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Union @ Cornell 02/25/17

Posted by Johnny 5 
Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: Johnny 5 (
Date: February 22, 2017 08:49AM

"Go Big Red!!"

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 02/26/2017 08:55AM by Johnny 5.

Re: Union @ Cornell 02/26/17
Posted by: Beeeej (Moderator)
Date: February 22, 2017 09:45AM

These just get better and better. :-}

Beeeej, Esq.

"Cornell isn't an organization. It's a loose affiliation of independent fiefdoms united by a common hockey team."
- Steve Worona
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/26/17
Posted by: Johnny 5 (
Date: February 22, 2017 09:52AM

It gives me something relaxing to do over morning coffee!!

Re: Union @ Cornell 02/26/17
Posted by: Hooking (
Date: February 22, 2017 05:15PM

I think Johnny Petrilose still holds the rights to the bear logo above.
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/26/17
Posted by: Johnny 5 (
Date: February 22, 2017 05:46PM

Hmmm,...anybody know who owns the rights to the fork??
Guess I better ask.

Re: Union @ Cornell 02/26/17
Posted by: CowbellGuy (Moderator)
Date: February 22, 2017 06:27PM

I think Johnny Petrilose still holds the rights to the bear logo above.
In all seriousness, the university holds the rights to that bear logo, which is why we ended up with Huggy Bear.

"[Hugh] Jessiman turned out to be a huge specimen of something alright." --Puck Daddy
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/26/17
Posted by: Johnny 5 (
Date: February 22, 2017 06:37PM

Mea culpa.
I will be generating a new bear ASAP.
Never meant to infringe. All in fun.
New bear will not be very huggy, though.
Can't do hockey huggy.

Re: Union @ Cornell 02/26/17
Posted by: Beeeej (Moderator)
Date: February 22, 2017 06:38PM

Johnny 5
Mea culpa.
I will be generating a new bear ASAP.
Never meant to infringe. All in fun.
New bear will not be very huggy, though.
Can't do hockey huggy.


Dude, it's fair use. You're not selling t-shirts, you're just having fun making cartoons. Don't delete it or start over, I implore you.

Beeeej, Esq.

"Cornell isn't an organization. It's a loose affiliation of independent fiefdoms united by a common hockey team."
- Steve Worona
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/26/17
Posted by: Johnny 5 (
Date: February 22, 2017 06:56PM

Johnny 5
Mea culpa.
I will be generating a new bear ASAP.
Never meant to infringe. All in fun.
New bear will not be very huggy, though.
Can't do hockey huggy.


Dude, it's fair use. You're not selling t-shirts, you're just having fun making cartoons. Don't delete it or start over, I implore you.

Thanks, sir.
Checking with my attorney.
Waiting for disparaging call from Union.
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/26/17
Posted by: Johnny 5 (
Date: February 23, 2017 08:02AM

OK, one crisis avoided, for now?
But, Disney called...they want their pig back.
Now waiting to see if John Cleese objects to the Clarkson Black Knight?

"Blessed are the lawyers, for they shall inherit the Earth." Matthew 5:5

O.K., now back to hockey!?

Re: Union @ Cornell 02/26/17 --> 2/25/17
Posted by: billhoward (
Date: February 23, 2017 08:38AM

I believe the Union game is Saturday 2/25 not 2/26. You had me thinking this was another Fri/Sat shuffle to be Sat/Sun.

Unlikely Cornell will go after you for a copyright thing. But still, this was in my morning batch of press releases:

The Chinese are leaders in image theft – USA ranked three
COPYTRACK evaluated 10,000 records for countries with most breach of copyright infringements of digital images in 2016
Berlin, February 23, 2017: China recorded the most copyright infringements of digital images in 2016 with about 11 percent. France and the United States are in second and third places. This is the result of an evaluation of the online portal COPYTRACK. The Berlin-based company analyzed 10,000 cases selected randomly in 2016 from its database to find the ten countries with the most copyright infringements.
COPYTRACK is specialized to browse the Internet worldwide for unauthorized use of pictures and later to obtain license payments. Photographers, picture and news agencies, publishers as well as e-commerce providers are among its customers. Through a modern high-performance search COPYTRACK scans the entire Internet for duplicates of images of its customers. The hit accuracy is 98 percent. In 2016 COPYTRACK tracked the most frequent copyright infringements in China (11.11%), France (9.53%) and the US (8.21%). The runners up on this point of image theft are Turkey (4.65%), closely followed by Russia (4.57%), the United Arab Emirates (4.55%) and Spain (3.47%). Ukraine (2.85 percent), the Netherlands (2.72%) and Italy (2.68%) make up the bottom of the top ten.
“Most of our customers are very surprised where we find their images used illegally”, says COPYTRACK’s CEO Marcus Schmitt. „Image theft exists everywhere. From private people, to bloggers to magazines and companies – image theft occurs in a lot of places. Obviously there are some countries, where the creative property of others is less respected”, adds Schmitt. For COPYTRACK it is of no matter where an image theft took place. At their customer’s request the company gets active worldwide and demands the subsequent payments in 140 countries. 35 percent of all cases are settled after a simple request for payment by COPYTRACK. The average value of such re-licensing of images is 694 euro. Another 55 percent of all cases are paid after claim enforcement. On average COPYTRACK obtained a total of 1430 euro. The portal bases its fees on the court approved MFM-overview. The goal of Marcus Schmitt is always the economic and fair post-licensing for the user. Often this leads to further business relations between creators and former image thieves. COPYTRACK always stands in for the entire cost risk of its customers, including all legal proceedings. The service is completely free of charge. Only in case of success, COPYTRACK receives a success commission. When Marcus Schmitt and his team are successful, up to 70% of the sum obtained go to the copyright owners.
The graphic „Top 10 countries in image theft“ can be downloaded here.
Andrea Feustel, Rosenthaler Strasse 34/35, 10178 Berlin, Tel: +49 – 30 – 809.332.933, Fax: +49 – 30 – 809.332.999
COPYTRACK ( was founded in 2015 by Marcus Schmitt and now employs around 25 people from legal, IT, customer service and finance. The service is aimed at, among other, to photographers, publishers, image agencies and e-commerce providers, and includes a risk-free search of the world wide Internet; According to photos uploaded by the users at COPYTRACK with a hit accuracy of 98 percent. The customers define images used without a license and even determine the amount of subsequent fees supported by an automatic license calculator on the portal. COPYTRACK is fully responsible for out-of-court resolutions in 140 countries as well as a legal resolutions in the relevant areas of copyright law. Only if the license has been successfully licensed, the rights holder receives up to 70 percent of the agreed sum. The pure search function is free of charge.
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/26/17
Posted by: Jeff Hopkins '82 (
Date: February 23, 2017 10:55AM

OK, why is the bear speaking Gaelic? Are we playing Notre Dame?
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/26/17
Posted by: Johnny 5 (
Date: February 23, 2017 12:26PM

Jeff Hopkins '82
OK, why is the bear speaking Gaelic? Are we playing Notre Dame?

Well, it was that or Latin.
But, in honor of St. Patty's Day....
One time only.

It isn't a game reference, truth be told.

Re: Union @ Cornell 02/26/17 --> 2/25/17
Posted by: Johnny 5 (
Date: February 23, 2017 01:25PM

I believe the Union game is Saturday 2/25 not 2/26. You had me thinking this was another Fri/Sat shuffle to be Sat/Sun.

Unlikely Cornell will go after you for a copyright thing. But still, this was in my morning batch of press releases:

The Chinese are leaders in image theft – USA ranked three
COPYTRACK evaluated 10,000 records for countries with most breach of copyright infringements of digital images in 2016
Berlin, February 23, 2017: China recorded the most copyright infringements of digital images in 2016 with about 11 percent. France and the United States are in second and third places. This is the result of an evaluation of the online portal COPYTRACK. The Berlin-based company analyzed 10,000 cases selected randomly in 2016 from its database to find the ten countries with the most copyright infringements.
COPYTRACK is specialized to browse the Internet worldwide for unauthorized use of pictures and later to obtain license payments. Photographers, picture and news agencies, publishers as well as e-commerce providers are among its customers. Through a modern high-performance search COPYTRACK scans the entire Internet for duplicates of images of its customers. The hit accuracy is 98 percent. In 2016 COPYTRACK tracked the most frequent copyright infringements in China (11.11%), France (9.53%) and the US (8.21%). The runners up on this point of image theft are Turkey (4.65%), closely followed by Russia (4.57%), the United Arab Emirates (4.55%) and Spain (3.47%). Ukraine (2.85 percent), the Netherlands (2.72%) and Italy (2.68%) make up the bottom of the top ten.
“Most of our customers are very surprised where we find their images used illegally”, says COPYTRACK’s CEO Marcus Schmitt. „Image theft exists everywhere. From private people, to bloggers to magazines and companies – image theft occurs in a lot of places. Obviously there are some countries, where the creative property of others is less respected”, adds Schmitt. For COPYTRACK it is of no matter where an image theft took place. At their customer’s request the company gets active worldwide and demands the subsequent payments in 140 countries. 35 percent of all cases are settled after a simple request for payment by COPYTRACK. The average value of such re-licensing of images is 694 euro. Another 55 percent of all cases are paid after claim enforcement. On average COPYTRACK obtained a total of 1430 euro. The portal bases its fees on the court approved MFM-overview. The goal of Marcus Schmitt is always the economic and fair post-licensing for the user. Often this leads to further business relations between creators and former image thieves. COPYTRACK always stands in for the entire cost risk of its customers, including all legal proceedings. The service is completely free of charge. Only in case of success, COPYTRACK receives a success commission. When Marcus Schmitt and his team are successful, up to 70% of the sum obtained go to the copyright owners.
The graphic „Top 10 countries in image theft“ can be downloaded here.
Andrea Feustel, Rosenthaler Strasse 34/35, 10178 Berlin, Tel: +49 – 30 – 809.332.933, Fax: +49 – 30 – 809.332.999
COPYTRACK ( was founded in 2015 by Marcus Schmitt and now employs around 25 people from legal, IT, customer service and finance. The service is aimed at, among other, to photographers, publishers, image agencies and e-commerce providers, and includes a risk-free search of the world wide Internet; According to photos uploaded by the users at COPYTRACK with a hit accuracy of 98 percent. The customers define images used without a license and even determine the amount of subsequent fees supported by an automatic license calculator on the portal. COPYTRACK is fully responsible for out-of-court resolutions in 140 countries as well as a legal resolutions in the relevant areas of copyright law. Only if the license has been successfully licensed, the rights holder receives up to 70 percent of the agreed sum. The pure search function is free of charge.

Thanks, Bill.
Yes, I will be trying (trying) to avoid any legal issues, henceforth.
Still working on a permanent bear substitute.
But, I now see why comedians find it so hard to ply their craft nowadays.
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: Hooking (
Date: February 23, 2017 05:09PM

Implicit in my reference to Johnny's Big Red Grille was the assumption that the use of that bear logo on the Dryden Road sign was a casual affair back in the day - but times change?
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: February 23, 2017 05:22PM

Implicit in my reference to Johnny's Big Red Grille was the assumption that the use of that bear logo on the Dryden Road sign was a casual affair back in the day - but times change?
I don't think our Johnny has a thing to worry about with his photo-shopped images. Cornell is "a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money," but even those hypersensitive douchebags are unaware of and uninterested in (1) these images, (2) this website, and (3) every one of us. If it doesn't have a house in the Hamptons and it can't be fellated for cough "development," Cornell As An Institution does not give a shit.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/23/2017 05:23PM by Trotsky.
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: BearLover (
Date: February 25, 2017 04:03PM

Tonight is about as big as a regular season game gets.
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: billhoward (
Date: February 25, 2017 06:14PM

Tonight is about as big as a regular season game gets.
Pass the word on to ILDN. Steady on the cameras. And let's hope they keep the feed alive for senior night honors.
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: February 25, 2017 06:37PM

And let's hope they keep the feed alive for senior night honors.
They did last time and it was very good.

I hope they know. Maybe somebody should let them know?

What we need is for them to capture Arthur's PA and cut the WHCU feed, which IINM blats right over it and then cuts off midway (I'm sure this is not Jason's fault, just a station edict from the people who bring you Hannity).
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/25/2017 06:38PM by Trotsky.
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: February 25, 2017 07:02PM

The person doing the name cheer had better have an oxygen mask tonight.
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: Chris '03 (
Date: February 25, 2017 07:20PM

Feed dead for anyone else?

"Mark Mazzoleni looks like a guy whose dog just died out there..."
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: Larry72 (
Date: February 25, 2017 07:25PM

Back now.

Larry Baum '72
Ithaca, NY
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: nshapiro (
Date: February 25, 2017 07:40PM

Implicit in my reference to Johnny's Big Red Grille was the assumption that the use of that bear logo on the Dryden Road sign was a casual affair back in the day - but times change?
I don't think our Johnny has a thing to worry about with his photo-shopped images. Cornell is "a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money," but even those hypersensitive douchebags are unaware of and uninterested in (1) these images, (2) this website, and (3) every one of us. If it doesn't have a house in the Hamptons and it can't be fellated for cough "development," Cornell As An Institution does not give a shit.

I would have agreed, until I saw this in Auckland - Seal is different but typeface is the same, and it is very large on a nice tall building


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/25/2017 07:43PM by nshapiro.
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: ugarte (
Date: February 25, 2017 09:43PM

So nobody discussed the PWR impact of a tie at all. I guess now I'll just wait.

Disappointing to lose a lead after 2 but nice to come back and get the tie. Sounded like both goalies had to work hardtonight.

Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: Dafatone (
Date: February 25, 2017 09:46PM

So nobody discussed the PWR impact of a tie at all. I guess now I'll just wait.

Disappointing to lose a lead after 2 but nice to come back and get the tie. Sounded like both goalies had to work hardtonight.

Has to be tiny. No impact on win% for our RPI (actually, no, it's a slight drop). Opponent win% goes up since we played a top team. Opp opp win%, no clue, probably not amazing given the suck at the bottom of the conference and how much it sucks.

Looks like we're in tenth as per CHN.
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: February 25, 2017 10:00PM

So nobody discussed the PWR impact of a tie at all. I guess now I'll just wait.

Disappointing to lose a lead after 2 but nice to come back and get the tie. Sounded like both goalies had to work hardtonight.

Has to be tiny. No impact on win% for our RPI (actually, no, it's a slight drop). Opponent win% goes up since we played a top team. Opp opp win%, no clue, probably not amazing given the suck at the bottom of the conference and how much it sucks.

Looks like we're in tenth as per CHN.
What sucks are the records of out-of-conference opponents, collectively 42 games under .500 counting Merrimack and Miami twice each.

Al DeFlorio '65

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/25/2017 10:01PM by Al DeFlorio.
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: Dafatone (
Date: February 25, 2017 10:02PM

Al DeFlorio
So nobody discussed the PWR impact of a tie at all. I guess now I'll just wait.

Disappointing to lose a lead after 2 but nice to come back and get the tie. Sounded like both goalies had to work hardtonight.

Has to be tiny. No impact on win% for our RPI (actually, no, it's a slight drop). Opponent win% goes up since we played a top team. Opp opp win%, no clue, probably not amazing given the suck at the bottom of the conference and how much it sucks.

Looks like we're in tenth as per CHN.
What sucks are the records of out-of-conference opponents, collectively 42 games under .500 counting Merrimack and Miami twice each.

Good point. At least a lot of them have heated up, relatively speaking, since we faced them.
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: Dafatone (
Date: February 25, 2017 10:10PM

We drop .0006 in RPI. But Union goes up .0004.

This means something.
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: February 25, 2017 10:21PM

We drop .0006 in RPI. But Union goes up .0004.

This means something.
Probably reflects NC opponents.
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: upprdeck (
Date: February 25, 2017 10:34PM

with the tie doesnt harvard pass union , so we cant see harvard again unless its in the finals.
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: BearLover (
Date: February 25, 2017 10:40PM

Foo likely ending Smith's season is very bad news. Nothing called on the play, and no makeup calls either. Instead, refs rewarded Union with some extremely questionable penalties against Cornell, all on which Union scored. Disastrous injuries to the Red's defensive corps--great work by Cornell to match Union despite this.
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: Dafatone (
Date: February 25, 2017 10:57PM

We will really miss Smith if he isn't returning this year. He goes unnoticed in the best possible way.
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: GBR1234 (
Date: February 25, 2017 11:13PM

ECAC Bracket

Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: Jeff Hopkins '82 (
Date: February 25, 2017 11:17PM

ECAC Bracket

Yeah, except they re-seed after each round, so the graphic is kinda pointless.
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: February 25, 2017 11:51PM

with the tie doesnt harvard pass union , so we cant see Harvard again unless its in the finals.
Correct. This is the 5th time Cornell and Harvard finish 1-2 in the ECAC (72, 73, 03, 05). In each of the other seasons Cornell was the #1.

EDIT: except it's not, as we finished third, which is very much not second.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/25/2017 11:59PM by Trotsky.
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: BearLover (
Date: February 25, 2017 11:54PM

[url= ]Smith out for season.[/url] Brutal.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/25/2017 11:55PM by BearLover.
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: February 25, 2017 11:54PM

Foo likely ending Smith's season is very bad news. Nothing called on the play, and no makeup calls either.
It was not on camera, but Eisenhut's reaction was interesting. He called it a "brutal" hit "up high," and seemed very surprised that Smith hurt his knee on the play.

I wonder whether there might have been knee-to-knee contact down low on the hit.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/25/2017 11:55PM by Trotsky.
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: andyw2100 (
Date: February 25, 2017 11:55PM

with the tie doesnt harvard pass union , so we cant see Harvard again unless its in the finals.
Correct. This is the 5th time Cornell and Harvard finish 1-2 in the ECAC (72, 73, 03, 05). In each of the other seasons Cornell was the #1.

What am I missing? Cornell finished third. Harvard finished first and Union finished second.
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: February 25, 2017 11:58PM

It isn't optimal, of course, but it's nice to have Rauter able to drop back, and if this means both Tschantz and Bauld will be playing in two weeks I don't think we suffer too much of an offensive drop off.

There are ripple issues though with line chemistry. If there is any "bright" side to such bad news, the new lines do have 2 weeks to practice together. Certainly not what one would desire heading into the PS.

Hope Brendan gets well this summer, and hope he is pain free as soon as possible. He didn't look too happy being walked off the ice.
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: February 25, 2017 11:59PM

with the tie doesnt harvard pass union , so we cant see Harvard again unless its in the finals.
Correct. This is the 5th time Cornell and Harvard finish 1-2 in the ECAC (72, 73, 03, 05). In each of the other seasons Cornell was the #1.

What am I missing? Cornell finished third. Harvard finished first and Union finished second.
You aren't missing anything. I'm just very tired. :-)
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: BearLover (
Date: February 26, 2017 12:00AM

It isn't optimal, of course, but it's nice to have Rauter able to drop back, and if this means both Tschantz and Bauld will be playing in two weeks I don't think we suffer too much of an offensive drop off.

There are ripple issues though with line chemistry. If there is any "bright" side to such bad news, the new lines do have 2 weeks to practice together. Certainly not what one would desire heading into the PS.
It's insanity that we have a forward playing D this late in the season. Anyone know the deal with Shore? Is he injured or does Schafer think a forward is better on D??
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: Jim Hyla (
Date: February 26, 2017 12:01AM

Foo likely ending Smith's season is very bad news. Nothing called on the play, and no makeup calls either. Instead, refs rewarded Union with some extremely questionable penalties against Cornell, all on which Union scored. Disastrous injuries to the Red's defensive corps--great work by Cornell to match Union despite this.

Did the hit show on ILDN?

It'll be interesting if it's reviewed by the ECAC. If it's on the video and was as bad as it seemed, he could get a game DQ.

"Cornell Fans Made the Timbers Tremble", Boston Globe, March/1970
Cornell lawyers stopped the candy throwing. Jan/2005
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: BearLover (
Date: February 26, 2017 12:04AM

Jim Hyla
Foo likely ending Smith's season is very bad news. Nothing called on the play, and no makeup calls either. Instead, refs rewarded Union with some extremely questionable penalties against Cornell, all on which Union scored. Disastrous injuries to the Red's defensive corps--great work by Cornell to match Union despite this.

Did the hit show on ILDN?

It'll be interesting if it's reviewed by the ECAC. If it's on the video and was as bad as it seemed, he could get a game DQ.
Angello/Buckles would have gotten Season DQ for that hit
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: andyw2100 (
Date: February 26, 2017 12:08AM


Hope Brendan gets well this summer, and hope he is pain free as soon as possible. He didn't look too happy being walked off the ice.

He looked even less happy hobbling around, with help, for the senior night ceremony. He was in street clothes, of course, with some sort of large brace on his leg. At some point he was given some crutches. Schafer and Syer helped him to center-ice for the alma mater, and then from there back to the bench. He looked miserable.
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: BearLover (
Date: February 26, 2017 12:50AM

Cornell had a PP 5:30 into the 3rd. Union took penalty that would have given Cornell nearly two minutes of a 5x3. Buckles got called for embellishment, though, and so it remained 5x4 and Cornell didn't get anything going on the PP. Second embellishment call on Cornell in two nights...
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: ugarte (
Date: February 26, 2017 03:38AM

Cornell had a PP 5:30 into the 3rd. Union took penalty that would have given Cornell nearly two minutes of a 5x3. Buckles got called for embellishment, though, and so it remained 5x4 and Cornell didn't get anything going on the PP. Second embellishment call on Cornell in two nights...
Embellishment is such a stupid call. Blow the whistle for flopping if you DON'T think it was a penalty; don't give the guy who committed the foul a Get Out Of Jail Free card.

Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: upprdeck (
Date: February 26, 2017 09:01AM

its a penalty that no one understands.. i get calling it when trying to decide if a hit was a major/minor on slashes/boarding type calls. but a trip is a trip, call it or dont.

there was one call late when union took a penalty and Weidner and union got tangling along the boards after the whistle blew.. Lynch skated over and while the scrum was escalating was telling Wiedner "white dont blow it". Wiedner held his cool and the penalty was not evened up. thats something you dont see every game.

i did wonder about the one scrum after the whistle where union had 9 guys on the ice and 6 of them involved in the pushing olong the boards.. i didnt think that was allowed.
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: February 26, 2017 09:20AM

Impressive regular season in one respect: After an 0-1-1 start in ECAC games on the road, an 8-0-1 finish gives a final 8-1-2 road ECAC record.

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: Chris '03 (
Date: February 26, 2017 09:22AM

Foo likely ending Smith's season is very bad news. Nothing called on the play, and no makeup calls either.
It was not on camera, but Eisenhut's reaction was interesting. He called it a "brutal" hit "up high," and seemed very surprised that Smith hurt his knee on the play.

I wonder whether there might have been knee-to-knee contact down low on the hit.

I thought I heard a comment that he may have got his skate caught in the bad ice on the hit. But that was after it was clear his knee was hurt.

"Mark Mazzoleni looks like a guy whose dog just died out there..."
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: February 26, 2017 09:37AM

Chris '03
Foo likely ending Smith's season is very bad news. Nothing called on the play, and no makeup calls either.
It was not on camera, but Eisenhut's reaction was interesting. He called it a "brutal" hit "up high," and seemed very surprised that Smith hurt his knee on the play.

I wonder whether there might have been knee-to-knee contact down low on the hit.

I thought I heard a comment that he may have got his skate caught in the bad ice on the hit. But that was after it was clear his knee was hurt.
Unfortunately, the hit was just off-camera. Jason called it "a high hit to the head" and Tony "a brutal hit" right after it happened. The "caught in the bad ice" comment came much later after the injury location was apparent.

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: profudge (50.108.193.---)
Date: February 26, 2017 09:44AM

Hit was late and from where I sat was a vicious high hit and boarding in neutral zone behind the play. The trailing ref was watching the puck and play and didn't seem to have seen anything. Unbelievable! About the loudest booing in Lynah all season.

- Lou (Swarthmore MotherPucker 69-74, Stowe Slugs78-82, Hanover Storm Kings 83-85...) Big Red Fan since the 70's
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: upprdeck (
Date: February 26, 2017 10:01AM

hard to believe that 4 refs didnt see anything at that point on the ice.

at one point during the game we thought that only 1 ref had a whistle as Lynch seemed to call every penalty on the ice.
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: Johnny 5 (
Date: February 26, 2017 10:09AM

Yes, pretty Shattie officiating, overall.

Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: February 26, 2017 10:15AM

Hit was late and from where I sat was a vicious high hit and boarding in neutral zone behind the play. The trailing ref was watching the puck and play and didn't seem to have seen anything. Unbelievable! About the loudest booing in Lynah all season.
The puck was long gone when Foo took a run at Smith. Smith had sent it into the Union end from the neutral zone directly after a neutral zone faceoff. The hit was unnecessary. There may be no video showing it.

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: upprdeck (
Date: February 26, 2017 10:21AM

i would be surprised if the end camera didnt have something, assuming they follow the play at all outside the blue lines. all the feeds are recorded beyond what ildn shows live. doesnt cornell also have its own recording from a slightly different angle for their own film review?
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: February 26, 2017 10:26AM

Al DeFlorio
Impressive regular season in one respect: After an 0-1-1 start in ECAC games on the road, an 8-0-1 finish gives a final 8-1-2 road ECAC record.
Surely in more than one respect. The 9-point improvement from the prior season is one of our largest ever.
14 1988 16 30
12 1996 20 32
11 1985 18 29
11 2002 25 36
 9 2005 29 38
 9 2017 22 31

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/26/2017 10:27AM by Trotsky.
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: Dafatone (
Date: February 26, 2017 11:01AM

Al DeFlorio
Hit was late and from where I sat was a vicious high hit and boarding in neutral zone behind the play. The trailing ref was watching the puck and play and didn't seem to have seen anything. Unbelievable! About the loudest booing in Lynah all season.
The puck was long gone when Foo took a run at Smith. Smith had sent it into the Union end from the neutral zone directly after a neutral zone faceoff. The hit was unnecessary. There may be no video showing it.

Especially infuriating given that union scored on a power play following an interference call on mccarron for nudging a guy a little late.

But mostly infuriating because we lost a real good player to a dirty hit that wasn't called.
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: BearLover (
Date: February 26, 2017 03:39PM

We've lost three top-four D-men this year--absolutely devastating, but also makes you realize how good a defensive coach Schafer is that we've been so solid despite this.
Re: Union @ Cornell 02/25/17
Posted by: Give My Regards (
Date: February 26, 2017 06:04PM

Al DeFlorio
Impressive regular season in one respect: After an 0-1-1 start in ECAC games on the road, an 8-0-1 finish gives a final 8-1-2 road ECAC record.
Surely in more than one respect. The 9-point improvement from the prior season is one of our largest ever.
14 1988 16 30
12 1996 20 32
11 1985 18 29
11 2002 25 36
 9 2005 29 38
 9 2017 22 31

I'm astonished no one has yet pointed out that the top two improvements on this list were both with first-year coaches (McCutcheon in 1988, Schafer in 1996).

If you lead a good life, go to Sunday school and church, and say your prayers every night, when you die, you'll go to LYNAH!

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