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[OT] Ithaca questions

Posted by Dart~Ben 
[OT] Ithaca questions
Posted by: Dart~Ben (
Date: July 02, 2004 02:28PM

There's a decent chance I may be taking a job at Cornell (I should find out this afternoon or tomorrow), and I was wondering if you guys could help me out with some questions about finding a place to live, should I be offered the job.

How hard will it be to find an apartment/room in a house in Ithaca, and what can I expect it to run me? Any areas in particular that would be good/bad to look in?
Re: [OT] Ithaca questions
Posted by: The Rancor (
Date: July 02, 2004 04:11PM

you could spend anywhere from $350 all inclusive to big big $$$$. avoid collegetown, try Fall Creek area downtown or look into a house just out of town if you have reliable transport. there are thousands of rentals in ithaca, you should have no problem at all.
Re: [OT] Ithaca questions
Posted by: Larry72 (
Date: July 02, 2004 05:57PM

Most of the student housing is already spoken for. Student rentals typically happen before school ends. As already mentioned, there are a lot of downtown rentals. Both apartments and whole houses. Checkout the Ithaca Journal and Ithaca Times for current rentals. Good luck and welcome (back) to Ithaca.

Re: [OT] Ithaca questions
Posted by: the rancor is an idiot (
Date: July 02, 2004 06:56PM

Avoid collegetown? Don't listen to that douchebag, he has no idea what he's talking about. Collegetown is the best spot off campus in all of Ithaca.
Re: [OT] Ithaca questions
Posted by: O.S.B. (
Date: July 02, 2004 07:28PM

Try Center Ithaca;s apartments
Re: [OT] Ithaca questions
Posted by: the rancor is an idiot is an idiot (
Date: July 02, 2004 08:05PM

If you want to live in a hole and pay way too much, live in collegetown. My guess is that Ben having lived through 4 years in dartmouth student housing may want to live somewhere better. There plenty of quality cheap housing a few miles from campus.
Re: [OT] Ithaca questions
Posted by: jy3 (
Date: July 02, 2004 10:02PM

well we never had a problem living in apartments run by kimball real estate. nice places, not horribly expensive. \

keep in mind that i have been told that ithaca is a pretty bad market for houses. that may be changing but i am not sure

jy3 '00
Re: [OT] Ithaca questions
Posted by: Lauren '06 (
Date: July 02, 2004 10:16PM

Ithaca is a seller's market right now... at least that's what my boss told me yesterday.
Re: [OT] Ithaca questions
Posted by: peterg (
Date: July 02, 2004 11:19PM

If you're talking about buying, it has been a very hot seller's market for over a year, but things have recently slowed down. Still, prices are a lot higher than they were just 18-24 months ago.

Of course, that doesn't necessarily impact the rental market. Rents have been pushed up with the growth locally, but there has also been a lot of new apartments built outside the city and from what I can tell, that has helped keep rents from going too high. Don't know what you're looking for (# of BR's, baths, how close to CU you want to be, etc.), but, for example, there are a couple of relatively new complexes in Varna on Rte. 366 that cater to the grad student market. Friends of mine lived there for 8 months in 2002-03 and the place was convenient, reasonably sized, clean, quiet and not unreasonably priced according to them at the time (it was a three bedroom).

If you're not averse to moving again, you can check with CU about any available sabbatic houses. There might still be some available and those usually are good deals if you can meet the owner's standards to take care of the house for them.

There should be options depending on what you want. Also, though the student housing is pretty much spoken for now, things open up because people don't come back, leases are broken for better deals, etc. There may be some more inventory in the student housing category around August 1-15.
Re: [OT] Ithaca questions
Posted by: The Rancor (
Date: July 03, 2004 11:00AM

my thoughts exactly. thank you.
c-town is fun, especaly if you are 20, but i wouldnt want to live there again. over priced does not begin to tell the tale.
Re: [OT] Ithaca questions
Posted by: Tom Tone (
Date: July 03, 2004 06:09PM

If you have a car its probably best to stay north of the city in Dryden/Lansing. Anything that avoids 13.

Check out:

Tom Tone
Re: [OT] Ithaca questions
Posted by: billhoward (
Date: July 13, 2004 08:47PM

The effect of Cornell on housing prices probably falls off with the square of the distance from campus.

If you want to roll the dice, take a month to month rental and wait for the right place to show up. Somebody drops out, somebody moves on unexpectedly. a couple moves in together and needs two not one houses.

You won't be able (want to, at least) afford Collegetown and also not Cayuga Heights unless you, like the profs who do live there, have trust funds.

Remember to budget for four snow tires.

Re: [OT] Ithaca questions
Posted by: peterg (
Date: July 15, 2004 09:44PM

Those snow tires could be needed in August, the way the weather has been....
Re: [OT] Ithaca questions
Posted by: David Harding (
Date: July 15, 2004 10:47PM

Not to pry, but will you be in Ithaca come hockey season? rolleyes
Re: [OT] Ithaca questions
Posted by: billhoward (
Date: July 16, 2004 07:04PM

[Q]David Harding Wrote:

Not to pry, but will you be in Ithaca come hockey season? [/q]

You mean the November-to-March-maybe-April Cornell hockey season, or the 365x24 eLynah season?

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