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Fish-tossing this Friday

Posted by French Rage 
Fish-tossing this Friday
Posted by: French Rage (---)
Date: November 20, 2002 04:03PM

So, is the new threat of JA'ed going to stop anyone from tossing fish this Friday? I mean, it's never really been allowed anyways, so I don't see this game being any different. There'll be the usual (half-assed) attempts to search people at the door, but beyond that does anyone think someone (the ushers, police, university officials, etc.) are gonna do anything extra when people throw the fish. Seems to me if the same number of people do it, there not gonna be able to tell who threw what.

So, anyways, I'm curious what people are gonna do? I'm gonna still bring one and toss it; I just take the announcement as the university trying to look tough to appease Harvard.

03/23/02: Maine 4, Harvard 3
03/28/03: BU 6, Harvard 4
03/26/04: Maine 5, Harvard 4
03/26/05: UNH 3, Harvard 2
03/25/06: Maine 6, Harvard 1
Re: Fish-tossing this Friday
Posted by: Josh '99 (207.10.33.---)
Date: November 20, 2002 04:48PM

I'm just on my way to Wegman's to buy fish, and it's not for eating. Doesn't seem to me to be any different than what they say every year.

(Disclaimer: But as you can guess from my class year, I'm not terribly worried about being JAed, so my view on that might be different from that of a current student.)

Re: Fish-tossing this Friday
Posted by: DeltaOne81 (---)
Date: November 20, 2002 07:09PM

Bought them a few days ago myself. Of course, I'm worried about throwing them from a section which isn't at the heart of the fish-throwing madness. I don't wanna get tossed from my senior-year Hahvahd game worry , and I don't want a friend of mine who is also a senior and has never been to a Hahvahd game to get tossed either. So I'm interested what people think of this as well.

I still plan on going forward with it, just nervously :-).
Re: Fish-tossing this Friday
Posted by: Al DeFlorio (---)
Date: November 20, 2002 08:10PM

It's probably OK if you show your CornellPass membership card. worry

Re: Fish-tossing this Friday
Posted by: DeltaOne81 (---)
Date: November 20, 2002 08:16PM

What about a CHA membership? I could pull that out :-).
Re: Fish-tossing this Friday
Posted by: French Rage (---)
Date: November 20, 2002 08:34PM

Yeah, nervously here too. I might wait a few seconds to see if everyone else throws and in that case go ahead. Or just organize all the people around me (in B) to throw at once. Of course, B is the heart, so probably less to worry about there?

Anyways, off to Wegman's now to buy the fish.

Re: Fish-tossing this Friday
Posted by: rhovorka (---)
Date: November 20, 2002 09:02PM

Well, I'm not smuggling anything this year, and I intend to scream bloody-murder if I get frisked in *cough* an inappropriate area.

There was a Harvard game several years ago where they were really vigorous in searching for the Bounty of the Sea, and as a result were quite "liberal" in the extent of frisking. The boys in blue did eventually find my traditional Red Snapper in my coat (and were a little too smug in a "well, well, what do we have here?" kind of way), but only after touching me in places that made me think we were slightly more than friends. It was quite invading, and made me upset at the police force. I expect this year to be a similar level.

But the creativity of the Faithful always comes through. Although the above incident was the only time that my fish was confiscated, I was approached by someone in B who said, "hey, think you can help me empty this backpack full of fish?" And I did. :-) Last year, I got my fish in using an ingenious plan, even though the security wasn't stiff anyway. The Faithful will always be a step ahead as long as they're creative.

And one piece of advice...if you're going to throw, throw. Don't be afraid to be first. And do it fast. Style (and slide) counts. Don't aim for players. Also assume the risk that the Gestapo is somewhere with binoculars and you could get tossed yourself. The longer you wait, the worse it'll be for everybody...especially Dave and his wonderful clean-up crew.

And for the love of God...spread the word that NOTHING gets tossed after the warning. If you see anyone getting ready to, please don't stop at physical restraint in trying to stop them. Self-policing is SO important here.
Posted by: jtwcornell91 (---)
Date: November 20, 2002 09:46PM

I pulled this out of the archive (by searching for "fish schlong" laugh ):


Re: Fish-tossing this Friday
Posted by: A-19 (---)
Date: November 20, 2002 10:22PM

i received the following in an e-mail from gene nighman (when i e-mailed him complaining for being thrown out from yale for supposed cursing):

Enjoy the Harvard game. Please pass on to your friends that we will be removing people from the rink if they throw objects onto the ice after the whistle has blown to start the game.

Sincerely - Gene

to me, the key words in that sentence are after the whistle has blown , or am i just reading too much into that?

Re: Fish-tossing this Friday
Posted by: jy3 (---)
Date: November 20, 2002 10:30PM

that sounds reasonable to me. i would interpret his email similarly.
for fish strategies:
the fish in the crotch works especially if you are female - so have your females do the smugglin (if they don't mind).
A normal patdown is all they should do - just like if checking for weapons. glide the hands over the back, around the stomach, under the arms, over the legs, over the booty - they should not touch anyone's crotch - that is not a normal search, at least i think not.
a funny thing to do - put a pickle in your pants to draw the attention there and hide your fish elsewhere ;-)
i got fish in by these methods - in my jeans high on the thigh, in newspaper (got caught one time too this way) and around my waste between my jersey and my t-shirt at the level of my belt. a hat works too.
a good way to toss is the underarm toss - less obvious. and do NOT show up too early wish a fish - fans alone in the stands are easy targets. this is the only time i say not to show up too early :-)

Re: Fish-tossing this Friday
Posted by: Robb03 (---)
Date: November 21, 2002 12:48AM

An idea that has worked before.

Get a full-ankle air cast, limp. Remember, you can make the air-cast bigger. No-one searches the injured

You do the math on the rest.
Re: Fish-tossing this Friday
Posted by: Will (---)
Date: November 21, 2002 08:23AM

How funny would it be if 200 of us all showed up Friday night with the air casts. I can see the staff just saying, "Hmm...something fishy's going on here...hey, wait a minute..." :-D

Re: Fish-tossing this Friday
Posted by: CowbellGuy (---)
Date: November 21, 2002 09:15AM


[q]For those who successfully smuggle their sturgeon into Lynah, fish-tossing will be tolerated, as long as it comes before the beginning of the game.
We're going to have police officers at each entrance and they will be checking spectators and their packages.[/q]
I hope they mean, like, bags.
Re: Fish-tossing this Friday
Posted by: Cop at Lynah (132.236.144.---)
Date: November 21, 2002 12:29PM

Nothing has been said that we are not aware of. But Mr. Whelans' post is accurate - we are not trying to ruin everyone's fun. That being said we do have the job of trying to make sure that nothing gets thrown on the ice, before -during-or after the game. Yes we know the fish will fly but we can not condone it or let it happen without attempts to prevent it. We will be vigorous in searching people as they enter the rink and if we get 33%-50% percent of the fish we will feel like we sucseeded in the performance of our job. Please enjoy the game and be respectful of the University, The Cornell University Police, The Athletic Department Ushers, and most of all the CU Hockey Team.
Re: Fish-tossing this Friday
Posted by: JDeafv (---)
Date: November 21, 2002 01:02PM

Age - I too hope they mean bags help

Just throw your fish right when Harvard gets on the ice!

Last year there was this weird pause (the whole team came out) and then subsequent fish tossing lasted for ever all the way into the National Anthem.

Throw your fish and be done with it.

Enjoy the rest of the game - and weekend, don't forget that if Harvard Sucks, Brown Swallows.
Re: Fish-tossing this Friday
Posted by: jtwcornell91 (---)
Date: November 21, 2002 01:54PM

Cop at Lynah wrote:

Mr. Whelans' post is accurate
That's Dr. Whelan ;-)

And the post in question was actually written by John Hayes; I was just the one who looked it up.

Re: Fish-tossing this Friday
Posted by: jy3 (---)
Date: November 21, 2002 02:48PM

i got fish in by these methods - in my jeans high on the thigh, in newspaper (got caught one time too this way) and around my waste between my jersey and my t-shirt at the level of my belt. a hat works too.

LOL, you have to love my late night typo there. always amusing when it is a true mistake
have fun, everyone. be sure to remember that the police and staff are just doing their job and please do not throw the snapper later than when hahavahd first comes out.
if you want to go to the game but cannot and are looking for something to do, check out jason mraz at risley that night. he rocks! great musician nut

Re: Fish-tossing this Friday
Posted by: Gene Ween (---)
Date: November 21, 2002 04:42PM

Can u taste the waste?
Re: Fish-tossing this Friday
Posted by: Lumberjack '98 (---)
Date: November 21, 2002 04:45PM

We once tried smuggling fish into Lynah inside a tuba. That, however, was pretty much a disaster, as one fish got stuck pretty far down inside and we couldn't get it out for days.
Re: Fish-tossing this Friday
Posted by: Will (---)
Date: November 21, 2002 05:38PM

Oh my. That must have made for an interesting rendition of Swannee River that game. nut

Wegmans update
Posted by: Ben Doyle 03 (---)
Date: November 21, 2002 05:59PM

Just arrived back from Wegmans and the guys at the fish counter wanted me to let everyone know they will have plenty of fish this year.:-)) He said they have ordered a large quantity for this years game seeing as how they beat us in the manner they did last season.

Any ways. . .Harvard(sUcKS) & Brown swallows!!!

Dear ice hockey season ticket holder
Posted by: Josh '03 (---)
Date: November 21, 2002 06:59PM

Gene was nice enough to send us ticket holders the following letter...just wanted to share it with the non season-ticket holders, so everyone is equally informed! Did non students receive the same e-mail?

Well, judging from the quotes in the paper, I'm not too worried. My friends said last year that the cops that kicked them out said "You could get suspended for having fish," and that they "crack down because the fish make us look bad to the league." It's all a big joke. There really is no good reason to crack down, and Cop's "cracking down on half makes us happy" doesn't really do it for me.

But Ben and I ended up running into each other at Weggies, and as they said they're stocking up. So if they're ready, we will be too.


>Dear ice hockey season ticket holder:
>Please be aware that Cornell Police will be checking guests and
>their packages for fish before anyone is permitted to enter Lynah
>rink on Friday evening. You should plan on arriving 30-40 minutes
>prior to the start of the game since entrance into the rink will be
>significantly slower than usual.
>In addition, anyone who does manage to bring fish into Lynah and is
>observed throwing them (or any other objects), is subject to removal
>from the rink.
>Thank you for your cooperation,
>Gene Nighman
>Athletic Ticketing Director
Re: Dear ice hockey season ticket holder
Posted by: mha (---)
Date: November 21, 2002 07:15PM

Nope, that e-mail was not sent to me, and I know the Athletic Ticket Office has my e-mail address on file.

I'd arrive 30 minutes before gametime anyway, but if they manage to delay people so significantly that a lot of folks are kept from entering before the game starts, it could get ugly.

From everything we've heard so far, it sounds as though the athletics staff and CUPD will be reasonable. Get caught with fish on the way in, you lose the fish. Get caught throwing it before the game, tsk. Get caught throwing it during the game, you get tossed, and good riddance.

Re: Dear ice hockey season ticket holder
Posted by: Jim Hyla (---)
Date: November 21, 2002 07:20PM


I want to thank all of you who policed the morons that threw things (including my wonderful candy :`( ) on the ice during the last two games. Friday your cooperation will be needed 100 fold. Please tell everyone around you that we cannot throw after the anthems start. Also please point out any morons who do throw. Maybe if someone is tossed, then we won't have to worry about penalties.We don't need to give the HA+RVA+R_ powerplay any more chances.

I know you all know this, but some of those other guys seem to think they are more important than the team. Enough of my soapbox.

Re: Dear ice hockey season ticket holder
Posted by: Josh '99 (---)
Date: November 21, 2002 11:38PM

Josh '03 wrote:

But Ben and I ended up running into each other at Weggies, and as they said they're stocking up. So if they're ready, we will be too.
Well of course Wegman's is stocking up. They don't care whether it gets confiscated once you pay for it. nut


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