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Posted by Greg Berge 
Posted by: Greg Berge (---)
Date: December 04, 2002 04:22PM

I hadn't heard this bastardization of Swanee for a long time, but from the 'cast of the BU games, it seems to only be getting louder, longer, and worse.

It's really, really, really, really dumb. Short of violence, can anybody think of a good way to get the facetimers to do the stupid cheer right?

I don't mind cheer evolution at all, but I hate to hear the Lynah crowd sound flat out stupid.
Re: "Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie!"
Posted by: Ex-Long Die Guy (---)
Date: December 04, 2002 07:09PM

Has it occurred to anyone that the long "die" may be a change that some people like?

What matters most is that the people who are doing it enjoy it.

I really doubt that those who are screaming are at all concerned about what others think.

Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's bad.
Re: "Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie!"
Posted by: LeTs gO rEd_14 (---)
Date: December 04, 2002 07:36PM

i totally agree with the exlong die guy i think it sounds stupidly funny and kinda cracks me up....i dont see whats so bad about it, if it messes up the tuba guys' counting when they play then just keep playing people will get the idea

people are jus havin fun isnt that what's so fun about hockey games? what do u think makes up the faithful?

Re: "Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie!"
Posted by: Tub(a) (---)
Date: December 04, 2002 08:11PM

We cannot 'play faster.' The song will sound crappy then.

Are you truly doing this because it's 'fun,' or are you doing it to be seen and heard at a social event? That's something you have to answer for yourself.

And please, keep in mind, while perhaps you and your group of 15 or so are having a blast doing it, 3,000 other people think it's stupid and should stop.

Grant TUBA '05

Re: "Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie!"
Posted by: Scott Kominkiewicz '84 (---)
Date: December 04, 2002 08:31PM

What makes a tradition? I guess everyone has their own preference. Last week was my first visit to Lynah this season, and I, too, think that the drawn-out "Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeee" doesn't sound right. But that's just my opinion.

Fans need to remember that most Lynah traditions haven't been around long when measured against the age of the school and its athletics programs. For example, when I went to CU hockey games in the early 80s, we only had the cowbell, "Sieve," and fish. We may have done "It's all your fault," but I'm not sure. New cheers come and go, and I applaud the Faithful's innovation.

This causes me to think of a thread that was kicked around a few weeks ago -- standing for the entire game. Standing is a relatively new tradition, and I think that it has its place in the student sections. It reminds me of the "12th Man" long-standing (pun intended) practice at Texas A&M. But as was mentioned in the thread, courtesy needs to be practiced if you're around non-students and youngsters.

I sat in seciton F last weenend, and I prefer to sit during most of the game, but I can deal with standing (I'm 40 -- old, but not decrepit). What bothered me was a guy (around 30) who went to stand in front of a small kid before the beginning of the 3rd period. He thought he was being courteous when he invited the young fellow to stand next to him (away from his father, BTW), because "I'm going to stand here, little guy." The father of the kid agreed with the stander's offer, but I can tell that he didn't like the idea. I also saw fans older than me in other sections who had to stand because all others in front of them were standing.

Standing is like smoking. If you enjoy it, go ahead and do so all you want. But remember that you may impact others as well. It's polite to ask before lighting up. It would also be polite to check who's behind you before you stand.

Now if only we could clear up this Iraq thing.
Re: "Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie!"
Posted by: melissa (---)
Date: December 04, 2002 10:07PM

tho you are entitled to your own opinion and ultimately will do what you please, i must chime in with my vote - nay. From my perspective it is simply obnoxious. It makes 99/100 people in lynah cringe and I would be quite thankful if this habit DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIED!
Re: "Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie!"
Posted by: Ben Doyle 03 (---)
Date: December 04, 2002 10:18PM

One phone call. . .just one and twitch it (and its friends) twitch will be taken care of. . .gone forever!;-)

Re: "Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie!"
Posted by: bucket of chum (---)
Date: December 04, 2002 10:34PM

i think its painfully retarded. i may only dream of the day where people say you just suck only once. didnt you see the beauty of it at saturdays BU game? SCREW BU.... it was awesome. Then the idiots come back on sunday and its screw bu.. blahabfdbblah too. it was weak

you dont understand the power of silence and echo the you just suck once, the screw bu, the die vs diiiieeee. its sounds so much stronger.

if you want to yell gibberish throughout the game, go sit on the platform rolleyes
Re: "Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie!"
Posted by: Ex-Long Die Guy (---)
Date: December 04, 2002 10:59PM

I agree. Exactly what Lynah needs is a bunch of programmed robots to yell out precisely what you want to hear.

I'm all for it. Let's tell everyone what they can say and when. In fact, let's punish the people who don't do things the way everyone else does.

The fact is that the people who say "diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie" and "you just suck" more than once are evil people with no soul. The quicker they are vanquished the happier we will all be.

While we're at it, we should only allow white pure Christians with blue eyes and blond hair into Lynah. That will make the experience better for all, and safer for the children of course.
Re: "Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie!"
Posted by: CowbellGuy (---)
Date: December 04, 2002 11:01PM

Finally, someone's making sense

Re: "Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie!"
Posted by: Ben Doyle 03 (---)
Date: December 04, 2002 11:05PM

Damn it Age, you beat me to it!!!

Ex-Long Die Guy you're finally getting the idea. . .are you by chance friends with asshole '04???rolleyes

Re: "Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie!"
Posted by: Greg Berge (---)
Date: December 05, 2002 09:35AM

Scott's comments on standing are quite good, I hope they don't get lost in the shuffle. I've noticed that unfortunately some (by no means a majority) of fans have decided that this is a god-given right and they're going to do it no matter who gets pissed off.

I like standing if possible (this is an example of a GREAT new tradition -- we did not stand throughout the game when I was a student), and at road games I usually choose to stand in the empty rows right in front of the band because I know I won't piss anybody off behind me. When I see a student standing with people obviously unhappy behind him, I tell him nicely to sit. If he doesn't, the usher is only too happy to help.

Lynah is a free market of new cheers. Everybody can get up and do something new. Some things catch fire for a short time, some catch on and get passed on for a class or two, some are so good that they stay for generations. But the majority of attempts are lame and get panned, and it's part of maturation to realize that sometimes what you are sure is funny makes everybody around you cringe, and, further, that that really is sufficient reason for you to leave it at home.
Re: "Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie!"
Posted by: The Turkeybone (---)
Date: December 05, 2002 09:55AM

I wouldn't say you're evil people -- just dumb. But that's just my opinion.

Now there is where you say "Well, in MY opinion, your mother's a whore." or "Well in my opinion, you = Nazi. And nobody likes Nazis, so my argument wins."

The fact is, the silence really does sound better. But of course, we're in college so if anyone tells me what to do, I'm gonna FIGHT THE MAN! Yeah me and my frat brothers, we're rebels. Hey tubas, your ham sandwich called, it said diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie.

Instead of killing brain cells by holding out the words, mock the refs. I miss "crowd control". I suggest "Hey Murphy, your whistle called, it said BLOW ME!" or the ... you missed the first two periods. :-D
Posted by: CUlater '89 (64.244.223.---)
Date: December 05, 2002 11:04AM

We used to stand until the first Cornell goal was scored.

Maybe one of our revered elders can refresh my memory, but didn't the students used to stand for the entire game in the 70s?
Posted by: Lowell '99 (---)
Date: December 05, 2002 11:05AM

I've stated my opinion on this before, but I'd like to add one point: with this particular debate (short "die" vs. long "diiiiiiiie";), there is no "fair" way to determine which is preferred by the majority of the Faithful due to the very nature of the options. One involves more sound, one involves NO sound (past a certain point). See also: "You just suck! You just suck! You just suck!" vs. "You just SUCK! [echo]" It's impossible to drown out a cheer we don't like with silence.

Give me a cheer for Cornell! {Yay!}
Louder! {YAAAAY!}
Now give me a silent cheer for Cornell!
Re: Standing in the '70s
Posted by: Jeff hopkins '82 (---)
Date: December 05, 2002 12:52PM

I can tell you that we did not stand during the games between the '78 and '82 seasons, and I don't recall it during a mid-80's tournament at the Boston Garden. If they did it in the early '70s, it never made it past the late '70s.

I think the first I heard of the idea of standing through the whole game was when I went to my first tourney at LP, in the mid-90s.

Personally, I like the idea (but it's getting harder to do it with each passing year).

Re: "Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie!"
Posted by: Yo Momma (---)
Date: December 05, 2002 01:16PM

From the snowy cornfields of Roseville, Michigan I feel I must chime in here. For the past few years the team, and specifically my son Davey Francis, have found the long "diiiiiiiiie" cheer to be annoying, distracting, and offensive. Seeing as Davey is a god among men, his opinion should be taken as the authority on this matter. In fact while at my house over the long thanksgiving holiday, Davey (while eating chunky noodle soup) specifically mentioned that this sort of tom foolery at Lynah needs to stop.
Let's all listen to Davey and stick to this rule. Now, give some sugga' to yo momma....
Re: "Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie!"
Posted by: Melissa'01 (---)
Date: December 05, 2002 01:20PM

welcome back! :-D
Re: "Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie!"
Posted by: Revered Elder '71 (---)
Date: December 05, 2002 05:18PM

We definitely didn't stand during my student days. Heck, we were generally so loaded, we could bearly sit. Right, Arthur?
Re: "Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie!"
Posted by: ACM (---)
Date: December 05, 2002 05:28PM

Actually, Ken and I did stand during our student days -- at the top of Section C, on the red line, with our twin cowbells, in the row directly in front of the pressbox, seats for which we would routinely get to the rink and stand in the general admission line for two hours or more before the game. But we were about the only ones who stood, and we didn't block anyone's view of the game.
Posted by: asshole 04 (---)
Date: December 07, 2002 10:36AM

yeah, I have no idea who ex-longdieguy is, but he sounds like a mighty cool fella. ELDG, who are you by the way??


Re: "Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie!"
Posted by: Greg Berge (---)
Date: December 07, 2002 01:51PM

"Yo Momma," when did you change your name from "Joe Momma"? I find this disturbing. uhoh

BTW, did anyone catch the WMU crowd in the background of the broadcast last night? Man -- they are fouler than we'll ever be! :-D Every cheer contains some permutation of "suck/sucks/etc," except of course that old-timey CCHA classic, in which the entire student section bangs their thundersticks and chants "FUCK YOU, SHEGOS!"

Aside: if anyone EVER sees a thunderstick at Lynah... well... you know what to do.
Re: "Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie!"
Posted by: Yo Momma (---)
Date: December 07, 2002 03:01PM

Thank you for your question. I changed my name over the summer after my divorce from Joe Francis, Davey's father. I didn't think it appropriate to keep my married name, so I went back to my maiden name.

Last night's game was stellar. Davey and I got bogged down in an exciting game of twister and couldn't make it to Kalamazoo. But have no doubt, we will be there tonight! Look for me in the "Super Yo Momma" sweatshirt!!

Gimme some sugga....

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