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Dream-Crushing, Soul-Devouring Juggernaut Shirts

Posted by munchkin 
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Re: Dream-Crushing, Soul-Devouring Juggernaut Shirts
Posted by: judy (---.z190-90-67.customer.algx.net)
Date: March 24, 2010 11:19AM

So for those of us who didn't go with express shipping, is regular shipping UPS ground?
Re: Dream-Crushing, Soul-Devouring Juggernaut Shirts
Posted by: Greenberg '97 (---.nyc.gov)
Date: March 24, 2010 11:46AM

So for those of us who didn't go with express shipping, is regular shipping UPS ground?

No idea. I figured express gave me the best chance of getting them by tomorrow, plus I have this disposable wad of $20 bills that I like to throw Cornell's way whenever possible. rolleyes

I didn't receive any tracking information, so I was shocked when I heard they were delivered this morning. Maybe you'll be lucky too.
Re: Dream-Crushing, Soul-Devouring Juggernaut Shirts
Posted by: Beeeej (Moderator)
Date: March 24, 2010 11:49AM

I just had someone in Ithaca buy them for me, so he could bring them to Albany for me. Avoids the whole shipping cost thing. Yay, big brother!! cheer

Beeeej, Esq.

"Cornell isn't an organization. It's a loose affiliation of independent fiefdoms united by a common hockey team."
- Steve Worona
Re: Dream-Crushing, Soul-Devouring Juggernaut Shirts
Posted by: judy (---.z190-90-67.customer.algx.net)
Date: March 24, 2010 12:09PM

Greenberg '97
So for those of us who didn't go with express shipping, is regular shipping UPS ground?

No idea. I figured express gave me the best chance of getting them by tomorrow, plus I have this disposable wad of $20 bills that I like to throw Cornell's way whenever possible. rolleyes

I didn't receive any tracking information, so I was shocked when I heard they were delivered this morning. Maybe you'll be lucky too.

I can't wear the red this weekend (superstition) so it didn't matter if I got them before or after the weekend. I did remember that anything shipped UPS Ground from NY State usually arrives in DC after 2 days so it has me wondering if I'll still get it all before the weekend.
Re: Dream-Crushing, Soul-Devouring Juggernaut Shirts
Posted by: French Rage (---.packetdesign.com)
Date: March 24, 2010 01:55PM

Greenberg '97
So for those of us who didn't go with express shipping, is regular shipping UPS ground?

No idea. I figured express gave me the best chance of getting them by tomorrow, plus I have this disposable wad of $20 bills that I like to throw Cornell's way whenever possible. rolleyes

I didn't receive any tracking information, so I was shocked when I heard they were delivered this morning. Maybe you'll be lucky too.

I can't wear the red this weekend (superstition) so it didn't matter if I got them before or after the weekend. I did remember that anything shipped UPS Ground from NY State usually arrives in DC after 2 days so it has me wondering if I'll still get it all before the weekend.

I'm hoping to get one in CA by Friday after ordering Tuesday, but realizing the odds are probably against me. But I ain't paying $27 for express shipping.

03/23/02: Maine 4, Harvard 3
03/28/03: BU 6, Harvard 4
03/26/04: Maine 5, Harvard 4
03/26/05: UNH 3, Harvard 2
03/25/06: Maine 6, Harvard 1
Re: Dream-Crushing, Soul-Devouring Juggernaut Shirts
Posted by: munchkin (---.internet.mymmode.com)
Date: March 24, 2010 03:00PM

Hello all, I wanted to let you know that I got an e-mail from Jeff today about the IJ interview. It was more based on the Sweet 16 shirts and licensing issues. He was trying to tell her he needed to get off the phone to deliver the Juggernaut shirts, and she took that to use. Below is what he sent me:
Jeff Frey
Good Morning.......just having time to get to see how all received on
elynah. Based on the fact the the shirts were just finished being boxed,
and needed to get over to Cornell ASAP at 12:30......guess when the call
from the IJ came in? Way too much rushed discussion about all the
licensing things and how that all works. Why we couldn't print Sweet
Sixteen and how we planned ahead for ECAC and got them out on Monday (they
took pic Monday afternoon). That was the actual topic of the interview.

So.....as I was trying to wrap up to make shirt delivery I was starting to
explain why I had to cut the conversation short and guess what ends up as
the lead in. She took the whole whirlwind conversation and there you
Re: Dream-Crushing, Soul-Devouring Juggernaut Shirts
Posted by: andyw2100 (---.twcny.res.rr.com)
Date: March 24, 2010 03:06PM

Thanks for sharing that, Munchkin. It's good to know that Jeff was not intentionally trying to take credit. Some had suggested that the issue may have been what the reporter chose to use vs. omit, and I'm glad to see that basically that's exactly what happened.
Re: Dream-Crushing, Soul-Devouring Juggernaut Shirts
Posted by: Brian Sullivan (---.sub-72-125-209.myvzw.com)
Date: March 24, 2010 04:03PM

Well I'll be at the Crown Plaza this weekend, but trust me.. I'm pulling for the Big Red and I'll follow that crowd. A few rounds Friday, anybody? (And hopefully Saturday too...)
Re: Ithaca Journal screws up the story
Posted by: slh10 (---.proxy.aol.com)
Date: March 24, 2010 04:03PM

Ordered my shirts around 11:00am yesterday and they were on the doorstep at 3:00 this afternoon. They look great. Thanks to those of you who put this together. Great job!
Re: Ithaca Journal screws up the story
Posted by: profudge (---.dr04.nrwc.ny.frontiernet.net)
Date: March 24, 2010 07:25PM

The same for me, Ordered 5 around 11:00 AM Yesterday and at my Door at 3 PM today - (I'm only 23 miles south of Ithaca). They Were shipped UPS 2 day express for the normal shipping fee. Great job - everyone!

- Lou (Swarthmore MotherPucker 69-74, Stowe Slugs78-82, Hanover Storm Kings 83-85...) Big Red Fan since the 70's
Re: Ithaca Journal screws up the story
Posted by: Greenberg '97 (---.dyn.optonline.net)
Date: March 24, 2010 07:40PM

The same for me, Ordered 5 around 11:00 AM Yesterday and at my Door at 3 PM today - (I'm only 23 miles south of Ithaca). They Were shipped UPS 2 day express for the normal shipping fee. Great job - everyone!

Hmm.... good thing I spent that extra $20. bang
Re: Ithaca Journal screws up the story
Posted by: Flyers1037 (---.hsd1.dc.comcast.net)
Date: March 24, 2010 09:26PM

Greenberg '97
The same for me, Ordered 5 around 11:00 AM Yesterday and at my Door at 3 PM today - (I'm only 23 miles south of Ithaca). They Were shipped UPS 2 day express for the normal shipping fee. Great job - everyone!

Hmm.... good thing I spent that extra $20. bang

I got nada down here...
Re: Dream-Crushing, Soul-Devouring Juggernaut Shirts
Posted by: munchkin (---.nycmny.east.verizon.net)
Date: March 24, 2010 10:01PM

Just got an e-mail from Jeff. If anyone wants a large size shirt: ie 3XL or 4XL contact him directly at jeff@pspunlimited.com and he will accommodate selling directly from PSP to you. He's gotten several requests for them.
Re: Dream-Crushing, Soul-Devouring Juggernaut Shirts
Posted by: Greenberg '97 (---.dyn.optonline.net)
Date: March 24, 2010 10:04PM

Just got an e-mail from Jeff. If anyone wants a large size shirt: ie 3XL or 4XL contact him directly at jeff@pspunlimited.com and he will accommodate selling directly from PSP to you. He's gotten several requests for them.

I was hoping for the other end of the spectrum. Think 18-24 mo or 2T.
Re: Dream-Crushing, Soul-Devouring Juggernaut Shirts
Posted by: munchkin (---.nycmny.east.verizon.net)
Date: March 24, 2010 10:08PM

Greenberg '97
Just got an e-mail from Jeff. If anyone wants a large size shirt: ie 3XL or 4XL contact him directly at jeff@pspunlimited.com and he will accommodate selling directly from PSP to you. He's gotten several requests for them.

I was hoping for the other end of the spectrum. Think 18-24 mo or 2T.

Send him an e-mail, see what he'll do for you. It doesn't hurt to ask.

And keep up the ordering, they're doing another printing on Friday. Wooo for viral creation and viral sales!

Edit: Just received mine when I got back to Boston (who doesn't love 20 hour jaunts to NYC?). Will be giving Brian's to him tonight after Basketball.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/25/2010 08:07PM by munchkin.
Re: Dream-Crushing, Soul-Devouring Juggernaut Shirts
Posted by: Chris H82 (---.sttlwa.fios.verizon.net)
Date: March 26, 2010 12:44AM

I ordered 2 on Tuesday, paid for regular shipping, .....and got home from work today(Thursday) here in Seattle to find the box sitting on my doorstep! banana
These are awesome shirts - TOTAL shout-out to all the folks who pulled this together so quickly. Makes me proud to be a Cornellian. LGR!
(edit after other comments about "which shipping company?"- yeah, it was UPS.)
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/26/2010 09:49AM by Chris H82.
Re: Dream-Crushing, Soul-Devouring Juggernaut Shirts
Posted by: Lauren '06 (128.189.227.---)
Date: March 26, 2010 12:52AM

Chris H82
I ordered 2 on Tuesday, paid for regular shipping, .....and got home from work today(Thursday) here in Seattle to find the box sitting on my doorstep! banana
Oh that is so not fair. I ordered mine on Tuesday too, and I'm apparently not getting it until April 5. (Vancouver.) Is the international border so vast? :`-(
Re: Dream-Crushing, Soul-Devouring Juggernaut Shirts
Posted by: Flyers1037 (---.hsd1.dc.comcast.net)
Date: March 26, 2010 01:12AM

Chris H82
I ordered 2 on Tuesday, paid for regular shipping, .....and got home from work today(Thursday) here in Seattle to find the box sitting on my doorstep! banana
These are awesome shirts - TOTAL shout-out to all the folks who pulled this together so quickly. Makes me proud to be a Cornellian. LGR!

Did they come via UPS? I came home to a slip on my door, but am not sure if its the shirts I ordered regular shipping or a CD i ordered...
Re: Dream-Crushing, Soul-Devouring Juggernaut Shirts
Posted by: French Rage (---.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
Date: March 26, 2010 04:49AM

Chris H82
I ordered 2 on Tuesday, paid for regular shipping, .....and got home from work today(Thursday) here in Seattle to find the box sitting on my doorstep! banana
These are awesome shirts - TOTAL shout-out to all the folks who pulled this together so quickly. Makes me proud to be a Cornellian. LGR!

Did they come via UPS? I came home to a slip on my door, but am not sure if its the shirts I ordered regular shipping or a CD i ordered...

Check the tracking online. I'm in the Bay Area, bought on Tuesday with regular shipping, and found the slip after I got home. So I'm picking up on the way to work tomorrow!

03/23/02: Maine 4, Harvard 3
03/28/03: BU 6, Harvard 4
03/26/04: Maine 5, Harvard 4
03/26/05: UNH 3, Harvard 2
03/25/06: Maine 6, Harvard 1
Re: Dream-Crushing, Soul-Devouring Juggernaut Shirts
Posted by: French Rage (---.packetdesign.com)
Date: March 26, 2010 02:35PM

French Rage
Chris H82
I ordered 2 on Tuesday, paid for regular shipping, .....and got home from work today(Thursday) here in Seattle to find the box sitting on my doorstep! banana
These are awesome shirts - TOTAL shout-out to all the folks who pulled this together so quickly. Makes me proud to be a Cornellian. LGR!

Did they come via UPS? I came home to a slip on my door, but am not sure if its the shirts I ordered regular shipping or a CD i ordered...

Check the tracking online. I'm in the Bay Area, bought on Tuesday with regular shipping, and found the slip after I got home. So I'm picking up on the way to work tomorrow!

Got it! Awesome!

03/23/02: Maine 4, Harvard 3
03/28/03: BU 6, Harvard 4
03/26/04: Maine 5, Harvard 4
03/26/05: UNH 3, Harvard 2
03/25/06: Maine 6, Harvard 1
Re: Dream-Crushing, Soul-Devouring Juggernaut Shirts
Posted by: nr53 (---.cisco.com)
Date: March 26, 2010 02:50PM

Got mine yesterday too. Shirts look great :-)
Re: Dream-Crushing, Soul-Devouring Juggernaut Shirts
Posted by: mikek (---.ph.ph.cox.net)
Date: March 26, 2010 04:25PM

Just got my shirt! Just in time for the game. Got to love free UPS 2 day shipping. Glad I didn't spend the extra 20 bucks. (only starts to make up for those textbook prices though)
Re: Dream-Crushing, Soul-Devouring Juggernaut Shirts
Posted by: hockeychick470 (---.dc.dc.cox.net)
Date: March 26, 2010 04:39PM

ughhhhhh i was taking a nap and didn't hear them knocking and not only did they not leave it, they didn't feel the need to leave it at my complex's main office (where they could have gotten a signature). AND i can't get it till Monday cause the truck won't be back till after 7 and they close before I'll get back from watching tonight's game.
Re: Dream-Crushing, Soul-Devouring Juggernaut Shirts
Posted by: jeff '84 (---.dyn.optonline.net)
Date: April 14, 2020 01:13PM

Any whispers of someone with talent (or the school itself) thinking about designing and selling a t shirt honoring the ‘19-‘20 team (without using the word national “champions”)?
Re: Dream-Crushing, Soul-Devouring Juggernaut Shirts
Posted by: Trotsky (---.washdc.fios.verizon.net)
Date: April 14, 2020 01:37PM

"My team finished first in all the polls and all I got was this lousy virus."
Re: Dream-Crushing, Soul-Devouring Juggernaut Shirts
Posted by: jeff '84 (---.dyn.optonline.net)
Date: April 14, 2020 04:52PM

"My team finished first in all the polls and all I got was this lousy virus."

Re: Dream-Crushing, Soul-Devouring Juggernaut Shirts
Posted by: The Rancor (73.93.142.---)
Date: April 14, 2020 05:29PM

jeff '84
"My team finished first in all the polls and all I got was this lousy virus."


Re: Dream-Crushing, Soul-Devouring Juggernaut Shirts
Posted by: KenP (---.washdc.fios.verizon.net)
Date: April 15, 2020 01:17PM

Re: Dream-Crushing, Soul-Devouring Juggernaut Shirts
Posted by: Trotsky (---.washdc.fios.verizon.net)
Date: April 15, 2020 02:00PM

The Times regrets the error.
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