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OT: Slope Day

Posted by Justin Nachod '04 
OT: Slope Day
Posted by: Justin Nachod '04 (
Date: April 23, 2003 03:44PM

Just thought I'd post this link for students who are curious about what's going to happen during Slope Day this year. Some of this info is new (charging guests $5, cornell id required) and some isn't (no byob).

Re: OT: Slope Day
Posted by: Melissa'01 (
Date: April 23, 2003 04:22PM

ok. I'll bite, I guess. What the hell happened to slope day? When the heck did it become a university organized event? no byob? drinks sold on premises? must be 21 to drink? wow. as it is cornell, i guess i can't really say that i'm shocked ... but i am disappointed. it sucks for current and future students that the day has come to this. i say change the location (or the date - no gates, no rules, no party poopers) and celebrate in the fashion with which the day was meant to be celebrated.
Re: OT: Slope Day
Posted by: Section A (
Date: April 23, 2003 04:32PM

Last year, Slope Day was a lot of fun, despite it being a little chilly (that changed after a few drinks though ;-) ).

This year, on the other hand, is really not going to be fun, especially for those of us under 21. The whole idea of Slope Day (at least how I saw it and how older kids would talk about it) was to do something that was purposely NOT University planned or related (i.e. classes), and now that the University is scheduling it like this, it just defeats the purpose.

I'll stop before I sound like a whining alcoholic :-P
Re: OT: Slope Day
Posted by: Greg Berge (
Date: April 23, 2003 04:41PM

I take it the university does not officially sanction couples making it in tents while NRBQ plays?

The best thing about SpringFest / Phi Psi was that the real estate swindle, er, sorry, Day Hall used to give it the only possible response that it could without killing it: benign neglect. I hate oldsters who harp on differences that they can't be informed by. But I'm sure it completely sucks now.

Post Edited (04-23-03 16:44)
Re: OT: Slope Day
Posted by: jtwcornell91 (
Date: April 23, 2003 05:01PM

SpringFest/Slope Day will probably go through chaotic oscillations between "benign neglect", University crackdowns, student rebellion, and failed cooperation until the end of time. The best approach Cornell took when I was a student was to put a couple of bands on the slope to give the students something to do besides drink, but otherwise leave them alone. Of course, then it rained and the bands moved indoors where the University couldn't really ignore people bringing their own booze, so everyone just drank outside in the rain.

And I am as usual annoyed that the "history" section ignores the fact that it didn't start being called "Slope Day" until sometime after 1991.

Re: OT: Slope Day
Posted by: CU at Stanford (
Date: April 23, 2003 08:40PM

Agree...In my and Greg's days (uh, just slightly before JTW's), it was known as SpringFest, indeed. I even lived through "Take Back the Slope" (in '85?), when the University tried to hold an officially sanctioned SpringFest on North Campus. Utter failure, in the eyes of most students.

While I understand the reasons behind Day Hall's decision to do things this way this year, I just have these words to you youngsters:


Of course, do drink responsibly... nut
Re: OT: Slope Day
Posted by: judy (---.washdc3.elnk.dsl.genuity.)
Date: April 23, 2003 09:19PM

Looks like the university found another way to suck money from the students...
Re: OT: Slope Day
Posted by: CUlater (
Date: April 24, 2003 09:39AM

The concert etc. on North Campus was in '86 (my freshman year), with the Del Fuegos playing to a sparse audience.
Re: OT: Slope Day
Posted by: pat (
Date: April 24, 2003 10:46AM

I doubt the university's planning to rake it in from dollar beers and hot dogs. The $5 is for guests of students, not students. (Overheard in Day Hall: "Ha ha! now we can get Cornel West!";)

Post Edited (04-24-03 10:47)
Re: OT: Slope Day
Posted by: Jon Getty '96 (
Date: April 24, 2003 09:18PM

Wow, that's seriously disturbing... :`(

If I didn't already have two guests that week in Santa Barbara, I'd have to come organize resistance. I'll have to be seriously disappointed with the current student body if they don't defeat security.

For starters, the fence needs extensive elective surgery the night before Slope Day. Also, The Uris Library overlook is poorly defended; tie ropes to the railing and slide down, or just drop your cargo to buddies. Next, fill a bunch of plastic pint bottles with screwdriver and smuggle/toss/launch them onto the slope, hand them out courtesy of a ficticious fraternity, or the Lynah Faithful.

Naturally, entry points at the top of the hill (faster egress downhill) should be overrun by organized groups of several dozen. The personnel manning these points should be distracted by a whiny student who forgot his driver's licence, or needs to bring food compatible with his Atkins Diet onto the slope. Failing that, soften 'em up with water balloons.

Find out in advance what color the wrist bracelets will be, acquire and distribute these in large quantities. Alternatively, fake bracelets can be made on the spot with electrical tape (bring assorted colors, but probably red), a pen and paper. Since they're relying on volunteers for most of the labor, take advantage of this by recruiting many volunteer double-agents who might overlook booze, food, guests, bracelet security, etc.

I'll shut up now, since I have a dissertation to finish... but for Pete's sake*, be creative.

*Pete was the guy who brought a pig's head onto the slope in 1995. Or maybe that wasn't his name. Whatever....
Re: OT: Slope Day
Posted by: jtwcornell91 (
Date: April 24, 2003 10:16PM

Wow, you must be a lot of fun on Halloween in Isla Vista. nut

Re: OT: Slope Day
Posted by: DeltaOne81 (
Date: April 24, 2003 10:25PM

I have a better, simpler idea... how about getting 5,000 people to participate in Arts Quad Day :-D ("Yeah, um, dumbasses, there's plenty of outdoor areas in Ithaca where we can sit and drink";).

Re: OT: Slope Day
Posted by: Jeff Hopkins '82 (
Date: April 25, 2003 08:24AM

But make sure wherever you sit and drink is visible to those who can't drink. They will feel the power of the Dark Side.

Re: OT: Slope Day
Posted by: Jon Getty '96 (
Date: April 25, 2003 04:31PM

Nah, we use the Goleta option for Halloween. Our parties aren't conservative or mindless enough for DP. :-D
Re: OT: Slope Day
Posted by: Black Sugar (166.109.0.---)
Date: April 28, 2003 08:23AM

Yeah, on the slope day website it says that they are making no profit on food and drinks. I'd say they'd sure make a profit with the whole guest thing. Where did they come up with that bs? I was upset I graduated last year to a slope day that was cold and drizzly, but after learning of all these changes, I am glad I got out when I did. No offense to any current students. You can always bury beer the night before.
Re: OT: Slope Day
Posted by: pat (
Date: April 28, 2003 11:10AM

Instead of the slope, me and my crew are gonna go party at THE PIER! It's gonna be whack!
Re: OT: Slope Day
Posted by: Tub(a) (
Date: April 28, 2003 11:12AM

[q]Instead of the slope, me and my crew are gonna go party at THE PIER! It's gonna be whack![/q]

My dawgs will be there, fun style! Yeah HOTELIE!! rock

Re: OT: Slope Day
Posted by: Scersk (
Date: April 28, 2003 12:52PM

Hmmm... it still sounds pretty fun to me and reasonably simple to get a drink without having to storm the slope (not that you shouldn't):

1) Get yourself a flask. Treat it like a fish. If I can sneak whole bottles of liquor into a post-9/11-scared Michigan Stadium, you can smuggle an actual flask past a few cops dealing with free reentry policies. Wear a coat. Put it down your bra. Be creative. Be confident.

2) Preparation: Start your day with a nice Chianti, substitute your carbs at breakfast (goodbye pancakes and eggs, hello kegs and eggs!), and do some shots before you go. They can't search your bloodstream. (Helps with that confidence, too!)

3) Bringing bracelets is a great idea. It doesn't have to be perfect, just "don't come and examine this thing, occifer" perfect.

4) Even without a bracelet, you can still have an of-age person buy you beer. Of-age person goes up for beer, brings it back to a fake-bracelet (or long-sleeved) person in center of slope: rinse, repeat. Do you really think that the police are going to be going around arresting underage folks for possession in the middle of the slope? Talk about a recipe for a riot. The drafts are only $1 (even though it'll likely be crappy Coors--welcome to reunion tent drinking, oy!), which I think is pretty damn cheap.

5) Continue the buzz. Remember that it's called Slope *Day* for a reason. I suggest Bloody Marys, since they work well for longevity.

Have fun, and get smashed!
Re: OT: Slope Day
Posted by: Greg Berge (
Date: April 28, 2003 03:26PM

> Do you really think that the police are going to be going around arresting underage folks for possession in the middle of the slope?

Presumably what will happen, over a period of about 5 years, is:

(1) There will be An Incident, either of obnoxious security hassling students or much more likely obnoxious students hassling security.

(2) The school will simply stop staging the event, citing public nuisance/underage drinking yadda yadda.

(3) Kids will stage impromptu and unofficial get togethers that happen to coincide with the old SpringFest time and spirit.

(4) After the numbers break 250, someone will apply for an official permit and someone else will try to get student agency funds to hire a band.

(5) After five years or so, the students will have Springfest back the way they want it, and the university will have covered its ass the way they want to, and everybody will be happy except the poor shmucks who bring wine the ONE time it's sunny and hot all day long, not that I'm speaking from personal experience.
Re: OT: Slope Day
Posted by: Justin Nachod '04 (
Date: April 29, 2003 12:12AM

It looks like it might wind up being sloppy day again this year.

Thursday night is gonna be warm and humid (low in the 50's), but Accuweather says thunder storms on Friday and only 65 degrees for the high.
Email from the Dean
Posted by: Chris Parkin '03 (
Date: April 30, 2003 11:59AM

For anyone who cares, this email was just sent to students.

Dear Student,

Slope Day draws near!

The Slope Day Steering Committee has planned a festive event that will
allow students to enjoy each other's company and celebrate the last day of
classes. It represents a return to the original model of Slope Day,
established by the University in 1979: a concert (Fat Joe and Rusted
Root), lots of good food and sale of alcohol to those of legal age. Go to for all the details (e.g, time line, menu, and

Thanks to all of you who expressed your views, and to the committees who
have sought to incorporate the many student recommendations during the
planning process. I am confident this evolving tradition will remain a
cherished one for Cornell students. I look forward to celebrating with
you on the Slope on May 2nd.

See you on the Slope,

Kent Hubbell
Dean of Students
Re: Email from the Dean
Posted by: KeithK (
Date: April 30, 2003 12:38PM

[Q]a return to the original model of Slope Day, established by the University in 1979: ... and sale of alcohol to those of legal age.[/Q]
Heh. Except that in the "original model" the vast majority of students were of legal age by the last day of classes.

Post Edited (04-30-03 12:40)
Re: Email from the Dean
Posted by: Jeff Hopkins '82 (
Date: May 01, 2003 08:20AM

Not to mention it was in response to the free-for-all of 1978, where it poured just before the concert, and people created a mud-slick on the slope and proceeded to slide through the mud, taking out whatever bodies just happend to be at the end of it.

OT: Slope Day Pics
Posted by: atb9 (
Date: May 02, 2003 10:13PM

I'm just waking up and thought I'd post some thoughts on slope day...

First off, I have to admit that I thought slope day would really suck this year. Each year that I've been at Cornell it has gotten more and more regulated and the weather got crappier and crappier each year.

I was wrong--I thought slope day went really well today. While the new restrictions seemed like they would suck and hamper our "freedom," I think they just changed the tone of slope day and did so very appropriately. There were no problems with our BYOB fraternity party and the concerts on the slope (some guitarist, Fat Joe, and Rusted Root) were good and helped sober some people up for three solid hours. It seemed like all of my friends had a great time even with the weather being crappy. The only downside that I noticed was that a lot of people got bombed much earlier than normal at private, unregulated college town parties.

Here are a few pics I took today...sorry that they're not nearly as good of quality as those taken by Age...

Here's a picture of the slope taken from Sigma Pi. There were many less people on the slope this year as compared with other years--atleast until Fat Joe and Rusted Root came on stage and then the slope filled up.

Here's one of the IDing stations. They really just checked to make sure if you were a Cornell student or a guest of Cornell student. None of the guests that I knew complained about the $5 charge to see Fat Joe and Rusted Root and most thought it was a steal. I didn't know a single person that bought beer or wine on the slope. The people checking the IDs were familar faces from Cornell dining facilities and were generally very friendly.

Fat Joe and his posse performing on the slope in front of West Campus.

Even with the poor weather, Sigma Pi still kept its tradition of having a slip 'n slide on the front lawn! nut

Re: OT: Slope Day
Posted by: Shorts (
Date: May 03, 2003 12:16PM

[Q]The only downside that I noticed was that a lot of people got bombed much earlier than normal at private, unregulated college town parties.[/Q]

I can attest to this. I had to attend a final project presentation in Cornell's IT office in Collegetown, that ended around 12:30 (around the time they started serving alcohol on the slope). As I was walking back towards campus, there were large numbers of people walking in the same direction who were clearly already quite intoxicated. After walking past the Slope and across the suspension bridge, I passed what appeared to be large, organized segments of a few fraternities (in identifying t-shirts) also walking in the direction of the slope, and already obviously drunk. Instead of about 1pm, it felt like I was walking around on campus at 1am on a weekend night.

The moral of the story: worry not, alumni. Such amount of drinking as was removed from the slope, was efficiently recouped via widespread pre-partying.

Re: OT: Slope Day
Posted by: atb9 (
Date: May 03, 2003 12:23PM

Well, at least the fraternity parties are some what regulated by having to register with Cornell and by frequent unannounced visits by the fire department and police department. Unregistered parties in collegetown are going to be the next hurdle for Cornell to overcome during slope day if they believe problems still exist after this year. I would have to think that the number of alcohol related injuries significantly dropped this year and I don't think it had much to do with the weather. After the fact, I don't think many students had a problem with this version of slope day.

Re: OT: Slope Day
Posted by: LilRed12 (
Date: May 05, 2003 09:54AM

Did anyone catch what Fat Joe did in the middle of one of his songs?

"When I say Harvard you say SUCKS
Harvard (SUCKS!)
Harvard (SUCKS!)"

It was very funny and much appreciated by the crowd laugh


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