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"Analyzing the Opening Weekend"

Posted by amerks127 
"Analyzing the Opening Weekend"
Posted by: amerks127 (
Date: October 20, 2008 09:09AM

Re: "Analyzing the Opening Weekend"
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: October 20, 2008 10:10AM

Very good article, thanks for posting it.
Re: "Analyzing the Opening Weekend"
Posted by: ugarte (
Date: October 20, 2008 12:49PM

"our sieves between the pipes"?

Re: "Analyzing the Opening Weekend"
Posted by: amerks127 (
Date: October 20, 2008 01:02PM

"our sieves between the pipes"?

It's an endearing term.
Re: "Analyzing the Opening Weekend"
Posted by: ebilmes (
Date: October 20, 2008 01:34PM

"our sieves between the pipes"?

It's an endearing term.

Re: "Analyzing the Opening Weekend"
Posted by: imafrshmn (
Date: October 20, 2008 02:22PM

Hooray for competent hockey journalism. The Sun's main game article from their staff writer had this gem:

“High School University,” as the Lynah bleacher residents called Team USA early in the second period, was 3-2 against Division 1 teams going into Saturday night’s game."

class of '09

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/20/2008 02:26PM by imafrshmn.
Re: "Analyzing the Opening Weekend"
Posted by: Josh '99 (
Date: October 20, 2008 02:51PM

Is "Punches" pronounced the way it looks?
Re: "Analyzing the Opening Weekend"
Posted by: JDeafv (
Date: October 20, 2008 04:59PM

Josh '99
Is "Punches" pronounced the way it looks?
Re: "Analyzing the Opening Weekend"
Posted by: sah67 (
Date: October 20, 2008 06:14PM

Hooray for competent hockey journalism. The Sun's main game article from their staff writer had this gem:

“High School University,” as the Lynah bleacher residents called Team USA early in the second period, was 3-2 against Division 1 teams going into Saturday night’s game."

Ohboy...I can just see it getting so much better as the season begins in earnest:

"'Winning Team Losing Team," as the Lynah bleacher residents called the Brown squad at the conclusion of the game..."
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/20/2008 06:15PM by sah67.
Re: "Analyzing the Opening Weekend"
Posted by: ACM (
Date: October 20, 2008 08:45PM

I've been a follower of hockey for most of my 58 years. I grew up with the New York Rangers of Andy Bathgate, Dean Prentice, Red Sullivan, Camille Henry, Leaping Looie Fontinato, Harry Howell, Larry Cahan, Jim "Chief" Nielson, and Gump Worsley. I came to Cornell right after Ned Harkness led the Big Red to its first NCAA championship, and I was in Lake Placid for the climax to the undefeated season. I spent six years as the publicist and general manager for the Ithaca Stars, 17 years as the hockey columnist for the Ithaca Times, and this will be my 22nd season as the public address announcer at Lynah Rink.

I have no idea what, or where, the "left penalty circle" is.
Re: "Analyzing the Opening Weekend"
Posted by: Dpperk29 (
Date: October 20, 2008 08:56PM

I would guess that since now all the faceoffs after penalties are in the offending teams defensive zone, the left faceoff circle is the circle to the defending goalies left.

I had to think about it for a minute also...

"That damn bell at Clarkson." -Ken Dryden in reference to his hatred for the Clarkson Bell.
Re: "Analyzing the Opening Weekend"
Posted by: marty (
Date: October 20, 2008 10:11PM

I would guess that since now all the faceoffs after penalties are in the offending teams defensive zone, the left faceoff circle is the circle to the defending goalies left.

I had to think about it for a minute also...

Well you might want to think about it again as he has two lefts. There is the left from his vantage as he is looking at the world from the net and there is the left that the fans see if they are facing him.

Don't forget that two wrongs don't make a right but three lefts do!
Re: "Analyzing the Opening Weekend"
Posted by: Dpperk29 (
Date: October 21, 2008 08:05AM

I would guess that since now all the faceoffs after penalties are in the offending teams defensive zone, the left faceoff circle is the circle to the defending goalies left.

I had to think about it for a minute also...

Well you might want to think about it again as he has two lefts. There is the left from his vantage as he is looking at the world from the net and there is the left that the fans see if they are facing him.

Don't forget that two wrongs don't make a right but three lefts do!

well you might want to read it again... I think say "to the defending goalies left" rather strongly implies The goalies left. had I said "To the left of the goalie" I would accept the grammatical criticism.

"That damn bell at Clarkson." -Ken Dryden in reference to his hatred for the Clarkson Bell.
Re: "Analyzing the Opening Weekend"
Posted by: mnagowski (
Date: October 21, 2008 08:28AM

"to the defending goalies left"

Except you forgot the apostrophe.

The moniker formally know as metaezra.
Re: "Analyzing the Opening Weekend"
Posted by: ACM (
Date: October 21, 2008 09:36AM

The sentence was written from the point of view of the attacking team. If the writer had referred to the "left faceoff circle", or the "left-wing circle", or just the "left circle", I would have had no problem with the description of the play. But there's just no such thing as a "penalty circle" in ice hockey (unless maybe frequently-penalized players meet as a group on Wednesday evenings and crochet toques or something ...), and the term has no business being in the article.
Re: "Analyzing the Opening Weekend"
Posted by: puckbunny (
Date: October 21, 2008 10:03AM

Reaction to "Give My Regards to Davy" from the Daily Sun 10/21/08:

Saturday Night at Lynah Rink—the scene was beautiful. As I walked through the doors and made my way to my seat I was overjoyed to find the smell of crisp ice and the murmur of the excited Lynah Faithful. However as the game continued, I was horrified to find that there was one thing about the Cornell hockey experience that was just plain wrong: the cowbell.
If you have ever been to a Cornell hockey game, you should be familiar with the cowbell fight cheer. Every year the role of cowbell boy is passed down to a new person for the new season at Lynah. We all expect the cowbell at the first game to be a little off—generally due to nerves or inexperience.
However, this year’s first attempt at the cowbell was so devoid of anything that could remotely resemble rhythm, we must take time to ask ourselves: Is this the result of some elementary school music teacher’s blunder or evidence of the fact that cowbell boy disrespects the Lynah faithful so much to neglect practicing his role altogether?
It was with this disappointed mindset that I stumbled upon the latest installment of cowbell boy’s column, “Give My Regards to Davy.” After reading his analysis of the game, I had a completely new question: Was he even at the same game? Don’t get me wrong—cowbell boy made some good points, but he fails to give credit where credit is due.
For example, cowbell boy discusses the “magical” playing ability of Colin Greening and Riley Nash. True. Greening and Nash are amazing players, as we can see from the volume of goals scored by these players last season, but they were by no means the stars of Saturday’s game. There were other players on the ice who played a quality game of hockey, and cowbell boy appears to remain blind to their accomplishments.
Throughout the article, cowbell boy is quick to give out his expert criticism of players, but completely fails to mention the growth that many players have made since last season. What about Tyler Roezsler’s goal, or the constant ferocity that Evan Barlow brought to the ice? It is great that cowbell boy can recognize the fan favorites for a good game, but it would be nice if he could also recognize the rest for what they bring to Cornell hockey as well.
But, honestly, his column isn’t a game recap (although most of it sounded like one), and certainly cowbell boy has a right to his own opinions about hockey and the team. However, I have a few requests for him.
Never ever refer to Ben Scrivens, Michael Garman, or any other Cornell goalie as a sieve. Ever. As a Lynah faithful, you can recognize blunders of the team, but if you could do so with a little less smugness and a little more respect—that would be great.
And next time, learn to play the cowbell.
Re: "Analyzing the Opening Weekend"
Posted by: Josh '99 (
Date: October 21, 2008 12:17PM

Reaction to "Give My Regards to Davy" from the Daily Sun 10/21/08:

Saturday Night at Lynah Rink—the scene was beautiful. As I walked through the doors and made my way to my seat I was overjoyed to find the smell of crisp ice and the murmur of the excited Lynah Faithful. However as the game continued, I was horrified to find that there was one thing about the Cornell hockey experience that was just plain wrong: the cowbell.
If you have ever been to a Cornell hockey game, you should be familiar with the cowbell fight cheer. Every year the role of cowbell boy is passed down to a new person for the new season at Lynah. We all expect the cowbell at the first game to be a little off—generally due to nerves or inexperience.
However, this year’s first attempt at the cowbell was so devoid of anything that could remotely resemble rhythm, we must take time to ask ourselves: Is this the result of some elementary school music teacher’s blunder or evidence of the fact that cowbell boy disrespects the Lynah faithful so much to neglect practicing his role altogether?
It was with this disappointed mindset that I stumbled upon the latest installment of cowbell boy’s column, “Give My Regards to Davy.” After reading his analysis of the game, I had a completely new question: Was he even at the same game? Don’t get me wrong—cowbell boy made some good points, but he fails to give credit where credit is due.
For example, cowbell boy discusses the “magical” playing ability of Colin Greening and Riley Nash. True. Greening and Nash are amazing players, as we can see from the volume of goals scored by these players last season, but they were by no means the stars of Saturday’s game. There were other players on the ice who played a quality game of hockey, and cowbell boy appears to remain blind to their accomplishments.
Throughout the article, cowbell boy is quick to give out his expert criticism of players, but completely fails to mention the growth that many players have made since last season. What about Tyler Roezsler’s goal, or the constant ferocity that Evan Barlow brought to the ice? It is great that cowbell boy can recognize the fan favorites for a good game, but it would be nice if he could also recognize the rest for what they bring to Cornell hockey as well.
But, honestly, his column isn’t a game recap (although most of it sounded like one), and certainly cowbell boy has a right to his own opinions about hockey and the team. However, I have a few requests for him.
Never ever refer to Ben Scrivens, Michael Garman, or any other Cornell goalie as a sieve. Ever. As a Lynah faithful, you can recognize blunders of the team, but if you could do so with a little less smugness and a little more respect—that would be great.
And next time, learn to play the cowbell.

Re: "Analyzing the Opening Weekend"
Posted by: fatchance72 (
Date: October 22, 2008 06:54PM


this dude sounds good.

see, now that you sucked, if you play it just like this on friday, people will go nuts.
More great hockey coverage in the Sun today
Posted by: ebilmes (
Date: October 24, 2008 03:27PM

Second paragraph:

This week’s opponent is also a collection of elite skaters, but the University of Western Ontario crossed a national boundary to get to Ithaca.

Re: More great hockey coverage in the Sun today
Posted by: MSE09 (
Date: October 24, 2008 10:04PM

I enjoyed this nugget:

as well a shorthanded third-period score from junior Tyler Mugford that briefly gave the lead to the home team.

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