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No Shots On Goal Display At Lynah

Posted by andyw2100 
No Shots On Goal Display At Lynah
Posted by: andyw2100 (
Date: November 12, 2021 11:44PM

There are now three relatively new electronic scoreboards at Lynah and none are at any time showing shots on goal. All the space being devoted to ads is just great, but who do you think we have to convince to take 5% of the space on even just one of the smaller boards and give us the shots on goal stat back? I don't even need the stats updated in real time: at the end of each period, as it has always been, would be just fine. It just seems ridiculous to be sitting in Lynah and to have to be checking the CHN app between periods to get shots on goal, which is what I found myself doing tonight.

Please tell me I'm not alone.
Re: No Shots On Goal Display At Lynah
Posted by: marty (
Date: November 13, 2021 06:25AM

There are now three relatively new electronic scoreboards at Lynah and none are at any time showing shots on goal. All the space being devoted to ads is just great, but who do you think we have to convince to take 5% of the space on even just one of the smaller boards and give us the shots on goal stat back? I don't even need the stats updated in real time: at the end of each period, as it has always been, would be just fine. It just seems ridiculous to be sitting in Lynah and to have to be checking the CHN app between periods to get shots on goal, which is what I found myself doing tonight.

Please tell me I'm not alone.

I did see it on the big board but I think it might have been only at the end of the game. Years ago when RIP initiated their new board they lacked a lot of stats and I emailed everyone I could think of. Within a game or two they began an overlay for SOG and modified a few other things. Their video however is student run and that might be why there was a response. (Nerd engineer listens to fellow nerd engineer.)

What bothered me more than the lack of SOG info was that I had to look to the small banner style board on the southern side of the east wall to see the penalty clock. There must be another spot for this or the goalie defending that side would have been looking over his shoulder to know when to slam the ice to signify the penalty expiration. Where is the west side indication?

Since Lynah traditionally refrains from a posting of SOG except between periods I didn't find it annoying to check the CHN app for that.

My scoreboard peave is the relative lack of replays shown just after a score. And this carries over into the very short clips shown on YouTube when the highlights are posted. I'm out of town or I would be posting those goals this morning myself.

This isn't the way to show highlights.
Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 11/13/2021 06:35AM by marty.
Re: No Shots On Goal Display At Lynah
Posted by: andyw2100 (
Date: November 13, 2021 06:54AM

Yeah, I'm also not thrilled with the penalty time display. I think it was on the main board at least some of the time, as smaller type near the score. But it wasn't consistent.

Much smaller peeve...just after the game ended all three scoreboards were doing some "we won" graphic display thing. None were actually displaying the winning score. Call me a traditionalist, but I like a scoreboard to at a minimum display the, you know, score at all times. (I was going to snap a quick photo of the final score to text to my daughter, but could not.)
Re: No Shots On Goal Display At Lynah
Posted by: marty (
Date: November 13, 2021 08:25AM

I'll also call out the request for noise from the scoreboard followed by noise over the address system that drowned out the cowbell cadence. We don't need any stinkin' scoreboard to ask for noise. We're not robo-crowd.

To paraphrase "Tommy":

"Arthur can you hear me?
Re: No Shots On Goal Display At Lynah
Posted by: upprdeck (38.77.26.---)
Date: November 13, 2021 09:37AM

They had those stats in the past, but this year no dice.. Im fine with ads but they dont need to be up 100% of the time. Do they think someone needs to see it for 2hrs to be of value?

No different than the Dome putting up new boards and doing the same thing.. trying to locate downs and stats is a nightmare up there.

And the same with out of town scores. just scroll them on occasion, when they do get announced often the band is playing so you cant hear it anyway
Re: No Shots On Goal Display At Lynah
Posted by: marty (
Date: November 13, 2021 09:41AM

I also remember a smaller LED display visible in the rafters on the west (both) side(s?) for the goalie(s) to watch. Maybe that's how east goalie now stays informed of penalty time.
Re: No Shots On Goal Display At Lynah
Posted by: andyw2100 (
Date: November 13, 2021 10:53AM

I'll also call out the request for noise from the scoreboard followed by noise over the address system that drowned out the cowbell cadence. We don't need any stinkin' scoreboard to ask for noise. We're not robo-crowd.

To paraphrase "Tommy":

"Arthur can you hear me?

Agree 100%!

That was a pre-recorded bit, though, and definitely not Arthur's voice. The irony of the ridiculous, artificial call for noise drowning out the traditional cowbell was painful.
Re: No Shots On Goal Display At Lynah
Posted by: facemadeforradio (
Date: November 13, 2021 12:18PM

While I fully understand and respect the spectator/fan viewpoint, being somewhat privy to the production side of the scoreboard/ESPN+ video, the reality of it, best I can tell, is that the videoboard feed is the ESPN+ broadcast...same tech team sending their work in-house and streaming on-line. I could be wrong as I'm not watching the videoboard during play, but periodic glances to my monitor and the videoboard in my peripheral seem to mirror each other for live action. Thus, there isn't a separate video replay component dedicated to the in-house videoboard. The only separation occurs with end-of-period stats (which may or not be hit or miss as far as appearing after each period, but I do remember noticing them in both intermissions last night) and other pre-produced slides, "noise" graphics or videos (such as the hype video before the team takes the ice) that appear on the videoboard and are controlled and selected by the operator to the right of me in the press box.

With regard to penalty times being posted on the board, I've been on the call for all but two games since the videoboards were installed and I honestly cannot think of one instance where the penalty time has not been posted for all to see. That's my first "go-to" to confirm I had the correct person going to the penalty box, especially for the visitors on the far side of the ice from me. Could the font be bigger? Certainly, but it serves its purpose as is.

As for SOG, I'm uncertain of the ability to post a running total on the videoboard, but it wouldn't seem to be a stretch to have a continual display at the very least of the end-of-period shot totals announced in-house and shown briefly on the intermission stat slide. The on-line live stats shots tracking is updated in real time, but the ability as to why that cannot be a live time videoboard feature is unknown to me. Maybe system limitations or lack of manpower.

And, that does bring me to my final point. There may be a misconception that the Cornell video production team (ESPN+ and the in-house in the same) is a highly staffed outfit with paid employees. The truth is that there are two director/producers who are university employees plus myself calling the game (as it relates to hockey) and I'm paid on a per game basis. The balance (camera people, replay deck operators, announcers for "minor" sports, etc.) are students looking for experience. Not making excuses...just giving some insight to the process. As for the two director/producers, they're responsible for getting every event up and running on ESPN+ that originates from the Cornell campus and on some days/nights, I don't know how their heads don't explode. Between the tech side of it and finding available bodies to fill the slots, it's the job they both signed up for, but at times it thankless nevertheless.

Forgive my long windedness (hey, it's what I do...) as the OP was about the videoboard, but it ties into the ESPN+ streaming side of it as well. While some insight may give some perspective, I understand it's not likely to curb the dissatisfaction of some.
Re: No Shots On Goal Display At Lynah
Posted by: andyw2100 (
Date: November 13, 2021 12:36PM

Forgive my long windedness (hey, it's what I do...) as the OP was about the videoboard, but it ties into the ESPN+ streaming side of it as well. While some insight may give some perspective, I understand it's not likely to curb the dissatisfaction of some.

I appreciate the feedback and the insight.

I have no issue with the replays being shown on the board just being the ESPN+ video.

I just think there should be parts of the scoreboard that are "dedicated" to being a traditional scoreboard that show the very basics...the score, the period, the time remaining, the penalties, and the shots on goal, which can be updated as they traditionally have been at Lynah, only at the end of periods. Once set up, none of this would take extra manpower (other than updating the SOG figures three times per game.)

Since you may have the person responsible's ear on the "Let's make some noise" thing, if it must be done, it would be great if it wasn't played when the cowbell is starting. Traditionally (or at least in the last ten to fifteen years) that has been at the first stoppage after the half-way point in both the second and third periods. Even better would be if that person could coordinate with the pep band leader so the band doesn't start playing, only to be drowned out by "Let's make some noise" on the scoreboard.

My personal preference would be for the "Let's make some noise" program to never again be run on the Lynah scoreboard, but failing that, any of the above would be better.

Thanks for any help you can provide!
Re: No Shots On Goal Display At Lynah
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: November 13, 2021 02:54PM

This is all you need:

And the SOG are superfluous.

Everything else detracts from the experience, in the same way that there should never be piped in music, cheers, or ads.

The crowd has the responsibility for generating its own energy, full stop. The worst thing about sports venues now is they destroy all spontaneity with orchestrated garbage. I completely understand this has nothing to do with sports and everything to do with living in the final moments of a Harrison Bergeron consumer culture tottering at the rim of the Hellmouth, but still, how hard would it to be to remove the scoreboard one night and rebase it to say the bottom of Fall Creek Gorge?

Asking for a friend.
Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 11/13/2021 02:56PM by Trotsky.

Re: No Shots On Goal Display At Lynah
Posted by: upprdeck (38.77.26.---)
Date: November 13, 2021 03:04PM

it really comes down to the AD not caring at all about the crowd experience.
Re: No Shots On Goal Display At Lynah
Posted by: Scersk '97 (38.81.106.---)
Date: November 13, 2021 03:53PM

My personal preference would be for the "Let's make some noise" program to never again be run on the Lynah scoreboard, but failing that, any of the above would be better.

This. The “make some noise” scrub nonsense cheapens the Lynah experience. Constant noise, after all, is unnecessary and stifles creativity.

The new scoreboards cheapened the experience at Schoellkopf; the new video boards must never be allowed to cheapen the experience at Lynah, one of the last bastions of old-time hockey.
Re: No Shots On Goal Display At Lynah
Posted by: marty (
Date: November 13, 2021 04:25PM

Forgive my long windedness...

Thank you for your long windedness.

The most important thing for me last night was that I was in Lynah with my wife - the rest is just the dressing.
Re: No Shots On Goal Display At Lynah
Posted by: Dafatone (
Date: November 13, 2021 05:39PM

Scersk '97
My personal preference would be for the "Let's make some noise" program to never again be run on the Lynah scoreboard, but failing that, any of the above would be better.

This. The “make some noise” scrub nonsense cheapens the Lynah experience. Constant noise, after all, is unnecessary and stifles creativity.

The new scoreboards cheapened the experience at Schoellkopf; the new video boards must never be allowed to cheapen the experience at Lynah, one of the last bastions of old-time hockey.

There was an experience at Schoellkopf?
Re: No Shots On Goal Display At Lynah
Posted by: Scersk '97 (38.81.106.---)
Date: November 13, 2021 07:40PM

There was an experience at Schoellkopf?

Once upon a time, it was pretty pleasant, actually. The band was IMNSHO entertaining, there were cheerleaders, the team sometimes won. Heck, there were even stands on the west side of the field!
Re: No Shots On Goal Display At Lynah
Posted by: George64 (
Date: November 13, 2021 08:15PM

Men’s hockey team outscores football team!
Re: No Shots On Goal Display At Lynah
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: November 13, 2021 08:19PM

Men’s hockey team outscores football team!
Let's outscore Dartmouth's football team!
Re: No Shots On Goal Display At Lynah
Posted by: marty (
Date: November 13, 2021 08:36PM

What bothered me more than the lack of SOG info was that I had to look to the small banner style board on the southern side of the east wall to see the penalty clock. There must be another spot for this...

Apparently attending games at Lynah can improve one's eyesight. The west side penalty indication was clear to me tonight.
Re: No Shots On Goal Display At Lynah
Posted by: jtwcornell91 (Moderator)
Date: November 13, 2021 11:17PM

Scersk '97
There was an experience at Schoellkopf?

Once upon a time, it was pretty pleasant, actually. The band was IMNSHO entertaining, there were cheerleaders, the team sometimes won. Heck, there were even stands on the west side of the field!

Moving the students to Crescent was an admission of the beginning of the end, in retrospect. In my day, the students in the West Stands held up our side of the field, and both bands and the townies in the Crescent balanced it out.

Re: No Shots On Goal Display At Lynah
Posted by: Cop at Lynah (
Date: November 14, 2021 06:13AM

Moving the students to the Crescent was necessitated because the west stands were condemned by the local authorities not because of an athletics dept decision.
Re: No Shots On Goal Display At Lynah
Posted by: TimV (
Date: November 14, 2021 11:10AM


There was an experience at Schoellkopf?

Still is. Weather aside, lacrosse games.bolt

"Yo Paulie - I don't see no crowd gathering 'round you neither."

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