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Posted by Ice Meets Metal 
Posted by: Ice Meets Metal (
Date: March 23, 2007 11:33AM

How’s that for use of capital letters, before you edit it. You forum Nazi.

That’s what I like about a free society (free speech, or it is freedom of the press, or is it an uncensored Internet) anyway, being able to give one’s views even tough it is contrary to the masses. However, I think the way in which those that disagree with such views and proceed to suppress, censor those processes is no less than fascism. Then I guess this isn’t a free or open discussion of Cornell’s men’s hockey forum…is it now?

It could be said forums have rules, idiotic ones like, proper use of capitals, of which we will just apply to those posts we really don’t like.

It’s ironic how Schafer has banned his players from reading this forum. Is that because he feels the people running it don’t censor it enough? Yet he leaks information to its column. I’m sure the players all read the posts anyway. Careful, guys your computer may be tapped.

Like I said before, people will believe what they want do, despite what the evidence indicates. But then time will tell, won’t it. We’ll see how Cornell fairs in the pre-season rankings. $ 20.00 and a case of 12, says Cornell won’t crack the top 20.

The Cornell Cadillac has one wheel in the ditch. There are serious problems with Cornell’s men’s hockey program, not just the team’s performance this season. There are good reasons why players that can, leave the Schafer regime early.

I saw Nancy Grace’s expose on Duke University. She’d have a heyday with Cornell. I tell you she would be bouncing up and down in her chair and pounding her fists on the table with all the alleged: underage drinking, assault, property damage, abuse, academic fraud (remember those suspensions, now you know) and did I mentioned alleged rape. That’s just the hockey team. That should give you something to chat about.

As you may have noticed I don’t respond nor read the replies on these posts. I put my view on there like it or not, to let you decide to evoke discussion, it you so desire. It may entertain you, may make you really mad, but try and see some truth to it. However, I am responding to the title modification of my previous posts. Something that should be more of a concern, perhaps than you people realize. Maybe there should be a disclaimer on this forum, just after “Discussions about the Cornell’s men’s hockey team” that your post maybe censored or modified if the moderator doesn’t like it.

You can bicker and surmise all you want this spring and summer on this forum, but Cornell hockey will remain worse long before it gets better. CU fans are going to have to a bitter pill to swallow. Perhaps CU fans are getting what they long deserve for there rhetoric. I guess it may be true, what goes around, comes around. CU fans might want to show more respect to the visiting rivals next season, not because of good sportsmanship, but because those visiting teams will most likely be better coached teams than Cornell.

We’ll have this discussion again; I’m sure next season when CU fans are wondering what the hell is going on, and I’ll be there to tell them.

Enjoy the off-season, ……and savor Cornell’s descent into mediocrity.

P.S. Certainly don’t have a problem with constructive rebuttals. But for you select few name calling dumbass whining noobs who offer no possible solutions, here are a few choice capitals letters for you……..STFU.

Hmmm…. now where did I put Nancy’s hotline number….
Posted by: ftyuv (
Date: March 23, 2007 12:05PM

I actually agree with you that changing your post's title was a bit of a dick thing to do, but really, spending that much time on it? As for censorship and all that, I think you may be taking it a bit far -- what happened was sanctioned graffiti, someone with power laughing at your expense. But the rest of your post was kept intact, so I wouldn't call that censorship.

And betting pre-season polls? Those were just invented so that people could have something less significant than the regular polls. If you're trying to measure performance decoupled from hype, try PWR or KRACH.
Posted by: Jim Hyla (
Date: March 23, 2007 12:07PM

I think I'm a reasonable guy, but I just can't buy into this. You say you post and then don't respond to what others say. Judging by your threads, that means you throw up a lot of inflammatory comments, and then sit back and watch the response. I don't know if you get your jollies by this, but if you truly cared I'd think you'd want to respond to comments and try and tell others why you are right and they are wrong. We have all had to deal with unfavorable comments, both here and in the rest of our lives. However, we do like to understand where we are wrong and what we can do to be better. If I ever worked for a boss who could only criticize and never would listen or then offer constructive criticism, I'd be looking for another job, soon. As I like this forum, and you're not my boss, I'm

"Cornell Fans Made the Timbers Tremble", Boston Globe, March/1970
Cornell lawyers stopped the candy throwing. Jan/2005
Posted by: KenP (
Date: March 23, 2007 12:58PM

Ice Meets Metal
...with all the alleged: underage drinking, assault, property damage, abuse, academic fraud (remember those suspensions, now you know) and did I mentioned alleged rape. That’s just the hockey team.
Mediocre or NCAA champs, those are serious allegations. If true, I support your desire to suspend / fire / whatever to Mike Schafer.

Finally, if you're a student, or even if you're not, I think you have an obligation to blow the whistle if you evidence of illegal or academically fraudulent actions.
Posted by: Scersk '97 (
Date: March 23, 2007 01:03PM

Sounds to me like someone up in Winnepeg or Ontario:


Has an axe to grind.
Posted by: Will (
Date: March 23, 2007 01:05PM

Ice Meets Metal
How’s that for use of capital letters, before you edit it. You forum Nazi.


That’s what I like about a free society (free speech, or it is freedom of the press, or is it an uncensored Internet) anyway, being able to give one’s views even tough it is contrary to the masses. However, I think the way in which those that disagree with such views and proceed to suppress, censor those processes is no less than fascism. Then I guess this isn’t a free or open discussion of Cornell’s men’s hockey forum…is it now?

If Age wanted to "censor" you, he would have deleted your threads. As far as I know, he hasn't yet done so. Also, it isn't censorship if it's done on a privately-owned message board.

It could be said forums have rules, idiotic ones like, proper use of capitals, of which we will just apply to those posts we really don’t like.

You're the only one who's made a thread (or two) recently with all capital letters in the thread title. Well, I guess there's also "HARVARD SUCKS", but hey', it's a Cornell board, so that's somewhat to be expected.

It’s ironic how Schafer has banned his players from reading this forum. Is that because he feels the people running it don’t censor it enough? Yet he leaks information to its column. I’m sure the players all read the posts anyway. Careful, guys your computer may be tapped.

Banning players from reading this forum, even if it's probably unenforceable in reality, seems like a sensible policy to me. The players should have their heads in the game and not be worrying about what the fans are saying, good or bad.

Like I said before, people will believe what they want do, despite what the evidence indicates. But then time will tell, won’t it. We’ll see how Cornell fairs in the pre-season rankings. $ 20.00 and a case of 12, says Cornell won’t crack the top 20.

The polls mean nothing. What matters is what Cornell accomplishes on the ice.

The Cornell Cadillac has one wheel in the ditch. There are serious problems with Cornell’s men’s hockey program, not just the team’s performance this season. There are good reasons why players that can, leave the Schafer regime early.

Everyone *can* leave the team whenever they want. Apparently the reasons you mention aren't good enough for the majority of the players.

I saw Nancy Grace’s expose on Duke University. She’d have a heyday with Cornell. I tell you she would be bouncing up and down in her chair and pounding her fists on the table with all the alleged: underage drinking, assault, property damage, abuse, academic fraud (remember those suspensions, now you know) and did I mentioned alleged rape. That’s just the hockey team. That should give you something to chat about.

That's quite a lot of accusations. They may be true, but you do you have any proof?

As you may have noticed I don’t respond nor read the replies on these posts. I put my view on there like it or not, to let you decide to evoke discussion, it you so desire. It may entertain you, may make you really mad, but try and see some truth to it.

That's great, except that the way you're doing it makes you look like nothing but an attention whore.

However, I am responding to the title modification of my previous posts. Something that should be more of a concern, perhaps than you people realize. Maybe there should be a disclaimer on this forum, just after “Discussions about the Cornell’s men’s hockey team” that your post maybe censored or modified if the moderator doesn’t like it.

Or it may be modified if you appear to act like a buffoon.

You can bicker and surmise all you want this spring and summer on this forum, but Cornell hockey will remain worse long before it gets better.

That remains to be seen. You may be right, but aside from your seemingly baseless opinions, I have seen little to support a massive downturn for this program.

CU fans are going to have to a bitter pill to swallow. Perhaps CU fans are getting what they long deserve for there rhetoric. I guess it may be true, what goes around, comes around. CU fans might want to show more respect to the visiting rivals next season, not because of good sportsmanship, but because those visiting teams will most likely be better coached teams than Cornell.

Now this just makes you sound like the bitter one. Don't confuse being a Cornell fan at Lynah for absolute disrespect for the other team (even though there are times when some of them deserve it).

We’ll have this discussion again; I’m sure next season when CU fans are wondering what the hell is going on, and I’ll be there to tell them.

I look forward to your next post with no responses.

Enjoy the off-season, ……and savor Cornell’s descent into mediocrity.

As you said above, time will tell.

P.S. Certainly don’t have a problem with constructive rebuttals. But for you select few name calling dumbass whining noobs who offer no possible solutions, here are a few choice capitals letters for you……..STFU.

Now who's calling names?

Hmmm…. now where did I put Nancy’s hotline number….

Good luck with that.

This is the problem as I see it, Ice Meets Metal. You seem to want to declare yourself an authority on everything about the state of the Cornell hockey program when you appear to lack credibility. You make baseless, largely (as far as I know) unverifiable claims about the character of the players on the team. At best that's exaggeration; at worst that's libel. It's difficult to see the "truth" in what you say without proof to back it up.

With regard to how the Big Red play, you express your opinions on this forum, which is fine, because that's what message boards are all about in the end. But your attitude in doing so is repellent. Maybe some of the people who responded to your posts were less than diplomatic, but I think they were only responding in kind to what many perceived as a purely vitriolic post. I don't think we interpret every single "Cornell is not good" post as automatically being blasphemous, but the attitude in presenting such opinions goes a long way towards trying to convince people that you're correct in your assertions.

And then there's the capital letters issue. The fact that you put your thread titles in all capital letters, while having the body of your post be written largely with normal capitalization, makes it appear that you are specifically looking to grab people's attention (as opposed to just having a broken caps lock key). It looks like that was your intention all along, but utilizing normal capitalization in the thread title would have been enough, since the thread would have floated to the top of the list as a new thread anyway. Instead, again, your apparent attitude makes it look like you're just a whore for attention. Commonly accepted "netiquette" tells us that a phrase in all capital letters equates to screaming, and nobody should take a screaming attention whore seriously.

In the end, all of this makes you look like your intent is not to expose people to the "truth" (and a subjective "truth" at that), but rather to demoralize the Cornell fans who read and post to this forum. It doesn't contribute to the ongoing discourse. It just makes you look like a disrespectful fool.

Perhaps I'm wrong in what I'm saying here. However, based on all appearances, I don't believe I am. If you want to be taken seriously here, even with unpopular opinions, you're going to have to learn to play well with others.

Is next year here yet?
Posted by: oceanst41 (
Date: March 23, 2007 01:38PM

This is a Cornell hockey forum after all, so discussing the hockey good or bad is welcomed. Some good points have been brought up here, especially that this is a college team, made up of college kids who do stupid things from time to time. Do enough of those stupid things and it can start to affect your play on the ice. Are there some bad apples on this team? Maybe, and that could be the lack of leadership that we saw throughout the year. Does it mean Cornell hockey is in decline? Also possibly true, we just don't really know.

As for some of those stupid things college kids do, underage drinking and property damage is probably no bigger problem on the hockey team as it is for the rest of Collegetown. Academic fraud is really not smart, and if Schafer indeed suspended them for that already then I'm sure it's a shorter leash now.

Finally, abuse, assault, and rape - these are really serious. While there may not be proof in the post this is not the proper place to present it. More important than the player's involvement is that this is somebody else's life that we would be discussing. And likely a pretty traumatic part of their life. If those affected want to step forward and present the proof it will happen.

So I'm all for discussing the make up of the team and the hockey they play, but some alleged incidents are probably best left off the message board, for all parties no matter where you stand on the state of Cornell hockey.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/23/2007 01:47PM by oceanst41.
Posted by: French Rage (
Date: March 23, 2007 01:51PM

Actually, you can still go start your own message board anytime you want, so in no way was your freedom of speech infringed upon. This being a private message board, the moderators can decide what they do or do not allow on here, just as a newspaper or TV show can decide who they allow on. And that completely ignores the fact that only the title was changed, and the post content as kept in full, and was continually debated, meaning if anything your speech actually recieved the most attention and discussion, which freedom of speech is there to encourage.

But then you don't know this because you're probly some 16 year old piece of shit who cries "freedom of speech" whenever mommy or daddy discipline you.

03/23/02: Maine 4, Harvard 3
03/28/03: BU 6, Harvard 4
03/26/04: Maine 5, Harvard 4
03/26/05: UNH 3, Harvard 2
03/25/06: Maine 6, Harvard 1
Posted by: ftyuv (
Date: March 23, 2007 02:14PM

To be fair, it looks like he was talking about freedom of speech not as a legal right, but as one of the basic principles of a free society -- in which case it certainly does apply to this board, even though the board can't be legally held to it.

Anyway, there are two major criteria for knowing when a thread is laughably dead: when someone brings up the Nazis, or when people start to do line-by-line, quote-and-respond posts. We've already got both, so I'll see Jim's drive and raise it a popcorn.
Posted by: Jordan 04 (155.72.24.---)
Date: March 23, 2007 02:18PM

I agree. LMAO.
Posted by: Kyle Rose (
Date: March 23, 2007 02:42PM

The only thing that matters is what happens on the ice. We'll see what happens next year.

Until then, it's baseball season. Go Yankees!

Posted by: ugarte (38.136.14.---)
Date: March 23, 2007 03:26PM

Keeping in mind what I said on the last thread started by IMM, and keeping in mind that IMM professes not to read these things, I pause to note that the dude is a dick.

Posted by: Beeeej (Moderator)
Date: March 23, 2007 03:35PM

It is censorship if done anywhere; it just may not be constitutionally actionable censorship.

Anyway, I see IMM's posts as just one more reason to celebrate when Cornell makes it back to the Frozen Four in the next couple of years.

Beeeej, Esq.

"Cornell isn't an organization. It's a loose affiliation of independent fiefdoms united by a common hockey team."
- Steve Worona
Posted by: RichH (216.195.201.---)
Date: March 23, 2007 03:47PM

IMM hates our fans, hates our online community, hates our coaches, hates our players "alleged" behaviour (when you conveniently throw that word in, you can say all sorts of stuff!). My reaction?


Opinions are welcome here, but with this person and the obvious axe he/she has to grind will make me more apt to ignore things he/she has to say. Talk about jumping up and down in a chair and pounding fists on tables. Maybe we should have this as an emoticon.
Posted by: Beeeej (Moderator)
Date: March 23, 2007 03:50PM

IMM, by the way, is allegedly a Norwegian pedophile.

Beeeej, Esq.

"Cornell isn't an organization. It's a loose affiliation of independent fiefdoms united by a common hockey team."
- Steve Worona
Posted by: ftyuv (
Date: March 23, 2007 03:51PM

"WOOF, WOOF! :)" say the doggies.

"We don't exist :-/" say the woofing Gods.

Here's to our next Frozen Four appearance. :-D
Posted by: sah67 (
Date: March 23, 2007 04:19PM

IMM, by the way, is allegedly a Norwegian pedophile.

That's what I heard too.
Posted by: marty (
Date: March 23, 2007 04:45PM

IMM, by the way, is allegedly a Norwegian pedophile.

At least we're no longer attracting transvestite nuns!whistle
Posted by: Cactus12 (
Date: March 23, 2007 04:46PM

Anyone else think it is a reasonable idea not to respond to these posts and let them fade into non-bumped eLynah obscurity? (yes, i know this response is therefore hypocritical)
Posted by: Will (
Date: March 23, 2007 04:50PM

Anyone else think it is a reasonable idea not to respond to these posts and let them fade into non-bumped eLynah obscurity? (yes, i know this response is therefore hypocritical)

Probably a good idea, but since this is an internet message board, it will never happen.

Is next year here yet?
Posted by: Beeeej (Moderator)
Date: March 23, 2007 04:51PM

Anyone else think it is a reasonable idea not to respond to these posts and let them fade into non-bumped eLynah obscurity? (yes, i know this response is therefore hypocritical) would any affirmative response.

Beeeej, Esq.

"Cornell isn't an organization. It's a loose affiliation of independent fiefdoms united by a common hockey team."
- Steve Worona
Posted by: marty (
Date: March 23, 2007 06:10PM

I was watching the regionals on ESPU and gained some incite into the reason for IMM's posts.

Happy Pills
Posted by: ftyuv (
Date: March 23, 2007 06:11PM

Anyone else think it is a reasonable idea not to respond to these posts and let them fade into non-bumped eLynah obscurity? (yes, i know this response is therefore hypocritical) would any affirmative response.
If you built a script that posted replies only to all scripts that didn't post replies to themselves, what script would post replies to it? Dun dun dunnnnnn!!
Posted by: nshapiro (
Date: March 24, 2007 02:16AM

if a tree falls in the desert between the US and Canada, Which national anthem is played at the survivor's funeral and memorial hockey game?
Posted by: Dpperk29 (
Date: March 24, 2007 11:55PM

well, I see we have all been productive while I was out for a couple days...

IMM has an Axe to grind... let him grind it on his own, without our help.

now back to the feeling miserable about 1-0 overtime losses...

"That damn bell at Clarkson." -Ken Dryden in reference to his hatred for the Clarkson Bell.
Posted by: Oat (
Date: March 25, 2007 05:33AM

how did you get the IP?
Posted by: Rob NH (
Date: March 25, 2007 08:53PM

Finally, abuse, assault, and rape - these are really serious. While there may not be proof in the post this is not the proper place to present it. More important than the player's involvement is that this is somebody else's life that we would be discussing. And likely a pretty traumatic part of their life. If those affected want to step forward and present the proof it will happen.
While I agree that the allegations are probably bullshit let's not kid ourselves, we all know the people here would be the first to exploit it if it happened to another team.
Posted by: Jacob 03 (
Date: March 25, 2007 09:45PM

Rob NH
Finally, abuse, assault, and rape - these are really serious. While there may not be proof in the post this is not the proper place to present it. More important than the player's involvement is that this is somebody else's life that we would be discussing. And likely a pretty traumatic part of their life. If those affected want to step forward and present the proof it will happen.
While I agree that the allegations are probably bullshit let's not kid ourselves, we all know the people here would be the first to exploit it if it happened to another team.
Maybe some of the people here....
Posted by: oceanst41 (
Date: March 25, 2007 11:12PM

Rob NH
Finally, abuse, assault, and rape - these are really serious. While there may not be proof in the post this is not the proper place to present it. More important than the player's involvement is that this is somebody else's life that we would be discussing. And likely a pretty traumatic part of their life. If those affected want to step forward and present the proof it will happen.
While I agree that the allegations are probably bullshit let's not kid ourselves, we all know the people here would be the first to exploit it if it happened to another team.

Exploit maybe by saying there should be a proper punishment to match the crime. Gophers players getting caught drinking in a bar by the news, that's a little funny because they were dumb enough to get caught. Putting someone in the hospital or sexual assault, not funny in any way and I would hope no one here would use as cheer fodder. The player probably shouldn't even be on the ice to give anyone the opportunity to exploit it in the first place.
Posted by: Jordan 04 (
Date: March 25, 2007 11:21PM

Rob NH
Finally, abuse, assault, and rape - these are really serious. While there may not be proof in the post this is not the proper place to present it. More important than the player's involvement is that this is somebody else's life that we would be discussing. And likely a pretty traumatic part of their life. If those affected want to step forward and present the proof it will happen.
While I agree that the allegations are probably bullshit let's not kid ourselves, we all know the people here would be the first to exploit it if it happened to another team.

Exploit maybe by saying there should be a proper punishment to match the crime. Gophers players getting caught drinking in a bar by the news, that's a little funny because they were dumb enough to get caught. Putting someone in the hospital or sexual assault, not funny in any way and I would hope no one here would use as cheer fodder. The player probably shouldn't even be on the ice to give anyone the opportunity to exploit it in the first place.

Assaults by opposing coaches on his own players however, totally fair game! :)
Posted by: oceanst41 (
Date: March 25, 2007 11:29PM

Jordan 04
Rob NH
Finally, abuse, assault, and rape - these are really serious. While there may not be proof in the post this is not the proper place to present it. More important than the player's involvement is that this is somebody else's life that we would be discussing. And likely a pretty traumatic part of their life. If those affected want to step forward and present the proof it will happen.
While I agree that the allegations are probably bullshit let's not kid ourselves, we all know the people here would be the first to exploit it if it happened to another team.

Exploit maybe by saying there should be a proper punishment to match the crime. Gophers players getting caught drinking in a bar by the news, that's a little funny because they were dumb enough to get caught. Putting someone in the hospital or sexual assault, not funny in any way and I would hope no one here would use as cheer fodder. The player probably shouldn't even be on the ice to give anyone the opportunity to exploit it in the first place.

Assaults by opposing coaches on his own players however, totally fair game! :)

Obviously there are a few caveats, Syphilli..I mean Nickerson being another. ;-)
Posted by: Give My Regards (
Date: March 26, 2007 10:27AM

Folks, for heaven's sake...

Ice Meets Metal
As you may have noticed I don’t respond nor read the replies on these posts. I put my view on there like it or not, to let you decide to evoke discussion, it you so desire.

It's called "trolling". I don't understand the motivation myself, but I guess getting some sort of response makes the troller feel more important. It gives the impression that other areas of his/her life are extremely unsatisfying.

If you lead a good life, go to Sunday school and church, and say your prayers every night, when you die, you'll go to LYNAH!
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: March 26, 2007 12:46PM

when someone brings up the Nazis
I can't find a single site with a Hitler emoticon that my work filter will allow me to read. :-/
Posted by: ftyuv (
Date: March 26, 2007 01:11PM

when someone brings up the Nazis
I can't find a single site with a Hitler emoticon that my work filter will allow me to read. :-/
They're not called the Not-Sees for nothing!!

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