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We want more.....

Posted by Hy Potenuse 
We want more.....
Posted by: Hy Potenuse (
Date: November 27, 2006 01:18PM

I am Cornell '73 and was actually at the game where Dave Elenbaas had the chicken thrown at him. (It was intercession.)

I now subscribe and can watch the Red on tv and saw the Harvard game which was great. It was also fun to be updated on the cheers, since I am thirty years out of date and will be at the Brown game on Jan 20.

So what happened to "We Want More"? Whenever Cornell scored its first goal, after "Davy" it was "One. We want more!" Second.. "One, Two. We want more!" You get the idea. For some of the freshmen games against Junior B teams, or Yale, it would be "Five, Ten..."

So when did this disappear? Any chance of bringing it back. It was very good and I think disheartening for our opponents. And the hell is a Quinnipiac?
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: Kyle Rose (
Date: November 27, 2006 01:21PM

It's still there. It's just hard to hear on the internet/TV, because the crowd isn't enough in sync for it to come through as anything but a muddled mess on the mics.

Re: We want more.....
Posted by: Hy Potenuse (
Date: November 27, 2006 01:35PM

Thanks. We were pretty loud with it. By the way, I really like the emphasis on RED in The Star Spangled Banner. When did that start?
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: billhoward (
Date: November 27, 2006 01:36PM

Hy Potenuse
I am Cornell '73 and was actually at the game where Dave Elenbaas had the chicken thrown at him. (It was intercession.)

I now subscribe and can watch the Red on tv and saw the Harvard game which was great. It was also fun to be updated on the cheers, since I am thirty years out of date and will be at the Brown game on Jan 20.

So what happened to "We Want More"? Whenever Cornell scored its first goal, after "Davy" it was "One. We want more!" Second.. "One, Two. We want more!" You get the idea. For some of the freshmen games against Junior B teams, or Yale, it would be "Five, Ten..."

So when did this disappear? Any chance of bringing it back. It was very good and I think disheartening for our opponents. And the hell is a Quinnipiac?
Since the chicken-in-the-net thing happened at Harvard, intercession may be equally as good as intersession.

The one-two-we-want-more-cheer lives on, but for the last half-decade, seldom got beyond "...-three-we-want-more" for reasons beyond the control of the fans.

Try to get to some away games, too. Except for Harvard, tickets are almost always available no matter that the rink may declare the games sold out. There is no finer feeling than to be in control of the game in the third period and have Cornell fans start chanting, "This is our house." Assuming we're in control of the game in the third period, unlike, say, at Quinnipiac.
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: Dpperk29 (
Date: November 27, 2006 02:28PM

I was told it was right after we started emphasizing 'Knights'...

"That damn bell at Clarkson." -Ken Dryden in reference to his hatred for the Clarkson Bell.
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: French Rage (
Date: November 27, 2006 02:40PM



03/23/02: Maine 4, Harvard 3
03/28/03: BU 6, Harvard 4
03/26/04: Maine 5, Harvard 4
03/26/05: UNH 3, Harvard 2
03/25/06: Maine 6, Harvard 1
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: RedAR (
Date: November 27, 2006 02:47PM

Also, in the past, I believe the cheer was much slower and deliberate.

we want more!...
it's all your fault

The cheer has sped up quite a bit.
one two three we want more..
sieve sieve sieve sieve sieve sieve sieve sieve..
it's all your fault.

Another change has been the number of "sieves" shouted has been established at 7.
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: Hy Potenuse (
Date: November 27, 2006 03:34PM

Christ, I sound like methuselah (spelled like "intercession"--hey, i was a history major) but the sieve cheer was not original with us. It was a Wisconsin cheer(at least the first time anyone at Cornell had heard it, to my knowledge) and scared the crap out of us in the semi-final game of the nationals in Boston Garden when Wisconsin, down 4-0, beat us 5-4. 1972 or 1973.
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: November 27, 2006 03:41PM

Hy Potenuse
...but the sieve cheer was not original with us. It was a Wisconsin cheer(at least the first time anyone at Cornell had heard it, to my knowledge) and scared the crap out of us in the semi-final game of the nationals in Boston Garden when Wisconsin, down 4-0, beat us 5-4. 1972 or 1973.
Can't disagree with your point, but Bill Murray's unassisted goal in the first minute of the third period gave Cornell a 5-2 lead before the Badgers scored three to tie and eventually win in OT.

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: Beeeej (38.136.58.---)
Date: November 27, 2006 03:57PM

Another change has been the number of "sieves" shouted has been established at 7.

Only to the extent that most people, rather than chanting an eighth "sieve," are taking a much-needed breath in anticipation of four "It's all your fault"s. You can still hear a few people doing an eighth "sieve."

Beeeej, Esq.

"Cornell isn't an organization. It's a loose affiliation of independent fiefdoms united by a common hockey team."
- Steve Worona
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: Rich S (12.162.105.---)
Date: November 27, 2006 05:33PM

I don't know where any of the following originated:

1) the "sieve" chant

2) the "it's all your fault" chant

3) the counting of goals scored

I do know that I heard all of them in the '70-'71 season, my freshman year, at Clarkson Arena in Potsdam.

I'm a '74 grad. How old does that make me? :-D
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: November 27, 2006 05:37PM

Hy Potenuse
Thanks. We were pretty loud with it. By the way, I really like the emphasis on RED in The Star Spangled Banner. When did that start?

We certainly were not doing it when I was a student (through 1986). I don't think we were doing it at the 1990 QF against Harvard. So, sometime just after that, IINM. I would guess '91 or '92.
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: Larry72 (
Date: November 27, 2006 05:38PM

Scary how you guys can remember this stuff. I had to look it up and I was there!! It was 1973 and we lost to Wisconsin 6-5 in OT.
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: Rich S (12.162.105.---)
Date: November 27, 2006 05:46PM

I think Steve Alley was on that Wisco team.

Scary also that I remember that but he rented the house next door to my parents, a few years later when he played for the Whalers farm team (I think) in Binghamton.

Edit: Yep, he was on that Wisco team.


I wish I could remember where my car keys are as well as I recall this minutia. :-(
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/27/2006 05:49PM by Rich S.
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: Beeeej (38.136.58.---)
Date: November 27, 2006 05:50PM

Rich S
I wish I could remember where my car keys are as well as I recall this minutia. :-(

I sure hope they're not in Wisconsin!

Beeeej, Esq.

"Cornell isn't an organization. It's a loose affiliation of independent fiefdoms united by a common hockey team."
- Steve Worona
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: Rich S (12.162.105.---)
Date: November 27, 2006 06:03PM

Hopefully they're still in NJ at least. But ya never know. They could have fallen into the garbage and who knows where that winds up!
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: jtwcornell91 (Moderator)
Date: November 27, 2006 06:06PM

Hy Potenuse
Thanks. We were pretty loud with it. By the way, I really like the emphasis on RED in The Star Spangled Banner. When did that start?

We certainly were not doing it when I was a student (through 1986). I don't think we were doing it at the 1990 QF against Harvard. So, sometime just after that, IINM. I would guess '91 or '92.

I remember it happening at football games when I was a student (1987-1991). But it was far from universal. I only started after I noticed the band did it at an away game.

Re: We want more.....
Posted by: ugarte (38.136.14.---)
Date: November 27, 2006 06:07PM

Hy Potenuse
Thanks. We were pretty loud with it. By the way, I really like the emphasis on RED in The Star Spangled Banner. When did that start?

We certainly were not doing it when I was a student (through 1986). I don't think we were doing it at the 1990 QF against Harvard. So, sometime just after that, IINM. I would guess '91 or '92.
I arrived in January 1990. It was already established when I started going to games that semester.

Re: We want more.....
Posted by: Jeff Hopkins '82 (
Date: November 27, 2006 06:19PM

Another change has been the number of "sieves" shouted has been established at 7.

Only to the extent that most people, rather than chanting an eighth "sieve," are taking a much-needed breath in anticipation of four "It's all your fault"s. You can still hear a few people doing an eighth "sieve."

I still get an 8th "sieve" in, grab a breath, and keep going. I had no idea that it was "established" as 7. And I do wish it was slower, too.

I can narrow the "RED!" cheer during the anthem to having started sometime after the '85 ECAC tournament. I remember hearing it the first time at the '96 tournament. Same for the "See ya!" cheer.
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: RichH (216.195.201.---)
Date: November 27, 2006 06:23PM

Jeff Hopkins '82
I can narrow the "RED!" cheer during the anthem to having started sometime after the '85 ECAC tournament. I remember hearing it the first time at the '96 tournament. Same for the "See ya!" cheer.

I believe "See ya!" was the only thing we got out of the '91 NCAA series at Michigan (when they got most of our stuff). Word has it that they did it for foul-outs in basketball and adapted it for penalties in hockey.

The Anthem "RED!" was mentioned in the spiral-bound orientation book that Cornell put out my freshman year in 1992.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/27/2006 06:28PM by RichH.
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: BCrespi (209.191.175.---)
Date: November 27, 2006 06:31PM

Rich S
Hopefully they're still in NJ at least. But ya never know. They could have fallen into the garbage and who knows where that winds up!

If they're in the garbage then they're definitely in New Jersey.

Too easy.

Brian Crespi '06
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: Liz '05 (
Date: November 27, 2006 06:31PM

Rich S
Hopefully they're still in NJ at least. But ya never know. They could have fallen into the garbage and who knows where that winds up!

New Jersey. ;-)
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: Rich S (12.162.105.---)
Date: November 27, 2006 06:58PM

Liz '05
Rich S
Hopefully they're still in NJ at least. But ya never know. They could have fallen into the garbage and who knows where that winds up!

New Jersey. ;-)

Not THAT easy guys.

NJ actually ships a lot of garbage out of state. As far away as Utah and Idaho.

There's money to be made in garbage. If you watch the "Sopranos", an NJ show all the way, you'd know that!

Re: We want more.....
Posted by: BMac (
Date: November 28, 2006 12:26AM

As a side note, someone mentioned this "slow sieve cheer" last year, and we in section A did let a few go last year.... to very good effects. We've been looking for a reason to do so this season, but not many have presented themselves. :-/
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: jtwcornell91 (Moderator)
Date: November 28, 2006 12:58AM

As a side note, someone mentioned this "slow sieve cheer" last year, and we in section A did let a few go last year.... to very good effects. We've been looking for a reason to do so this season, but not many have presented themselves. :-/

Get the people who do the black hole cheer when we're getting shut out to help you. rolleyes

Re: We want more.....
Posted by: HeafDog (
Date: November 28, 2006 11:50AM

It's definitely eight "sieve"s and four IAYFs. No question about it. From western cultures' tendencies towards multiples of four in our music, you just sing things in multiples of four, and it just somehow feels right that way. Try, on the other hand, shouting it seven times, and you'll see what I mean. Feels wierd.
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: RichH (216.195.201.---)
Date: November 28, 2006 12:23PM

It's definitely eight "sieve"s and four IAYFs. No question about it. From western cultures' tendencies towards multiples of four in our music, you just sing things in multiples of four, and it just somehow feels right that way. Try, on the other hand, shouting it seven times, and you'll see what I mean. Feels wierd.

I'm quite certain the most common incarnation has evolved to be seven Sieves, skip a beat, and then go into four IAYFs.

The interesting thing is that on our roadtrip to Yost for the Jan. 1997 game, I remember mocking Michigan fans for being so robotic in doing just that...a set number of sieves and IAYFs. In the mid-90s at least, the cheer at Lynah was much less structured...after the goal count off and WWM, you would sieve for an indeterminate number of times until it died out, and then IAYF would slowly get organized. In a way, the current method is good because it gets maximum volume immediately, and is more intimidating. On the other hand, the old indeterminite way was much more visceral and emotional...less robotic and procedural.

At the very least, I'm quite glad we don't start it the hokey way they do at Yost. They wait until after the goal announcement, the band prompts it by shouting "READY!!!" and then they begin the count. Also, they've changed WWM to a very fru-fru "We want........mmmmmooooooOOOOORRREEEEE GOALS!!!"

As with everything at Lynah, it's definitely much faster than it used to be...I think because we now keep the tempo of Davy. Kids these days...what with their fast chanting and their iPods and blogs. And get off my lawn. *shakes fist*
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/28/2006 12:27PM by RichH.
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: Beeeej (38.136.58.---)
Date: November 28, 2006 01:01PM

It's definitely eight "sieve"s and four IAYFs. No question about it.

I'm quite certain the most common incarnation has evolved to be seven Sieves, skip a beat, and then go into four IAYFs.

Where you're sitting, you're not hearing an eighth "sieve." Where HeafDog and I are sitting, we're hearing some people do an eighth "sieve." Seems a pretty silly thing to bother arguing about.

Looking forward to eight "sieve"s, four "it's all your fault"s, and eleven "fire Andy"s in the near future.

Beeeej, Esq.

"Cornell isn't an organization. It's a loose affiliation of independent fiefdoms united by a common hockey team."
- Steve Worona
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: Killer (
Date: November 28, 2006 01:08PM

Maybe we should change IAYF to, "It's Andy's fault! It's Andy's fault! ..."
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: oceanst41 (
Date: November 28, 2006 01:46PM

I agree that I'd like to see the set structure loosen up a bit. I mean you could carry on the IAYFs for quite a while for a particularly big/bad goal.

For instance, a breakaway goal in the last 1:30 of a big rivalry game. I'm looking at you McCafferty and Richter :-D
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: imafrshmn (
Date: November 28, 2006 06:43PM

Maybe we should change IAYF to, "It's Andy's fault! It's Andy's fault! ..."

It would really REALLY make me happy to join in an anti-athletics administration chant of some type, but I don't know who has the balls to start it. I wonder if starting a chant like that would get you kicked out. In any case, I am not ballsy enough to risk being [yet another] martyr for the lynah faithful.

class of '09
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: nyc94 (
Date: November 28, 2006 06:52PM

Maybe we should change IAYF to, "It's Andy's fault! It's Andy's fault! ..."

It would really REALLY make me happy to join in an anti-athletics administration chant of some type, but I don't know who has the balls to start it. I wonder if starting a chant like that would get you kicked out. In any case, I am not ballsy enough to risk being [yet another] martyr for the lynah faithful.

There's always the end of the last home game. I suppose they could try to ban you from buying tickets next year. To borrow from Animal House, "I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part."
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: mttgrmm (
Date: November 28, 2006 08:58PM

i'm finishing my 5th year up on the hill (4 UGrad, 1 MEng) in May and i'd definitely start that.... think of how many faithful cheers are applicable to (fire) Andy:

"aaaaaannnnnnddddddyyyyyy nnnnooooeeeeelllll.... SUCKS"

"fi-re an-dy clapclapclapclapclap fi-re an-dy"

"hey andy noel, your mom called, she said DONT MAKE ANY NOISE ARE YOU ARE GOING TO BE THROWN OUT OF LYNAH"

"hey andy, James Lynah called and said STOP KILLING MY REPUTATION"

oh we could have a good time....

what could they do if i had no ticket stub, no ID, no cell phone, nothing identifying on my person? how would they know which set of season tickets to revoke? in the very least, i'd do it towards the end of our last home game :-)
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: nr53 (
Date: November 28, 2006 10:46PM

I'd join in on that. I guess its another perk about being a senior this year...moon
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: las224 (
Date: November 29, 2006 07:56AM

Count me in too. Yay seniors :)
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: KeithK (
Date: November 29, 2006 01:24PM

what could they do if i had no ticket stub, no ID, no cell phone, nothing identifying on my person? how would they know which set of season tickets to revoke? in the very least, i'd do it towards the end of our last home game :-)
I was wondering something similar this weekend. If you swear up a storm the ushers can certainly throw you out of the game. But what can they really do beyond that? When they ask for a ticket stub to try to revoke season tickets what can they do if you simply say no? I suppose the Campus Code of Conduct could have some impact on students, but what about an Alum like myself? Not surrendering a ticket stub hardly seems to be an offense that they could actually arrest you for. As long as you were polite and left the building it doesn't seem that they could do much against you.

For that matter, I was standing far, far away from the seat on my ticket. Hypothetically I could probably have walked to another entrance, shown my stub and walked to my assigned seat. Now the consequences for this are probably more serious - they could go for tresspassing charges. But that's probably unlikely.

All of the above was my mind wandering during a mediocre game againsta mediocre opponent. It certainly wasn't worth attempting.

BTW: there were plenty "McCutcheon must go!" chants back in 1995. Different AD regime though.
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: nyc94 (
Date: November 29, 2006 02:01PM

what could they do if i had no ticket stub, no ID, no cell phone, nothing identifying on my person? how would they know which set of season tickets to revoke? in the very least, i'd do it towards the end of our last home game :-)
I was wondering something similar this weekend. If you swear up a storm the ushers can certainly throw you out of the game. But what can they really do beyond that? When they ask for a ticket stub to try to revoke season tickets what can they do if you simply say no? I suppose the Campus Code of Conduct could have some impact on students, but what about an Alum like myself? Not surrendering a ticket stub hardly seems to be an offense that they could actually arrest you for. As long as you were polite and left the building it doesn't seem that they could do much against you.

For that matter, I was standing far, far away from the seat on my ticket. Hypothetically I could probably have walked to another entrance, shown my stub and walked to my assigned seat. Now the consequences for this are probably more serious - they could go for tresspassing charges. But that's probably unlikely.

All of the above was my mind wandering during a mediocre game againsta mediocre opponent. It certainly wasn't worth attempting.

BTW: there were plenty "McCutcheon must go!" chants back in 1995. Different AD regime though.

If you're a student or faculty they could demand to see your ID card.

The ID card is the property of the university, must be carried at all times, and is non-transferable. It may be used for such purposes as the university designates and may be revoked at any time. This card must be presented and/or surrendered upon demand by a university official; failure to do so, or lending this card to anyone, is considered misuse and may subject the holder to disciplinary action, under the Campus Code of Conduct.

Not sure if a Lynah usher is a "university official". You could try saying you're not a student but they might get suspicious if you keep coming back.
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: Chris '03 (
Date: November 29, 2006 02:51PM

I think the structure arrived somewhere around the 2000-01 season. My freshman year was still pretty free form with the sieves/IAYF. Now you'd get looked at funny for not conforming to 8(7)/4 regardless of the game situation.
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: KeithK (
Date: November 29, 2006 05:39PM

Chris '03
I think the structure arrived somewhere around the 2000-01 season. My freshman year was still pretty free form with the sieves/IAYF. Now you'd get looked at funny for not conforming to 8(7)/4 regardless of the game situation.
I added an extra IAYF a few times this weekend. Frankly I don't give a rats-ass if someone looked at me funny for it or not...
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: gatitita '05 (
Date: November 29, 2006 07:09PM

Chris '03
Now you'd get looked at funny for not conforming to 8(7)/4 regardless of the game situation.

unless youre in section D (etc) and cant hear sections A/B and end up doing the entire cheer 2 - 4 beats late help
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: adamw (209.71.42.---)
Date: November 29, 2006 09:14PM

I can all but guarantee that "RED" was around in 1988-89 - since that was my freshman year at IC - and I went to my first game there that season ... and I clearly remember nearly crapping my pants when the crowd yelled that, since it was completely unexpected.
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: November 30, 2006 02:26PM

"fi-re an-dy clapclapclapclapclap fi-re an-dy"

I suggest "The AD Sucks. The AD Sucks." That way, the cheer can carry on to his successor, who inevitably will be met with the same degree of hostility that every Cornell AD in memory has "provoked." rolleyes

I haven't met Andy so I don't know whether he struts around Lynah like Mad King Ludwig, but I do know that we said the same things about Charlie Moore and even Laing Kennedy, who was the best friend the hockey program ever had.
Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 11/30/2006 02:28PM by Trotsky.
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: Rich S (12.162.105.---)
Date: November 30, 2006 03:03PM

I can all but guarantee that "RED" was around in 1988-89 - since that was my freshman year at IC - and I went to my first game there that season ... and I clearly remember nearly crapping my pants when the crowd yelled that, since it was completely unexpected.


Do you recall when Clarkson fans started yelling "KNIGHTS" during the anthem? I first recall it at Boston Garden in '91 I believe.
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: ugarte (38.136.14.---)
Date: November 30, 2006 03:08PM

Rich S
I can all but guarantee that "RED" was around in 1988-89 - since that was my freshman year at IC - and I went to my first game there that season ... and I clearly remember nearly crapping my pants when the crowd yelled that, since it was completely unexpected.
Do you recall when Clarkson fans started yelling "KNIGHTS" during the anthem? I first recall it at Boston Garden in '91 I believe.
What makes you think you can walk in here and start talking about the Boston Garden in '91? Have you no decency?

Re: We want more.....
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (
Date: November 30, 2006 07:00PM

I suggest "The AD Sucks. The AD Sucks." That way, the cheer can carry on to his successor, who inevitably will be met with the same degree of hostility that every Cornell AD in memory has "provoked."
Well, not in my memory. ;-)

Al DeFlorio '65
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: adamw (209.71.42.---)
Date: November 30, 2006 08:15PM

Seriously ... the '91 Garden is an awful memory (the pale look on Brian McCutcheon's face afterwards - oy!), but I didn't stick around after the Cornell-St. Lawrence game. I have no idea when the "Knight" thing started. My first game AT Clarkson was 1991-92 season, and I don't specifically remember whether it was happening then.
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: RichH (216.195.201.---)
Date: December 01, 2006 04:18PM

I suggest "The AD Sucks. The AD Sucks." That way, the cheer can carry on to his successor, who inevitably will be met with the same degree of hostility that every Cornell AD in memory has "provoked." rolleyes

I haven't met Andy so I don't know whether he struts around Lynah like Mad King Ludwig, but I do know that we said the same things about Charlie Moore and even Laing Kennedy, who was the best friend the hockey program ever had.

I happened across the following recently:

[Q]Editorials in both the Ithaca Journal and the Cornell Daily Sun asked the crowd to reexamine its vocabulary. This fall Athletic Director Laing E. Kennedy '63 presented the Student Assembly with a plan to eject hockey fans who abuse referees and opposing players with offensive language. The Assembly balked. "The Campus Code of Conduct makes it a right to lawfully protest," said Assembly President Joshua A. Lowenthal '92. Glen F. Edelson '92 called it a freedom-of-speech issue and wondered who would decide which remarks were offensive. Kennedy has said that whole sections of Lynah might be cleared and Cornell, as a last resort, would forfeit games if opposing teams and referees are subjected to clouds of abuse. "Be loud. Be enthusiastic. Be obnoxious even," Kennedy told the Sun, "but not obscene."

--Cornell Alumni Magazine, December 1989[/Q]


Whether Andy is actually cracking down on the loud, enthusiastic, and obnoxious portions is a question I can't answer. I do know I want Andy out for different reasons altogether. But at least the youngsters should know that this "angst" about a language crackdown isn't anything new.

Frankly, King Ludwig would be preferable. He built his castles with his own personal income, was very popular amongst his subjects, and generally avoided conflict.
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: Rich S (
Date: December 01, 2006 04:30PM

It was happening then and at some point earlier.
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: Beeeej (38.136.58.---)
Date: December 01, 2006 04:45PM

Whether Andy is actually cracking down on the loud, enthusiastic, and obnoxious portions is a question I can't answer. I do know I want Andy out for different reasons altogether. But at least the youngsters should know that this "angst" about a language crackdown isn't anything new.

During the fall of '89, the Cornell Lunatic produced a joke Cornell hockey program that included a rather official-looking "Cheering Policy." It was long, complex, in outline format, and absolutely hysterical, but the only line I can remember clearly was "IV. All Cheers Must Contain Praise for Laing Kennedy."

The back cover was an advertisement - a photo of Paula Abdul, with the large caption, "Eat Me at Manos." :-D

I'll bet I could find a copy of that program if I tried hard enough...

(EDIT: A quick search tells me that I apparently post about this spoof on an almost exactly annual schedule. Hopefully this time I'll find a copy of the program to scan and add to ELynah's image archives, so that I can shut up about the damn thing already.)

Beeeej, Esq.

"Cornell isn't an organization. It's a loose affiliation of independent fiefdoms united by a common hockey team."
- Steve Worona

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/01/2006 04:58PM by Beeeej.
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: Trotsky (
Date: December 01, 2006 06:06PM

Seriously ... the '91 Garden is an awful memory

Gotta be in the all-time bottom five. In terms of ohmygodwhatjust happened?!, it ranks with the '02 overtime loss to Harvard.
Cold. So cold. scared
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/01/2006 06:06PM by Trotsky.
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: French Rage (
Date: December 01, 2006 06:37PM

Whether Andy is actually cracking down on the loud, enthusiastic, and obnoxious portions is a question I can't answer. I do know I want Andy out for different reasons altogether. But at least the youngsters should know that this "angst" about a language crackdown isn't anything new.

During the fall of '89, the Cornell Lunatic produced a joke Cornell hockey program that included a rather official-looking "Cheering Policy." It was long, complex, in outline format, and absolutely hysterical, but the only line I can remember clearly was "IV. All Cheers Must Contain Praise for Laing Kennedy."

The back cover was an advertisement - a photo of Paula Abdul, with the large caption, "Eat Me at Manos." :-D

I'll bet I could find a copy of that program if I tried hard enough...

(EDIT: A quick search tells me that I apparently post about this spoof on an almost exactly annual schedule. Hopefully this time I'll find a copy of the program to scan and add to ELynah's image archives, so that I can shut up about the damn thing already.)

Is that the one with the foldout "Harvard, we would greatly appreciate if you would lose" or something like that?

03/23/02: Maine 4, Harvard 3
03/28/03: BU 6, Harvard 4
03/26/04: Maine 5, Harvard 4
03/26/05: UNH 3, Harvard 2
03/25/06: Maine 6, Harvard 1
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: RichH (
Date: December 01, 2006 06:42PM

French Rage
Is that the one with the foldout "Harvard, we would greatly appreciate if you would lose" or something like that?

Nope, that was the Lunatic fake program from 1995 H vs. C (attached). I've never seen the one Beeeej referenced, but the one I have is one of the funniest hockey-related humor items I've ever seen.

Re: We want more.....
Posted by: jtwcornell91 (Moderator)
Date: December 02, 2006 01:17AM

This is the one with Peanutbutter Wilson, right?

Re: We want more.....
Posted by: RichH (
Date: December 02, 2006 01:44AM

This is the one with Peanutbutter Wilson, right?

Yes. Actually, every member of the Cornell roster was named Wilson, and Peanutbutter was the goalie. I think Shaft Wilson was my favorite.
Re: We want more.....
Posted by: Jeff Hopkins '82 (
Date: December 02, 2006 07:01PM

This is the one with Peanutbutter Wilson, right?

Yes. Actually, every member of the Cornell roster was named Wilson, and Peanutbutter was the goalie. I think Shaft Wilson was my favorite.

Sounds like a late '70s Lunatic program. The hometown for every player was some fake place in Quebec, and the last player on the roster was from "Iseveryonefrom, Quebec."

It probably would have been a funny program, except the senior editor of the lunatic edited it while under the influence just before it went to the printer, and put some extremely crude obscene jokes and offensive comments into it.

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