN95 (38.117.186.---)
Date: November 08, 2004 04:05PM

The photo that accompanies the article shows a couple people wearing "Puck Harvard" shirts, but I don't see any F-bombs. I suspect the Crimson *cough* journalist *cough* is bending the truth (it's not really presented as a serious peice, anyway).
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: Will (
Date: November 08, 2004 04:21PM

I'm tempted to pull a Volonnino on him, but his comments about the Hotel School aren't too out of line. :-P j/k

Is next year here yet?
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: A-19 (
Date: November 08, 2004 04:23PM

ok, so is he referring to me and making up a bunch of shit, or is he referring to someone else with eerily similar cheers?
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: Pete Godenschwager (
Date: November 08, 2004 04:24PM

Anybody know if this was the same guy with the Harvard hat in section A/B? Hope he didn't get his hat back :-D
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: A-19 (
Date: November 08, 2004 04:26PM

since the photo accompanying the article was shot across the ice at A, i assume the photographer, and perhaps the writer were in O. i further assume this since he said he sat with reese's parents, who would definitely be sitting in O.

Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: DeltaOne81 (
Date: November 08, 2004 04:26PM

[Q]Pete Godenschwager Wrote:

Anybody know if this was the same guy with the Harvard hat in section A/B? Hope he didn't get his hat back [/q]

Ah, that could explain the lies.
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: A-19 (
Date: November 08, 2004 04:53PM

so can anyone solve the crimson article mystery?
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: CowbellGuy (Moderator)
Date: November 08, 2004 05:34PM

Sorry, Mike, but this was too funny...

"[Hugh] Jessiman turned out to be a huge specimen of something alright." --Puck Daddy
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: A-19 (
Date: November 08, 2004 05:50PM

that's amazing age
and i am clearly not wearing a "fuck harvard" t-shirt.

i am actually considering writing a letter to the ed. of the crimson about the journalistic integrity of attributing real quotes to a made up individual in order to stereotype cornell students. but i will only do this if i am able to ascertain that nobody out there was the actual fan upon whose comments the article was based. my comments were damn close, though my words were twisted for the writer's own purposes.

Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: KeithK (
Date: November 08, 2004 06:07PM

Keep in mind that this was a column, not a news story. The guy's telling a story about being at Fish'n'Fowl, not doing investigative reporting with the hopes of ratting out folks to Gene Nighman. So I think he probably deserves some slack, even if he did twist some words a bit (which I'd bet he did).
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: paulspen (
Date: November 08, 2004 06:13PM

I was in the front row of O (sucks) for the Brown game, and you were the loudest fan I've ever heard at any sporting event anywhere. I thought as a section we were pretty good considering what you usually get from Section O (sucks). You had some woman behind me peeing her pants.

Thanks for picking up my Kill Schafer Kill chant at the end of period 2 when he was "negotiating" with Hansen the Horrible. I couldn't say what I really wanted to say... Small children present.
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: Killer (
Date: November 08, 2004 06:27PM

I talked with a couple other Harvard people who were sitting with Reese's parents, but I don't know that they'd be the missing piece to the mystery. They were there with their daughter, whom I believe is a Cornell student and may be dating Reese (I think that's what they said). Didn't really notice who was sitting on the other side of the Reeses, or behind them.

BTW, what exactly did the article say? Is it in another post in this thread that I missed? Is it in the online Crimson?

And no, there were no F--- Harvard shirts anywhere that I saw. Lot's of Puck Harvard and Harvard Sucks, but no F-word.


OK, just found the article online. It's full of inaccuracies and misquotes. I have some ideas about where his journalistic career may be heading, but I'll be polite and keep them to myself for now.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/08/2004 06:51PM by Killer.
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: BCrespi (
Date: November 08, 2004 06:30PM

I did, who's this?

Brian Crespi '06
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: A-19 (
Date: November 08, 2004 06:30PM

Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: Killer (
Date: November 08, 2004 06:34PM

Don't forget that Francoma put Pedro back into Game 7 and almost put the Yankees back into the game at the same time. The crowd was revitalized and Pedro got rocked...all to new cheers of "Who's your daddy?" Trust me, if Pedro stays with the Sox, he'll hear it when he goes to NY. In fact, if he signs with anyone but the Yankees, he'll hear it.
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: Sam (
Date: November 08, 2004 07:37PM

The guy with the Harvard hat at the bottom of Section B was a high school friend of my buddy. I ate dinner with them -- someone at dinner with us was wearing a "fuck harvard" shirt, white on red with thin type. I hadn't seen it before.

I don't know if there's collaboration between the two, but they may well be averaging their experiences at Lynah. The kid mentioned that he wrote for the Crimson, so it wouldn't be far fetched.

Also it's possible he didn't quite hear your last jeer correctly. Or is it? I'm not sure how far he was from you or how closely he was listening, maybe he misheard you?

If the article is based entirely on you, then it's worth writing in about to correct the blatantly fictional parts (the flask). However, it may be based on a cross-section of fans condensed into one caricature of a Lynah fan.

Probably not worth taking too seriously.
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: A-19 (
Date: November 08, 2004 08:35PM

i'm not offended by the article or anything, i assumed it was sort of a caricature/stereotype. just don't like poor press writeups about cornell students, even those from a source such as the harvard crimson. not all cornell fans are drunk assholes, but this writer sure wants to make it seem that way. i presume the writer heard what he wanted to hear in order to rag on the hotel school and the faithful. and it's pretty obvious too that he wishes he had fans like us.

sam, your info cetainly did complete the picture though. with regard to that harvard fan in B, i'm not sure what he was thinking coming in with the hat on- it's kind of like going to a Philadelphia Eagles game with a Dallas jersey on in the nosebleed section. But I thought that it was pretty classless of the fans who took his hat away and threw it on the ice. I personally enjoy talking shit to the opposing players on the ice, and if some opposing team fan or parent wants to say something to me, i might respond. But we don't need to earn a reputation as proactively harrassing other fans, especially other than verbally.

Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: Jacob '06 (
Date: November 08, 2004 10:10PM

Brings back memories of brown at brown last year. Felt a little bad for that kid afterwards.
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: A-19 (
Date: November 08, 2004 10:13PM

i didnt feel bad for that kid. if he didn't try to take on the entire section and throw shit at us and curse at us, no one would have bothered him
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: sockralex (
Date: November 08, 2004 10:39PM

Picking on that kid turned out to be the highlight of my evening. Yes, I know I am an evil person, no need to point it out. Although he was less annoying than the speciments that went into Cornell's section at Colgate last year.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/08/2004 10:40PM by sockralex.
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: dss28 (
Date: November 09, 2004 12:57AM

[q]i didnt feel bad for that kid. if he didn't try to take on the entire section and throw shit at us and curse at us, no one would have bothered him[/q]
[q]Picking on that kid turned out to be the highlight of my evening. Yes, I know I am an evil person, no need to point it out. Although he was less annoying than the speciments that went into Cornell's section at Colgate last year.[/q]

Agreed on both accounts.

I did notice on Saturday that the crowd seemed "quiet," but I just attributed it to people paying attention to the game. Maybe the "creative cheers" come and go in waves.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/09/2004 12:59AM by dss28.
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: Ack (
Date: November 09, 2004 01:23AM

Whether or not the crowd is quieter than usual, at least eLynah isn't a place of bickering this year.
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: billhoward (
Date: November 09, 2004 09:56AM

You're referring to the article by David Stearns ( (The main hockey writer, Timothy McGinn, actually seems to know what he's talking about.)


If Stearns wanted to make stuff up, why didn't he attend Cornell? It's us, not Harvard, where Clifford Irving (fake biography of Howard Hughes) chose to matriculate.

Harvard is not without its sports heroes this fall. Their water polo team is doing well, the Crimson noted in a lead article.
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: ninian '72 (
Date: November 09, 2004 01:30PM

Responding to the Crimson sends two messages:

1. What Stearns wrote here matters.

2. He successfully got under your skin.

You clearly got under his skin. Why not quit while you're ahead and just write off his puerile little exercise?
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: Beeeej (
Date: November 09, 2004 01:55PM

Now that I know the C side of Section B was reserved for grad students, I have a better idea of why they stood watching us dumbly instead of picking up the cheer. Ah, well.


Beeeej, Esq.

"Cornell isn't an organization. It's a loose affiliation of independent fiefdoms united by a common hockey team."
- Steve Worona
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: French Rage (---.Stanford.EDU)
Date: November 09, 2004 04:43PM

Mike, good cheers as always.

Even if the "Fuck Harvard" thing is true, so still gotta write a letter about his little comment regarding your 5 years cheer. Specifically, point out to them the guy who he mocked intellectually now goes to THE SAME SCHOOL AS HE DOES.

Between this and their clutch-and-grab whining it appears to Crimson sports section has as little accountability as the rest of their school.
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: French Rage (---.Stanford.EDU)
Date: November 09, 2004 04:44PM

Also, why does he mention Reese's parents sitting behind you? Does he think it matters? "oh no, his parents are right there, well now i certainly wont yell stuff at him." And he makes it seem like they were really pulling one over sneaking in there without anyone knowing they were his parents. Damn, they fooled all of our fans by not wearing their "We are Dylan Reese's parents" shirts!
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/09/2004 04:45PM by French Rage.
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: Killer (
Date: November 09, 2004 07:18PM

[Q]French Rage Wrote:

Also, why does he mention Reese's parents sitting behind you? Does he think it matters? "oh no, his parents are right there, well now i certainly wont yell stuff at him." And he makes it seem like they were really pulling one over sneaking in there without anyone knowing they were his parents. Damn, they fooled all of our fans by not wearing their "We are Dylan Reese's parents" shirts!

Edited 1 times. Last edit at 11/09/04 04:45PM by French Rage.[/q]

Yeah! And what the hell were they doing eating M&M's? C'mon, have the guts show some pride in your name. I mean, I never pass up a chance to drink my namesake beer.

OK, the M&M's part was an embellishment to see if I can get a job writing for the Crimson. But the beer part is spot on.
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: jtwcornell91 (
Date: November 11, 2004 01:21AM

[Q]French Rage Wrote:

Also, why does he mention Reese's parents sitting behind you? Does he think it matters? "oh no, his parents are right there, well now i certainly wont yell stuff at him." And he makes it seem like they were really pulling one over sneaking in there without anyone knowing they were his parents. Damn, they fooled all of our fans by not wearing their "We are Dylan Reese's parents" shirts![/q]

Well, JR's Prestifilippo's mom had the decency to wear a shirt identifying herself...

Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: DisplacedCornellian (
Date: November 11, 2004 08:57AM

hahaha. "Hey Prestifilippo! Your mom puts the 'S' in SUCKS!"
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: madhatter (
Date: November 11, 2004 10:53AM

no. The guy in the Harvard hat was a newswriter, and just along for the trip.
Re: Quiet crowd
Posted by: sectionbspazz (
Date: November 11, 2004 08:17PM

anyone think of a chant, three blind refs??

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