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Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards

Posted by Greg Berge 
Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: Greg Berge (
Date: April 14, 2003 12:20PM

What a year!

For the past 13 seasons we have put together TBRW Awards for a variety of categories. The URL for the past winners is here: []

Instructions: please post the *one* nomination you would make for each of the 10 numbered, subjective awards below. You may include any argument, including a comparison with other potential nominees.

In a few days when I have collected a lot of feedback (hopefully), the TBRW staff will make its decision by consulting with David Souter, Missy Elliott, and the ghost of Josephine Baker.

There are three statistically-determined awards that are pre-determined:

Duane Moeser Award, Leading Point Scorer

This is an automatic award, which this year goes to Vesce.

Chris Norton Award, Leading Scorer, Defensemen

This is an automatic award, which this year goes to Mark McRae.

Brian Hayward Award, Leading Goaltender

This is a semi-automatic award, which this year goes to LeNeveu.

There are ten purely subjective awards that are open for your nominations.

1. Peter Natyshak Award, Career Improvement

This award is open to seniors or in the very rare case when no senior has demonstrated above average career improvement, juniors. The award measures how well the player has improved since starting at Cornell.

2. Randy MacFarlane Award, Transcendent Beauty and Skating Prowess

Title says it all. ;-) This is Anne's favorite award.

3. Dave Shippel Award, Scrappiness and Effort

This award, which is associated with the longest-running typo in TBRW? history ("scappiness";), generally goes to a player who plays bigger than his size or "better than his talent."

4. Terry Gage Award, Determination in a Supporting Role

This award generally goes to an athlete whose contributions do not show up in the box score. It oftens goes to an unexpected player who comes out of the pack to really contribute a particular skill as a role player.

5. Mike Schafer Award, Leadership and Passion

This award needs no explanation.

6. Pierre Belanger Award, Worst Referee

Nor does this one.

7. John Carter Award, Most Respected Opponent

This award generally goes to an opposing player who has both ferociously skewered Cornell and who we would take in a minute as one of our own. It is based on his performance against us only in games this year.

8. Kevan Melrose Award, Least Respected Opponent

This award goes to the guys who, when you scream "Sucks!" you really mean it. The bad and the ugly. The goon, the cheap shot artist, the whiner, the showboat. The asshole.

9. Doug Dadswell Award, Most Valuable Freshman

Define it however you want. Open only to freshman, not transfers in case you were thinking of Marr.

10. Joe Nieuwendyk Award, Most Valuable Player

Again, define it however you want, as long as you consider only this year's performance.

Post Edited (04-14-03 12:37)
Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: jd212 (
Date: April 14, 2003 12:24PM

Duane Moeser Award, Leading Point Scorer

This is an automatic award, which this year goes to Vesce.

Chris Norton Award, Leading Scorer, Defensemen

This is an automatic award, which this year goes to Mark McRae.

Brian Hayward Award, Leading Goaltender

This is a semi-automatic award, which this year goes to LeNeveu.

1. Peter Natyshak Award, Career Improvement

I think this has to be Sammy.

2. Randy MacFarlane Award, Transcendent Beauty and Skating Prowess

Matt McRae

3. Dave Shippel Award, Scrappiness and Effort


4. Terry Gage Award, Determination in a Supporting Role

Again, obvious to me, Greg Hornby

5. Mike Schafer Award, Leadership and Passion

Stephen Bâby

7. John Carter Award, Most Respected Opponent

Probably Dom Moore

9. Doug Dadswell Award, Most Valuable Freshman

Matt Moulson

10. Joe Nieuwendyk Award, Most Valuable Player
David LeNeveu - how can we argue with the team on this one?
Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: gtsully (12.45.229.---)
Date: April 14, 2003 12:44PM

Wasn't sure if we should post this here, but here goes:

1. Peter Natyshak Award, Career Improvement

Sam Paolini

2. Randy MacFarlane Award, Transcendent Beauty and Skating Prowess

Ryan Vesce

3. Dave Shippel Award, Scrappiness and Effort

Greg Hornby

4. Terry Gage Award, Determination in a Supporting Role


5. Mike Schafer Award, Leadership and Passion

Stephen Bâby

6. Pierre Belanger Award, Worst Referee

Scott Hansen

7. John Carter Award, Most Respected Opponent

Tyler Kolarik

8. Kevan Melrose Award, Least Respected Opponent

John Eminger (can it be someone from an exhibition game?)

9. Doug Dadswell Award, Most Valuable Freshman

Matt Moulson

10. Joe Nieuwendyk Award, Most Valuable Player

Dave LeNeveu

Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: Greg Berge (
Date: April 14, 2003 12:45PM

Yep, post here please.

> Can it be someone from an exhibition game?

The TBRW Awards Committee rules Yes. By the decree known as the "Big Red Bull," they are either infallible or inflatable, I can't remember which.

Post Edited (04-14-03 12:48)
Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: npho (
Date: April 14, 2003 01:01PM

1. Peter Natyshak Award, Career Improvement
Sam Paolini

2. Randy MacFarlane Award, Transcendent Beauty and Skating Prowess
Chris Abbott

3. Dave Shippel Award, Scrappiness and Effort
Ryan Vesce

4. Terry Gage Award, Determination in a Supporting Role
Greg Hornby!!

5. Mike Schafer Award, Leadership and Passion
Stephen Bâby

6. Pierre Belanger Award, Worst Referee

7. John Carter Award, Most Respected Opponent
Dominic Moore..

8. Kevan Melrose Award, Least Respected Opponent
Chris Hussey muahaha

9. Doug Dadswell Award, Most Valuable Freshman
Shane Hynes

10. Joe Nieuwendyk Award, Most Valuable Player
Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: jbeaber1998 (
Date: April 14, 2003 01:11PM


1. Peter Natyshak Award, Career Improvement

Paolini, no question

2. Randy MacFarlane Award, Transcendent Beauty and Skating Prowess

Can Paolini get it for the deke in Albany?

3. Dave Shippel Award, Scrappiness and Effort


4. Terry Gage Award, Determination in a Supporting Role


5. Mike Schafer Award, Leadership and Passion


6. Pierre Belanger Award, Worst Referee

Murphy, for Brown alone....

7. John Carter Award, Most Respected Opponent

Tyler Kolarik, I hate him more than any other player in college hockey right now....

8. Kevan Melrose Award, Least Respected Opponent

Didn't see enough games to really have an opinion on this one...

9. Doug Dadswell Award, Most Valuable Freshman


10. Joe Nieuwendyk Award, Most Valuable Player

Gotta be Lenny
Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: CrazyLarry (
Date: April 14, 2003 01:43PM

1. Peter Natyshak Award, Career Improvement

Sam Paolini, hands down, though I must confess the very first time I saw him play (Princeton his freshman year) I went home asking myself why this guy wasn't dressed most of the time, he was the best player on the ice that night to my eye.

2. Randy MacFarlane Award, Transcendent Beauty and Skating Prowess

Not much of this got displayed this year, but I go with (tie) Sam and Matt for their use of it during the biggest moments of the year.

3. Dave Shippel Award, Scrappiness and Effort

Hornby, nobody gives it up more than him on the ice.

4. Terry Gage Award, Determination in a Supporting Role

Travis Bell, never talked about, but arguably the best defensive defensemen on the team, always there to clean up the rush.

5. Mike Schafer Award, Leadership and Passion


6. Pierre Belanger Award, Worst Referee

Didn't love "replay" Adam. But not enough to give him this award.
"Raise your arm if you're sure" Murphy gets the vote by me.

7. John Carter Award, Most Respected Opponent

Kolarik gets my vote. Gutsy performance in the final.

8. Kevan Melrose Award, Least Respected Opponent


9. Doug Dadswell Award, Most Valuable Freshman


10. Joe Nieuwendyk Award, Most Valuable Player

I go off the trail here. I vote for Doug, not sure why exactly, but that's my feel. Lenny was fantastic, but was he the difference between the success we had and something less? I'm not sure. I think Doug was with everything he could do out there.
Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: Melissa'01 (
Date: April 14, 2003 01:50PM

There are ten purely subjective awards that are open for your nominations.

1. Peter Natyshak Award, Career Improvement


2. Randy MacFarlane Award, Transcendent Beauty and Skating Prowess

Matt McRae

3. Dave Shippel Award, Scrappiness and Effort


4. Terry Gage Award, Determination in a Supporting Role


5. Mike Schafer Award, Leadership and Passion


6. Pierre Belanger Award, Worst Referee


7. John Carter Award, Most Respected Opponent

Dom Moore

8. Kevan Melrose Award, Least Respected Opponent

Boucher (yet again)... wait anyone remember who cross-checked Matt McRae in the throat in Lynah in the fall (am quite sure it was during the Harvard game) If so, I change my mind and give it to that a-hole.

9. Doug Dadswell Award, Most Valuable Freshman


10. Joe Nieuwendyk Award, Most Valuable Player

Mark McRae ... best defensive defenseman on the team (he's got speed and size and isn't afraid to use the body) and top defensive scorer. Sorry to all the Lenny supporters ... I think he's awesome and am praying like mad that he'll return but I gotta go with a defenseman. All the "team defense keeps Lenny looking superb" talk has me appreciating our defense more than ever ... whether the talk is on the money or not.
Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: rhovorka (
Date: April 14, 2003 02:11PM

I'll preface by saying that I wish I could give every damn player an award. I simply love this team, and I can't express enough gratitude for taking me on an unforgettable ride and letting me watch them work this season.

1. Peter Natyshak Award, Career Improvement
Sam Paolini

2. Randy MacFarlane Award, Transcendent Beauty and Skating Prowess
Stephen Bâby, in an upset. What wins him my nomination was the constant image of Bâby driving behind the net while controling the puck with only one arm as defenders draped all over him.

3. Dave Shippel Award, Scrappiness and Effort
Shane Palahicky. His legs vs. BC cinched it for me.

4. Terry Gage Award, Determination in a Supporting Role
Cam Abbott

5. Mike Schafer Award, Leadership and Passion
Stephen Bâby. I wish Hornby would get a look, but Stephen really deserved that C he wore.

6. Pierre Belanger Award, Worst Referee
Greg Shepherd, the video replay official in Buffalo. Wait, no, I don't want to be labeled as bitter about that call, and I generally don't have a problem with many on-ice officials, and thought the officiating all year was good. Maybe because it's fresh in my mind, but the only bad call I remember was the Moulson interference call by Don Adam, and it wound up costing us dearly. Adam was decent in the BC game.

7. John Carter Award, Most Respected Opponent
Dom Moore.

8. Kevan Melrose Award, Least Respected Opponent
Oofa...I really want to give it to Aaron Kim or Noah Welch, and Mormina's display in Hamilton sure pissed me off. But that BU midget put on a show of piss and vinegar unseen in a long time. So my nomination goes to Brad Zancanaro.

9. Doug Dadswell Award, Most Valuable Freshman
Matt Moulson

10. Joe Nieuwendyk Award, Most Valuable Player
Dave LeNeveu

Post Edited (04-14-03 14:15)
Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: atb9 (
Date: April 14, 2003 02:15PM

1. Peter Natyshak Award, Career Improvement

Paolini. He lived in Boldt Hall with (besides me :-)) Bâby, Murray, and Gartman his freshman year and we all thought Paolini was the one who wouldn't remain on the team all four years. Gartman and Paolini proved us wrong.

2. Randy MacFarlane Award, Transcendent Beauty and Skating Prowess

I'm going to have to go with Matt McRae on this one. I don't think Paolini is a strong skater...

Side note, Paolini always used that draw deke that went inbetween the defenders legs last year but didn't pull it out very often this year.

3. Dave Shippel Award, Scrappiness and Effort


4. Terry Gage Award, Determination in a Supporting Role


5. Mike Schafer Award, Leadership and Passion


6. Pierre Belanger Award, Worst Referee


7. John Carter Award, Most Respected Opponent

Dom Moore. Damn, he is awesome.

8. Kevan Melrose Award, Least Respected Opponent

Instinct says Boucher but the true culprit is Aaron Kim. He sucks.

9. Doug Dadswell Award, Most Valuable Freshman

Pegoraro is pretty under rated, Hynes is highly rated but I'm going to have to say Moulson.

10. Joe Nieuwendyk Award, Most Valuable Player


Post Edited (04-14-03 14:17)
Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: kingpin248 (
Date: April 14, 2003 02:31PM

1. Peter Natyshak Award, Career Improvement: Sam Paolini

2. Randy MacFarlane Award, Transcendent Beauty and Skating Prowess: Matt McRae

3. Dave Shippel Award, Scrappiness and Effort: Greg Hornby

4. Terry Gage Award, Determination in a Supporting Role: Travis Bell

5. Mike Schafer Award, Leadership and Passion: Stephen Bâby

6. Pierre Belanger Award, Worst Referee: Alex Dell *

7. John Carter Award, Most Respected Opponent: Dom Moore (Harvard)

8. Kevan Melrose Award, Least Respected Opponent: Brad Zancanaro (Boston University). Also of note is whoever pushed Dave down and sat on him, causing the only goal of the first BU game - can't remember his name.

9. Doug Dadswell Award, Most Valuable Freshman: Matt Moulson

10. Joe Nieuwendyk Award, Most Valuable Player: Dave LeNeveu

* If it were "worst official," I'd go with Greg Shepherd as well.
Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: jbeaber1998 (
Date: April 14, 2003 02:49PM

Kim helped us!!!! I'm going to miss him. I love it when a player falls, on a regular basis, when there is no one anywhere near him. I want a Kim jersey. You al would have your opportunity to add some defacement to it....

Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: CowbellGuy (
Date: April 14, 2003 03:04PM

1. Peter Natyshak Award, Career Improvement: Paolini

2. Randy MacFarlane Award, Transcendent Beauty and Skating Prowess: Jeremy Downs. He may not have the most transcendent beauty, but the prowess part is certainly there.

3. Dave Shippel Award, Scrappiness and Effort: Hornby (with a nod to Vesce for never backing down from a check, even if the other guy is twice his size)

4. Terry Gage Award, Determination in a Supporting Role: T-Bell rocks. That is all.

5. Mike Schafer Award, Leadership and Passion: Bâby

6. Pierre Belanger Award, Worst Referee: Scott Hansen

7. John Carter Award, Most Respected Opponent: Dom Moore

8. Kevan Melrose Award, Least Respected Opponent: So many choices, but I'll go with that short-bus ape Joey Mormina this year.

9. Doug Dadswell Award, Most Valuable Freshman: Hynes

10. Joe Nieuwendyk Award, Most Valuable Player: Lenny

Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: jtwcornell91 (
Date: April 14, 2003 03:18PM

Greg wrote:
4. Terry Gage Award, Determination in a Supporting Role

This award generally goes to an athlete whose contributions do not show up in the box score. It oftens goes to an unexpected player who comes out of the pack to really contribute a particular skill as a role player.
More detailed and complete nominations may follow, but I'm amazed no one has nominated Todd Marr for this award. He's a shoo-in in my mind, just like Burt was in 1998.

Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: Adam 04 (
Date: April 14, 2003 03:47PM

1. Peter Natyshak Award, Career Improvement

Sam Paolini- He has made the most progress in my time watching the senior class.

2. Randy MacFarlane Award, Transcendent Beauty and Skating Prowess

Michael Knoepfli- The kid can fly. He does well in open ice, along the boards, on defence, on the forecheck... allover the place. I think he is by far the best skater on the team.

3. Dave Shippel Award, Scrappiness and Effort

Greg Hornby- You know when come on the ice. The other team knows when comes on the ice. He makes people pay for sloppy and or lazy play. He is relentless. He is by all means the most scrappy player on the roster, just look at the penalty minutes.

4. Terry Gage Award, Determination in a Supporting Role

Jan Pajerski- He doesn't even make the score sheet. He gets no p.t. he is a real team-player. He practices just like everyone else. If he doesn't best define a supporting player, I don't know who would.

5. Mike Schafer Award, Leadership and Passion

Stephen Bâby- You can tell by how he carries himself that he take most of the responsibility for the team. From my observations he works harder than all but Hornby. He leads by example on the ice, and has done a great job unifying the team off the ice.

6. Pierre Belanger Award, Worst Referee

Alex Dell- He was the ref for the away Colgate game, Princeton home game, Dartmouth away game, St. Lawrence away game, and the Vermont home game. He was the ref for our two in conference losses. He has no control over the game. I watched this guy in all of these games. I hate this guy!

7. John Carter Award, Most Respected Opponent

Dominic Moore- He is a gentlemen, a competitor, and a wonderful talent. It is going to be fun watching him work his way into the pro's.

8. Kevan Melrose Award, Least Respected Opponent

A tie between John Emiger (York) for the cheep shot on Matt Moulson, and Paul Crosty (Brown) for the cheep shot on Matt McRae.

9. Doug Dadswell Award, Most Valuable Freshman

Cam Abbott- He is good on defence and offence. He is a great forechecker. He was not lucky enough to be on the second power play unit, but still put up some great numbers. He scored 2 GWG, and had the highest P/M of any freshman on the team.

10. Joe Nieuwendyk Award, Most Valuable Player

David LeNeveu- He stops lots of pucks that should otherwise go into the net. He gives us at least 1 or 2 spectacular stops per game.

Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: Melissa'01 (
Date: April 14, 2003 03:55PM

And I'm shocked that you are shocked ... Marr didn't cross my mind for a minute. Is he likely a good goalie? Sure. But he's only played 4 games and 2 were losses (yeah, yeah, i know they were ranked teams and the stats were great for him in those games). Goalies that don't see much ice time seem like definite no-no's to me for an award based on contribution from an overlooked role player. No offense meant.

T-Bell seems to be the favorite for this and for good reason. As a d-man he is both fast and physical. Unfortunately, he's often overshadowed by Mark M (same defensive skills but with natural scoring ability as well) and Dougie (the team's big, well publicized thug) . T-Bell isn't known for being a scoring D-man by any means but he's gotten a few when we've needed them and really comes out to play each and every game with grit and determination. His work and progress over the last 4yrs had greatly impressed a large majority of the faithful who have had the opportunity to watch him play reguarly over the past 4 years.
Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: Melissa'01 (
Date: April 14, 2003 04:03PM

[Q] Goalies that don't see much ice time seem like definite no-no's to me for an award based on contribution from an overlooked role player. No offense meant. [/Q]

hmmm ... now I am rethinking what I wrote above. I just read Adam's picks and see where he's coming from with Jan ... thus why not Marr? I still vote for Bell but now see JTW's pt. My apologies. I still need to learn to log in before posting so i can add on these later thoughts as edits.
Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: Section A (
Date: April 14, 2003 04:07PM

1. Peter Natyshak Award, Career Improvement

Sam Paolini

2. Randy MacFarlane Award, Transcendent Beauty and Skating Prowess

Matt McRae

3. Dave Shippel Award, Scrappiness and Effort

Travis Bell

4. Terry Gage Award, Determination in a Supporting Role

Jan Pajerski and Louis Chabot

5. Mike Schafer Award, Leadership and Passion

Stephen Bâby

6. Pierre Belanger Award, Worst Referee


7. John Carter Award, Most Respected Opponent

Mike Ayers

8. Kevan Melrose Award, Least Respected Opponent

The entire Brown squad, for their behavior in Lynah back in Nov.

9. Doug Dadswell Award, Most Valuable Freshman

Shane Hynes

10. Joe Nieuwendyk Award, Most Valuable Player

HMMMM.....David LeNeveu.
Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: gtsully (12.45.229.---)
Date: April 14, 2003 04:33PM


I love the Ayers pick and hate the Hynes pick for the same reason. nut As much as Ayers did to beat us on Thursday, Hynes' penalty was a terrible freshman mistake that did as much to keep us from winning as anything (except for the overturned goal, of course). I would have listened to any arguments for Hynes vs. Moulson (Moulson got to play with Vesce and Bâby, etc.) before the 16 minute mark of the third period, but after that, I just don't see it.

Oh well, I guess that's why we make nominations, huh?

Posted by: jtwcornell91 (
Date: April 14, 2003 05:01PM

My outlook may be somewhat skewed since I was actually at all four of Marr's games, but I think when a team has to do without its most valuable player, and an understudy who has seen no ice time steps in, holds two eventual NCAA tournament teams to three goals in two games (I personally think he was gypped out of all-tournament goalie in Estero), then backstops a sweep of the toughest road trip in the East, that's a pretty good case for determination in a supporting role. Think back to how nervous we were going into the World Juniors: with an untested goalie, we could very easily have gotten whitewashed in both Florida games and then doubled our eventual league loss total in the North Country. (Ironically, he played better in the two games he lost than the two he won.)

Also, I'm driven by precedent: Burt won the award in 1998 on the strength of half of one game. (Okay, sort of, we lost the next six in front of him, but only by one goal each, including two in overtime.) And I think he deserved it.

Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: Lenny (
Date: April 14, 2003 05:18PM

1. Peter Natyshak Award, Career Improvement


2. Randy MacFarlane Award, Transcendent Beauty and Skating Prowess


3. Dave Shippel Award, Scrappiness and Effort


4. Terry Gage Award, Determination in a Supporting Role


5. Mike Schafer Award, Leadership and Passion


6. Pierre Belanger Award, Worst Referee

Most of them

7. John Carter Award, Most Respected Opponent

Mike Ayers (although I wouldn't trade him for Lenny, I believe he was the reason UNH survived as long as they did.)

8. Kevan Melrose Award, Least Respected Opponent

One of the Brown Players

9. Doug Dadswell Award, Most Valuable Freshman


10. Joe Nieuwendyk Award, Most Valuable Player

Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: Jeff Hopkins '82 (
Date: April 14, 2003 05:35PM

1. Peter Natyshak Award, Career Improvement


2. Randy MacFarlane Award, Transcendent Beauty and Skating Prowess

Hard call. Vesce, I guess, but "transcendent beauty" is not a trait of this team.

3. Dave Shippel Award, Scrappiness and Effort


4. Terry Gage Award, Determination in a Supporting Role

Hornby (3 & 4 are almost interchangeable, but I don't see T-bell as a "supporting role" while Hornby, being on the 4th line, is).

5. Mike Schafer Award, Leadership and Passion

Bâby, no question

6. Pierre Belanger Award, Worst Referee

Murphy, then Hansen.

7. John Carter Award, Most Respected Opponent

Ayers. I agree he was the reason UHN survived as long as they did, and the reason why the finals were ONLY 5-1 and not 8-1. Dom Moore is good, but we beat him 3 times this year.

8. Kevan Melrose Award, Least Respected Opponent

Wayne State - Oops, we didn't play them. OK, least respected "should-have-been-our-opponent".

9. Doug Dadswell Award, Most Valuable Freshman

Moulson (with Hynes a close second). Big question: Can Moulson pick it up without Bâby at his side.

10. Joe Nieuwendyk Award, Most Valuable Player

Lenny - is there any doubt?
Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: Jordan 04 (
Date: April 14, 2003 06:01PM

1. Peter Natyshak Award, Career Improvement

2. Randy MacFarlane Award, Transcendent Beauty and Skating Prowess

3. Dave Shippel Award, Scrappiness and Effort

4. Terry Gage Award, Determination in a Supporting Role
Palahicky (primarily for the PK)

5. Mike Schafer Award, Leadership and Passion
Leadership: Bâby, Passion: Murray. I'll go with Bâby if forced to pick.

6. Pierre Belanger Award, Worst Referee

7. John Carter Award, Most Respected Opponent
Dom Moore

8. Kevan Melrose Award, Least Respected Opponent

9. Doug Dadswell Award, Most Valuable Freshman
Tie: Cam and Chris

10. Joe Nieuwendyk Award, Most Valuable Player
Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: Josh '99 (
Date: April 14, 2003 06:41PM

1. Peter Natyshak Award, Career Improvement
Sam Paolini - From playing just 12 games his freshman year to winning the Crimson Cup two years running, he's a no-brainer

2. Randy MacFarlane Award, Transcendent Beauty and Skating Prowess
Daniel Pegoraro - That kid is smooth.

3. Dave Shippel Award, Scrappiness and Effort
Greg Hornby

4. Terry Gage Award, Determination in a Supporting Role
Travis Bell

5. Mike Schafer Award, Leadership and Passion
Doug Murray - Not to take anything away from Bâby here, of course. As someone else said above, I'd split this award between Bâby for leadership and Murray for passion. Murray deserves equal consideration.

6. Pierre Belanger Award, Worst Referee
Alex Dell - The official choice of the Dunbar's award ceremony.

7. John Carter Award, Most Respected Opponent
Dominic Moore - I don't fear Mike Ayers; he flails and gives up rebounds and handles the puck badly and pulls game-breaking saves out his ass. I fear Dom Moore when he has the puck. Moreover, he's demonstrated his class and that earns my respect.

8. Kevan Melrose Award, Least Respected Opponent
Nick Boucher - Can it go to Willie Mitchell in perpetuity? No? Noah Welch would've been my choice until he retrieved the puck and gave it to Sammy after the OT goal in Albany. One more time for little Nicky.

9. Doug Dadswell Award, Most Valuable Freshman
Matt Moulson - Thank you for beating Dartmouth. Please do it more. P.S. We forgive you for being penalized for being checked into Mike Ayers.

10. Joe Nieuwendyk Award, Most Valuable Player
David LeNeveu - Say what you want about team defense. He's had a season for the ages.

Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: RedJeff (
Date: April 14, 2003 09:33PM

1. Peter Natyshak Award, Career Improvement: Paolini or Bâby, I can't decide.

2. Randy MacFarlane Award, Transcendent Beauty and Skating Prowess: Matt McRae, with a close second to Mike Knoepfli.

3. Dave Shippel Award, Scrappiness and Effort: Have to vote for a little guy, so I'll say Vesce, with much kudos to Hornby, who really improved his entire game as the year progressed.

4. Terry Gage Award, Determination in a Supporting Role: This award defines our team. I like Palahicky here. He just dominated on the PK and I really loved watching him play.

5. Mike Schafer Award, Leadership and Passion: Bâby

6. Pierre Belanger Award, Worst Referee: Murphy.

7. John Carter Award, Most Respected Opponent: Dov Grumet-Morris. Really classy kid and a terrific talent.

8. Kevan Melrose Award, Least Respected Opponent: For some reason I want to say Hugh Jessiman, but I'll go with Jamie Sifers from UVM.

9. Doug Dadswell Award, Most Valuable Freshman: Hynes was outstanding.

10. Joe Nieuwendyk Award, Most Valuable Player: Lenny

Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: VnP12 (
Date: April 14, 2003 09:50PM

1. Peter Natyshak Award, Career Improvement
Sam Paolini

2. Randy MacFarlane Award, Transcendent Beauty and Skating Prowess
Ryan Vesce

3. Dave Shippel Award, Scrappiness and Effort
Greg Hornby

4. Terry Gage Award, Determination in a Supporting Role
Ben Wallace

5. Mike Schafer Award, Leadership and Passion
Doug Murray

6. Pierre Belanger Award, Worst Referee
Murphy :-(

7. John Carter Award, Most Respected Opponent
Dominic Moore

8. Kevan Melrose Award, Least Respected Opponent
Dov Grumet-Morris

9. Doug Dadswell Award, Most Valuable Freshman
Cam and Chris Abbott...together or alone, they are one hell of a team!

10. Joe Nieuwendyk Award, Most Valuable Player
David LeNeveu
Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: yougoon (
Date: April 14, 2003 10:20PM

1. Peter Natyshak Award, Career Improvement
Travis Bell - he has really come a long way

2. Randy MacFarlane Award, Transcendent Beauty and Skating Prowess
Mike Knoepfli

3. Dave Shippel Award, Scrappiness and Effort
Greg Hornby - 'nuf said

4. Terry Gage Award, Determination in a Supporting Role
Jeremy Downs This guy is an unsung hero who works his butt off and is more reliable than Bell, if you ask me.

5. Mike Schafer Award, Leadership and Passion
I too think we need to share this award between the two captains:
Stephen Bâby - the undisputed, cool-headed leader of this driven team
Doug Murray - the way he could turn the team around with his extraordinary effort was remarkable.

6. Pierre Belanger Award, Worst Referee

7. John Carter Award, Most Respected Opponent
Yann Danis

8. Kevan Melrose Award, Least Respected Opponent
The rest of the Brown squad then Boucher

9. Doug Dadswell Award, Most Valuable Freshman
Matt Moulson

10. Joe Nieuwendyk Award, Most Valuable Player
Doug Murray - I think we all take Doug's brick-wall efforts for granted. It's tough to single out one player on such a well-oiled team, but I think that Doug Murray has been the lead-by-example defender who personifies the number one defense in the country. I don't care if he's won it before. I also take nothing from Lenny.

Post Edited (04-14-03 22:26)
Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: Bob '03 (
Date: April 14, 2003 11:10PM

1. Peter Natyshak Award, Career Improvement: Sammy gets the nod here.

2. Randy MacFarlane Award, Transcendent Beauty and Skating Prowess: Greg Hornby- nothing prettier than seeing him knock somebody into next week.'s even fun to see him bounce off the glass onto his butt.

3. Dave Shippel Award, Scrappiness and Effort: T-Bell. He's all heart.

4. Terry Gage Award, Determination in a Supporting Role: Palahicky. He was a machine on the penalty kill.

5. Mike Schafer Award, Leadership and Passion: Bâby

6. Pierre Belanger Award, Worst Referee: Murphy...

7. John Carter Award, Most Respected Opponent: Moore-on. He's just scary.

8. Kevan Melrose Award, Least Respected Opponent: Gotta go with Mormina. The faithful seemed to take a hating to him this year.

9. Doug Dadswell Award, Most Valuable Freshman: Moulson, if for nothing more than ending Boucher's hex.

10. Joe Nieuwendyk Award, Most Valuable Player: LeNeveu
Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: ugarte (
Date: April 15, 2003 08:26AM

1. Peter Natyshak Award, Career Improvement Sam Paolini

4. Terry Gage Award, Determination in a Supporting Role Ben Wallace

5. Mike Schafer Award, Leadership and Passion Stephen Bâby

7. John Carter Award, Most Respected Opponent Dom Moore

8. Kevan Melrose Award, Least Respected Opponent Nick Boucher

9. Doug Dadswell Award, Most Valuable Freshman Matt Moulson

10. Joe Nieuwendyk Award, Most Valuable Player Dave LeNeveu

Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: jeh25 (
Date: April 15, 2003 12:23PM

There are ten purely subjective awards that are open for your nominations.

1. Peter Natyshak Award, Career Improvement


2. Randy MacFarlane Award, Transcendent Beauty and Skating Prowess


3. Dave Shippel Award, Scrappiness and Effort


4. Terry Gage Award, Determination in a Supporting Role


5. Mike Schafer Award, Leadership and Passion


6. Pierre Belanger Award, Worst Referee


7. John Carter Award, Most Respected Opponent

Dom Moore

8. Kevan Melrose Award, Least Respected Opponent

Aaron Kim

9. Doug Dadswell Award, Most Valuable Freshman


10. Joe Nieuwendyk Award, Most Valuable Player



Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: Section A (
Date: April 15, 2003 12:26PM

Jeremy Downs for the supporting role award? He starts!
Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: KeithK (
Date: April 15, 2003 04:29PM

[Q]I love it when a player falls, on a regular basis, when there is no one anywhere near him.[/Q]

So were you a big Rutter fan? :-D
Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: ugarte (63.94.240.---)
Date: April 15, 2003 04:59PM

Avash '05 wrote:

Jeremy Downs for the supporting role award? He starts!
That was my first thought when I saw Downs nominated for that award, but on reflection I think it is an inspired choice. Downs is the forgotten man on the 1st line that includes the rookie of the year on one wing and our top scorer at center. He may play on the first line, but others on that line are where the scoring is expected to come from.

Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: Section A (
Date: April 15, 2003 05:04PM

I sort of see what you're getting at, but Jeremy Downs, while a starter, is not on the "first line," so to speak, since he is a defenseman. He is on the starting "first defensive pairing" alongside Doug Murray. So, I think you were suggesting that Downs is a member of the top line with Moulson and Vesce, when actually the top line is Moulson, Vesce, and Bâby.

He's a solid defenseman and is quite far from being in a supporting role.

That said, I like Downs; good player, and seems like a nice person. And of course he had that memorable skate with the Whitelaw in Albany.
Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: cbuckser (134.186.177.---)
Date: April 15, 2003 05:26PM

I agree with John and Charles that Downs plays in a supporting role. Although he was paired with Doug Murray and was in the starting lineup, he did not play on the power play and killed penalties only when Stephen Bâby, Ryan Vesce, Shane Palahicky, or Mike Knoepfli was in the box. Being in the starting lineup does not preclude a hockey player from having a supporting role any more than being in the first scene of a film would preclude an actor from playing a supporting role.
Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: ugarte (63.94.240.---)
Date: April 15, 2003 05:52PM

Avash '05 wrote:

Jeremy Downs, while a starter, is not on the "first line," so to speak, since he is a defenseman.
A bit of a brain freeze there. You are right, of course. But I think my point essentially stands, as he isn't the defenseman we look to for scoring either.

Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: cbuckser (134.186.177.---)
Date: April 15, 2003 06:14PM

1. Peter Natyshak Award, Career Improvement
Sam Paolini

2. Randy MacFarlane Award, Transcendent Beauty and Skating Prowess
Matt McRae

3. Dave Shippel Award, Scrappiness and Effort
Ryan Vesce (for playing larger than his size)
Travis Bell (for getting the most out of his talent)

4. Terry Gage Award, Determination in a Supporting Role
Greg Hornby

5. Mike Schafer Award, Leadership and Passion
Stephen Bâby

7. John Carter Award, Most Respected Opponent
Dominic Moore

8. Kevan Melrose Award, Least Respected Opponent
John Emiger

9. Doug Dadswell Award, Most Valuable Freshman
Matt Moulson

10. Joe Nieuwendyk Award, Most Valuable Player
David LeNeveu
Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: tfw22 (
Date: April 15, 2003 06:34PM

1. Peter Natyshak Award, Career Improvement


3. Dave Shippel Award, Scrappiness and Effort


4. Terry Gage Award, Determination in a Supporting Role


5. Mike Schafer Award, Leadership and Passion


6. Pierre Belanger Award, Worst Referee


7. John Carter Award, Most Respected Opponent


8. Kevan Melrose Award, Least Respected Opponent

Aaron Kim

9. Doug Dadswell Award, Most Valuable Freshman


10. Joe Nieuwendyk Award, Most Valuable Player

Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: jtwcornell91 (
Date: April 15, 2003 10:25PM

"Right full Rutter!" laugh

Posted by: jtwcornell91 (
Date: April 15, 2003 10:28PM

big red apple wrote:
But I think my point essentially stands, as he isn't the defenseman we look to for scoring either.

No, he's the defenseman we look to as a defensive-minded counterweight to Dougie.

Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: Greg Berge (
Date: April 16, 2003 12:42AM

I have been really enjoying reading the responses. Please, keep them coming.
Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: TTR (
Date: April 16, 2003 09:13AM

1. Peter Natyshak Award, Career Improvement
Sam Paolini, didn't see him as a freshman so I will go with majority on this.

2. Randy MacFarlane Award, Transcendent Beauty and Skating Prowess
Travis Bell - deceptively fast. Second Pegararo - flawless technique.

3. Dave Shippel Award, Scrappiness and Effort
Greg Hornby - never took a shift off, not fun to play against.

4. Terry Gage Award, Determination in a Supporting Role
McRae brothers - with minimal fanfare, quietly did their jobs, delivered 2 huge goals down the stretch.
Todd Marr - always upbeat, filled in quite well when Lenny was at Jrs

5. Mike Schafer Award, Leadership and Passion
Stephen Bâby, one of the best captains anywhere.

7. John Carter Award, Most Respected Opponent
Steve Silverthorne - Colgate goalie responsible for our only major upset all year.

8. Kevan Melrose Award, Least Respected Opponent
John Eminger, I didn't think of this one, but good choice- the York University defenceman who hit Moulson low at start of season.

9. Doug Dadswell Award, Most Valuable Freshman
Pegoraro - as QB of PP2, deserves recognition.

10. Joe Nieuwendyk Award, Most Valuable Player
Lenny first. Placing Murray second as leader of a defence that was, as a group, outstanding all year.
Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: Chris 02 (
Date: April 30, 2003 12:57PM

Did these ever get finalized and selected? I've heard no word.
Re: Please Nominate Your 2003 TBRW Awards
Posted by: rhovorka (
Date: April 30, 2003 01:17PM

Chris '02 wrote:

Did these ever get finalized and selected? I've heard no word.

Yes, but it was announced by Greg in the obviously-named "Phone Books are here" thread.


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