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Cornell-RIT postgame

Posted by RichH 
Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: RichH (76.28.11.---)
Date: October 27, 2007 10:01PM

Well, I actually expected that. Ottawa is nice, but they're no RIT, who in turn is no Clarkson.

The good: From the start of the 2nd period to the end of the game, Cornell controlled play (is that a trait of CU teams this year? Control play but lose?). They applied pressure by applying hits, and that style is definitely further along than it was at this point last season. Overall, they were disciplined (save for the Greening hit that I missed). The PP is also trying some different things. In the 2nd, there were a couple tic-tac-toe plays that I saw that were beautifully set up, but not finished. Scrivens seems comfortable in net. Two of the shots that beat him picked the top corner on his stick-side...tough to fault him for those.

The bad: Offense is going to be sparse, I fear. Little creativity and getting the puck to the net was shown on 5x5. Sloppy passing and positioning abound, but it's early. RIT pretty much played a "pylon hockey" defense much of the game and just got in the way of the puck any chance they could...CU needs to learn to get around that. Look, the problems of last year aren't completely solved. This team lives and dies by special teams, and the 2 PP goals RIT scored were due to a LOT of open ice being available. 0x7 on the PP is unacceptable. With that much time on the PP in the 2nd and early 3rd, you've gotta get something in. The freshmen are still getting their feet and adjusting to this level and this pace.

RIT played well enough to win. But I disagree with RIT radio saying that we showed them everything we could possibly throw at them. Luckily, we start the league schedule with Princeton at home.

The crowd: Sounded great. 5000+ in that building for that game is outstanding. Band sounded amazing, very happy they made the trip. Blew RITs band away, even if the radio was taunting that they had more people. Announcers estimated that there were ~1000 Cornell fans.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/27/2007 10:05PM by RichH.
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: redhair34 (---.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com)
Date: October 27, 2007 10:04PM

and the 2 PP goals RIT scored were due to a LOT of open ice being available.

and both were scored after failed clear attempts. Good analysis of the game; it pretty much echoes my thoughts.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/27/2007 10:08PM by redhair34.
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: Tom14850 (---.buffalo.res.rr.com)
Date: October 27, 2007 11:43PM

Cornell was definitely subject to some first game slip-ups. At least I hope they're first game slip-ups. There were many many times when a Cornell player simply whiffed on a shot or pass when they had control of the puck. I haven't seen them do that so many times in a long time.

The freshman clearly are playing a big role on this team, for better or worse. Nash got a lot of ice time, including a lot of face-offs. He certainly has a lot of room to improve, but I thought he played well enough, especially for his first game. He could definitely use some improvement on his face-offs, but I'll think he'll be a great asset for Cornell as the year progresses. He made a couple awesome passes to set up scoring opportunities.

I was impressed with RIT. I thought they played good defense. It was either them playing well on D or us being predictable and fairly slow. It probably was a bit of both, but I think it's unfair if you don't give RIT substantial credit. They hustled back on D and choked up the middle extremely well. They blocked an incredible number of shots and passes. I'd be surprised if they don't win Atlantic Hockey this season.

Things that perpetually frustrate me: Cornell's seeming inability to finish and Cornell's breakout. It seems their breakout strategy is this: bring the puck out of the back, hand it over to the other team in the middle and hope to get it back before the opponent organizes. Then take advantage of the disorganization to get it into the offensive zone. I feel like this is a coaching challenge because these things have been consistently bad. And I mean bad.

I love that RIT had so many fans at the game and were so passionate about it. The more passion for upstate college hockey the better, as far as I'm concerned. However, did anybody else wonder if their fans got just about every single cheer and chant from Lynah?
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: Doug '08 (---.twcny.res.rr.com)
Date: October 27, 2007 11:43PM

Just got back from the game. This team will have a lot to work on if we even want to be competitive in the ECAC. Puck movement is terrible, especially among our defensemen in our own zone. Power play was absolutely atrocious. Team played with absolutely no energy until halfway through the third period.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/28/2007 12:34PM by Doug '08.
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: sah67 (---.nys.biz.rr.com)
Date: October 28, 2007 02:28AM

After just getting back from Rochester, I agree with most of Rich's points, and no need to be redundant on here. RIT was the faster team tonight, and although we were hitting, I didn't feel like we muscled them around like we could have. Several of our big hitters (Nichols, Sawada) even seemed to be getting pushed around themselves.

Scrivens looked ok...the first PP goal, the wrister, seemed a little soft, but on the 2nd and 3rd he got absolutely hung out to dry by our D. I remember watching in awe on the 2nd RIT goal as two of our defenseman (I think Devin was one) dropped down expecting to block a shot, but the RIT player hadn't even lifted his stick and simply skated around the downed Cornell D to go right in on Scrivens and score.

As others mentioned, our puck-handling was horrible also...we might have even missed more passes than we completed. Lots of whiffing on shots and clears too. There were several good chances in the second, some on wide-open nets while Menard was out of position but we always seemed to fumble the puck everytime.

Although it's hard to say any of our players played well, if I had to say one player played above the others tonight, it was Topher. Sawada and Barlow who were really contributing offense at the end of last season seemed almost non-existent tonight. Topher put in a lot of effort even if he ended up getting tied up a few times. Nicholls had some good hits (and unfortunately, penalties as well), and I was also impressed by the Devins, the Kennedies, and Berk. Seminoff was quite capable as usual, but not spectacular as he has been in the past. Troublingly, Krantz and Krueger seemed pretty flat-footed and out of gas at several points in the game...I think the return of Brendon Nash will have an important impact on the D.

Devin's goal was far from anything even resembling "pretty", but once it went in between Menard's legs and he lost track of it, we knew it was going in, and at that point, were willing to take what we could get.

I was impressed with the RIT fans for the most part...very vocal, even if the "R...I...T" thing did get repetitive, and the "DE-FENSE" chant was stupid as usual, but they did overpower us vocally which I haven't seen in some time. But on that note, I was really disappointed with the Faithful showing. We were achingly quiet for most of the games...very few chants were started, and even fewer got going when several of us tried to start them., Doug was nice and loud on the Cowbell, and put their Cowbell-er to shame ;)

Most of our fan section seemed to consist of Rochester-area alumni who were content to just sit in their seat and not make a peep. Even the band seemed out of it cheer-wise, not really starting any, and even when the RIT idiots came over to taunt them, they just sat there looking irritated and didn't utter anything until I started a "Safety Schooool" chant out of desperation.. we were getting out-cheered in our own fan section by 4 RIT guys. At one point I remarked to my girlfriend that you could hear the buzz of the arena lights louder than the Faithful...something I'd never witnessed at any Cornell away game.

One thing about RIT student fans though...they were several total asshole moves...and not just from one or two people: many kids throwing full soda bottles and pucks at our players after the game had ended; several dumbasses in wigs jumping in front of Cornell fans on the street outside Blue Cross and screaming "WOOOOOOOOOOO...YOU LOST, BITCHES!"; and multiple cars in the parking garage blaring their horns and screaming insults at Cornell fans as they walked by...made the Bonesaw Brigade look like angels ;)
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/28/2007 02:34AM by sah67.
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: redice (---.157.14.89.Dial1.Boston1.Level3.net)
Date: October 28, 2007 09:25AM

RIT was the faster team tonight, and although we were hitting, I didn't feel like we muscled them around like we could have. BTW, did anyone see the Greening infraction? I didn't see anything that would warrant a game misconduct.

I agree. In the early part of the first period, RIT was definitely taking it to CU. Around mid-period CU began to assert itself. It was around that point that the officials clamped down. Nichols for charging was one pretty lame call. And, what's with the open-ice hitting-from-behind call on Riley Nash? It was my impression that the hitting-from-behind penalty was intended to prevent injuries caused by players being driven head-first into the boards. RIT beat CU fair & square!! But, I felt the the officials took CU off their game by not allowing the hard-hitting style that CU needs to play to win.

I was impressed with the RIT fans for the most part...very vocal, even if the "R...I...T" thing did get repetitive, and the "DE-FENSE" chant was stupid as usual, but they did overpower us vocally which I haven't seen in some time. But on that note, I was really disappointed with the Faithful showing. We were achingly quiet for most of the games...very few chants were started, and even fewer got going when several of us tried to start them.

In my 40+ years of watching CU hockey, I've never seen the fan base seemingly collapse because they got "out yelled" early in a game. There was no attempt, on the part of the CU fans, to rally themselves & their team to overcome the RIT fans & team, respectively. It was just lame rolleyes As a group, we sat on our hands for most of 2-1/2 periods of hockey. My wife lamented the lack of CU students at the game. Since there were empty seats on the CHA booster bus, I have to assume that there was little interest in attending the game. Probably halloween parties took precedence ;-)

All in all, a very disappointing way for CU & its fan base to start a season. cry
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/28/2007 09:33AM by redice.
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: rstott (---.hsd1.va.comcast.net)
Date: October 28, 2007 09:59AM

Same problem as last year -- special teams. In 2006-7 we were the best team in the ECAC at even strength but the special teams killed us. RIT 2-4 on the PP Cornell 0-7.

As for being muscled. This is not a big team. I was looking at the program for the 2005 quarterfinals with Clarkson. We started eleven 200 pounds or more players compared to five last night.
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: Doug '08 (---.twcny.res.rr.com)
Date: October 28, 2007 12:40PM

It seems that in general the Cornell fanbase is deteriorating. I have gotten to watch it first hand over my four years here... each season, each game, each road trip seems slightly less impressive than the one before it. To a certain extent I blame the fans, however athletics really needs to make it easier for students without cars to get to games. While winning cures all ills, this is probably the easiest road trip to make of the year. There was very little publication of the CHA bus for those not already in the CHA; Cornell needs to do something else in its own right. I think there were at most, 10 of us there last night.

This program is in desperate need of a frozen four appearance.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/28/2007 12:46PM by Doug '08.
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: redice (---.154.219.136.Dial1.Boston1.Level3.net)
Date: October 28, 2007 01:36PM

Doug '08
It seems that in general the Cornell fanbase is deteriorating. I have gotten to watch it first hand over my four years here... each season, each game, each road trip seems slightly less impressive than the one before it.

Agreed. As an oldtimer at Lynah, I've seen many such cycles. With a championship team, this too, shall pass.

Doug '08
To a certain extent I blame the fans, however athletics really needs to make it easier for students without cars to get to games. While winning cures all ills, this is probably the easiest road trip to make of the year. There was very little publication of the CHA bus for those not already in the CHA; Cornell needs to do something else in its own right. I think there were at most, 10 of us there last night.

With an undergrad enrollment of 13000+, 10 students at a game in Rochester is pitiful. That fact, and the failure to sell out the student season tickets, is an indication of declining interest. Winning will fix that too!! Everybody loves a winner. That applies to Cornell students, as well.

Doug '08
This program is in desperate need of a frozen four appearance.

We're back to the chicken or the egg question.. ;-)
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: mnagowski (---.bflony.fios.verizon.net)
Date: October 28, 2007 01:48PM

I was able to bring a mix of seven from Buffalo--recent alums and siblings/cousins. I was pleased with the turnout of Rochester alumni, wish more Buffalo alums would have made the trip, but I was disappointed with the student section. It's only a 90 minute drive after all. I suspect a lot of student's don't realize how good the RIT hockey program has gotten. Plus it was the first regular season game of the year. If this game turns into an annual event at the BCBS arena (which I would love to see happen), expect to see a rather nice rivalry develop. RIT is certainly gunning for us, their fans' rather unsportsmanlike demeanor not outstanding.

I didn't think we were that quiet, however. We comprised 4+ sections of the arena, and a lot of the older alums were chanting along with the Let's Go Red chant, and it wasn't like the cheering was completely dominated by RIT, whose fanbase was probably surprised at the number of Cornell supporters in the crowd.

The pep band, however, sounded fantastic, and really out-classed RIT's band, even though their conductor was wearing some sort of tuxedo with white gloves get up.
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: calgARI '07 (---.gunnery.org)
Date: October 28, 2007 03:32PM

So they've played the three of the worst teams they'll play this year and have 1-1-1 record scoring once in two of the games.
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: oceanst41 (---.ri.ri.cox.net)
Date: October 28, 2007 03:40PM

And, what's with the open-ice hitting-from-behind call on Riley Nash? It was my impression that the hitting-from-behind penalty was intended to prevent injuries caused by players being driven head-first into the boards.

It is my understanding that hitting from behind is called for an open ice hit and results in a 2 min minor, whereas boarding is called for a dangerous hit near the boards and results in the 5 min major and early shower.
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: grizzdan24 (---.twcny.res.rr.com)
Date: October 28, 2007 04:27PM

Doug '08
It seems that in general the Cornell fanbase is deteriorating. I have gotten to watch it first hand over my four years here... each season, each game, each road trip seems slightly less impressive than the one before it.
I'm a senior and went up with one of my friends and I agree the student showing was pitiful. For $8 student tickets they could have put together a $15-$20/person package (bus/ticket/dinner) to make it easier for us to get up there.

Along the same lines, I agree with the above, but I also think that the Lynah student crowd has deteriorated some as well. I partially attribute this to the change in ticket procedures for underclassmen. We came in expecting to go through hell and high water to get tickets, resulting in the most dedicated fans getting tickets (and getting the best tickets). Year 1 that happened, Year 2 was the great stampede (which failed on almost every level, but the hype was great) and the last two years there has been almost no hype.
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: Cop at Lynah (---.twcny.res.rr.com)
Date: October 28, 2007 05:02PM

You are correct that the fanbase deteriorating. There are several reasons but the most glaring are:

1) cost - season ticket prices for non-students are too expensive for most families. Athletics is using the hockey teams past success to try and fund the other non revenue sports, especially football. Only one true sell out last year (Harvard) should tell athletics something.

2) treatment by athletics - it's really no fun to go the games anymore.

3) pay for everything - no free audio or video to cultivate new fans or keep those interested in keeping up with the team on the road.
Charging, boarding, hitting from behind
Posted by: David Harding (---.hsd1.il.comcast.net)
Date: October 28, 2007 05:48PM

This was a "Point of Emphasis" for 2006.
NCAA rule book
Hitting From Behind

This dangerous act continues to be an area of concern to the committee. Any hit from behind must be penalized without exception and regardless of the severity of the hit. Boarding and charging penalties were redefined by the committee to distinguish from hitting from behind.

SECTION 6. a. A player shall not skate more than two steps or jump into or charge an opponent. Charging is the action of a player, who as a result of distance traveled, checks an opponent violently in any manner from the front or side.
Note: A fair body check is one in which a player checks an opponent who is in possession of the puck, by using the hip or body from the front or diagonally from the front or straight from the side.
PENALTY—Minor or major at discretion of the referee.
b. A player shall not charge or otherwise foul a goalkeeper while the goalkeeper is within the crease or privileged area (see 6-19-b-2-g).
PENALTY—Minor or major at discretion of the referee.
SECTION 3. A player shall not body check, cross-check, elbow, charge or trip an opponent from the front or side in such a manner that causes the opponent to be thrown violently into the boards (see 6-23).
PENALTY—Minor or major at discretion of the referee, based on degree of violence of the impact with the boards.

Hitting From Behind
SECTION 23. a. A player shall not push, charge, cross-check or body check an opponent from behind.
PENALTY—Minor or major at the discretion of the referee.
b. Hitting from behind into the side boards, end boards or goal cage is a flagrant violation.
PENALTY—Major and game misconduct or disqualification at the discretion of the referee.
Note: This dangerous act continues to be an area of concern to the committee. Any hit from behind must be penalized without exception and regardless of the severity of the hit.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/28/2007 05:49PM by David Harding.
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: JDeafv (---.twcny.res.rr.com)
Date: October 28, 2007 05:49PM

We were achingly quiet for most of the games...very few chants were started, and even fewer got going when several of us tried to start them.

Some of us in attendance felt it was appropriate to refrain from the "sieve" chant when the goalie has a shut-out going. Also, the "other team," "sucks" cheer is difficult when Cornell is being shut-out half way through the second. innocent
Re: Charging, boarding, hitting from behind
Posted by: oceanst41 (---.ri.ri.cox.net)
Date: October 28, 2007 06:01PM

Thanks for finding that info. I was always under the impression that the referees would typically call boarding if the player in question was about to be ejected for the hit. However, reviewing the box score from RIT both Nash and Greening received hitting from behind penalties.
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: sah67 (---.64.171.66.subscriber.vzavenue.net)
Date: October 28, 2007 07:14PM

We were achingly quiet for most of the games...very few chants were started, and even fewer got going when several of us tried to start them.

Some of us in attendance felt it was appropriate to refrain from the "sieve" chant when the goalie has a shut-out going. Also, the "other team," "sucks" cheer is difficult when Cornell is being shut-out half way through the second. innocent

Somewhat understandable, but since when do the Lynah Faithful only cheer when we're winning? RIT was only leading by 2 when Menard had a shot at the shut-out...not exactly insurmountable odds, despite how poorly we played. Besides, how many times have the fans rallied around a Cornell team down by 1 or 2 at Lynah, only to have them come back and tie/win the game?

There are also plenty of "Oh shit, we're losing but we gotta stick it to 'em anyway" chants in the proverbial "songbook", i.e. "That's alright, that's okay..."

Yes, we were playing terribly and our fanbase was overpowered by the RIT fans, but was that really a good time to call it quits on being loud and obnoxious back?
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: TimV (---.amc.edu)
Date: October 28, 2007 09:01PM

Agreed. And don't forget good ole LETS GO RED!!! or FIGHT/Maim/KILL.:-(
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: mnagowski (---.bflony.fios.verizon.net)
Date: October 28, 2007 09:15PM

Free audio would be really nice again. I can remember many of a paper written at Cornell on a Friday night whilst listening to the broadcast of the hockey game on a radio stream of WVBR.
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: KP '06 (---.clarityconnect.net)
Date: October 28, 2007 09:59PM

Kick out Union. I want RIT in the ECAC(H(L)).

Also while I'm disappointed in our student turnout, I strongly disagree that we were quiet. Despite probably a 20-to-1 student ratio (literally), we were loud and trading cheers with RIT until the Tiger's 3rd goal, which pretty much knocked the wind out of everyone.

I sure hope this team gets its act together before MSG.
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: min (---.hsd1.ga.comcast.net)
Date: October 28, 2007 10:57PM

Though not as evident, I think this 'fanbase deterioration' thing can be felt here in the forum, too.

But it could just be me.
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: mnagowski (---.bflony.fios.verizon.net)
Date: October 28, 2007 11:13PM

To that end, it would be great to be able to obtain historical stats on visits/posts to elynah.com by month.
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: redhair34 (---.bc.edu)
Date: October 28, 2007 11:15PM

To that end, it would be great to be able to obtain historical stats on visits/posts to elynah.com by month.

I believe Age posts those every once in a while. You may want to try a search.
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: ajec1 (---.resnet.cornell.edu)
Date: October 29, 2007 12:00AM

Even the band seemed out of it cheer-wise, not really starting any, and even when the RIT idiots came over to taunt them, they just sat there looking irritated and didn't utter anything until I started a "Safety Schooool" chant out of desperation.. we were getting out-cheered in our own fan section by 4 RIT guys.

I seem to remember the band being the source of many "Let's Go Red" cheers... not bad for a group containing people that just got back from the Princeton football game at 4am the morning before. As far as the RIT fans, I am proud of the band for not doing anything. The band is not given any leeway on the road by most rink staffs, so a band that doesn't respond to taunting is better than a band that gets kicked out. That, and I really, really wanted the chubby viking kid to come over.

Jason E. '08
Minnesota-The State of Hockey
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: sah67 (---.64.171.66.subscriber.vzavenue.net)
Date: October 29, 2007 12:18AM


That, and I really, really wanted the chubby viking kid to come over.

I'm pretty sure you didn't...I had the distinct pleasure of him coming over after the game, and by that I mean, him jumping in front of me and screaming in my face outside the arena on the street. I guess he's a stand-in for the fat lady in the opera?
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: Roy 82 (128.18.14.---)
Date: October 29, 2007 01:14AM

We were achingly quiet for most of the games...very few chants were started, and even fewer got going when several of us tried to start them.

Some of us in attendance felt it was appropriate to refrain from the "sieve" chant when the goalie has a shut-out going. Also, the "other team," "sucks" cheer is difficult when Cornell is being shut-out half way through the second. innocent

Actually, as log as you brought it up, the "Other Team Sucks"cheer embarrasses the hell out of me every time I hear it. I stopped using such cheers when I reached puberty.blush
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: Josh '99 (---.nyc.res.rr.com)
Date: October 29, 2007 01:20AM

Some of us in attendance felt it was appropriate to refrain from the "sieve" chant when the goalie has a shut-out going. Also, the "other team," "sucks" cheer is difficult when Cornell is being shut-out half way through the second. innocent
That's when you have to really get on the goalie, try to get in his head, see if you can get him off his game. Remind him about how he's not controlling his rebounds or got bailed out by a post and tell him all about how he's going to blow it.

God, I miss that sometimes.
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: sah67 (---.64.171.66.subscriber.vzavenue.net)
Date: October 29, 2007 01:21AM

Roy 82
We were achingly quiet for most of the games...very few chants were started, and even fewer got going when several of us tried to start them.

Some of us in attendance felt it was appropriate to refrain from the "sieve" chant when the goalie has a shut-out going. Also, the "other team," "sucks" cheer is difficult when Cornell is being shut-out half way through the second. innocent

Actually, as log as you brought it up, the "Other Team Sucks"cheer embarrasses the hell out of me every time I hear it. I stopped using such cheers when I reached puberty.blush

As lame and ineffective as I think "_____ sucks" chants are in general...if we aren't going to be any more creative, I'll still take it over utter silence.

Don't worry...I'll get off your lawn nowinnocent
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/29/2007 01:23AM by sah67.
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: Josh '99 (---.nyc.res.rr.com)
Date: October 29, 2007 01:26AM

KP '06
I sure hope this team gets its act together before MSG.
On the bright side, BU is a mess too - they're 0-4-1 to start the season, including a loss to Robert Morris.
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: Will (---.cable.mindspring.com)
Date: October 29, 2007 07:37AM

Josh '99
KP '06
I sure hope this team gets its act together before MSG.
On the bright side, BU is a mess too - they're 0-4-1 to start the season, including a loss to Robert Morris.

So it'll be boys playing with boys at Madison Square Garden? Great. rolleyes

Is next year here yet?
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: oceanst41 (---.uml.edu)
Date: October 29, 2007 12:23PM

That'll be some "Red Hot Hockey" alright ;-)
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: Trotsky (---.raytheon.com)
Date: October 29, 2007 02:13PM

So it'll be boys playing with boys at Madison Square Garden?
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: Chris '03 (137.99.117.---)
Date: October 29, 2007 02:38PM

Doug '08
It seems that in general the Cornell fanbase is deteriorating.

I think it's called being a senior. After the point in your freshman year when you figure out all the cheers, it's strictly downhill from there.

Though I am disappointed that it seems there haven't been any real loud mouths in the band in a while.
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: Scersk '97 (---.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net)
Date: October 29, 2007 04:39PM

Chris '03
Doug '08
It seems that in general the Cornell fanbase is deteriorating.

I think it's called being a senior. After the point in your freshman year when you figure out all the cheers, it's strictly downhill from there.

Though I am disappointed that it seems there haven't been any real loud mouths in the band in a while.

Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: CowbellGuy (Moderator)
Date: October 29, 2007 05:23PM


Since the last time I lost the logs in March 2006, anyway. I'm using Google Analytics now, but there's only about a month of data in there so far.

Some of the old reports are still up.
2/2/04-2/2/06 [elf.elynah.com]

"[Hugh] Jessiman turned out to be a huge specimen of something alright." --Puck Daddy

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/29/2007 05:25PM by CowbellGuy.
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: CowbellGuy (Moderator)
Date: October 29, 2007 05:47PM

"[Hugh] Jessiman turned out to be a huge specimen of something alright." --Puck Daddy
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: RichH (76.28.11.---)
Date: October 29, 2007 07:00PM

Heh. I like the Lax bump of 06-07.
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: Lauren '06 (---.dhcp.embarqhsd.net)
Date: October 29, 2007 07:21PM

Scersk '97
Chris '03
Doug '08
It seems that in general the Cornell fanbase is deteriorating.

I think it's called being a senior. After the point in your freshman year when you figure out all the cheers, it's strictly downhill from there.

Though I am disappointed that it seems there haven't been any real loud mouths in the band in a while.

I think now it's difficult to be the one to man up and yell in open silence when there aren't any upperclassmen doing it already, especially if you're just learning the game.

And no one projects quite like Chris.
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: je08 (---.twcny.res.rr.com)
Date: October 29, 2007 07:41PM

Section A Banshee
Scersk '97
Chris '03
Doug '08
It seems that in general the Cornell fanbase is deteriorating.

I think it's called being a senior. After the point in your freshman year when you figure out all the cheers, it's strictly downhill from there.

Though I am disappointed that it seems there haven't been any real loud mouths in the band in a while.

I think now it's difficult to be the one to man up and yell in open silence when there aren't any upperclassmen doing it already, especially if you're just learning the game.

And no one projects quite like Chris.

Not gonna lie, there aren't many loud mouths in the band anymore. But I would like to think that it is partially attributable to the tightening up of the rink staff over my four years here and particularly the pressure from athletics to keep the band - athletics' crowd representative at home and away events - as PG as possible.

Another factor is the new design of Lynah with a platform over section A where rink staff members gather. It seems like they are watching us more than the game. Individuals (myself included) just don't want to be singled out, no matter how safe his/her comment may seem.

Also, now that the visiting team's locker room is closer to section O, the visiting team doesn't gather outside near the bottom of section A before warm-ups and periods to listen to our insults anymore.

Fall '07 Pep Band Conductor
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: Josh '99 (---.nyc.res.rr.com)
Date: October 29, 2007 11:43PM

To be fair, it's not like being loud and obnoxious is just the band's responsibility. Other folks in A and B (and also D and E as well, but if I had to guess I'd say that people down at that end are less likely to rely on the band to generate noise) need to bring some cough drops and some water, step up and take one (sore throat) for the team. If nobody is taking advantage of the sweet spot right about in the 4th or 5th row of A, that's really a shame.
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: Cactus12 (---.med.nyu.edu)
Date: October 30, 2007 12:16AM

I agree. I graduated this past spring (07), and would have to say that the 06-07 season really showed a decline in the interest of fans. Here's my analysis of fanbase 07-12:

07- I think that some of the now graduated class of 07 "left" with Moulson. It may not always win hockey games, but a star whose name floats around the dorms can bring out fans. Senior year and an esp. mediocre team also eliminates the semi-interested mid-season. But we're gone anyway, so not really relevant.

08- Probably some of the better fans right now, saw the 05 and 06 tourney runs. Should know the cheers etc. Maybe some loss of interest after last season

09- Were possibly excluded from the pretty good 05-06 season because they were freshmen (esp. due to the stampede fiasco) First year of really having tickets, knowing the cheers was their sophomore year, 06-07, a lackluster season.

10,11 - Likely disheartened, unmotivated due to last year's performance, lack of hype from upperclassmen

I guess what I'm getting at is that 3 very successful years (03,05,06) built up a strong base that would be quite hard to sustain among people who aren't obsessed with hockey (aka not reading this) with current team performance. The fans left in the class of 08 are really riding the tail end of that good run.
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: Scersk '97 (---.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net)
Date: October 30, 2007 01:11AM

Well, I was reasonably PG my freshman year ("What are you, ten?";), went a bit blue my sophomore year, and then, as many did at Schafer's behest, cleaned up my language for my junior and senior years. You know what? I was on some sort of double-secret Athletics "blacklist" my whole time at Cornell but, guess what, never got kicked out of a game. Keep it clean, but keep it confrontational, especially when on the road. Never let the Man keep you down.

Honestly, Andy Noel's antics regarding the crowd over the last few years would make me so angry that I'd try to get kicked out, using at all times the most benign language possible. Then I'd raise holy hell. I do think that overzealous policing is having an effect on the crowd, though--count on that idiot, puritan wrestler not to understand Lynah at all.
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: Trotsky (---.raytheon.com)
Date: October 30, 2007 10:37AM

Scersk '97
count on that idiot, puritan wrestler not to understand Lynah at all.
Maybe, but it gets pretty disheartening when the only sound you hear from the crowd between band numbers is "SUCKS!" If we eliminated that cheer completely from the repertoir, then at least people might rack their brains a little to think of something, I dunno, original? Funny?

The crowd is like the team... no way to judge them until we hit the late January stride. The last few seasons the crowd's been lame, but as somebody pointed out its cylical and more than anything else it follows winning.
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: ninian '72 (---.ed.gov)
Date: October 30, 2007 11:26AM

BU was swept last weekend by a Michigan squad with 12 freshmen and 2 seniors. Other things being equal, age and inexperience shouldn't be the problem in this game.
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: amerks127 (---.resnet.cornell.edu)
Date: October 30, 2007 03:09PM

I would like to point out that there is a strong contingent of sophomores like me who will carry the flag through our 2010 graduation because of our love of the game. All of the seniors who care generally sit in B anyway because they try hard enough to get seats in the senior line. So long as the team at least finishes above .500, students will come...maybe the won't post on the elf though.
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: KeithK (---.external.lmco.com)
Date: October 30, 2007 03:36PM

I would like to point out that there is a strong contingent of sophomores like me who will carry the flag through our 2010 graduation because of our love of the game. All of the seniors who care generally sit in B anyway because they try hard enough to get seats in the senior line. So long as the team at least finishes above .500, students will come...maybe the won't post on the elf though.
You find out who the real fans are when the team isn't very good. The real fans will come and cheer anyway. Not that I would ever look forward to this but I suspect it's salutary to have a couple lean years from time to time to clear out some of the band wagoners.
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: mnagowski (---.allfirst.com)
Date: October 30, 2007 04:48PM

I think one of the problems is that it is pretty difficult to start a *new* cheer without the band backing you up. The last two years I have been pretty successful with chants of 'Blue Blood' and 'Silver Spoon' with the Cornell@Harvad games (and hope to be this year as well), but I always found it very difficult to start new cheers at Lynah, especially a new generic cheer.

Maybe we can look to history as a guide?

Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: Trotsky (---.raytheon.com)
Date: October 30, 2007 05:06PM

You find out who the real fans are when the team isn't very good. The real fans will come and cheer anyway. Not that I would ever look forward to this but I suspect it's salutary to have a couple lean years from time to time to clear out some of the band wagoners.

With a pro team this is true. Not so much with college, though, since the undergrads are the heart of the crowd, and they only have the four years. The America's Most Smartest Model types linger on even through a couple losing seasons because Lynah is still the social ticket. It's not as if at the beginning of the season they announce, "this year hockey will not be cool."

We should win and deal with it. popcorn
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: KeithK (---.external.lmco.com)
Date: October 30, 2007 05:41PM

I think one of the problems is that it is pretty difficult to start a *new* cheer without the band backing you up.
Actually it isn't. Or wasn't ten years ago anyway. I can think of several cheers that were started by friends of mine back in the 90s. All you really need is an idea that isn't dumb and a bunch of friends and acquaintances who will back you up in the beginning. If the idea is a good one it'll start to catch on.

The biggest thing is not being afraid to try. And don't be too discouraged when other fans don't agree with a particular cheer idea.
Re: Cornell-RIT postgame
Posted by: KeithK (---.external.lmco.com)
Date: October 30, 2007 05:52PM

We should win and deal with it.
OK, I'm with you there.

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