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Posted by Jim Hyla 
Posted by: Jim Hyla (
Date: March 11, 2007 09:16PM

Well, somebody had to do it.

First, to all the players, especially the seniors, who got robbed when some of their compatriots left early. I'm sure they were happy for them, but it certainly made it harder for all.

Many thanks to Coach Schafer and his staff. You took the team as far as I expected. That's especially true when you consider all the negatives that happened. First and obviously the players that left, but also all the injuries. Not only did we lose defensemen, but the two that I was expecting to lead the team were hardly ever able to be on the team and healthly at the same time. Numerous other injuries as well, but I feel the worst for Bitz, who didn't get to skate his last game. Say what you want but he certainly had his heart in every game. He's not likely to get to the NHL, but he skated for us, and was picked captain. That's enough for me.

We cant forget Coach Schafer's operation, which took him out for games in the middle of the season. I can't imagine how much pain he must have had to sit himself down. Coach, as I've said you took us as far as we could reasonably expect. For any doubters out there, think about how it would have been to be a Harvard or Colgate fan; ready to fight for the title when the season started, and by the end hopeful they would get home ice for the play-in round. Coach Schafer can coach my team anytime. I hope he can stay as per BU and Michigan.

I have to say a good word for Sue Detzer in the hockey office. She's always upbeat and helpful. The Cornell Hockey Association works hard in the background and I've enjoyed meeting some of them. If I was in Ithaca I'd certainly attend more of their functions.

Finally, although I'm sure I've forgotten some, I'd like to thank all of you out there who put up informative, sometimes insightful, and often humorous posts. There are some I could do without, but others that were interesting, such as the recent posts about Romano's father's conversation. All in all it's worthwile coming here and reading. That makes me remember others.

I can't forget Age, thanks for putting this up. It's wonderful, informative and fun too. You put a lot into it, and we get a lot out of it.

The Pep Band should be thanked as well. They truly are The Best Pep Band in The ECAC (no HL for me). I've wanted to get them a banner saying that, but to date the powers to be have not wanted non-team banners up. The work that they put into their performance is well appreciated.

Well, I'm sure I've missed some important people, and it will come back to haunt me, but unlike some posters, I'm sad the season is over, and I look forward to the fall.

"Cornell Fans Made the Timbers Tremble", Boston Globe, March/1970
Cornell lawyers stopped the candy throwing. Jan/2005
Re: Thanks
Posted by: Jacob '06 (
Date: March 11, 2007 09:22PM

Thanks to you Jim for getting the ball rolling on improvements to all-access.
Re: Thanks
Posted by: redhair34 (
Date: March 11, 2007 09:37PM

Thanks to Ari for writing the weekly column, hosting the Weekly Cowbell and contributing to the atmosphere at Lynah and on the road. I've always appreciated your insight and passion.
Re: Thanks
Posted by: ebilmes (
Date: March 12, 2007 01:18AM

I'd like to follow up on what Jim said about the band. Even though they sometimes play over the remote control goalie or 'sieve' cheers, the band anchors the crowd at home and away games. They're the ones who have to make noise after Cornell gives up a goal, and they're the ones to greet Cornell as the team hits the ice for warmups when there are five students there. They were good enough to stay a few minutes after the game last night and play one last song for the Faithful that stuck around.

Aside from that, basically what Jim said. Like you said, Schafer took the team roughly as far as expected. Though that was short of where I hoped to end up, he did an adequate job this season. Certainly not more than that, IMO.
Re: Thanks
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: March 12, 2007 11:55AM

Thanks to the undergrad, particularly the freshmen, fans. Each year, we oldtimers berate them for being less passionate, less knowledgeable and/or less punctual than we were. Perfect in every way in our sepia-toned memories, we forget that before we were Lynah Faithful, we were confused, enchanted, kids, drowning in the bizarre animal house jocularity of Lynah. How overwhelming it was to enter a place in which it feels like every one of the other 4000 people is in on hundreds of inside jokes -- except you. It's amazing they don't just turn on their heels and walk right back out into the snow.

And yet, by the end of the season, these same kids are as loud, and as fanatical, as each preceding class has been. They have evolved their own local humorists, their own bomb-throwers, and their own slightly different contribution to the atmosphere which keeps the place from getting stale and staid.

They thrill the most to the wins and they suffer the most in the losses. And the hangovers -- there are other skills they'll need to learn. They feel closest to the players, who are, after all, their friends and their classmates. The best fans among the Lynah Faithful are always those still striving to get into the club. It's their energy and enthusiasm that continually makes it the best crowd in any sport, in any place.
Re: Thanks
Posted by: DeltaOne81 (
Date: March 12, 2007 12:53PM

Jim Hyla
I can't forget Age, thanks for putting this up. It's wonderful, informative and fun too. You put a lot into it, and we get a lot out of it.

Great post, Jim. I have to re-emphasize this. Age puts a lot of effort, and a surprisingly large number of dollars too, into making eLynah available, up-to-date, and performing for us year in and out. Its not a trivial sacrifice. I encourage you all to click that little PayPal button over there (---->;) and help support him and this community with whatever you're comfortable with. No, Age doesn't know I'm posting this, and would probably tell me not to if he did. But he deserves it.
Re: Thanks
Posted by: dietlbomb (
Date: March 12, 2007 10:47PM


This is the best college sports website I have ever seen.

Cornell hockey fans are the classiest fans ever. Nowhere else do the fans offer so much support and does an entire section boo a fan that steps out of line.

This team showed great heart. It's sad the seniors didn't see more success, but the young leadership will prevail next year.

Great freshmen: I hope their heads don't get too big.

Schafer is the man.

I hope to see you all at MSG to screw BU.
Re: Thanks
Posted by: Swampy (
Date: March 12, 2007 11:27PM

And the hangovers -- there are other skills they'll need to learn.


In your otherwise excellent post, I don't get this point. Why single out fifth-year engineers for still needing to learn skills?innocent

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