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Sun interview with Noel

Posted by Al DeFlorio 
Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: April 28, 2004 09:16AM

A rather flippantly-written interview with Andy Noel touches on a planned "expansion and refurbishment" of Lynah and the recent (and regrettable, IMHO) make-over of the Cornell Bear.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/28/2004 09:40AM by Al DeFlorio.
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: Per Ostman (
Date: April 28, 2004 10:23AM

Wow, Al. If you thought my interview with J. Andy was "flippant," you should read my previous interviews. "IMHO," I thought I played it pretty straight with him.

And Cornell student-athletes (like me) really do like the new bear.
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: CowbellGuy (Moderator)
Date: April 28, 2004 10:33AM

Let's summarize:

- Andy jumped the railing at the wrestling championships when Travis Lee won without proper credentials.
- Andy thinks athletes should get free parking on campus.
- The thing Andy is "most happy" with during his tenure is the new logo. barf

What's a guy gotta do to get fired around here?

"[Hugh] Jessiman turned out to be a huge specimen of something alright." --Puck Daddy
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: billhoward (
Date: April 28, 2004 10:35AM

[Q]Al DeFlorio Wrote:

A rather flippantly-written interview with Andy Noel touches on a planned "expansion and refurbishment" of Lynah and the recent (and regrettable, IMHO) make-over of the Cornell Bear.

Edited 2 times. Last edit at 04/28/04 09:40AM by Al DeFlorio.[/q]

a) Flippant? That's an understatement. But times change. Could you imagine the color of Bob Kane's face 30 years ago if he was the athletic director being asked these questions?

b) Too bad there isn't a follow on story about Lynah

c) Weren't you the least bit curious about which was the hottest women's team? <g>

d) Another stern-faced bear mascot is not a positive for Conell. Of course, just as bad would be making the human bear look like the Zippy mascot for some major league expansion team.

Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: Tom Pasniewski 98 (
Date: April 28, 2004 12:21PM

So Ezra's vision called for freedom from religious denomination, freedom from gender discrimination, freedom to study whatever you wanted and freedom to park wherever you wanted for free. I will need a refund check, please. The words major, historic and renovation do not go together - the last should be restoration and Lynah doesn't seem to need restoration. I think the words major, historic and renovation were used to describe the Sage Hall project, my home on campus for a semester and a building I won't set foot in for what they did to it - we won't repair the facade, we'll repair everything behind the facade - what a facade. :-(
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: April 28, 2004 12:22PM

[Q]billhoward Wrote:
a) Flippant? That's an understatement. But times change. Could you imagine the color of Bob Kane's face 30 years ago if he was the athletic director being asked these questions?

b) Too bad there isn't a follow on story about Lynah

c) Weren't you the least bit curious about which was the hottest women's team? <g>

d) Another stern-faced bear mascot is not a positive for Conell. Of course, just as bad would be making the human bear look like the Zippy mascot for some major league expansion team.
Too bad there wasn't a follow-on question that asked "what changes are planned for Lynah"--rather than the sexist question noted above.

Times do change, but good reporting hasn't.

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: ninian '72 (165.224.215.---)
Date: April 28, 2004 12:48PM

The new bear IS odd. Looks like he's trapped behind the C, unable to get out, and is enraged as a result. On the other hand, what do you do with a large, lumpy animal like this? Dress him up like Smokey but with a "C" cap?
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: KeithK (
Date: April 28, 2004 01:10PM

Flippant? Um, we have questions about his initials, the sports he likes to play, hottest women athletes, people in world history. It sounds like a junior high school project, not a college student interviewing an administrator.

Explain to me how free parking for athletes wouldn't be an NCAA violation...

The fact that current student athletes really like huggy bear just means they don't have good taste...
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: Avash (
Date: April 28, 2004 03:44PM

Guys, I think the interview was meant to be a good-natured, fun exchange. The columnist who wrote that article has had, as I recall, several such interviews this year with various student athletes, and the tone of those interviews was the same. Sure, it wasn't serious, but it wasn't meant to be. I didn't think it was all that bad.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/28/2004 03:58PM by Avash '05.
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: Chris '03 (
Date: April 28, 2004 03:56PM

I think the general sentiment around here is that he is "all that bad." Consequently everything dealing with him is prejudiced by that sentiment. Given the relative difficulty of actually sitting down with the AD to discuss anything, it seems like a waste to use the opportunity on stupidity though. And for what it's worth I think the huggy bear is an abomination. A simple dignified block "C" would be infinitely superior, not to mention the good old bear leaning on C.
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: KeithK (
Date: April 28, 2004 07:51PM

Yup. Exactly. Many of us don't like Noel much, so it's easy to find reasons to rip on him. I can imagine that non-serious interview with a coach or a player make for fun reading sometimes, but it does seem like a waste of time when you can manage to get the AD to sit down for an interview. Of course, maybe he wouldn't have agreed to a non-fluff interview.
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: April 28, 2004 07:54PM

[Q]Chris '03 Wrote:
Given the relative difficulty of actually sitting down with the AD to discuss anything, it seems like a waste to use the opportunity on stupidity though. And for what it's worth I think the huggy bear is an abomination. A simple dignified block "C" would be infinitely superior, not to mention the good old bear leaning on C.[/q]
My sentiments, exactly, Chris, on all counts.

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: Greg Berge (
Date: April 28, 2004 11:17PM

I sympathize a little with Noel. He's ostensibly the A.D., but he has to fight to stay on the top ten list of people with authority over Cornell athletics. It's gotta be a bitter pill to be the Dan Quayle of Ivy League sports.
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: cornelldavy (
Date: April 29, 2004 01:50AM

To suggest that this is sexist or poor reporting is a pretty narrow view. This is clearly not a news article, and I don't think its intent was to deeply explore newsworthy issues. It shows a side of the AD that people who don't know him never see, and in that respect, I think Per did a good job. Looking at questions like "What's the J stand for?" and "If you could have dinner with any three people in history, who would they be?" or even the format of the article, it's apparent that the interview wasn't intended to go in depth on any serious topics. That's just the nature of this article, as well as the other 10-question articles Per has written (which, by the way, I find quite entertaining).

As for the charge that this was sexist, I have to disagree. Per has fired 10 questions at both male and female athletes on campus, and each time he asked which was the hottest team of the opposite sex. It's just another lighthearted question. I wouldn't call it sexist if the same question goes for both sexes.

The Sun gets an unfair rap on the eLF, in my opinion. It's an extracurricular activity, just like ice hockey. Fun pieces like this one are part of what make working at The Sun enjoyable. When they are done well - like Per's series of 10-question articles - I don't see how anyone can complain.

Alex F. '03 * []

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/29/2004 01:56AM by cornelldavy.
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: Shorts (
Date: April 29, 2004 10:00AM

[Q]Per has fired 10 questions at both male and female athletes on campus, and each time he asked which was the hottest team of the opposite sex.[/Q]Well, if the question's not sexist, at the very least it discriminates on the basis of sexual orientation.

...Anyway, my opinion, which I think is fairly similar to many of the people who have posted on this thread, is that the lighthearted pieces (in the Sports section, as well as on the OpEd page, Red Letter Daze, and even the occasional News article or cover photo) are in general ok. The problem is that there are some serious and local issues which members of the Cornell community care about that end up taking the back seat. In this case, the example is that the AD even went so far as to mention renovations in Lynah, and your columnist let the opportunity pass to find out more details about that renovation. You wouldn't have to stick the info in the middle of the interview; you could even follow up in a separate article.

Consider the Daily Show and Jon Stewart's method of interviewing, which has won him a lot of positive recognition. When he interviews major public figures, the interviews are at times "flippant" and almost always lighthearted, but he almost always finds a way to squeeze in at least one tough, serious question.

While we all recognize that the Sun staff is students who do this as an extracurricular, it's one of those organizations that has responsibilities as well. Imagine if one Friday, instead of taking the ice, the hockey team decided to just go out for some pizza instead. Would it be within their rights as students? Sure, who doesn't like to get some pizza on a weekend? But wouldn't you expect them to catch a lot of flak for it?

What distinguishes the Sun from every other student publications on campus (from the Lunatic to Blood&Guts to the Review) is that it provides timely, locally relevant news. What I'm saying, and I think some other people are as well, is that we'd like the Sun even more if it shifted it's focus slightly towards a little bit more news, a little bit less self-indulgent humor.
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: Tom Lento (
Date: April 29, 2004 10:41AM

I think Chris has it right on with his comment about everyone here hating Noel. Talk about a whole lot of uproar over nothing.

I have never been a big fan of Noel. I had a run-in with him while he was assistant AD, and I thought he was over the top with me, although I have to admit he had a point. We all know about the sports pass debacle, and based on my limited information I don't think they handled the hiring of the football coach as well as they could have. I was really unhappy with the women's hockey coaching situation a few years back, but Noel made up for that with the hiring of Davidson, who certainly had all of the credentials and has done a nice job so far. So it's not as if I love the guy, but I think the eLF regulars take this a bit too far.

Some comments:

1) The article is intended to be a light interview. Get off your high horse(s) about "good reporting" and think about this from the perspective of someone who isn't a huge hockey fan. I know it's difficult, but apart from the hockey fans, nobody cares what Cornell does to Lynah Rink. So maybe leaving that extra bit of info out *is* good reporting.

This piece is a replica of's "10 Burning Questions," which appears pretty regularly on Page 2. The past articles in this series are the same way, and I think they're pretty good. If you come expecting a serious interview, you'll be disappointed, but it's clear early on that this piece is not supposed to be serious. Incidentally, the Page 2 interviewees that do the best are people like Ichiro Suzuki and Julie Foudy, who say silly things about mascots and have fun with the interview. Someone like Pedro Martinez, who takes himself too seriously, is actually annoying in this context. Kudos to Noel for having a little bit of fun without saying anything an AD shouldn't be saying (see the question about the hottest women's team for an example, and read the whole thing, not just his initial canned response).

2) Noel is a huge fan of Cornell athletics. In fact, he's a huge fan of a number of sports other than men's ice hockey, which few Cornellians can boast. I think his choice of great sports moments is telling. He doesn't mention last year's Frozen Four run, but he mentions men's and women's lacrosse, and wrestling. I should add that as the assistant AD, he went to many of the women's hockey games, which, as a women's hockey fan, always impressed me.

I would think being a Cornell sports fan would be a positive quality in our athletic director, but we can turn that into a cause for complaint. He jumps into an area without proper ID, so he should get fired? Riiiiight. If Lee's roommate had done the same thing, you'd all be complaining about the unfairness of the system. If the first person over the glass when the hockey team made it to Placid in 95 had been arrested, there'd be a huge uproar. In fact, everyone would have called for the AD's head. When the AD forgets himself in his excitement over an athletic achievement, he's a jerk who should lose his job. Sound silly yet?

Oh yes, before the inevitable response - I realize an AD is held to a different standard of behavior than an average fan. Even so, if it was an AD other than Noel everyone would think this was endearing and a clear illustration of his love for Cornell athletics. In fact, if it was an AD at another school, we'd probably hear "Andy Noel could learn a thing or two from this guy."

3) The free parking thing was something fun and silly in the interview, and it's not as if he's saying athletes should have free parking everywhere. Just Teagle and the Crescent lot, which makes sense if you think about the locations of those lots and where the athletes spend most of their time. This may be a violation of NCAA regulations, which may be one of many reasons why it hasn't happened yet. Does it matter if he's saying he agrees with the athletes, when he *knows* the parking fee structure will not be changed on the whim of the athletic department? You know it isn't going to change, I know it isn't going to change, and I promise you Andy Noel knows it isn't going to change. So what's the harm in him having some fun with that part of the interview?

Most of the complaints about this article are simply ridiculous. Seriously. Even the complaints about the ugly huggy bear logo. So Noel is proud of the new logo? It's a lot better for him to be proud. What would you all say if he was ashamed of the new logo? And it's not as if it's the logo on all of the uniforms. I haven't seen the men's hockey team exchanging their classic jerseys for an ECHL style huggy bear logo sweater. Ugh. Heaven forbid. When the women's hockey team got new jerseys a couple of seasons ago, they went with the Red Wings style Cornell jerseys. I didn't like the choice, but at least they're better than minor league hockey jerseys. Heck, they're better than most NHL jerseys.
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: Tom Lento (
Date: April 29, 2004 10:45AM

[Q]Shorts Wrote:

Consider the Daily Show and Jon Stewart's method of interviewing, which has won him a lot of positive recognition. When he interviews major public figures, the interviews are at times "flippant" and almost always lighthearted, but he almost always finds a way to squeeze in at least one tough, serious question.[/q]

Yikes. I feel like a shill for the Daily Sun.

Anyway, Noel's comment about Lynah came from a serious question.

[q]5. What kinds of things can we expect from the Athletic Department in the near future?[/q]

Without that, we never would have heard about Lynah, and I doubt anyone would be complaining about it. As I said, a significant percentage of the readership for this article couldn't care less about renovations to Lynah, just as most of us couldn't care less about the rehab and expansion of Schoellkopf Memorial Hall.
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: CUlater 89 (64.244.223.---)
Date: April 29, 2004 10:54AM

The problem with this interview, as with other things that have appeared in the Sun sports section, is that it is "derivative" of an idea used at another media outlet (in this case, Page 2 at, where they run half-serious, half-fun "10 Questions with..." interviews from time to time, which include such questions as who would you have dinner with, from anyone in history and which superpower would you like to have and why).

The difference is that those interviewees are often interviewed seriously elsewhere, so we generally know their opinions on the serious issues; Andy Noel is not often interviewed by the Sun and so on the rare occasion that he sits with a Sun reporter, many readers would prefer to have him address serious stuff.

The larger issue for me is how unoriginal the Sun has been of late, what with this type of interview and the very-poorly-executed version of "The Writer's Bloc" that they "borrowed" from Page 2. Too many columnists use the paper as an opportunity to mention their friends or otherwise regale us with their personal adventures, mistaking the Sun for their personal diary. In addition, although some of the sports stories are well-written, many show a lack of interviewing or reporting skills. Interviews with opposing coaches or players during the week before a game are noticeably few and far between.
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: KeithK (
Date: April 29, 2004 11:42AM

Yes, some of us are taking this too seriously. For reasons stated in other posts. But I have to comment on one thing:
[q]Seriously. Even the complaints about the ugly huggy bear logo. So Noel is proud of the new logo? It's a lot better for him to be proud. [/q]Yes, it would be better if he learned to be ashamed of the new logo. 'Cuz then he might get rid of it :-P
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: billhoward (
Date: April 29, 2004 11:49AM

[Q]CUlater 89 Wrote:

The problem with this interview, as with other things that have appeared in the Sun sports section, is that it is "derivative" of an idea used at another media outlet (in this case, Page 2 at, where they run half-serious, half-fun "10 Questions with..." interviews from time to time, which include such questions as who would you have dinner with, from anyone in history and which superpower would you like to have and why).

The difference is that those interviewees are often interviewed seriously elsewhere, so we generally know their opinions on the serious issues; Andy Noel is not often interviewed by the Sun and so on the rare occasion that he sits with a Sun reporter, many readers would prefer to have him address serious stuff.

The larger issue for me is how unoriginal the Sun has been of late, what with this type of interview and the very-poorly-executed version of "The Writer's Bloc" that they "borrowed" from Page 2. Too many columnists use the paper as an opportunity to mention their friends or otherwise regale us with their personal adventures, mistaking the Sun for their personal diary. In addition, although some of the sports stories are well-written, many show a lack of interviewing or reporting skills. Interviews with opposing coaches or players during the week before a game are noticeably few and far between.[/q]

Such-and-such is derived from or ESPN the magazine? Virtually everything there derives from somewhere else, too. SI does a quick five-questions column. Lots of magazines do Twenty Questions interview (Playboy has for years.) Even Dorothy Parker's flip writing ("Hepburn's emotions ran the gamut from A to B.";) had antecedents.

The Cornell Sun remains the finest undergraduate college journalism program in New York. (Columbia has a good academic program, but it's a grad school. Syracuse/Newhouse is a decent trade school but if you need to take a semester understanding the who why what when where how mantra, that's a semester you could have spent taking real academic courses.) The Sun operates at no cost to Cornell University other than the psychic cost to Cornell when someone in Day Hall gets caught doing or not doing something. And like the athletics program, there are rough edges; these are students doing, learning, and learning from their mistakes.

Of interest is that the Sun has become a bit more mainstream of late. By that I mean the least represented minority at the Sun was not blacks or Hispanics, but Greeks. Other than the sports department, in decades past, if you were in a fraternity or sorority, you weren't working for the Sun. That's changing. I think that means more mainstream points of view will be represented across the board.

The Sun also runs way more sports than in previous decades. When I was an undergrad, I wrote sports not news because I believe real news is Dear Abby, the crossword, and sports. Most students didn't and still don't give a rap about the "real" news on Page 1, stuff like "Student Assembly Discusses Dorm Advisory Council Participation." The Sun also has a way better weekend/entertainment section. That's not important to campus radicals; it is important to everyone else trying to figure out where to go on a date. Assuming one has a date.

A light-hearted interview with Andy Noel is fine. A follow-up about what's really going to happen at Lynah would be better. One out of two is better than none out of two.

I met with some of the current Sun people last week at a NYC reception. They said Jeff Lehman a) seems like a regular guy and b) really likes sports. Compared to Cornell's previous half century of tallish presidents, one said, he seems like a munchkin and bears a slight passing resemblance to Bill Gates.
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: ninian '72 (165.224.215.---)
Date: April 29, 2004 12:09PM

[Q]KeithK Wrote:

Yes, some of us are taking this too seriously. For reasons stated in other posts. But I have to comment on one thing:
Seriously. Even the complaints about the ugly huggy bear logo. So Noel is proud of the new logo? It's a lot better for him to be proud. [/Q]
Yes, it would be better if he learned to be ashamed of the new logo. 'Cuz then he might get rid of it [/q]

Could be worse, guys:

Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: April 29, 2004 12:50PM

[Q]Tom Lento Wrote:
Without that, we never would have heard about Lynah, and I doubt anyone would be complaining about it [Al's italics]. As I said, a significant percentage of the readership for this article couldn't care less about renovations to Lynah, just as most of us couldn't care less about the rehab and expansion of Schoellkopf Memorial Hall.
Exactly right [the italicized clause, that is]. That's my only complaint about the article--the lack of follow-up to Noel's "renovation" comment. Saying the article was "rather flippantly-written" was simply an accurate description, so that people linking to it wouldn't be expecting an in-depth analysis. No reason for the whining and overreaction from the author and others.

There is a big difference between Lynah and "Schoellkopf Memorial Hall," Tom. The former is either #1 or #2 (behind Yost) on everyone's list of "best places to watch a college hockey game." Schoellkopf--expecially the Hall--is on nobody's radar screen. When the AD tells the student newspaper they're gonna change Lynah, that just begs a follow-up. If the Duke AD said there were plans for a Cameron make-over, I suspect the student newspaper would want to know more about it.

It will be interesting to see if the staff of "the finest undergraduate college journalism program in New York" will give us a follow-up article.

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: CowbellGuy (Moderator)
Date: April 29, 2004 01:42PM

[Q]Tom Lento Wrote:
He jumps into an area without proper ID, so he should get fired? Riiiiight.[/q]
Jesus, Tom. Humor much?

"[Hugh] Jessiman turned out to be a huge specimen of something alright." --Puck Daddy
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: Greg (
Date: April 29, 2004 02:25PM

The Sun has some problems, but to rap it for being unoriginal is really reaching. It's a school paper -- the average age of those writing and making editorial decisions is about 20. Where exactly are these people supposed to come up with earth-shaking, original ideas -- their vast life experience? The lessons learned from getting a C in Chem 207? Cut them some slack, they're kids doing a decent job with limited resources, limited time, and a tyro's knowledge of the craft.

The Sun is no more derivative than Newsweek or McPaper, and at least the Sun staff has a good excuse.
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: Jimbo (128.84.198.---)
Date: April 29, 2004 02:35PM

you guys really have little to no lives, coming on this website and criticizing an article that is clearly supposed to be funny. every week per interviews a new athlete. it isnt supposed to be serious. you guys sit here and jerk off to anything you can on this website. maybe i'm part of the problem because i actually checked the forum yesterday. go out and get laid instead of focusing on shit that doesnt matter.
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: billhoward (
Date: April 29, 2004 03:01PM

[Q]Greg Wrote:

The Sun has some problems, but to rap it for being unoriginal is really reaching. It's a school paper -- the average age of those writing and making editorial decisions is about 20. Where exactly are these people supposed to come up with earth-shaking, original ideas -- their vast life experience? The lessons learned from getting a C in Chem 207? Cut them some slack, they're kids doing a decent job with limited resources, limited time, and a tyro's knowledge of the craft.

The Sun is no more derivative than Newsweek or McPaper, and at least the Sun staff has a good excuse.[/q]

Regarding the Sun and their being "just kids": One of the very dumbest things said by Bob Kane, Cornell's athletic director for the middle part of the 20th century, was his lament at a time when the Student Assembly, or whatever its name circa 1970, had some ability to make the budget tighter or looser for the athletics department. Kane said (actually wrote, meaning he gave it some advance thought) and I'm paraphrasing: "It's a shame something as important as Cornell athletics has to operate at the mercy of 19- and 20-year-olds."

In that moment of anger, Kane lost sight that the athletic department was also at the mercy of other 19-year-olds -- the ones maybe throwing TD passes, maybe throwing interceptions, and those 19-year-olds could cost the coach his job just as much as the SA's underfunding could cost jobs, or the Sun's writing about the alcoholic who got hired as basketball coach when the athletic department failed to do due diligence ultimately helped cost some jobs.

Most all of Cornell [except for the giant maw of research and the professional grad schools] is about 18- to 22-year-olds learning and improving: the athletes, the students, the Sun, the band. The fact that some of the kids provide entertainment for the alumni (possibly wearing uniforms with a dopier looking bear) is a nice bonus. But we're not the reason Cornell exists.

BTW the Sun is more than just a school paper. It's one of a handful of real papers, meaning it's independent of the college it shares the name with. It doesn't ask the college for a stipend. It has to sell ads, sell subscriptions (well, not after this year - it's going free on campus), it has to attract readers and make money or it's gone. And it's done that now for nearly 125 years. That is not an insignificant difference.
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: CUlater 89 (64.244.223.---)
Date: April 29, 2004 04:56PM

As Bill Howard said, it's not a "school paper", although it is staffed with students. And being 18-22 is not an excuse for blatantly ripping off a major media outlet. It isn't necessary to do that to put out a quality (or award-winning) newspaper now, just as it wasn't back in the late '80s, early '90s when I worked there/had input into content. Mostly, I'm talking about the Bloc, which is just a waste of space. I actually think it's a good idea to run an informal interview piece; it would be nicer if they didn't use some of the exact same questions that others do.
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: billhoward (
Date: April 29, 2004 05:23PM

[Q]CUlater 89 Wrote:

As Bill Howard said, it's not a "school paper", although it is staffed with students. And being 18-22 is not an excuse for blatantly ripping off a major media outlet. It isn't necessary to do that to put out a quality (or award-winning) newspaper now, just as it wasn't back in the late '80s, early '90s when I worked there/had input into content. Mostly, I'm talking about the Bloc, which is just a waste of space. I actually think it's a good idea to run an informal interview piece; it would be nicer if they didn't use some of the exact same questions that others do.[/q]

One of the purposes of the off-the-wall questions is sometimes you get a revealing and unexpected answer. Or you follow up with a normal question and the person eases up on what seems a softball question.

Sometimes Connie Chung leans over real close and whispers in your ear, "Just between you and me ... " and the dolt really believes there is no camera running and spills his heart.

But, yes, it would be good to have someone ask Andy Noel about what's going to happen at Lynah in the way of remodeling. Just not in that story.
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: Tom Lento (
Date: April 29, 2004 08:59PM

Not today, sorry. :-/

I think my post can be summarized as follows:

1) I saw nothing wrong with the Sun article. Maybe there should be a follow-up article about the Lynah restoration, but how do we know it isn't in the works?

2) Noel gets all the blame and none of the credit for everything associated with Cornell athletics. Goes with the territory - Charlie Moore said as much in a conversation with a young CHDF denizen after the uproar over the 97-98 crackdown on language in Lynah - but it can be tiresome to read it every offseason.

3) I miss watching hockey, and I haven't been in the best mood lately. Maybe I should buy a TV and stop taking it out on all of you people. ;-)
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: CowbellGuy (Moderator)
Date: April 30, 2004 09:11AM

[Q]Tom Lento Wrote:
Maybe I should buy a TV and stop taking it out on all of you people.[/q]
Maybe this is all a ploy to get us all to chip in and get you one until hockey starts again. Is that it? That's it, isn't it. twak

"[Hugh] Jessiman turned out to be a huge specimen of something alright." --Puck Daddy
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: Tom Lento (
Date: April 30, 2004 10:39AM

[Q]CowbellGuy Wrote:

Tom Lento Wrote:
Maybe I should buy a TV and stop taking it out on all of you people.[/Q]
Maybe this is all a ploy to get us all to chip in and get you one until hockey starts again. Is that it? That's it, isn't it.[/q]

Is it working? nut
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: Facetimer (
Date: April 30, 2004 12:19PM

[Q]CowbellGuy Wrote:

Let's summarize:

- Andy jumped the railing at the wrestling championships when Travis Lee won without proper credentials.
- Andy thinks athletes should get free parking on campus.
- The thing Andy is "most happy" with during his tenure is the new logo.

What's a guy gotta do to get fired around here?[/q]

You know Cowbell Guy, joking or not, you may not want to get on this guys bad side. Seeing how you don't have proper credentials to purchase seats in the student section.
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: Owen Bochner (
Date: April 30, 2004 01:15PM

Obviously I am a bit biased, but I find all of this Sun and Andy Noel bashing completely out of line and pointless.

First, Per Ostman is one of the best writers on the Sun staff. In ANY section. His interview with Andy Noel was the tenth "10 questions" article he has written this semester. All of them have been with "lower profile" athletes, with the exception of his first interview, which was with Cody Toppert. None of these interviews have been particularly serious, and none of them have intended to be. They have all been funny and great reads.

Second, please keep in mind that Cornell has 35 varsity sports besides men's hockey. It is The Sun's responsibility to report on all of them. We already give a disproportionate amount of attention to men's hockey for obvious reasons. The last two weeks of school is not the time to be fixating on Lynah Rink renovations, particularly when one of Cornell's spring teams has already won an Ivy League championship and three more have the potential to do so in the next two weeks.

Third, you guys are greatly underestimating the work that Andy Noel does. I have never seen a more interested, involved, or enthusiastic administrator. He regularly attends games of every team on campus, which very very few people can claim. I recall talking with him between intermissions of a hockey game earlier this season. He was in the process of running between the hockey game in Lynah, the basketball game next door, and the wrestling match over in Friedman. He told me how much he regretted having to split his time because he wanted to see all of all three games.

Finally, Andy Noel is very good about granting interviews to The Sun and talking with Sun reporters. I have personally had five or six serious interviews with him this semester. I think a lot of the reason why Andy agreed to do a "flippant" interview with Per was because of the good relationship we have with him.

Owen Bochner
Sports Editor
The Cornell Daily Sun
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: CowbellGuy (Moderator)
Date: April 30, 2004 01:26PM

Well, then, maybe he should spend less time at events and more time doing his job.


"[Hugh] Jessiman turned out to be a huge specimen of something alright." --Puck Daddy
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: KeithK (
Date: April 30, 2004 02:18PM

Yes, the Sun bashing on this thread is kind of pointless, but... (there always has to be a but :-) ). I don't read the Sun much and as a result had no idea that this was one of a series of less than serious interviews. Add that to a general disapproval of the AD and my initial reaction was to be annoyed. Overreaction? Sure.

If you don't think the last two weeks of school are a time to be fixating on Lynah Rink and the hockey team then you won't begin to understand some of us around here :-D . But seriously, plans for renovations to one of the major sports facilities on campus should be very much worthy of attention, even if it isn't hockey season. That is if there's a real story here - maybe any plans are in the very early discussion/wish list stage.

I'll join Age in ducking here. Going to lots of games and being enthusiastic doesn't make someone a good AD. His policies and adminstration of athletics are much more important.
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: Facetimer (
Date: April 30, 2004 03:01PM

[Q]Owen Bochner Wrote:

Obviously I am a bit biased, but I find all of this Sun and Andy Noel bashing completely out of line and pointless.

First, Per Ostman is one of the best writers on the Sun staff. In ANY section. His interview with Andy Noel was the tenth "10 questions" article he has written this semester. All of them have been with "lower profile" athletes, with the exception of his first interview, which was with Cody Toppert. None of these interviews have been particularly serious, and none of them have intended to be. They have all been funny and great reads.

Second, please keep in mind that Cornell has 35 varsity sports besides men's hockey. It is The Sun's responsibility to report on all of them. We already give a disproportionate amount of attention to men's hockey for obvious reasons. The last two weeks of school is not the time to be fixating on Lynah Rink renovations, particularly when one of Cornell's spring teams has already won an Ivy League championship and three more have the potential to do so in the next two weeks.

Third, you guys are greatly underestimating the work that Andy Noel does. I have never seen a more interested, involved, or enthusiastic administrator. He regularly attends games of every team on campus, which very very few people can claim. I recall talking with him between intermissions of a hockey game earlier this season. He was in the process of running between the hockey game in Lynah, the basketball game next door, and the wrestling match over in Friedman. He told me how much he regretted having to split his time because he wanted to see all of all three games.

Finally, Andy Noel is very good about granting interviews to The Sun and talking with Sun reporters. I have personally had five or six serious interviews with him this semester. I think a lot of the reason why Andy agreed to do a "flippant" interview with Per was because of the good relationship we have with him.

Owen Bochner
Sports Editor
The Cornell Daily Sun[/q]

Come on, Owen, give me a break -- your newspaper sucks, just face it. If Noel's such an interesting man and does so much work, why don't you interview him about that. Ostman's article was the worst attempt at journalism I have ever read. Defending him makes you look like a boob.

Further, when are you going to give women the opportunity to make quality contributions to the sports page? I have a friend who was given the worst assignments nobody wants and presumably nobody reads just because she was female. The sad thing is, she probably knows more about sports than the entire Sun staff.
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: Pete Godenschwager (
Date: April 30, 2004 03:35PM

[Q]He regularly attends games of every team on campus, which very very few people can claim[/Q]

Wow, that guy is dedicated, we should make him the AD!! Oh...wait...rolleyes
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: CUlater 89 (64.244.223.---)
Date: April 30, 2004 03:51PM

Part of Andy's job is to attend games/matches of all varsity sports, so I wouldn't exactly consider his attendance to be so extraordinary.

Anybody who followed the football coach hiring process, as I know you did, can't possibly believe he handled that well. That was his most important hire to date and he brought disgrace on the school and the program by letting himself get played by Trestman and Gilbride. Who knows how many recruits we lost because he allowed the process to drag out.
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: Pete Godenschwager (
Date: April 30, 2004 03:56PM

[Q]Part of Andy's job is to attend games/matches of all varsity sports, so I wouldn't exactly consider his attendance to be so extraordinary.[/Q]

if my comment wasn't dripping with sarcasm, it was supposed to be ;-)
Posted by: jtwcornell91 (
Date: April 30, 2004 05:54PM

Is it just my imagination, or did Facetimer just agree with Cowbell Guy? :-O

Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: cornelldavy (
Date: April 30, 2004 07:02PM

Okay, I'll take the bait.

[Q]Facetimer Wrote:

Ostman's article was the worst attempt at journalism I have ever read.[/q]

You don't read much, do you?

[Q]Further, when are you going to give women the opportunity to make quality contributions to the sports page? I have a friend who was given the worst assignments nobody wants and presumably nobody reads just because she was female. The sad thing is, she probably knows more about sports than the entire Sun staff.[/q]

Amanda Angel was the Sports Editor a year ago, and she ran, in my opinion, the best Sports section in the four years I was at Cornell. It's absurd to say that women don't have the opportunity to make quality contributions to the sports page when the main contributor is a woman.

Your friend was probably given the worst assignments because she was new to the staff. Nobody comes in and writes about hockey or football right away. When I began writing at The Sun, I was stuck on indoor track. Better assignments come with seniority.

I can't believe I'm even responding to the charge that your friend was given low-profile assignments because she was female. That's completely ridiculous.

Alex F. '03 * []
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: billhoward (
Date: April 30, 2004 10:04PM

[Q]Pete Godenschwager Wrote:

Part of Andy's job is to attend games/matches of all varsity sports, so I wouldn't exactly consider his attendance to be so extraordinary.[/Q]
if my comment wasn't dripping with sarcasm, it was supposed to be [/q]

You're safe. It came through five-by-five.
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: CUlater 89 (64.244.223.---)
Date: May 03, 2004 09:28AM

Indeed. I should have made it clearer that I was responding to Owen's post, not yours Pete.
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: ugarte (
Date: May 03, 2004 05:43PM

I can't believe that we are approaching 50 posts on a throwaway article - an amusing trifle that - with the addition of this thread - has revealed two things:

1) Andy Noel has goofy/charming/awkward-dork side (as opposed to the distillation of pure evil that this forum assumes he is) and

2) the athletes and the Sun - two constituencies that have far more regular contact with Noel than the posters - like and respect the guy.

I don't pretend to know how to run an athletic department. I don't pretend to know how negotiations with two high-profile candidates like Trestman and Gilbride could have gone "better" (I prefer the final hire anyway). I just wish that you all would stop busting the balls of the AD because he won't return your phone calls or accede to your demands because he has different priorities.

That said, the ticket line is still a fucking fiasco. Do you think we could do something about that, Andy?

Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: CUlater 89 (64.244.223.---)
Date: May 03, 2004 05:51PM

In an effort to get to 50 posts:

Members of the CFA are far closer to the football hiring process than any of us, or the athletes. And several have told me how the NFL guys played us, just as the CFA members advised Andy would happen, but he chose to ignore (or take) the risk.
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: Per Ostman (
Date: May 03, 2004 08:18PM

Wow. It's been a week and you guys are still talking about my interview. I guess if can touch just one life, it's all been worth it.

Many of your reactions surprised me. I resent my writing being referred to as "sexist," and further resent the accusation that Sun Sports is biased against female writers. I know the female writer currently on staff and she's great. I wish we had more. She is stuck slogging through the rowing beat because this is her first semester writing for us, not because of her gender. I started out covering the squash team. Any notion that we at the Sun are discriminatory in any way is completely asinine.

I think there was some confusion with the line in the interview about the logo. Noel likes the new logo, and I agreed that so do the athletes. Have you seen our red jackets? The new logo on a sea of red is pretty damn sharp. We like it, and I think that's the point. Cornell is recruiting 18 year olds, not alums who spend their free time on a college hockey website.

The genesis of the rest of your ire seems to lie in the fact that I "scored" an interview with the AD and didn't grill him about the hockey team and Lynah rink for an hour and a half. I'm sorry, but it's not hockey season. I asked him what we could expect from the department in the next year, and he touched on a number of renovations. When he mentioned Lynah, I followed up by making sure the renovations wouldn't ruin the rink's charm. That's satisfactory for an article that has nothing to do with the hockey team, don't you think? If there was an actual story lurking in Noel's comment, you'd know about it.

Many of you were awfully quick to judge the merit of my interview. It's the last in a series of interviews I've done with varsity athletes; it felt natural to end with the AD. These interviews, if you read them, are obviously not serious pieces. They're entertaining, readable, and funny. And, they're the most popular articles in the paper. When you read a sports article, you read the manufactured cookie-cutter quotes from the student athletes - "I'm just glad I was able to contribute to the team, etc." You get no sense of what the athlete is really like. The main audience of the Cornell Daily Sun is comprised of the athlete's fellow students. We want to know more about the people we cheer for; interviews like mine make our athletic idols more human. I've had so many requests from athletes wanting to be interviewed that I'm sure the pieces will continue with a new author after I leave.

And yes, I stole the idea from Page 2. I'll defer to Mark Twain: "Good writers borrow. Great writers steal." You guys are right. Good reporting hasn't changed.
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: billhoward (
Date: May 03, 2004 09:01PM

[Q]Per Ostman Wrote:

Cornell is recruiting 18 year olds, not alums who spend their free time on a college hockey website.[/q]

Cheap shot.

Unfortunately, accurate, too. <g>

My lame excuse is I'm running dual displays. There's enough room for Outlook, AIM, MusicMatch, and eLynah all on the second screen, so why not keep the site up and running? Besides, the lax sites don't have the sense of community.
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: RichH (
Date: May 03, 2004 11:58PM

[Q]ugarte Wrote:

2) the athletes ... like and respect the guy. [/q]
[Q]Per Ostman Wrote:

Noel likes the new logo, and I agreed that so do the athletes. Have you seen our red jackets? The new logo on a sea of red is pretty damn sharp. We like it, and I think that's the point. [/q]
Really?? Each and every one of them? Pretty amazing that BRA and Per have somehow been chosen to be the voice of all of the athletes. I'd like to think that each student-athlete is able to form and have his/her own opinion, and I'm pretty sure that both of your opinions aren't universal in the ranks of the Cornell athletes.

That said, I have a feeling that your average CU athlete doesn't really care about what logo is on their team-issued clothing, as long as it properly represents their university. At least they don't care as much as us no-life forum-dwellers.

And I'm sure many of them don't really hate the AD as much as someone who may have been physically threatened by or in a near hit-and-run with that jerk. After all, he is the only AD that the current undergrads have ever known.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/04/2004 12:00AM by RichH.
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: Shorts (
Date: May 04, 2004 01:17AM

Responding to Mr. Ostman:
[jokingly][Q]She is stuck slogging through the rowing beat because this is her first semester writing for us[/Q]Yuck, rowing. That's, like, the worst sport ever. Why would a reporter ever want to be involved in any way with rowing. That's not sexism, that's just inhuman cruelty to a fellow human being.[/jokingly][Q]If there was an actual story lurking in Noel's comment, you'd know about it.[/Q]We'd only know about it if you told us. And the only way you'd know about it (without getting scooped by the Chronicle) would be if you uncovered it in an interview. So, basically you're telling us that, because you didn't research the story, that proves it doesn't exist.[Q]And, they're [presumably Per's lighthearted interviews] the most popular articles in the paper.[/Q]Uh...I'm not even sure how to respond to this. I'll start by saying that I'm highly skeptical it's true. Maybe if you could cite some sort of statistic. Perhaps "85% of interviewed Athletic Directors consider fluffy interviews to be the best part of the Daily Sun". [sidetrack]Maybe if y'all hadn't switched over to the McNewspaperWebpage format, you could at least put up an unscientific poll. Ugh, is there any user benefit at all to that thing?[/sidetrack][Q]The main audience of the Cornell Daily Sun is comprised of the athlete's fellow students. We want to know more about the people we cheer for; interviews like mine make our athletic idols more human.[/Q]Reality check: besides the fact that we have classes with student-athletes, live in the same dorms, eat in the same dining halls, etc., I don't think there are many Cornell students who go so far as to idolize them. Bear in mind that a large segment of Cornell students (probably even most) participated in interscholastic sports in high school, frequently with some success. Cornell athletes are just those with the talent and dedication to continue their sport for four more years. Personally, I chose to pursue Band as an extracurricular. It's brought me many of the same opportunities as sports--I've gotten to travel to other schools on many occasions to play music; I've held leadership positions; I've gotten PE credit; I've even gotten to wear uniforms with damn sharp seas of red. But do I think of myself as an idol? Do I feel the need to publish 10 long interviews with other Bandies, in order to make them "more human"? Do I think that the Band deserves its own Daily Sun beat? No. Along those lines, do you think students really need to be told that their classmates who happen to still play varsity sports are human? Or do they just want to know if the team won the game they missed last weekend, and if next weekend's contest is going to be competitive enough to be interesting to watch?

Anyway...I think we should get the Sun's new ombudsman to visit this forum, if he doesn't already.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/04/2004 01:18AM by Shorts.
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: CUlater 89 (64.244.223.---)
Date: May 04, 2004 10:04AM

Per Ostman wrote:

[Q]If there was an actual story lurking in Noel's comment, you'd know about it. [/Q]

There is an "actual story" lurking there -- you apparently have chosen not to follow up on it. Members of this board have known, and discussed, for some time that plans for renovation/expansion/something else of Lynah had been in the works, with various proposals before the coach and the AD and the rest of the administration. Andy's comment makes it sound like things are finalized, or much closer to finalization than before -- hence the interest that hockey fans (alums and students) took in that comment.

Yes, that "Page 2" interview may not be the place to follow up (on the other hand, perhaps the writer or editor might have recognized the lurking story and chosen to omit that part of the interview until it could be fleshed out). But a separate story in the last weeks of school seems merited.
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: ugarte (
Date: May 04, 2004 12:48PM

[Q]RichH Wrote:

ugarte Wrote:

2) the athletes ... like and respect the guy. [/Q]
Per Ostman Wrote:

Noel likes the new logo, and I agreed that so do the athletes. Have you seen our red jackets? The new logo on a sea of red is pretty damn sharp. We like it, and I think that's the point. [/Q]
Really?? Each and every one of them? Pretty amazing that BRA and Per have somehow been chosen to be the voice of all of the athletes. I'd like to think that each student-athlete is able to form and have his/her own opinion, and I'm pretty sure that both of your opinions aren't universal in the ranks of the Cornell athletes.

That said, I have a feeling that your average CU athlete doesn't really care about what logo is on their team-issued clothing, as long as it properly represents their university. At least they don't care as much as us no-life forum-dwellers.

And I'm sure many of them don't really hate the AD as much as someone who may have been physically threatened by or in a near hit-and-run with that jerk. After all, he is the only AD that the current undergrads have ever known.[/q]Yes, Rich, of course I meant each and every one.

This isn't even a job for Captain Pedantry. Do me a favor and at least find some evidence that among the current athletes, much less the student body as a whole, there is a general preference for the old logo (which I prefer) before resting on the not-so-stunning point that my statement was not literally accurate.

Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: RichH (
Date: May 04, 2004 01:51PM

[Q]ugarte Wrote:

Yes, Rich, of course I meant each and every one.

This isn't even a job for Captain Pedantry. Do me a favor and at least find some evidence that among the current athletes, much less the student body as a whole, there is a general preference for the old logo (which I prefer) before resting on the not-so-stunning point that my statement was not literally accurate.[/q]
Only if you do me a favor and provide proof that there is a general preference for the new logo.

The point of my criticism of the literal wordings was to demonstrate the problem with the generalizations. You made a broad assumption about a large number of people based on one person's good-natured (and somewhat bootlicking) interview. My point wasn't to make fun of your language. It was to suggest that there's no proof that the assumptions made about the athletes in general are necessarily true one way or the other.

Cornell athletes, like the University population as a whole, are a diverse group of people. I happen to know people currently associated and recently associated with the Athletics Department. Some are OK with the new logo, while some hate the new logo, and there are also differing opinions regarding the Athletic Director.

Sorry, but making generalizations based on limited evidence is a pet peeve of mine. To say that Colgate students are idiotic boozing punks just based on what we see at Starr Arena each year is wrong and a bad generalization to make.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/04/2004 01:53PM by RichH.
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: Jerseygirl (208.16.229.---)
Date: May 04, 2004 03:26PM

Hey Per, it could be worse. You could have been treated like the chick who wrote the article that prompted this discussion: []

Nothing better than people taking the time to look up your home address online, ponder paying you a visit, assuming that because you're willing to tackle a taboo subject with an open mind there must be something wrong with you, etc. etc. etc.

What if after all that crap, they found out that the writer of the article was attractive, popular, and -GASP- had the career in journalism they said she had killed her chance at by writing this article?

All I'm saying is, it can be so much worse. At least the people on here are making the effort to be intellectual. It took every fiber of my being to not respond to the idiot posters on Fark -- you know, stooping to their level and all that.

And the only reason your column is the most popular is because Come Again stopped running :-P . And I have no idea why I wrote most of this post in the third person.

Anyway, carry on dissecting whether or not the majority of athletes like or dislike the new logo.
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: jeh25 (
Date: May 04, 2004 04:04PM

[Q]ugarte Wrote:

This isn't even a job for Captain Pedantry....[/q]

You rang?

Capt Pedantry is a registered mark of We're-gonna-need-a-bigger-boat Enterprises LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of SalsaShark Inc. yark

Cornell '98 '00; Yale 01-03; UConn 03-07; Brown 07-09; Penn State faculty 09-
Work is no longer an excuse to live near an ECACHL team... :(
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: jeh25 (
Date: May 04, 2004 04:17PM

[Q]Jerseygirl Wrote:

Hey Per, it could be worse. You could have been treated like the chick who wrote the article that prompted this discussion: []

Ironically, the very last post on the page you linked to is Cornell hockey related...well sort of.

Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: Pete Godenschwager (
Date: May 04, 2004 05:27PM

Never realized that was one of Fark's Top 25 links :-)
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: Jerseygirl (
Date: May 04, 2004 10:07PM

I didn't either until I had just about every morning radio talk show in the country e-mailing me to try to get me on as a guest...THAT was an interesting spring break.
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: Shorts (
Date: May 05, 2004 12:28AM

Wandering farther off topic...a Sun article was linked to today by Fark (the one about the guy outside Helen Newman).
At present, user comments on Fark: 63. User comments on the Sun's spiffy new McWebsite: 0.

Incidentally, Fark's link to the aforementioned Top 25 story in the Daily Sun is now officially a broken link.
Re: Sun interview with Noel
Posted by: billhoward (
Date: May 05, 2004 01:17PM

The Fark thread certainly gave the lads a chance to work up a dozen or so synonyms for lower intestine. But they've got catching-up work to do: Playboy in the 1980s managed some 300 synonyms for boobs. Actually, that's one right there. The magazine noted there were fewer slang synonyms for any male body part (penis comes close) and concluded, I believe, this was one time-wasting activity where men did a better job, and did it more often, wasting free time than women.
Re: Sun interview with Noel [author interviews self]
Posted by: billhoward (
Date: May 05, 2004 05:35PM

The writer (Per Ostman) has now reviewed himself.

Not a word on the hotness of the new mascot logo.

He admits to finding the women's track team hottest, "top to bottom" and prefaces it with this observation:

>>> Each women's team has its own appeal. If you're a guy who has a thing for tight legs and butts, you'll go with the women's soccer team. If you like toned arms and shoulders, then check out the lacrosse and field hockey teams. If you're a shorter man, I'd suggest the gymnasts, or maybe a coxswain. Those into getting their asses kicked might want to hang out with the ice hockey team or try to ruck a rugby girl. The swimmers look great in bathing suits, the tennis players dazzle in skirts. It's all about what you like.

Re: Sun interview with Noel [how to find sex column] [further OT]
Posted by: billhoward (
Date: May 05, 2004 05:37PM

[Q]Shorts Wrote:

Wandering farther off topic...a Sun article was linked to today by Fark (the one about the guy outside Helen Newman).
At present, user comments on Fark: 63. User comments on the Sun's spiffy new McWebsite: 0.

Incidentally, Fark's link to the aforementioned Top 25 story in the Daily Sun is now officially a broken link.[/q]

And further off topic.

"Officially" broken link?

Go to and search the spring 2003 archives (no longer password protected), March or February. If one just does a lazy google search on "cornell daily sun" and "anal sex," alas, you'll get a separate column from this year by Matthew Streib called something like "Give a Gift of Anal Sex."

These by the way are not sporting columns but opinion. So space given to personal affairs is not taking away from the Sun's ability to write (or not) about Lynah renovations.
Re: Sun interview with Noel [author interviews self]
Posted by: jeh25 (
Date: May 05, 2004 08:55PM

[Q]billhoward Wrote:

>>> Each women's team has its own appeal. If you're a guy who has a thing for tight legs and butts, you'll go with the women's soccer team. If you like toned arms and shoulders, then check out the lacrosse and field hockey teams. If you're a shorter man, I'd suggest the gymnasts, or maybe a coxswain. Those into getting their asses kicked might want to hang out with the ice hockey team or try to ruck a rugby girl. The swimmers look great in bathing suits, the tennis players dazzle in skirts. It's all about what you like.

Dude. Going to women's crew parties was always the best part of coming to visit my sister at Cornell when I was in high school...


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